Bernardine Anne Mobolaji Evaristo, MBE

No I don’t know who this non-entity is either, all I know is that she was on Wireless 4 Desert Island Discs today (20th September 1100). She is yet another woman of colour, she is the sort of wankstain who, in the truly great days of that programme, when it was something of an honour or an occasion to appear, wouldn’t have even been allowed into the studio to put the Sanilav down the lavatory. Roy Plomley had taste, the current motherfuckers don’t even know the meaning of the word. It is now introduced by some little pop tart, whose name I don’t even know.

Anyways listen up guys, ‘cos dat ugly bitch gotta tell yo’all:

It’s about time the Controller of Wireless 4 was sacked. I know many are fucked off by his constant flogging of a dead BAME horse.

(Fuck off, that’s a bloke – admin)

(Fuck off, that’s the “Mother” of the Predator surely? – Day Admin)

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs


96 thoughts on “Bernardine Anne Mobolaji Evaristo, MBE

    • Why do all of my posts go in to moderation for hours?

      No idea and I wish they didn’t. It’s frustrating for you and time consuming for us. Carry on. – Night Admin

  1. I suspect Ruff Tuff and/or the Constable will be somewhat delayed from posting here, due to having the horn for this Thing from the Black Lagoon!

    • Sleepy lagoon for desert island discs.

      I do have a memory of listening to Enoch Powell on it. All about how he wanted to die young in battle. How life had been adisappointment since. His choices Wagner, Beethoven, Hayden. (Just checked). Wait for it- his other book choices the Old Testament in Hebrew, the New Testament in Greek.

      A Romantic Classicist you’d call him.

      That’s where you get ‘all political careers end in failure’ from.

    • How dare you lump me in with that prevert RTC. I couldnt even raise a lazy lob for this fucker.

  2. What were her disc choices, I wonder?
    I’m with admin-“she” looks like a prison “wife”, straight out of a US prison documentary.
    Not only writing emancipation bollocks, this chap teaches it too.

  3. “Evaristo’s most recent novel, Girl, Woman, Other (May 2019, Hamish Hamilton/Penguin UK), is an innovative polyvocal “fusion fiction”[41] about 12 primarily black British womxn. Their ages span 19 to 93 and they are a mix of cultural backgrounds, sexualities, classes and geographies, and the novel charts their hopes, struggles and intersecting lives”…..

    Tempting as it sounds,I’ll probably just stick with Sven Hassel

    • Sideshow Bobs transitioned?
      I wet the bed tonight Admin and missus Miserable will send you the laundry bill.
      Brrr, creepy dead sheep hair.

    • Can you still buy Sven Hassel books. Used to love them when young – read them all. He draw a lot from his experiences as a Swedish (I think) Waffen SS soldier.

      • Not sure if you can still get them Lord C…..I’ve had mine since I was a child…I’m not a big reader.

  4. Another ‘woman of colour’ who embraces her dark side and rejects her whiteness, born and educated in the UK but seems to be all about Africa.

    I had no idea who this fucker was until she appeared on question time, it soon be came very clear she was a woke leftie and everything is racist.

    I don’t know how well her books sell but you can be sure it’s the Islington set and other city copy cats who buy her shit and sing her praise, if she is so in love with fucking Africa I am sure having a Nigerian father she could go there no problem, of course she would have to keep her trap shut over there otherwise it could be the slammer.


    • Allah is a cunt/right thats it (pythonesque)right thats it 10 years/look i wrote a wonderfull novel all i said to (her lesbian partner)that book was good enough for allah but he dont like it the cunt

  5. Admin, we’ve already cunted Annaliese Jane Dobbs. She’s a cunt with or without a suntan. Oh, hang on. Half Nigerian, lesbian, career consists of writing crap which promotes black women, Labour. Possibly a bigger cunt, then. DID went down the toilet years ago; to appear on it is now, paradoxically, a good indicator of being a cunt.
    Book: Basic English Grammar for Colonials
    Luxury: oven
    Over the side you go, dear, . Can’t swim? What a shame.

  6. When you look at that photo, you realise that there is no future for this country.
    Unless …. we can find a man, a man with an attitude, a man ……… with an oven.
    He’s out there …….. somewhere.
    Will he heed his country’s call ?
    We can but hope …….. and wait.
    God, she’s ugly.
    Let’s hope she doesn’t breed.

  7. She ain’t black, mutherfucker. Dat colour dat bitch has on her face is dat Bisto gravy n sheet.

    Gibs muh dat MBE and sheet, mutherfucker. I gots to know is she beens having dat Diversity on her Island and sheet, mutherfuckers.

    • I have no idea what that means, Paul.
      But knowing you are a man of integrity, I heartily concur.
      Good evening.

  8. So what you have to do to win fame and fortune and the booker prize is be ethnic and write any old bollocks as long as the ethnic bit is done to death. Keep reminding the reader that the ethnicity is the key to fully integrating with the story. Read something about her first play being described as the best bit of theatre ever by some uni libtard lecturer. According to the booker winner she leapt on the stage and shouted the n word and then carried on shouting things like too black blah fucking blah. Talent pure and simple can do no wrong.

  9. That dead jellyfish on her head must really pong. Still with that mop she’d easily get a job as Sinter Klaus’s chimney sweep.

  10. This site is both a triumph and an outright disaster.
    Until today I was completely oblivious to the existence of this sack of shit.
    The corrosive effect of pandering to this type of vermin is yet to be fully comprehended.
    Oven it.
    Oven the cunts that support it.
    Oven the champions of this swill.
    Oven the fucking lot and go for a pint.
    The sewers are running with filth.

  11. never heard of her, but if she is woke and hates all things white, colonial and British, why doesn’t she just hand back her MBE?

    The clue is in the fucking name, you ugly ungrateful, bandwagon-hopping, racist, easily-offended bint!

  12. Roy Plomley was a boring old fart who could barely stay awake during his insufferably dull programme and drawled out the same old questions week after week for about 400 years. He didn´t even protest when old queen Peter Piers, Benjamin Britton´s live-in boyfriend, chose eight of his own records. I always hoped that the gulls calling on the intro music were crapping on Plomley´s head.

    • Mr. Polly At least he represented the old BBC values – his guests came from a wide area of professions, they were usually erudite and their musical choices were genuinely their own (the reason Pears and also Elizabeth Schwarpkoff got away with choosing all their own records – Betty chose 7 of her own and one of her husband’s – Walter :Legge (conductor/producer). I doubt that many pop songs got played during his tenure, so that gets a bonus point from me, but to each his own.

      What with Anal Ease this morning and this tart (she looks like Robin Askwith in drag and blacked up), I apologise for cornoring the market in raddled old bags today. Try not to have nightmares.

  13. ‘I was born here so my views are more important than yours’.
    Hang on, I was born here too,so were my parents and their parents and so it goes on for hundreds of generations.
    Do us all a favour; get a job selling burgers to Life’s also rans.

    PS Admin, not heard from B&WC recently. Who’s turn is it to post bail for him this time?

    • If that’s not Frank Bruno with an old school mop on his head then I’m a Lammy’s uncle!

      • No, like a cross between Phil Lynott and Rodney Trotter.
        Dr Moreau still working.
        Image going on a blind date and that turns up?

      • Imagine lifting its skirt up and seeing no keks, just a pair of long flaccid testicles hanging there, be a bit like two shredded wheats between a sausage, that would put you off your breakfast

  14. Wow! Second time today.

    I don’t come on here often and say this, but I wouldn’t fuck it, I say I wouldn’t fuck it no not ever even with a cock I found on the fucking street. Got a fucking heed like the flight deck off HMS Ark Royal.

  15. MNC,I just keep thinking…

    In the Wonderland Zoo, we’re the certain bears who,
    stay at home every night, never quarrel or fight,

    Here come the bears,

    HELP! HELP! here come the bears,
    HELP! HELP! here come the bears,


    Fucking mop headed cunt!

  16. Transportation to the East for this Mischling and send her to the left. Is Kirsty Young still on Radio Four ? Now she is worth a poke….

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