Chiyo and the BBC (31)

A creature called fucking Chiyo and the good old BBC who chose to put this bollocks prominently on it’s website:-

‘Chiyo is transgender and, in April next year, he’ll be standing on stage with a group of other men – who aren’t trans – to be judged in what is ultimately a male beauty contest.

He’s a finalist in the (coronavirus-delayed) Mr Gay England 2020.’

Mr Gay England. Who outside of the shrieking shirtlifter community has heard of this shite?
And when you think about it, if this fucking catamite is a tranny how come it is now gay? Seems to defeat the purpose of losing the meat and 2 veg in the first place. Did it like it up the arse before the transition?

Thank you BBC for deciding news priorities and bringing this freakshow to our attention. Well worth the poll tax.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

77 thoughts on “Chiyo and the BBC (31)

  1. Male beauty contest? (!) But isn’t the very concept of beauty contests what wimmin fought against all those years ago? And why haven’t the Gayes picked up on that?

  2. FFS. Following the announcement of dirty dyke dancing on strictly now we have a poofery contest including a transbender.

    Oooh BBC you are so fecking right-on and diverse no wonder the nation loves you so much.

    People can be what they like but do we have to have all this crap served up as “entertainment” even on a Saturday night when it is optional whether or not to engage your brain when viewing BBC or ITV?

    This is just auntie showing that she is “with it” after all and knows all about “diversity” and “inclusivity” and all those other modern buzz words.


  3. What a nice young man!
    1st prize Chiyo!
    Looks a bit like Prince doesnt he?
    Hes wearing a dog collar,suits him!
    By Jingo thats novel!
    Id never of guessed hes gay in a million years I assumed he was a bit of a ladies man.
    Just goes to show..always the last one you suspect!

    • I left out the rest of the blurb:

      ‘Gorgeous, pouting Chiyo (29) is from Brinnington, Stockport. On hearing that its entry had been approved it said ‘ My boyfriend, also a local lad, made good in the removals business, will be thrilled to bits’

      • Presumably “made good in the removals business” refers to it’s boyfriend’s wedding tackle?
        I’m also assuming that “on hearing it’s entry had been approved” is a euphemism – or is that just my twisted mind?
        God help us all……..

      • Aaaah-it all makes sense now!
        No parking on “the pavement”- MNC can’t kerb crawl anymore without paying a hefty “shirt” tax!!

      • And I am thrilled.
        Chiyo deserves recognition!
        Wait till you get the next issue of ‘campDuckies Nude!” CC!
        Im the centre fold!!
        Draped over the front of the Ford Luton in nowt but long socks!?
        One for the bedroom wall son!???

      • Have to take down my Narcus Rashford and Lewis Hamilton calendars to make room on the bedroom wall??
        Not taking down Linekunt though-every time I bang er indoors, I turn to him and say:
        “Now, that’s how you score you jug eared bastard!”

  4. I think I’m more confused than she/it/he is. Is he now male? Or was male?

    Either way, you see lots of this tabloid press shite on the BBC news website. Birmingham stabbing – nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

      • If he had bits, and the chopped them off and incinerated them, tucked the gubbins in and made it look like a clunge, he would still be a bloke. It’s not a choice you can make really. You can be a fake whatever, but your skeleton, and your DNA will always say what you are, regardless of your delusion.

  5. This ‘man’ clearly has mental issues and the BBC are happy to parade it in a sordid bum bandits-parade of chutney chasers. Every single week the BBC hammer another nail into their own coffin. Apart from talking pictures I’ve stopped watching tv as the whole shitfest pisses me off.
    I suppose the opening titles will include a montage of these devients indulging in a ‘lucky Pierre’ followed by a reach-around and a space-docking. All of which I’ve no idea what I’m talking mate told me.

  6. All sexuality and perversions are to be celebated in BBC land.
    Apart from a white hetrosexual bloke fancying a white hetro girl. Now that is just weird and disgusting and should be banned!!

  7. Hey!

    Come to think of it a gay with transbender beauty contest is a bit lame.

    How about a black / disabled / illegal immigrant / LBGT / dwarf competition?

    Got ’em all in one then.


    • Fuck I’m distraught, Dame Diana was the epitome of posh Saxon kickarse crumpet. I’ve often dreamed of her disciplining this placcy jock colonial.

      • Genuinely sexy lady-especially in that leather catsuit and those “kinky-boots”.

      • Typical BBC millennial knobheadery. They say Diana was a ‘Bond and Game Of Thrones actress’. No mention of her defining and most iconic role, Emma Peel in The Avengers of course. Typical of those ‘the sixties and seventies didn’t happen’ bellends.

      • Unbelievable: written by the same department that describes Jimmy Saville as a former Dj and children’s television presenter, no doubt?

  8. Is this Chiyo a bird who is masquerading as a man and is in a gay contest with actual gay men or are they all male impersonators…..

    It’s no wonder the millennial snowflakes are confused.

    • The squirming shitty thought process of the alleged journalist who cobbled this bollox together is probably worth a cunting of it’s own.

  9. We have a plethora of other Beeb cuntings scheduled too. They’ll be hitting 50 soon enough and we must commemorate the occasion somehow.

  10. The BBC World news spent about eight minutes yesterday on the announcement that untalented gluteus maximus slut Kim Kardashian was ending her “reality” show after what seems like forever. Coronavirus, US presidential election, Brexit row – forget it. This earth shattering development was covered by numerous Beeb TV, radio and sites as though it was actually important.

    However, the BBC itself came under fire, according to the Sun, by “deadnaming” a tranny called Caitlyn Jenner (another nonentity who is famous for being famous) by referring to him/her/it as “Bruce”, i.e. his/her or its Christian name. For those of you who are too thick or uninterested enough to know, “Deadnaming” is the “use of a trans person’s former name or birth name without their consent”.

    I just hope Caitlyn wasn´t too upset. Imagine learning that Kim is giving up her show and then being called “Bruce”. Bring on the smelling salts darling!

  11. How times have changed. My mate used to get pissed as a fart down the pub, then go over to the public bogs opposite. He waited to be propositioned, then kicked the shit out of the gayer. Happy days.

    • There was a Mr Gay UK event in the Queen’s Shilling pub in Bristol years ago. Only 3 blokes entered and they all looked like blind cobblers thumbs. The one that won had his leg in a cast. It was all very West Country.

    • Is your oven fan assisted and do you use gas marks or degrees Centigrade? (I refuse to use term Celsius as I don’t like it). What I’m trying to find out is this. Is your oven gas or electric and who pays the bills? We can start a crowdfunding thing, like a lot of other cunts do, if you like. As for the thing, Chiyo, with the mental issues, the less I see of it the better.

  12. I’m confused. Is this Cheo person female but at some point had an operation to look male?

    This modern day stuff is confusing.

    I identify as a billionaire. Where’s my money? Haha. 🙂

    • According to that thread the other day, the gays are teaching impressionable young school children that there are 100 genders.

      • Blimey, CG! I thought there are just two. Male and female. Whomever decided there are more than that, I would’ve thought they’d be told no and to get on with life.

  13. I wish he’d join the Border farce welcoming committee, I’d enjoy seeing those rubber dinghy’s rear up and speed back to France.

    • I think you’ll find that France has got plenty of these filthy degenerates too. The cunts are everywhere. Well done the BBC for bringing this important cultural event to our attention.
      Now fuck off and get all the foreigners, sexual deviants and communists to pay for your poxy propaganda.

  14. the sooner the new bloke in charge of the BBC starts swinging his macho hetero dick the better.
    Use that cock like a schlong of justice and lay to waste the shite they produce

    • It is all to try and convince Dominic Cummings not to end their funding.
      Whoever is in charge of the BBC nothing will change.

  15. Apparently HMG have issued instruction to the relevant French authorities that as from Monday all dinghies must be loaded with no more than 6 occupants!?

  16. The little bumder has a moustache, or at least an attempt at growing one.

    Surely this must be termed as other-gender appropriation? If cultural appropriation is, similarly, frowned upon by da blecks then us straight folk have equal rights to poo-poo a member of the opposite sex attempting to deceive with a cut n shut?

    Wrong un’s and no mistake.

  17. Why do they think normal people might be the slightest bit interested in this shit? The beeb are currently screening some shit called ‘drag race Canada’, another pile of trannie crap. And you can go to prison for not wanting to pay for this abominable dross? Boris, you gutless cunt.

  18. It’s fucking awful. All of it. I sadly had to recently sort out the old mans licence fee (he’s a 79 year partially sighted stroke victim) despite my pleading and reasoning with him. He’s from an era where the BBC used to be respectable I hear, yet when he does seldom watch it it annoys the shit out him with their woke shit adverts in-between programmes and the growing number of spoons and effniks sprouting like weeds. I genuinely haven’t paid my fee in seven years now due to the fact that I refuse to watch the BBC as it makes me feel quite unwell also. I get letters every six months or so from them threatening an investigation. Online I tell them (why I don’t need a licence) the property is empty. You tell them when you expect your property to be filled and I say a year. Six months later it starts all over again. Another bit of info for those unaware, every new TV you purchase in your name and address is logged and sent to them. That’s how they get the primary information to threaten you with.

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