EU Divorce Treaty Bullshit

The bullshit and hypocrisy around the proposal to ‘break international law’. regarding the EU divorce treaty.

‘The protocol states companies moving goods from Northern Ireland to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) would have to fill out export declaration forms.

Another part of the protocol says the UK has to follow EU rules on state aid – the financial support governments give to businesses – ‘for goods related to Northern Ireland.’

Firstly, we should never have agreed to this in the first place. It is clearly designed to undermine the integrity of the UK, and align us with Brussels.
Secondly it has given the Remoaners another nettle to grasp.

The arguments made are that the UK will never be trusted again. A totally meaningless concept.
But the silliest argument is that we wont be able to condemn Russia, China etc for their illegal actions. Think about that one. Has any diplomatic objection or posturing ever made any difference to these cunts?

Another round of nonsense which the Remoaners desperately hope will return us to the crippled government they so desire.

Fire up the recently cunted Steve Bray. Your country needs you.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

47 thoughts on “EU Divorce Treaty Bullshit

  1. Remoaner cunts wll grasp at anything, and they are well fed by the BBC – toay they are suggesting that Duty Free shopping will end, and foreigners coming to London will also not be allowed to knock off VAT. On Money Box last night on Wireless 4 there were a load of ex-pats whinging that when Brexit ends they will cease getting their pensions paid in pounds and will have to accept it in Euros so the grasping greedy bleeders will “earn” slightly less. Who gives a fuck. We voted leave and the BBC, Soubry Grieve and the BBC can go and fuck themselves with a shitty stick.

    • I can’t claim back any sales tax if I go to the USA – so what? And the British government conveniently forget that they have previously told the EU to “fuck off” regarding treatment of VAT as a tax (they say it is an excuse that is the gift of the Crown and, therefore, not a tax).

      • My American cousin has a car over here and has had some work done on it. He has had to pay VAT despite him being in California. Utterly crazy.
        As for moaning pensioners, I can’t believe how much my state pension is. MacMillan was right, we have never had it so good.
        The Withdrawal Agreement was made under a lot of pressure from a Remain Parliament, things are different now. Nothing illegal has taken place and will not do so unless the Internal Market Bill is enacted and for that to happen it now needs another vote in Parliament. The whole thing is an attempt to get the EU to discuss a free trade agreement with at least some degree of good faith.

      • You mean everything was done in a rush without any further consideration and or checking the small print well basically

    • Yeah, the clue is in ‘ex pat’. They dont live here, they dont help support the upkeep of the UK, therefore they dont get to have an opinion. They can just shut the fuck up and leave their rants in whatever EU ruled hole they reside in.

    • Yeah and the cunts who are whinging all have decent pensions as a lot were were working during the golden age of final salary pensions – you’re a cunt who has too much money if you can up shop and fuck off to Costa Del Cunt, they need to shut the fuck up.

    • Fuck the EU and their bullshit right in the ARSE. In the 1920s such folk were called gangsters I believe. The whole EU project is a giant fucking gravy train and we’re better off by far out of it because one day in the near future it will go bankrupt and there will be an awful lot of fucked off Europeans as a result. Oh, and they are cheeky CUNTS too.

  2. The EU has become like an old, bloated European Royal family, unwilling to change or concede on anything yet babbling out increasing, hysterical demands. They know this is all hokey and are using it as leverage. It’s only unfortunate we won’t reach a guillotine moment

  3. Clause 38 if the treaty also allows Parliament the power to override the restrictions, hence the internal market bill. All this bullshit about breaking international law is precisely that – bullshit..

    Latest EU crap is they are claiming jurisdiction over the channel tunnel which breaches the Canterbury Agreement

    One rule for them, one for us. Nothing new there.

    Fuck ’em. Walk away…

    • That’s how I read the legislation as well Dio – the UK is breaking no international law but the pathetic malicious spite of the remoaners knows no bounds.
      Fuck them.

    • Exactly. The EU pick and choose what they want to adhere to. We are the only muppets that follow all the rules.
      I had an aunt that lived in Spain for 30 years and she said if Spain didn’t like certain rules then they never followed them.
      Its the same for the recent super trawlers in our waters recently; totally illegal.
      About time we put some serious distance between us and these snake oil salesmen and hopefully Italy follow suit soon.

  4. Good nom Cuntstable. I’ve not really been following this, but I’ve heard a measured explanation on R4 by someone who understands the UK’s position and who wasn’t going to be shouted down by the presenter. The UK is not about to engage in piracy or open concentration camps. No, my understanding is this is all about Northern Ireland, and the fact that the current treaty demands that NI be treated like a foreign country for import/export purposes. Utter madness.

    But the MSM, particularly the BBC, don’t explain this. The usual cunts.

  5. Fucking whining remoaner cunts. Fuck the French, fuck the Krauts, fuck the ex pats. Brick up the tunnel……. if they want to come over here get a dinghy like everybody else.

      • I don’t know anything about him,K. but if the gist of it is that yes,we can do what we want but we should expect consequences…I agree with him.

      • Agree too, but think that goes without saying, Dick.
        Still and all, it looks as if Johnson’s chicken (chlorinated or not) and a deterioration in our position is on the cards.

      • I kind of suspect that Johnson’ll cave at the last moment while hiding behind a load of bluster and bullshit and telling us that we’ve won a victory to equal Trafalger… then quickly resign to write his memoirs and “spend more time with his family”.

        Probably expects to be given Chartwell by a grateful nation.

  6. If we leave on a no deal basis (which I think we now should) we will not be liable for the 39 billion ransom treason May agreed to – watch their little rat faces twist up if they miss out on that!
    And I think every politician who had delayed, taken legal action or voted against us leaving when we have made the decision should have their self serving traitor arses booted out of politics.
    Jellyfish Johnson knows he is finished if he does not get this done

    • It’s not as if Sir Nigel didn’t warn us that the Withdrawal Agreement was an “international binding treaty”, and “the second worst deal in history”. But Johnson didn’t care, as long as he was able to fool the country into believing it would get Brexit done.

      No Deal is the only rational way forward now. But with an irrational, chronically dishonest Prime Minister, I’m not holding my breath, except while shopping in the supermarket.

  7. So sick of this Brexit saga…
    Boris could turn his dwindling popularity around I’d he live streamed a phonecall in which he told Barnier to go fuck himself.
    Thanks to the Covid overreaction all economies are going to be fucked now anyways so who gives a fuck abaaaaaht a trade deal with these Gypsy cunts.

  8. When you look into it, there is no such thing as “international law”. There is nothing written down and ratified by countries that would constitute an international law. Countries are responsible for their own laws. This is just bullshit spread about by the Establishment to save their beloved EU master project. Cunts to a man.

  9. These are the same cunts who did everything to overturn democracy. How did that look on the “international stage”? What a bunch of tosser cunts. Id hang the lot of them. China would definitely have our back with that one. Cunts

  10. If Johnson hadn’t reneged on his promise to the DUP in 2018 not to put a border down the Irish Sea (“now, I have to tell you that no British Conservative government could or should sign up to any such arrangement”) before putting said measure in the abominable Withdrawal Agreement, then lying to Northern Ireland business leaders during the election campaign stating: “There’s no question of there being checks on goods going from Northern Ireland to Great Britain or Great Britain to Northern Ireland”, none of this Internal Market Bill fuckwittery with the liability of breaking international law would have been necessary. CUNT.

  11. The whole concept of a ‘trade agreement’ is wank. If trade is profitable for two parties, they will trade. Cunts didn’t move silk thousands of miles from China to Rome because of a trade agreement. The Portuguese didn’t sail to India in wooden boats the size of a pedallo because of a trade agreement. And the Vikings didn’t need a trade agreement to create a vast network from Canada to Turkey.

    In other news, I’ve come up with my own idea for a reality tv show. It’s called ‘Whoops! My Bottom Farted.’ A group of celebrities will each week taste the cuisine of a chosen country and then viewers will be invited to phone premium lines to vote on whose farts are best. The first lineup will include a generic blonde slapper with fake tits, a bloke you vaguely remember from a 70s sitcom, a flamboyant homosexual, a black guy and Amanda Holden. Stu Francis of Crackerjack fame is pencilled in to present.

    Got to be worth 20 series.

    • In a divorce theres always hysterics, accusations of cheating etc.
      Best to ignore them find a sexier trading partner, play the field!
      Soon get a tearful txt saying fancy a quick drunken trade deal.

  12. It seemed to be portrayed as EU gunboats in the Irish Sea blocking ferries and cargo entering NI.
    That would be exciting!
    Lord Nelson would be proud.
    In reality it appears to be more hot air from clowns.
    The cunts.

    • Completely off topic-
      On that Talking Pictures channel I watched a old episode of ‘Runaround’
      The kids show with Mike Reid, theyre showing it in the mornings.
      Mikes hair looked like a syrup but wasnt, hed gone to some lenths to make it look that way.
      Also he was wearing a tracksuit top and you could clearly see his nipples poking through!!
      He was a utter disgrace and warrants a historic investigation.
      Also he was overly cockney.
      Like the kray twins hosting ‘sale of the century’,
      Or Lenny mcClean hosting jackanory.
      A bad fit.

      • Lenny did host Jackanory: he conveniently omitted plenty of historical truth from his book the Guv’nor.
        I intend to cunt the “cult” of glamourising violent criminals at some point?

    • The EU wouldn’t need gunboats. A few pikeys in rubber dinghies would be enough to see us off nowadays. Lord Nelson must be spinning in his grave.

      • you’re not rubbishing our world class ability to defend ourselves are you? what’s wrong with only having two rowing boats and an olympic gold medalist with a canoe???

  13. We are out of the eu, we are supposedly totally out of the eu at midnight 31st Dec 2020. Once more an independent nation free to go our own way in the World. Our only problems, all the traitorous shite in government, media etc and the malice and guile of the remaining eu victims who now have to find a lot of money to continue with the present post democratic experiment. Fuck them all I say, aye go fuck yourselves. Come our glorious revolution and 50% tariff on eu produced goods the whining and groaning will be heard across the globe. We ain’t finished even if English is a minority language in London.


  14. As Basil said ‘who won the bloody war’

    Bloody Frogs and Krauts should kissing our arses, the umbongo types are still banging on about slavery, we should be banging on about the ‘bloody war’ ?

  15. Expect the desperate efforts of traitorous remainers to ramp up as we head towards the deadline.
    Just a thought-has Covid provides a convenient distraction from Brexit, allowing those working in the “background” to “get it done”?

  16. Wouldn’t bother Putin, he breaks so called international laws regularly, as do the chinks, French, Iran……….. but we are British, we must put ourselves at a disadvantage to uphold the law. What a total load of bollox. Fuck em, fuck em all.

  17. Cummings has it under control, the amendment giving parliament the final say will keep the rebels happy and in the meantime its back to chinky flu, another lockdown anyone?

  18. I didn’t vote for Boris Johnson because I’ve never trusted him, despite his claims to be a Brexiter. The only reason he was put in charge of the Official Leave Campaign was to derail Nigel Farage’s campaign, which was far more popular and successful. Cast your minds back to 23rd June 2016. Boris was just as shocked as everyone else at the result because it wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s why he and his pals ran off and hid for a while. He needed time to plan his next move and then he posed as a modern day Winston Churchill to get the leadership and then, with his “Get Brexit Done” slogan, the Premiership. All he has done is tout Theresa May’s “deal” under a new lick of paint, like some bent used-car salesman. The Establishment never were, and never are, going to let us leave the EU.

    • I heard he was being coached by Steve Bannon at the time.

      For some reason, I still hope he pulls of no deal, or WTO arrangements should we call it, which has always seemed the cleanest way.

  19. If we ‘break international law’ no-one will ever trust us again? Who trusts us now?
    Or should it be, no-one will pretend to trust us? No-one trusts anyone, that’s why there are trouble spots all over the world. Name me two countries that trust each other. Exactly. So it’s not a problem.

  20. The faffing about is beyond belief. As everyone says, the ‘international law’ complaint is a non-starter, and our reputation has been comprehensively fucked since Suez. Like every other country on earth the only question is whether or not we pursue our national interest, and it’s a no-brainer. Why the fuck do we have to apologise or explain? We’re out of the shitty club now.

    It should be down to NI to sort out.

    NI referendum:
    Choice 1, hard land border
    Choice 2, fuck off and die Irish: hard sea and air border.

    Abide by results. Problem solved.

    • The only interests our great and good are interested in are their own and the rest of the world. This country doesn’t get a look in.

  21. The only reason that dogshit agreement was signed by Bojo in the first place was because the Remoaners wouldn’t agree to an election. Once he signed it, they did.

    The main issue with it seems to be Northern Ireland. Seeing as how Stormont doesn’t seem to like convening because the two sides can’t stand the sight of each other and want to kill each other, I don’t think we should wait for them to convene and have a referendum on UK membership – we should just kick NI out………… Let the Proddies migrate to the UK and leave the shithole to the Fenians. Fuck the cunts, problem solved, the EU has no leg to stand on regarding the NI Protocols.

  22. Also, kindly refrain from calling it a divorce treaty because in a divorce, both sides get half……….. All we in the UK seem to be getting is half of the EU forearm up the ring piece.

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