ITV “News”

Are the Uighurs or Uyghurs, depending on your spelling preference, a household name for you? I’m guessing that like me, you’ve never ever heard of them.

Whilst waiting for some actual ‘news at ten’ this evening, particularly about when we can go about our normal lives again, I had to actually wonder what country I was living in.

Would you believe that the first item on ITV news tonight was about these folk, who are largely ‘muslim travellers’ that have resided for centuries in an area of the land where the ghastly flu that we have endured for the last 6 months stemmed from. They are whinging that they are being targeted and victimised by the government of their country.

As the ‘news’ continues to play in the background whilst I type, a record 409 English Channel rubber dinghy surfers seem to have been welcomed to our Kent shores today by the authorities. Great!! I still cannot see how this invasion of our Country is allowed to continue, day after day!

On a more positive note, the Sparkles look to have struck a deal with a TV content provider that will pay their household bills for the next 5 years. Possibly a small relief for the UK taxpayer, but a kick in the teeth for subscribers to Nutfucks.

Pour me another brandy and coke; the world is going beyond crazy!!

Nominated by: knobrot 

64 thoughts on “ITV “News”

  1. Uighur muslims are being oppressed in China, put in concentration camps, they go ‘missing’ regularly.
    Well done China.
    Put them in the noodles!
    Tasty as bats, yummy.

    Ive not watched ITV news in fuckin years, Bob Hargreaves, Lucy meacock, that nice Fred the weatherman.
    He had a canal boat to seduce young lads from the school he taught at,
    Flash cunt.
    The ‘love boat’.

    • Is there nowhere on the planet that bloody mu§lims haven’t infested?
      Hopefully the middle of Dartmoor, as I intend to retire there in 15 years.
      Does any cunter live in Devon who can advise me?
      I want to retire to the area that’s furthest from any sort of darkie.

      • Morning Thomas.?
        Im fascinated at the moment with a place called Lerwick in Scotland.
        Bet theres no ram jams there!!
        Its always cold too!
        Its my dream location a cross between Craggy island (father Ted)
        And Summer isle (wicker man).
        Heaven on earth.

      • Sorry Thomas and Miserable, there is bad news. I used to fly Luton to Inverness (I live in the Highlands). Like tartan, their was always a mix of colours on board. They’ll soon figure out there is a vacuum that needs filling in my precious Highlands.

      • If you want to stay in Europe Slovakia has 0 mosques and by now all their gypo types have moved here ?

      • I want stay in Blighty, SOI, to surround myself with banjo-playing, extra-digited, west cundry toipes oo ‘aave the proper burrrr to they’ze voize…

      • Come to Bolsover. No dark keys and plenty of six-fingered ex-miners here. Some of us started out life with up to 8 fingers, but lost a couple down ‘int pit.
        Property cheap as chips too!

      • Morning TtCE, I retired down here to Devon 18 months ago, I’m right between Dartmoor and Exmoor. It’s a great place to live, very unspoilt and more importantly no fucking Parking Stanley’s, Tea Swiggers or Effnicks.

      • Fuck me, come to Exeter then. Full of all sorts of ethnics. There’s villages with their own tribes now. We’re full of Boons, Parkings Tyre swingers P.G types. Lawd have mercy

      • You didn’t fancy a caravan in Fiddlers top field then Thomas? Admittedly you would be next door to his small army of Dooshka migrant workers but no ethnics.

      • I’d imagine that if were to meet Mr. Fiddler in real life, I’d barely be able to understand a word he was saying. To soft, southern nancies like me, anyone north of Worcester sounds like they’re talking incomprehensible gobbledegook.

      • I am in the same neck of the woods as bullterrier and can confirm suitability of the area. Problem with Dartmoor is all the slackjawed Brummies with caravans which infest the area for half the year. The Cornish, like the Welsh, detest anybody not born locally. Bt, which pubs do you frequent? We could start a rural chapter of isac. Probably met you at a Brexit party meeting.

      • Good morning Mr. Cunt Engine.
        Tavistock is the place.
        They call it ” The White Highlands ”

      • Morning Jack, how goes it?
        Tavistock looks good, albeit a bit close to Plymouth and any small city would have an annoying percentage of people of an all-year-tan persuasion.

      • I’m fine, thank you.
        Whenever we’ve been there, it’s been agreeably white.
        Sorry for the late reply, been on the move today.

      • I live near Glastonbury and there isn’t a mosque within 30 miles to my knowledge. The downside is the place is infested with tree hugging scruffy ‘swampy’ type cunts and most of the shops don’t open until after 10am because the few that can actually be bothered to work can’t be fucked to climb out of there bivouac or whatever the fuck it is they sleep in before then.

      • Cornwall is reasonably free of the fuckers. That is signified by their flag, black with a white Cross means No Dark Keys allowed.

      • Cornwall-full of woke londonites who praise all things non- English but can’t wait to head out to second or weekend houses to get the fuck away fro it.
        Hypocritical cunts.

  2. TV news is a load of cunt on all channels.
    What finally made me give up on television altogether was was watching 5 minutes of BBC News 24 (yes I know I’m a cunt for bothering to give it even 5 minutes of my time) and watching the main presenter who was an Indian bird hand over to an Indian bird to give her opinion on economics and then hand over to another Indian bird who gave her two penneth on horse racing. When I say ‘giave her two penneth’ I mean ‘read from an autocue’. If the 3 young ladies had been talking about events in Delhi I would have thought nothing of it but they were talking about events in Blighty.
    I can only imagine the number of YTs presenting the news in 2020 is a bit on the low side.
    Anyway, to show what an advocate of multiculturalism I am, I have the say the 3 Indian birds were very easy on the eye.

    • ‘Anyway, to show what an advocate of multiculturalism I am, I have the say the 3 Indian birds were very easy on the eye.’

      Very Liberal-minded of you, Simmy. You’re to be applauded as an advocate of multi-culteral tolerance!

    • Reminds me of a clip I watched of sine dark key complaining that there weren’t enough dark keys on television. They returned straight to the BBC studio where two dark keys continued with the news until they handed over to another dark key to read the weather.

      It’s getting fucking ridiculous now.

      I want a dark key free TV channel (presenters and actors). I’d also ban wimmin ‘experts’ on men’s sports shows. I bet you could start ‘Black TV’ but just you try and suggest ‘Honky TV’ and see what happens.

      They’d burn the fucking country to the ground

      • Instead of making everyone else bend to their will over Oscars diversity, just give them their own awards show like the MOBO’s do for music. Guaranteed the majority of films would be about gangs, poverty and slavery. Maybe some history with a black ‘Henry VIII and his six bitchin ho’s’.

      • Wimminz can comment in broadcast wimminz sport. If I wanted to harangued by a female while watching the footy I’d unlock the door and let the missuz back in

  3. Say what you will about peacefuls but there was another regime in the 1930s/40s that singled out certain types for re-education, forced labour, organ harvesting etc in concentration camps. Took about 6 years and millions of lives to tidy that up. The Chinese regime is fucking awful and the mainstream press doesn’t do enough to expose it.

    • Quite right. Trump and Boris are the bogey men of the half baked lefty cunts. Chinese and Arab murderers get a free ride. I have no time for peacefuls and to a certain extent the loony Jihadis brought this on their people, as in Burma, but Chinese reaction is reminiscent of the Nazis, and that cant be right.

      • We are not hundreds of billions of pounds in debt to the Saudis and the Russians. Nor are we in any way dependent on them for consumer durables.

        A few rich Russian oligarchs may own property in London, but that’s peanuts.

        China is the UK’s biggest single creditor re our £2 trillion+ and rising National Debt.

  4. Meanwhile in English regions thousands of English children are being persecuted by muslims. Funny how that doesnt get a mention on the “news”. The mass stabber seems to have disappeared without trace along with the gay park killings. All conveniently brushed under the blood soaked carpet.

    • When they do sentence him for his murderous spree one can only hope hes deported by plane of course!PREFERABLY LOOSELY STRAPPED TO THE THE FUCKING UNDERCARRIAGE AND DISPOSED OF AT 30’000 FT
      THE CUNT

  5. News is shite.
    “Journalists” shite.
    Why the fuck are they always mithering after some cunts in another country.
    There’s enough of a brown and blek invasion of our own shores to report on.

  6. The world is indeed crazy, and the English speaking western part of it that is us the British the Yanks and Antipodeans seem to a little more crazy than most. It appears that we are taking suicidal standpoint on our own way of life.

    We, (our media commentators and most politicians) constantly ignore the many elephants in the room that seem to be multiplying and leaving increased amounts of shit all over our homeland. They are cunts and should be forced to lick the motorways clean. During rush hour. Fucking Cunts.

    • We are only as informed as they allow us to be, alternative opinions are censored and I don’t know of one news organisation that reports the news, what we get is opinion on the news they decide to report.

      The Uighur’s in China are occasionally mentioned because 3.5 million people in re-education camps are difficult to completely ignore, their plight makes ripples in the woke community and at least some of the woke in the media can’t totally ignore it.

      I’ve seen more coverage of illegal migrants being held in ICE facilities in the US, it’s outrageous that the US authorities separate the children of illegals from their parents to put the parents in cells, according to the media that is.

      if it takes 3.5 million in concentration camps to force a mention on the MSM we can only imagine what goes on in China that’s not worthy of reporting.

      We will find out though, the Chinese model of government is heading our way.

      • The southern border in the US isn’t straightforward, there is illegal trafficking going on and when adults turn up with kids unless they have proof that kids are with their parents they have to be separated.
        China has always been a pretty brutal regime, no one knows the whole truth about the facilities (camps) for ‘re-education’ but I doubt it involves mass murder.

      • The reason they are separated is due to their parents having committed a crime. Law enforcement would do the same to a citizen placed under arrest. You can’t lock kids up in a cell with their parents.

        No ones suggesting that the camps are death camps, the idea of locking citizens up for thinking the wrong way is bad enough.

        The point is one story is barely reported and the other is reported with spin that the US is a brutal regime, not something that seemed to be a problem when Obama originally built the detention centres and separation of children from parents that were being detained for illegal entry.

  7. ITV are shite full stop.Copying Baghdad Broadcasting Clowns.All one sided.Pity the poor dinghy riders.Brown rats.Shoot them all

  8. Anyone watching ITV news outside LOndon should spare a thought for us poor cunts in London, before the evening “Hello Magazine Meets The News” we have half an hour of London news – or I should say Black London news – every story featuring a dark key (Mtumbi has won a place to Harrow from his East Lonon school) or Mohammed or Ali, whose corner shop has been broken into. The only whites to appear are criminals charged with the offences against Mohammed or Ali). Many of the presenters are of a dark hue. Often the weather man/girl is white and that’s racist. They ought to have an opening shot to establish the programme: David Lammy rowing a tree log stark bollock naked down the Regents Canal and Dawn Butler emerging from a mud hut – dis am de 6 o’clock news innit.

  9. Getting your news from the TV is like hoping into a dingy panel van with FREE SWEETS written on the side, the outcome is the same.

    • As cruel as the Chinese treatment of the uighar is, they don’t have a muslim problem, no terror attacks, no grooming of the indigenous youth, no rioting and kicking off,
      No bombing of pop concerts you note?
      Because the Chinks KNOW they are trouble and not let them get a toe hold.
      No welcome heres your free council house and benefits, no the rinkys arent that fuckin soft or stupid.

      Lessons will be learnt.

  10. ITV have officially gone the same way as the BBC, Channel 4 and Sky in being hijacked by a load of left-wing “woke” snowflake, producers, presenters, hosts and talent telling us what to think. Virtually everything on TV these days contains some sort of message. I think I speak for everyone on here when I say I’m fed up with being lectured to by a load of quiche eating, chardonnay drinking, Guardian reading arseholes who never leave the vicinity of the M25.

    • I never realised what amazing fathers and solid role models blokes of sub Saharan African heritage were until I switched the telly on.
      In fact it seems they’re the only fathers and role models these days.
      Strange that.

    • Try as they might, no brodcaster will ever out-woke Wireless 4. Here is a programme being transmitted tonight at 2002-2100, introduced by a woman who is disadvantaged because she is “a woman and black”:

      They have been trailing this fucking shit all week. Read the long description if you can stomach it

  11. Isn’t it the start of the football season today? (I used to keep track, but for the last couple of years I haven’t really given two shites)

    I wonder if the players will STILL bend the fucking knee before a game? Whether they do or don’t no doubt the so-called news will pick up on it, and woe betide any cunt that doesn’t!

    • They’re still doing it in F1, I believe?
      Because of that prick Hamilton.
      I wonder if he’s ashamed of his own honky mother?
      She ought to give him an ear as thick as his father’s lips.

    • As a lifelong follower (ex follower now) of football I can’t overstate how much I resent these knee bending, grovelling virtue signalling CUNTS!!!

      • When they take a knee in empty stadiums they a basically taking a knee for all the supporters. Would it of gone down well with full terraces?

        Fuck them, football is dead, not down to Covid but due to players kneeling in respect of dead criminals.

    • They will because nobody dare be the first to stop doing it.

      The PL originally said it would be for the last 12 games of last season. Well, as I predicted, everyone is too shit scared to be the first to stop. It’s ridiculous.

      The cricketers stopped this week and of course, the anti whites have gone nuts about it. The ECB have wisely decided to start to distance themselves from the racists at BLM and are supporting ‘all groups and minorities fighting racism’.

      Code for ‘We don’t like racism but BLM can fuck right off’.

      Unlike cricket, which is now showing some common sense towards BLM, football is fucked. I think the fans might not return in their previous numbers. And if they do, many will boo at them taking a knee.

      Can you imagine the cunts trying it at Millwall or West Ham?

      Can’t wait to see the cunts try it there.

      • The first game of the NFL, they didn’t come out for anthem. But wait they have 2 anthems now, the national and the black anthem. What fans that were there booed. As an american journo said, GO WOKE , GO BROKE. Fucking overpaid arrogant cunts.
        How did the last race go lewis? CUNT.

  12. I think you’re right T – all those poor suckers who’ve paid for their season tickets only to not be allowed to go to the match – what fucking nutters they are – – still the multimillionaire players won’t give a fuck will they?

  13. First they came for the Tibetans. Then…
    The Chinks are scared of homegrown Islamism. Is persecuting the previously peaceful Turkic Uighurs, who have live in what is now China but were historically autonomous, likely to lessen the threat, or in fact to make martyrs? Is the re-education for their own good or to release development land for resettlement by ethnic Chinese?

    Surprised the cunter hadn’t heard of this particular nastiness- it’s been reported for a couple of years, although the c&p crew at BBC News haven’t noticed it until recently.

  14. Why would any of us give a fuck about some Mudslimes from China ?
    I heard some charity worker on ITV berating viewers because she wanted us to cough up for a charity called THE FORGOTTEN WOMEN OF BANGLADESH.
    For fucks sake . Did this woman wake up one morning and think “ I know it’s the forgotten Parkies of Bangladesh ?

  15. What happened to television news reporting? Way back we had proper news readers:

    Kenneth Kendal
    Richard Baker
    Gordon Honeycombe
    Trevor Mcdonald
    Sandy Gall (still alive by the way and a good shout for TDP)
    Anna Ford (I would have)

    They put on their serious face for half an hour or so, told us what was happening in the world, then a quick cat up a tree rescue story (ITN only) then the weather. That’s it. No biased long winded interviews. No name calling. No slagging off anything. No berating someone you didn’t agree with. Etc.

    Is there any real news reporting these days? I can’t think of an outlet which just reports things these days.

      • And its goverment propaganda they dont tell you its a rubver dinghy invader whos gone full halal after coming here and given everything /cos if people knew thered be fucking riots !

      • You’re not wrong there, AF. The last 4 or 5 celebrity deaths I’ve heard about first on ISAC. Whenever I see a new Dead Pool, it’s always, “Oh no, who’s died this time” hoping it wasn’t someone I liked or admired.

  16. I am in the same neck of the woods as bullterrier and can confirm suitability of the area. Problem with Dartmoor is all the slackjawed Brummies with caravans which infest the area for half the year. The Cornish, like the Welsh, detest anybody not born locally. Bt, which pubs do you frequent? We could start a rural chapter of isac. Probably met you at a Brexit party meeting.

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