Boris Johnson (10)

Was watching RT ( Ruskie Toss) the other night to keep me weather eye open to what Ivan is up too re lies, distortions and Commie Capers various.

Apart from featuring as a last resting place for old media cunts to bite the hands that fed them (eg Larry King with his nipples stuck in his braces, scots cunts George Galloway and Alex Salmond, old dodgy Wall Street trader Max Keiser ect) the commie channel feasts on Boris Johnson and his shenanigans. To be fair BJ cannot tell a lie – but that never stops him.

Those downward sagging eyes screw up (look like piss-holes in the snow) and that twisted Turkish beak (yes the cunt has Turkish ancestry) pokes forward sniffing and savouring the semantics of his latest porkie. It would be wrong to call the cunt a bare faced liar – stands out a mile unlike his old horse prong – he goes all shifty and starts stuttering and braying like a flatulent donkey. Then he digs a hole and sticks his head in it until the coast is clear. Thus the cunt leads the country by his arse in a bubble.

Point is and to return to RT, the cunt lights on popular politicking (thank you Larry) such as Brexit and the Withdrawal Agreement and raises hopes but is incapable of defending poor old Blighty’s vital interests.

In between banner headlining Boris balls-ups like the Covid testing fiasco and handling generally, the Irish border dispute, the flogging of vital national assets like the tech industry and on and on, it takes the Comrades to find and interview one of the leading lights of the Brexit Party, some yank tech billionaire name of Robert Mercer and oppo of Farage, who put the case for giving the Brexit Withdrawal Bill the elbow very succinctly.
1) The EU negotiated in bad faith
2) The EU led by the French sought to, and continue to seek to punish the UK against International Law
3) The principal premise of the Bill, to safeguard the Good Friday Agreement is a red herring and will do the opposite
4) The intention of the Bill is to split of the whole of the island of Ireland from the UK
5) Johnson is doing bugger all to counter the pro IRA sentiment in the US Congress
6) The French are cunts
7) The French are cunts

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke 

74 thoughts on “Boris Johnson (10)

  1. Boris is clueless.Out of his depth.Inept.We need a change.Come forward please Sir Nigel.Bin off old Bojo the clown.Our country is burning whilst Boris is playing the fiddle.Let loose the hounds

  2. He a fat cunt surrounded by other tit swinging, trough feeding losers.

    My only hope is that, sooner or later people realise this and bin him and his boffin lizards before normal people end up on the streets with nothing but empty promises and hot air.

    People MUST be starting to cotton onto the fact they are being sold a lemon in both Boris and his stupid virus.

    • I did make the mistake of voting for him thinking we might see a change…a move I now sorely regret and a mistake I will not be repeating.

      What’s the bet though that the next election will be delayed or puton hold due to the four year and counting cunt virus non-issue.

  3. The first rule of politics….

    Learn how to lie without actually lying and always use the truth sparingly.

    I have to admit that I am partly to blame because I voted for Boris via my local candidate and I don’t care how badly he does I am satisfied that if we had Corbyn in No 10 the country would be a lot worse.

    I am sick of hearing Ashworth going on about fucking testing, it’s the only thing he has to say and it’s bollocks, testing is happening in large numbers and fuck knows why he is still in the shadow cabinet after the fiasco with his ‘oh it was only a bit of banter’ when he slagged of Corbyn and labour, he looks like a greasy little snake and acts like one…. I seem to have gone off topic


    • Whole heartedly agree, he sounds like George Formby without the charisma, I voted for Boris to get Brexit done,I won’t be making that mistake again, he’s invaded my beautiful county where I now reside with r*pists and thieves from the sand lands, I moved from Rhodesia to get away from these fuckers now there following me, the tyranny will continue until we finally say, in the words of Howard Beale “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”

    • Totally agree SOI ,
      Although Johnson is a clown is anybody Seriously advocating that we would have been better off with corbyn and his shadow cabinet of muppets? , maybe swivel eyed jo swinson and her Brexit Denying the ironically named Liberal Democrat’s were the answer?

  4. Boris and his cronies don’t give a shit about the “difficult times ahead”

    May didn’t give a shit when she backtracked on Brexit
    Cameron didn’t give a shit when he underestimated the referendum result and resigned to avoid the subsequent shitstorm.
    And then you had Brown and Blair – they really didn’t a give about anything.

    But look at them all now – still rich, still have shitloads of influence and power. And people still think they’re wise and worthy.

    Ergo: Boris won’t care because he too will probably do very well for himself in the mid to long term.

    Meanwhile, back on planet Earth…………..

    • I am struggling to recall when we had a PM who actually ‘gave a shit’. I think the last one was Margaret Thatcher. Since then the arena for career politicians has grown and we are now seeing those who don’t spend a lifetime in politics – a few years in politics then a nice Non-Exec position in a blue chip PLC.

      On the other end of the scale, as observed by Sick of It, you have that whining little shit Ashworth. That cunt will be in politics forever as being sans gravitas or sans ability, he will be fuck all use for anything else in the private sector.

      Boris’ muttering and ebullience has got his this far but now he is in big boy territory, even he realises he has run out of steam and the plastic Churchill act is wearing thin.

      I don’t regret voting for Boris when the alternative was a Labour Leader who resembled Malcolm from the Viz Modern Parents.

  5. Hello Boris!
    Your on ISAC as much as us regulars arent you?
    How you doing in the polls?
    Not all you imagined being PM eh?
    Bit stressful?
    Soon be finding that blonde thatch your so vain about on your pillow in the morning -stress.
    Soon have a patchy scalp hard to disguise eh?
    Start feeling ill, short tempered-stress.
    Stress is a killer eh?
    Start to feel yourself taking off your tie and looking up at the beams ponderously?.stress.
    Best to eat lots of salt and drink lots of whisky,
    Your the captain,
    Go down with your ship.

    • No sympathy for a man who spent two weeks in Intensive Care ?

      I would think out of all the cunts in Parliament he actually knows what Chinky flu feels like, where is that famous northern love and understanding ?

      We love you Boris keep on blundering through ?

      • PS, I had my coat on as I pressed send.

        Jeremy Hunt gave a very good interview the other nigh, on newsnight I think, actually very honest for a politician.

    • Yes agree dear boy but boris will you please take a hint and hurry fucking up/are you gonna dither&delay about doing yourself in to you worthless bastard

  6. Johnson and his lickspittes have made this country a laughing stock. And ruined the UK economy for the foreseeable future.

    Meanwhile the Treasury have announced that the 2020 budget has been cancelled!

    A note found on Rishi Sunak’s desk read: “There’s no money left….”

    No shit Sherlock.

    • Hey Ruff, your aware our mate CS is on here under 2 (that I know of) aliases?
      Won’t name them because the others bully him, but definitely him.
      Hi CS!
      I see you!??

      • What if CS is actually the owner of IsAC and the admin but he’s been toying with us all of this time?!

        Wait – what if IsAC is all a trick and every other cunter is CS under an alias and I’m the only other cunter?!


      • There is only one CS, his style is unmistakable and you can guarantee that every time he has bit of a rant he mentions his Jamaican GF

      • Can’t say I’ve noticed anyone who fits the CS bill, Miserable. I thought Fr. Upp might be CS at first, but his style is totally different.

        Anyway, didn’t Admin ban him forever last time?

      • Indeed, admin lost theyre rag with him, but he sent a little hello!
        Still here!?
        Hes got tenacity.
        Makes me laugh.

      • I have my suspicions about 2 people on here.

        1 of them doesn’t post that often, but writes in a similar style.

      • Title of csl book retitled the brexit/the covif and the giant frige boris hid in avalaible soon from all good bookstores

      • Funnily enough I passed near where his jamaican girlfriend lives the other day Sicky.
        Ive no sympathy for Boris but have for CS!??

    • This i believe this is now his 10th nom /is he going on the wall??? More to point have we got a fucking wall that would take his weight

      • Strangely enough, I am quite exciting at the prospect of seeing corpulent, duster-haired arsemonkey Boris on our beloved wall of wankers.

        There is someting ‘of this time’ about the fat cunt being elevated to the mighty cuntwall of wankerdom.

  7. Truly a sorry individual leading a pack of drooling incompetent lackeys.
    I’d like a British Donald please.
    If not,will vote Heydrich.
    The rotten craven filth.

  8. I think he’ll stand down and be long gone by April 2021 and then Pob (Gove) will be in.
    Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  9. Boris is a buffoon but I’d go very careful what you wish for…. Rishi Sunak was mentioned yesterday, I will refrain from commenting further as I may get as far as making the Third Reich look a bit left. Boris was slightly lauded when he took over from Maybot, all politicians talk bollocks so what did we expect ? If people want to see a Ràghead run this once great island it shows exactly where we are heading, for me personally it’s not a great place.

    • There’s only one party — The Conservatives from which the next few PM’s will come.
      Personally, I couldn’t give a fuck what coloured skin they have, only what religion, if any, they follow.
      As long as they’re not a peaceful, if they can do the job I’d be happy.

  10. Fucking useless, wobbling, lying, incompetent, twisting, self serving cunt.
    I don’t regret voting for Sir Nigel for the last seven years or so, even though he and UKIP / Brexit Party didn’t make a dent on the HOC.
    This is what should happen to Boris, and all the other cunts.
    Fuck them all to hell, for ever.

    • Now that man id vote for!!??
      Carved from rock not fuckin marshmallow.

      A man called horse for prime minister!!??????

      • The media and the left would suddenly go a bit tongue tied wouldnt they??
        When someone is holding a rifle its hard to concentrate on anything but your manners eh Jack?

      • Hopefully, there’d be a mass exodus of cunts. Not from the House of Frauds though, not many sprinters in there, the first few volleys would soon sort those fuckers out.
        Massive saving to the taxpayer.
        Only the quick and the sly would make it out.
        Most of the weird and wokeful would probably be found sucking their thumbs and wetting themselves, in their ( un ) safe space.
        On the spot executions for anyone wearing a Che Guevara t – shirt.
        Drain the swamp !

      • A nice UK made wicker hamper.
        Filled with wholesome UK fayre.
        And beer.
        Make sure there’s plenty of pork pies.
        Partial to pork pies, with a blob of mustard.
        Bring Debbie and Kate.
        We’ll share it with them, while we watch the crows peck out Boris’s eyes.
        Hope it doesn’t rain.

    • Cromwell was a cunt, and a right miserable one too.He banned Christmas when the poor fuckers had fuck all else to celebrate.
      The biggest cunt in British history as far as I am concerned.
      Richard Harris was alright though a high grade piss artist, he wouldn’t have liked Cromwell.

  11. Is it possible that when Blojo had the Kung Flu, the high temperature kind of stir fried his brain? Given the size it wouldn’t have taken much.

    • Evening General.

      Boris is no different than what he was 10 years ago. The only difference now is that he’s Prime Minister and therefore under far greater scrutiny and pressure. His fans are at last beginning to realise he is a man of zero substance, integrity or vision. Like he’s always been.

      • Evening Ruff,

        I gotta tell you…he had me fooled. Perhaps there was some sort of whishful thinking on my part that blinded me, but I mistook his past history of goofiness for a kind of “Trumpian” rebel/nonconformist populism .


        Blojo never had any mojo.

  12. And if his Dad’s had is greasy, wrinkled, chode up Georgia Toffolo
    I think I’ll be rather queasy.

    I know she’s probably a vapid little tart, but I’d still like to “scuttle” her in the words of a certain Northumbrian scoundrel.

  13. Laurence Fox is taking part in a radio phone-in on LBC over the next hour if anyone’s interested.

  14. The only good thing on RT is Tabatha Wallace on Watching The Hawks. Great pair of tits, legs and wears glasses Secretary style. Mmmm, come to ButtHead.

  15. Kweer the cunt made his speech to a virtual labour conference, he compared himself to Boris ‘while Boris was writing articles in the spectator he was defending human rights and prosecuting terrorists’
    Yep he worked for Liberty letting all the shit he then had to prosecute as head of the DPP… Wanker.

  16. It’s only a matter of time now before Brexit is put on the chopping board. They’ll say “We need the EU to support our collapsing economy.” You can see it coming a mile off….

    • They’re talking about a two year ‘ implementation period ‘ after any trade deal is signed,now.
      Hotel California, FFS.

  17. Sir Limply has been around long enough to know the truth of that statement ……” the French are cunts.”
    But Macron and co are snide, clever cunts whereas the Jellyfish and the Pharmacists Daughter are as thick as shit. How can we be paying the Bonapartists millions to take their criminals off their hands? How the fuck does that work? This is an island for fucks sake. How hard can it be to defend it with 26 miles of the world’s busiest shipping lane in between? Fuck me, if Adolf had known it was so easy we would have had Mosley in No 10 and Sparkletits look a like, Wallis Simpson , on the fucking throne.
    What a fucking shower of weak, useless shit.

  18. How long before the long knives come out from the 1922 committee?

    a) Before Christmas
    b) Jan – Mar 2021
    c) Later
    d) Never

    • He’ll be gone as soon as they reckon the worst of Boris’s Brexit becomes apparent and they can safely lay the blame for whatever goes wrong at his door.

      If by some miracle things go ok after the 1st of Jan they may let him stay on another 6 months but no longer imo.

      When he does go they’ll say he’s stepping down for health reasons, suffering from “long Covid” to save face.

  19. If he set up the 14 inch guns sat outside the imperial war museum and blew the fuckers crossing the channel out of the water he’d get my vote. Other than that he and the Tory party can go and fuck themselves.

    • He was saying the law is too complex over this dinghy crisis. Are we not allowed to put a blockade in our own waters?

      His popularity has plummeted and he’s now neck and neck with preening red Starmer.

      i think he’ll be gone in 2021.

      • If he had only set fire to the riechstagg(houses of parliament)and said it was a sign from god and blamed it on the channel surfers and declared a mass clean up he might have saved face /hes fucked now and he knows it

      • 100% agree he is fucked. Tend to think he doesn’t know it!

        Any sane person who whiffs fuckdom, fucks off. Boris insane!

      • The law cannot prevent the dinghy brigade as prospective refugees do not have to claim asylum in the first safe country they get to. The UK is the land of milk and honey, so the economic migrant can use this loophole to come here with umpunity.

        It is down to our immigration system to root out these buggers and send them back to their home country. However, we have legal aid, human rights legislation and a plethora of helpful lawyers all conspiring to hinder any meaningful deportation program.

      • Somebody here pointed out that UK signed up to some UN dicat that migrants can go live anywhere they want.

  20. Fellow cunters have nailed it – Boris is a cunt.

    He will be gone after Christmas after we finally leave on a no deal – job done – fuckups all his fault.

    Like Capt Quinsom, I left Rhodesia after Bob took over and whitey was removed from ZTV – here we are 40 years later and BBC=ZBC. Switched the bastards off, constant ramming of floppies down our throats. RT is more informative as is CGTV and Al Jazeera, so long as you remember who they are controlled by – at least we learn more from them. We should listen to Vlad – one pissed yank fires a rocket into RF from Poland and 1,000 nukes get unleashed by the deadhand – ie automatically. Kiss your arses goodbye.

    And then there are the dinghy sailors – we have a whole raiding squadron of Marines in Plymouth floating about doing bugger all, when they could be in the channel among all those live firing targets – only BoJo the clown hasn’t got the guts to use them.


    I think I must go and lie down……………

  21. Max Hastings, who was Boris’ boss when he was a journo, did warn us that he was a big fat cunt who just had one interest – himself, and nothing else, and made it quite clear that the fat fucker wasn’t fit to be the PM of the UK.

    The Covid 19 pandemic is working to deplete Boris’ bountiful piss and wind reserves fast and the plastic Churchill impersonation is about as convincing as Graham Norton attempting to impersonate Jim Davidson’s ‘Chalky White’.

  22. Johnson and the rest of them are controlled by those in the shadows – it really doesn’t matter who or what he is about – lardarsing mainly – but there is no doubt, as probably the most blackmailable man in the country – he is having to behave for his masters – he, along with Hancock is fronting a coup, the virus is the name of the operation – keep checking you bank balance, just in case

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