A creature called fucking Chiyo and the good old BBC who chose to put this bollocks prominently on it’s website:-
‘Chiyo is transgender and, in April next year, he’ll be standing on stage with a group of other men – who aren’t trans – to be judged in what is ultimately a male beauty contest.
He’s a finalist in the (coronavirus-delayed) Mr Gay England 2020.’
Mr Gay England. Who outside of the shrieking shirtlifter community has heard of this shite?
And when you think about it, if this fucking catamite is a tranny how come it is now gay? Seems to defeat the purpose of losing the meat and 2 veg in the first place. Did it like it up the arse before the transition?
Thank you BBC for deciding news priorities and bringing this freakshow to our attention. Well worth the poll tax.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
So, this freak show can be shown on the TV, yet Miss World is now verboten and seen as ‘sexist’? Such nauseating reeking hypocrisy,
Burn, Beeb, Burn…
You just birthed a new white/hetero backlash mantra. Imagine millions* of cunters taking to the street and chanting:
Burn Beeby Burn!
*OK…maybe a few dozen. (Or even just a handful.)
That is all.
Transhumanism at its finest.
Fucking hell-what an ugly bunch of monster munchers?
In light of this forced education about LBTQURST etc. I for one am glad my dating days are but memories. Must be bloody hard for those looking for partners now. One would need a sex test kit, a gender dictionary to decide what or who they are, list is endless. Some will invariably make cunts of themselves and find they are about to shag a vagina with hair growing in it. Or the furtive fumble finds a bigger pair of love spuds than theirs once they have moved the boner out the way. Does one not yearn for the days when a posting to Singapore was about the only way one would encounter such horrors. We live in interesting times.
These jokers can claim as many genders as they like. But there’s two sexes. Only.
These jokers can claim as many genders as they like. But there’s two sexes. Only.