Chief Librarian of the British Library

Her name is Liz Jolly. She said racism is a ‘white creation’.

First they came for your news, then they came for your films, now they come for your books. The most pernicious of all.

They’re going to have a root and branch overhaul of what the Library does.
‘Documents reveal that changes to the library’s displays could take place to ‘decolonise’ the British Library’s collection after a letter signed by hundreds of members of staff declared a racial ‘state of emergency’, it was reported’

Yes, that’s all very interesting but when will the book burning start?

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

And added to by: Cuntsince1066

Was going to cunt this myself, but Miles has done a decent job. I will however throw in my two pence.

Liz Jolly is now another on an ever growing list White people who are so full of self loathing as they desperately try to become the darling of the woke wankness that seem to be taking over and attempting to crush every area of British society. She claims that white people are not only the only people who are racist but actually invented racism as well. Are there any black people out there who actually care about this bullshit and is there anyone surprised that the British library is actually full of stuff from British history?

80 thoughts on “Chief Librarian of the British Library

  1. “Where they burn books, they will in the end also burn people,”

    Heinrich Heine

    Stupid cunts like this will just bring about honkies being rounded up.

    • Already happening in parts of Australia. Pregnant worn in pyjamas guilty of hurty words, journalist Avi Yemeni, and others this week.

    • Poor lass. She is bored. So exited to get the job and she is not the least bit dusky.
      Then she finds that the job just means checking the shelves each night to make sure no naughty person has stuffed a book in the wrong place and oiling the book trolley wheels so the squeeking does not wake the customers.
      Meanwhile all her schoolmates are out there BLM ing and Rebelling Extictively. What can she do to boost street cred other than complain that honky invented white paper and then used cruel presses to force innocent black ink to lie on those racist pages.
      And, dispite the name, I bet that guy Dewey Decimal was a whitey.

  2. Posh, middle class, geek, got no friends. Desperate to fit in, to be liked. Poor Ms Jolly. Is she a lezza? I bet she played lacrosse at her posh school.

  3. I might march in and ask her, “Have you got a copy of Simon shoots the smiling sambos?”

    (C) Harry Enfield early 90s

  4. I am a honky and I am no ashamed of my skin colour.

    In fact, I’m quite proud of being a honky. I didn’t care before but these cunts have made me ecobe a bit racist by constantly slagging me off because of my skin colour. Well done, dickheads. Keep it up and let’s see what sort of Prime Minister we end up with in 20 years time.

    Why proud? Well, my lot invented pretty much fucking everything of note and were good at wars when every country was trying to take land off others. If they’d been shit at war, we’d be a third world shit hole. Fact (copyright Rafa Benitez).

    We won. You dark keys lost. Get over it, it was fucking centuries ago and in Africa they still can’t build a functioning society decades after the honky man fucked off. In fact, SA and Zimbabwe have become notably worse since the honky man fled.

    And anyway, as if the dark keys wouldn’t have taken our land if they could? Do people think African tribes lived in peace and sang kumbaya around a camp fire? Or were they genociding the fuck out of each other before and after the honky man visited?

    We won. You lost. It’s called history and nobody has anything to feel guilty or apologise for. Fuck off.

  5. No end to this stupidity is there?
    The lefties in guilt would change history, airbrush literature.
    Anyone can be racist
    Last time I looked Burma liked a bit of ethnic cleansing?
    China doesnt seem to be holding a festival of uighar culture?
    Shes just ashamed to be British ashamed to be white.
    A fuckwit from a posh background.
    Well, ive no guilt Liz, my family didnt have stock in sugar, didnt invest in shipping in the west indies, have slaves, like your family.
    No, my family were in factories owned by your family,
    Up chimneys, my family were spilling their racist blood on battlefields sent to die by your family who were stood watching from a distance with binoculars.
    You rich cunts who enslaved black africans not us, you to call us serfs before that and work us to death,
    ‘Serf’ us right for being racist eh?

  6. According to Joe “where the fuck am I” Biden the lightbulb was invented by a black man not that cunt Edison. Unfortunately he couldn’t remember the black man’s name. Oh well.

    • The light bulb was invented by a Geordie: Joseph Swan; Cragside in Northumberland was the first House in the world to be lit by (hydro) electric power

  7. Espousing this bullshit will not save this self-loathing cunt from the guillotine when the BLM mob comes for whitey.

    Idiotic cunt!

    • And she’s in charge of a fucking library? How? I wouldn’t credit her with the intelligence to correctly pick which fucking bin to put out each week.

      (Talking of up-their-own-arse twatish wimminz, we have a right old Scottish windbag of a cunt coming up later today for your delectation – DA)

      • @ Admin.

        Is it LibDump MP Christine Jardine? They certainly don’t come any cuntier.

  8. Hello Liz.
    Im a bitt fick and Iv’e neva red big buks like u
    so pleez explane to me wot you and youre team meen bye a ‘rashul state of emerjencee’
    U r a kunt!

  9. These books that she wants to “decolonise”are a record of history and attitudes…getting rid of them isn’t going to change the past and neither will denying the benefits that came while promoting the blemishes in that history and those attitudes.

    If I were to fell an oak tree,have it milled into boards and constructed a kitchen table out of those boards,it would no good then denying at my next exclusive dinner-party that the oak tree from which the table originated ever could I ? There it would be,right under our noses, the product of hundreds of years of growth. Our history is the cannot be denied at the whim of a handful of Mentals…nor should it be. We have a damn sight more to be proud of than ashamed for.

    I hope this doesn’t come across as too “portentous”…that’s my new word of the day. I got it off a toilet-roll that gives you a new big word to learn on every sheet. The bloke who sold it to me said that it was particularly popular amongst the “windbag” set so naturally I thought “that’ll do for me then’…I also bought a roll of the “Currently unemployed Team-leader at a Call Centre” deluxe 3-ply edition for a friend…next time he’s on a pedal trip up here,I’ll give him it.

    Fuck Off.

    • “Portentous “? Sounds a bit like that “book learning” we are encouraged to distrust at Fiddler University.

      You are a disgrace.

      • It’s true,I’m afraid…sometimes the self- disgust at my own heinousness,licentiousness and malignity knows no bounds.


      • How very dare you !?…. mocking and belittling my attempts to join the ranks of the Professional Windbag class.

        I’ve half a mind,I’ll have you know….to chuck you down an artesian borehole.

    • Morning Fiddler, I invested in a bumper pack of ‘Cringing Political Quotes’ during the lockdown frenzy. From the Hunchbacks “Strong and Stable” to John Prescott’s “The Green Belt is a Labour achievement – and we mean to built on it” to Dawn Butlers “Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay”, every morning is an education.

      • Morning LL
        Morning All.

        “Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay” ?….Load of bollocks. I’ve been to a safari park and I didn’t see a single one of the long-necked fuckers wearing make-up or a wig…and as for high-heels, well the fuckers looked tottery enough without adding 12 inch stilettos to the mix.

      • Only if you promise to return the bespoke,very valuable dovecote that you stole on your last visit….I like to wait until the birds go in of an evening and then poke my shotgun through the hole and give them both barrels…tea sorted for the hounds and myself.

  10. Multiple stabbing in Birmingham. Probably a white, right wing extremist.
    Let’s burn some horrid books.
    Piss be upon you.

  11. Off topic but multiple stab victims in the gay quater in Birmingham last night. Declared a major incident. Obviously someone with mental health issues. Police keeping an open mind blah blah blah fucking blah.

    • Poofs stabbed in the street? Let’s hope it’s not the work of our peaceful friends. That wouldn’t fit the narrative. ?

    • “No hate crime here, its mental elf, he had a dinghy ride in choppy seas.
      Besides he outranks you on the victim scale.
      Unless,..hands up if anyone stabbed is trans?”

  12. So all the heroic struggles of what was one if the greatest countries that ever existed needs deleting?
    By posh communists?
    Special Patrol Group to oven.
    Filthy CUNTS.

  13. I have just googled the meaning of a ‘racial state of emergency’ and I discovered it means absolutely fuck all apart from another expression to beat YT over the head.

  14. I bet there’ll be about 50 copies of this book in every library soon enough:
    This book is as dangerous as anything written by ISIS, and here’s are some extracts from it courtesy of

    “Joe, you are guilty of white fragility.”
    – “No I’m not.”
    “Your denial* is evidence of your white fragility.”
    – “I’m not sure I agree.”
    “Joe, disagreement* is evidence of your white fragility.”
    – “This is not fair. I’m getting angry”
    “Anger* is evidence of white fragility.”
    – “Fine. I just won’t say anything.”
    “Silence* is evidence of white fragility.”
    – “Nevermind then. I’m leaving.”
    “Leaving* is evidence of white fragility.”
    – “Jeez. Can’t we discuss this?”

    “No! Listen. Agree. Confess. Change.”**
    *Taken from chapters 7, 8 & 9 and pages 4, 103 & 107. **Pages 113, 142.

    When even silence is deemed as evidence of your guilt, it has descended into farce, an insane Kafka trap that resembles the Salem Witch Trials. Nobody sane should pay her scribblings heed, and it will anger tens of millions of people and push them into the arms of the far-right.

    • Good.
      Keep hearing mention of a new Hitler if this shite keeps happening…
      Well I wish hed hurry the fuck up!!
      Hed have my unswerving loyalty.
      Id march with drums flags waving, id denounce commie sympathizers,
      Id grass up Anne Frank!
      “Shes up there!”
      Ive had enough bullshit and good hard shock cleansing would cheer me up no end.
      Id sit in Liz Jollys padded leather armchair reading mein Kampf and using the reading lamp made from her skinny fuckin hide.

    • It sounds like the Monty Python Argument sketch. That, at least, was funny. And fictional.

  15. Has Liz thought about all the trees the white devil chopped down to provide all the books in her fucking library? I bet a lot of those trees were in Africa as well. How can she live with the guilt? Jolly well resign you raaaay-sist planet murderer!!!

  16. This ignorant pretentious bitch wants to read some of the books in her library. Will not take long for her to find the Arabs were selling blacks to white slavers. As a long dearted mate of mine used to say, “I hope her arsehole heals up” . Cunt.

  17. She’s chief librarian but appears not to have heard of ‘the rest of the world outside London’. I’m sure if she ever took the trouble to visit there she’d find that people of colour are the biggest racists on the planet. She doesn’t even have to leave the city as even a short walk from work into an Asian or black area would show her.

  18. Cunts like this woman should immediately be fired….. from a cannon….into a brick wall a few feet away. Then a nice gentleman can drop her P45 on her broken carcass so she is properly fired.

  19. Off topic,
    Lib dim leader Ed Davey bragging on the telly about doing a shift in a chippy in Stockport.
    Thought I recognised the cunt!!
    I thought he was Roy Kinnear.

      • After his stint in the deep fat frier, put the rest of him through a mincer, turn him into some very oily burgers and then flog them to his party members. Hopefully one or two Lib dumbs would choke but then they are used to choking on shit every election aren’t they? Send his tiny battered winkie to Jo Swinson, she loves a fun-size sausage and i’m sure Ed would want that.

        Overcharge them also by a good few quid the cunts.

    • Don’t go asking for “crispy bits” or a “battered sausage” whatever you do, Northern.
      The hefty custodial sentence that would be handed down for submerging la Davey into the frier would mean a considerable absence from ISAC.

    • Ed Davey needs to be seriously lamped.
      MNC, you can be easily forgiven for thinking he was Roy Kinnear.
      What cannot be forgiven is Davey thinking he was leader of any GB Political Party…

  20. Well done Miles – at last a cunting I can get fully behind.

    My missus worked for the British Library up to a year ago and she was appalled to read that Daily Mail article.

    “Documents reveal that changes to the library’s displays could take place to ‘decolonise’ the British Library’s collection after a letter signed by hundreds of members of staff declared a racial ‘state of emergency’, it was reported.”

    Lady Creampuff said there is no way that she or any of her erstwhile colleagues would have signed such a ridiculous letter, or anything else that showed support for the lie that ‘racism is the creation of white people’.

    • Sounds suspicious doesnt it Ruff?
      I dont believe those signatures exist and if they did id take them as their letter of resignation.

      • Maybe they were threatened with the sack if they refused sign? Or was it a clause in a new contract that they were required to sign?

      • When will the book burning begin? I am not sure it will be long. But meanwhile they’ll be hunting through reference books, encyclopedias to delete or rewrite white Western achievements and expanding (ridiculously) black African achievements. In the future It will not be all roads lead to Rome but all roads lead to Timbuktu.

  21. Another race traitor cunt.
    It has to be fear and trepidation that makes these woke Caucasians come up with shite like this.
    Fuck off.

  22. She can come round and audit my scud mags if she wants. I don’t discriminate: black, white, Asian. The lot.

  23. This has a slight similarity to the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Nazi’s book burnings. ISIS weren’t much better.
    Not surprise to see Flabbott’s name mentioned in the article. All cunts.

  24. This twat should remember that she (and the rest of the staff) is a paid custodian of the library, not its owner.
    Another fucking mad lefty woke cunt.

  25. Dumb bitch. Instead of removing books, she would do well to read some about history outside of the west.

  26. There is something sadly wrong with these people, it’s like sticking pins yourself to see if it hurts, the question is why.

  27. She is a Black creation. As in Stygian darkness.

    I hope she ends up in hell with a pitchfork up her rancid-battered cunt in perpetuity.

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