In the pantheon of ugly wimmin politicians Annie “Ken” Dodd brings a new layer of horror and hypocrisy.
A raddled little woman, of dubious personal hygiene with frizzy hair who looks permanently startled, as if she had found David Lammy under her bed wearing nothing but a big grin and a ton of warpaint, she sounds as daft as she looks.
Appearing at the virtual Kweer Charmer show this week, she will call for more spending propping up failing businesses, creating “jobs” (funny how politicians however inept have “careers” while everyone else just have to be content with “jobs”), at the same time of accusing the government of “cavalier spending on the pandemic”.
I would suggest that there would have been little difference in the way the Starmer charmer, and his bunch of feminists and poofters coped with the Covid19 situation, because it is unique.
If he is to be believed, the shadow Home secretary NIcklous Double-Barrell is always scampering off to seek the advice of Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown which they are always “extremely” happy to give. I am sure this extreme advice, especially from Brown who sold off the nations gold reserves for a pittance, and signed another EU treating doing us down, sneaking in at night to do it, and Blair, who took this country to war on a false prospectus, pissing billions against the wall to do it, would have been just as “extreme” as Boris and co.
What they really need to guide them, little Nick and Anal-ease Dodds, of course, is input from that financial genius who just happens to be the worlds leading amateur epidemiologist on all things Covid, Len McClusky – he will tell the Dame what to do. He always does.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
An excellent choice for as very spot on “cunting ”
I dislike this lady intensely. On several occasions I have watched her performance on the television with an embarrassment that is quite intense. The woman is deranged, deluded and devoid of any commonsense or insight. How ( I ask ) can such a cretinous creature aspire to a role in managing a country when she cannot even dress herself properly or do her hair? If she were an applicant for a job, a more pleasing ( and cleaner ) appearance would surely improve her prospects.
BTW I had not realized her middle name was Anal Lease. May I ask who holds the freehold ?
You can bet that B&WC has something to do with ownership.
This woman is spectacularly plain as well as being devoid of ideas.
Might you, she follows John mcdonnel who didn’t set the bar very high.
She makes Rachel Reeves look glamorous and interesting.
She has been plucked from the pool of mediocrity that Dame Kweer has at his disposal. Another minnow.
Bonkers on speed.
Brilliant, Mr Boggs!
If only Boris had put a capable general from the British Army (I assume there are some, but stand to be corrected) in charge of the Covid situation, maybe things would have gone a bit better. But who can say – it’s never happened before as you point out.
As if Kweer’s lady buffoons can talk any sense through the dried-on mountains of rotting, stinking jizz they forgot to rinse off their ugly mushes before contributing their euro-pounds worth (ten pence worth in old speak) Cunts.
She looks like she’s from that children’s TV programme Wallace and Gromet.
The flustered bullshitting untidy cunt.
Gwendoline from the wool shop?
File….sorry, bury… under “wimminz who bring their spawn to work”. She is A Mother, you see, and that is the get-out-of-all-other-responsibilities card. Play that ace and any criticism of Her Motherness brands the critic as a cad, a swine, a patriarchal oppressor of wimminz and one whose privilege requires checking. The only card which beats it is that of Lesbian Mother.
But she is no longer an MP: she lost her seat at the 2019 election, five months after winning a by-election for the first time, and we need not be awed by her political authority. Quite the reverse – public appearances by the ex-social worker and unseated Leader of both the Welsh LimpDumps should be the occasion for much laughter and good cheer. Lol, therefore.
“But she is no longer an MP…” Que?
Not only is she still an MP, she’s also Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Is she not?
Morning K.
Morning RTC, and my profound apologies. You will find that Jane Dodds is exactly as described, but unfortunately I hadn’t twigged the nom was about Annaliese Jane Dodds, a completely different and much scruffier Dodds. I really must try and keep abreast of thenonentities thronging – or rather socially distancing in – Parliament.
What can I say, except that Annaliese is unlike plain Jane, an alumnus of Oxford, having graduated in PPE, shock horror?
Once again, sorry, though plain Jane looks a bit of a cunt and all.
…or should that be ‘alumna’? Where’s Spedding when you need him?
Like Ivor the Engine Driver, K, you are forgiven.
You are….
Forgiven! ?
(Get a room ffs! – DA)
Sorry Admin. Forgot you get a bonus when we’re arguing.
You call that arguing?
This one has a ‘degree’ in Social Policy I think. Can anyone imagine what the fuck that is?
Ha ha…I once had an interview with Cornwall Council as a Social Policy Officer, about 20 years ago. Why the fuck they gave me an interview I’ll never fucking know.. suffice to say I didn’t get the job. Cunts!
Looks like a social worker or a “New Age” traveller from 1985. Does she wear effnic knit hoopy cardigans and stripy tights.
A “oooo-rwight” maaaaaate, got any weed, got any wizzlaas type if ever I saw one, or the offspring of one.
Bet she smells of B/O, baby milk and head n’ shoulders.
1985 indeed; you can imagine her camping outside Greenham Common with the other tats intent on protecting the USSR against the evil West.
Always thought she looks like Popeye’s girlfriend Olive Oyle.
mrs Doyle from father Ted. Ah go on go on.
Rub her with a liberal amount of Preparation H.
That should make her go away.
Reapply as necessary.
Today on wimminz hour. ” Why do more women suffer from long covid, than horrible misogynistice men ?
Just Fuck Off.
Ice men ?
Get To Fuck.
Can you imagine what she looks like first thing in the morning
If she’s Labour, she’s a cunt.
I think the homeless should be allowed indoors!
Especially with a baby.
Bet some politician took advantage of her,
Got her pregnant in exchange for a biscuit and cup of Starbucks.
The rotter.
Be sickly Boris Johnson!
He cant keep his cock in his pants.
Why they fuck would she think it was ok to take a fucking baby to a meeting? Apart from the little cunt taking all her attention, meaning it’s an even bigger waste of time her being there, its shrieking would disrupt the meeting. I’d tell her to fuck off with her burden, and go volunteer at a soup kitchen, like her intellect and demeanor suggests.
Spot on, Gutstick. How the fuck her colleagues are able to concentrate on their work with this raddled old mingebag coochy cooing her spawn, flopping out her wrinkly, flat, withered tit to feed it and lovingly opening up its chicken korma filled nappy.
Just imagine “Aaah, has little bubs done poo poos – ooohh, I’ll just wipe little bubs botty with a wipe, there, there”. Fuck me, where will she leave the shitty nappy, festering on her neighbouring colleague’s desk?
This cunt is supposedly paid to do a job. You can’t look after a sprog and work at the same time. A reminder why the country is in such a fucknuckle when you have low grade pricks like this clamouring for power.
How many other jobs would allow a woman’s to bring a baby to the work place?
Firefighter, teacher , bank clerk, shop assistant?
Cabbage Patch doll?
I think “cabbage” sums it up well.
Rotten vegetable?
Like many wimminz she thinks she’s the first slag in the world to pop out a brat and the whole universe revolves around her and the spoilt little cunt. She’s no doubt well pleased with herself that she managed to persuade some cunt to shoot his beans up her. I bet any money you like he did her from behind, doggie style.
How the fuck anyone could ‘get wood’ when confronted by a naked Anal-Fleas Dodds? Must have been a case of strapping a lolly stick either side of the old member and wrapping it round with some duct tape.
I want to know how much the pot was worth for the winner of that pull-a-pig night?
Those were the days!
We need more like her.
Guaranteed to keep Labour out indefinitely.
This pencil necked harpy is representative of the woke cult, were she unemployed (sigh) she would have dyed hair, a nose piercing and a crusty fanny.
TBF she probably has the third item, whose baby is she kissing, surely not her own, did Kweer pop one out during his trans-mission?
We demand answers.
Random one but I was of the opinion that you go to work…to work, not wave kids about – unless you are a people trafficker, obviously!
This nutter sums up everything wrong with wimminz and politics – wild eyed deluded screeching harridan with no clue, no idea and no grounding in reality.
A politician then.
I hate them.
I think I can at least equal the hideousness of this creature with the Shadow Education Secretary — the Scot, Kate Green.
What an utter dog.
Sorry – link to photo.
Fuck me, what a turkey necked old trollop. Got a face like a dustbin lid.
Looks like a robber’s dog.
Green looks like a very butch lesbian lady to me. That photo by the way, comes from the jacket of her new book (co-written with the lovely Jess Phillips) called “Fisting For Fun & Profit”
Taking a fucking baby to a meeting, that really fucking annoys me. The thoughtless cunt must have decided it was more important to get it some attention from everybody instead of letting them get on with their jobs. It happened to me once, I attended a committee meeting and one woman brought a kid with her, I made my feelings known and they all acted like I was the one out of order. These cunts aren’t happy until they’ve turned every place into a nursery.
she’s Worzel Gummidge’s lost sister she is
Got the right one this time. Annaliese is married to one Ed Turner, an Oxford city councillor. PPE Oxford, of course. His main interest is German politics, with special reference to countering nationalists. Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Aston, seconded to the recently reorganised FCDO to do research.
For a Labour cunt he looks almost normal, so maybe political advantage outweighed good taste when selecting a mate.
Think I need to give Smiley a call.
I strongly suspect that the Green marriage is one of convenience, like Lord Adonis’ was for many years till he minced out of the closet.
Surely that has to be someone else’s bairn she was holding in the picture.
Not even a Dark Key rapist that’s been on a two year drought would want to go there.
Genuinely I think all their hatred and anger (so called female leftist MP’s) have is as a result of looking in the mirror every morning
They (the babies) come from a woke factory that churns them out for those wills to fork out large sums of money. Mrs Huge-Witt-Not Sparkle also has one which she brings out for photo opportunity purposes – afterwards they can be plugged into the mains for recharging.
Fuck me she looks like sideshow bob from the Simpsons!
Is there a single attractive lefty politician/activist?
I would say no, there isn’t.
Most ‘feminists’ have ‘issues’ with men because they either can’t get a decent lad to go within a mile of them. Or they are rampant dykes and they hate themselves for it.
The bloke in the picture has his hanky over his face because of the little shit machine that daft Labour bitch is holding up.
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors”.
In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653
She’s a ginger, a jock and a lefty. If only she was blick she’d have the full set of cunt attributes.
She’s like a put-upon, stressed out and totally ineffective primary school teacher.
I don’t come on here often and say this, but I wouldn’t fuck it, I say I wouldn’t fuck it no not ever even with a cock I found on the fucking street.
Set fire to them all.Scum scum scum.Rats wouldn’t touch these lot.Totally belong in the gutter
Anneliese Dodds looks like Zelda from the terrahawks!