No I don’t know who this non-entity is either, all I know is that she was on Wireless 4 Desert Island Discs today (20th September 1100). She is yet another woman of colour, she is the sort of wankstain who, in the truly great days of that programme, when it was something of an honour or an occasion to appear, wouldn’t have even been allowed into the studio to put the Sanilav down the lavatory. Roy Plomley had taste, the current motherfuckers don’t even know the meaning of the word. It is now introduced by some little pop tart, whose name I don’t even know.
Anyways listen up guys, ‘cos dat ugly bitch gotta tell yo’all:
It’s about time the Controller of Wireless 4 was sacked. I know many are fucked off by his constant flogging of a dead BAME horse.
(Fuck off, that’s a bloke – admin)
(Fuck off, that’s the “Mother” of the Predator surely? – Day Admin)
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Oh dear, Carlos Valderama hasn’t aged well…
Fuck me sideways and call me Doris, that is one ugly cunt
there should be a fuckin law against walking about in public with a sketch like that.
Fuck off, that’s Carlos Valderrama.
If cilla black was still alive doing blind date /sorry love i aint a miracle worker NOW FACK OFF! CUE THE GIRL WITH CLOWN TESTCARD
Don’t know about her, don’t care about her but surely she can’t be any more of a cunt that Kehinde Andrews? Now that guy is begging for a casual cruise to the Mariana Trench.
Hes slready been cunted kehinde andrews and his playskool degree/much more real intellegent people to aspire to thank fuck/
Looks like the ugly bitch should be used to brush chimneys.
Like the Markle woman, this one’s half white and consciously betraying that half of her heritage. Self-hating, it’s called. If cunts like that can’t live at peace with their own divided nature, preaching to everyone else about the need for equality, from their privileged positions, is a bit bloody rich.
Just a thought, if the shite ever really hits the fan then there are more ex services on our side than there is in the modern service.
Joris Bonson should have a word with himself.
Just saying.
Hope the shit hits before the arthritis does…
Hes promoting himself more likely /commander in cheif
Anyone have Helen Reddy in the Dead Pool?
I used to quite fancy her in the 70s. Angie Baby.
This bitch better stay away from any Chinese restaurants. The cunts will make a soup out of that hair.
Wow. Fucking wow.
What is it? You know if whatever it is did a standup show it wouldn’t have to open it’s mouth.
Fucking hell the more I look the funnier it gets.
But hang on. It’s got an MBE.
Oh the irony, just because I’m white I’m told my colonial past affords me ‘white privilege’, really.
Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t but I’m certainly not a Member of the British Empire.
Past or present.
Anyway, get a fucking haircut Stan.
She looks just like my old school satchel, although I doubt she would be as useful.
Seriously though. What the fuck?
It looks like Ross Kemp doing an impression of Rusty Lee.
Ha ha- I can see that.
Actually, maybe it is???
I wondered where my brillo pad had gone…..
Hahahaha spot on.
Looks like the fella i sat next to in History, Sean something or other.
What makes me laugh with Side Show Bob here is she/he has no problem accepting an MBE where the E stands for Empire, along with Sir Lenny I’m a coconut Henry, and at yet they spout off anti white shit at some point or another.
Meghan Merkel springs to mind.
Actually. I have met ‘her’.
It was at a fancy dress party at Justin Trudeaux’s house.
Oddly though, never managed to bump into ‘Justy’. He was nowhere to be seen.
……and she was sporting a rather cute little 5 ‘o’ clock shadow…
She accepts being the first “black” woman and the first “black” British person to win the Booker Prize yet she admits to being of mixed race.
I wonder if her hair has anything to do with it?
Can only cringe at the thought of her Pubic area, petrol strimmer and a decent leaf blower would be needed before it could be located.!
You’d need a compass and a team of boys with fucking bush knives
You have got to sign up. Fuck that lol
That she looks hideous and grotesque isn’t even up for debate. But there’s something particularly sinister looking about this trollop. I can’t quite put my finger on it — nor would I put my finger anywhere up it.
I think it’s because her head’s burst and the stuffing’s come out.
…stuffing must be made of coir then.