An early morning Vorsprung der technik cunting for Audi.
Now when I thought about this cunting I wasn’t sure who to cunt but I decided Audi were the biggest cunts for apologising. A certain group decided that they didn’t like their latest advert for the RS 4 Avant, so instead of saying fuck off they have apologised and are investigating how the advert was allowed to be published.
Oh what a fucking woke world we live in, just in case the link doesn’t work it shows a little girl leaning on the front grill of the car with a banana in her hand.
To be honest, I was pretty angry, firstly, Lack of Diversity and secondly, and most important, the Banana looks pretty piss poor.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Seriously? Some wankers were offended by this? And the Kraut cunts apologised? Is there anything some hopeless woke cunts won’t moan like fuck about?
To be honest it looks like a boy wearing a dress to me, I thought that was highly approved of these days. Of course the kid is white which just underscores the white supremacy we see everywhere these days. But you can’t have a black kid eating a banana………fucking hell, the horror!! How about a peaceful kid eating an orange?………..from Israel!! ????
I had to read the story to find out just what the problem was…sexual apparently….probably says more about the people who objected than V.W.
Still, I suppose some enterprising Muzza taxi-driver can probably use the image on his business cards.
Probably a few of these complainants will be appearing on N’O’N’C’E stings orchestrated by dole sponging low life’s on YouTube, dirty minds often manifest in these “liberal” remainer “take the knee type” CUNTS!
Aye…probably a case of the type who continually wail “Won’t somebody please think of the children”……
“No need Pal,I’m sure you do plenty of that already.” being the correct response.
Morning Captain Q.
Morning All.
So, is this white supremacy? (Every six Year old girl I know is in the Klan but they have intimidated me into silence) or sexualisation of a child because they eat a banana? (I think that says volumes about the Jimmy Glitters who have this somewhat unsettling mindset – I wonder if they are on any kind of register..) or is it our old friend waycism because she is eating a banana? What complete bollocks.
I used to work for VW UK Head office as a technical manager, and they were well aware of, and ordering us to deny and cover up, the “emissions scandal” – any not doing so were fired instantly for gross misconduct and threatened with legal action. VW deliberately fitted illegal emission altering software on every EA189 diesel engine for Years. (I had the sense to keep proof of this (without breaking any laws before I left to avoid any future “legal unpleasantness” – try and sue me you Kraut fuckers – see what you get!).
My response to any weirdo complaining would be “How does go fuck yourself sound”? – but Audi did the cowardly thing, which just enables these weirdos and bullies more.
Need Sir Fiddler in charge of PR at Audi – first advert “buy this motor – it’s the one Adolf DIDN’T drive, and Arterton is NOT a prisoner in the boot, she is merely hoovering it and wearing a gag to avoid the dust – fuck off” ?
‘Kin ell Vern, I would keep the VW thing under my hat if I were you or maybe your hat is the worst place should you be found under a bridge sporting a double tap in the napper.
That is pretty hot stuff as I dont think VAG have settled in the US yet (?).
As for the blonde kid ready to down a banana, if it had been a dindu the impression would have been “black kid eats banana – aping the days of black footballers taunted by banana throwing racists” so for the racist, fascist, white supremacist who’s only crime was to fall out of a white woman’s womb we must hand over the fucking lot because racism and under representation is a white thing. I calmly remarked to my son in law (never liked the cunt) that racism is a crime and only black people commit crimes – the rest of the assembled family fell about laughing but right on SIL was not amused. He is a petrol head but cant explain why his Hero Hamilton wears Hugo Boss and drives for Mercedes and doesnt see the obvious. Hamilton describes himself as “black” – Black Dad, French mother. Tax dodging non dom cunt and still the SIL thinks he shits eau de Cologne.
I cant remember the company advertising the latest all black advert, I didnt start paying that much attention until the “silent messages” designed to make you buy made me note that dindus and blambos are now officially almost running the world. IKEA’s latest features no whites – a gift for Soros and his Kalellergi plan. Hair like pubes, slightly flared nostrils, that gormless look only dindos can do. Easily managed and manipulated, happy with what falls off the table and as long as their is plenty of Chiggun – a happy “New” European is born almost every second. See Rhodesia to see how that ends for the white man. Treasure the picture of the white kid with a banana – it will become as controversial as the tennis player with no knickers on scratching her crack. I am so thrilled that Turdy Blurt decided to force multiculturalism onto we plebs for the postal votes and guaranteed Liebour vote. I think “getting with the programme” is inevitable as we whites dance into oblivion. Even the liberal Californicators are moving out en masse – the vermin have started to bite the hand that fed it. Texas seems favourite right now for the great white way, or is it because Texans dont fuck about with niceties if they catch you shitting on your lawn or routing through your garbage.
Kin ell Vern, I would keep the VW thing under my hat if I were you or maybe your hat is the worst place should you be found under a bridge sporting a double tap in the napper.
That is pretty hot stuff as I dont think VAG have settled in the US yet (?).
As for the blonde kid ready to down a banana, if it had been a dindu the impression would have been “black kid eats banana – aping the days of black footballers taunted by banana throwing racists” so for the racist, fascist, white supremacist who’s only crime was to fall out of a white woman’s womb we must hand over the fucking lot because racism and under representation is a white thing. I calmly remarked to my son in law (never liked the cunt) that racism is a crime and only black people commit crimes – the rest of the assembled family fell about laughing but right on SIL was not amused. He is a petrol head but cant explain why his Hero Hamilton wears Hugo Boss and drives for Mercedes and doesnt see the obvious. Hamilton describes himself as “black” – Black Dad, French mother. Tax dodging non dom cunt and still the SIL thinks he shits eau de Cologne.
I cant remember the company advertising the latest all black advert, I didnt start paying that much attention until the “silent messages” designed to make you buy made me note that dindus are now officially almost running the world. IKEA’s latest features no whites – a gift for Soros and his Kalellergi plan. Hair like pubes, slightly flared nostrils, that gormless look only dindos can do. Easily managed and manipulated, happy with what falls off the table and as long as their is plenty of Chiggun – a happy “New” European is born almost every second. See Rhodesia to see how that ends for the white man. Treasure the picture of the white kid with a banana – it will become as controversial as the tennis player with no knickers on scratching her crack. I am so thrilled that Turdy Blurt decided to force multiculturalism onto we plebs for the postal votes and guaranteed Liebour vote. I think “getting with the programme” is inevitable as we whites dance into oblivion. Even the liberal Californicators are moving out en masse – the vermin have started to bite the hand that fed it. Texas seems favourite right now for the great white way, or is it because Texans dont fuck about with niceties if they catch you shitting on your lawn or routing through your garbage.
My thoughts exactly Dick, if people see anything sexual about a small child eating a banana they need looking at.
The fact the local government in Berlin has been housing kids with peedo’s for years goes unnoticed of course.
Reasoning? Peedos were bound to provide loving homes.
White supremacy eh?, white girl eating a banana, do these complainants think only kaffirs eat bananas, surely that makes them the racists not everyone else, anyway I thought the Germans were keen on white supremacy, you know the ayrian race and all that!, demographics show its more likely a white will get a new car than a black so just like reality, utter cunts!
The problem is that people have far too much time on their hands these days and will complain about anything. I have mentioned before how Radio 4 Extra has to apologize before broadcasting vintage comedy shows “as this programme is 40/50/60 years old it does contain some outdated attitudes and langauge” – they do this for very mild jokes about mothers in law, or the Goons referring to Ray Ellington as black – he didn’t mind, in those much more unPC days,so why should anybody do so today?
The collaboration of Twitter, right on media management and the curtailment of real life due to lockdown has combined to produce this era of prudery and stupidity. Perhaps the wholesale scale of unemployment and financial problems will wake the daft cunts up and realise there are bigger problems than their ultra-sensitve “feelings”.
If I had paid that kind of money for a car like that I wouldn’t want some kid leaning on it and putting it’s banana smeared, sticky hands all over my paintwork. Oi kid! Go and lean on your Dad’s car, go on….fuck off.
What kid eats fruit these days anyway?
I saw a wagon the other day with a Michelin Man on the front…I was immediately outraged on behalf of fat fuckers everywhere,
Oh,,,,the humanity.
I was considering changing my car before lockdown, so popped into my local Audi dealership. It was full of miserable, middle class, middle aged cunts doing the same thing. I got the hell out.
You forgot to add ‘middle managers’, Sgt. The Audi is the car of choice for keeping up with the Joneses.
And what VW Group don’t tell you is that the price at the garage is DOUBLE what they pay for the cars – be aware of this when negotiating the price of a new motor and if a garage won’t give you the price you want there are plenty of others who will.
And tell that daft kid not to stand in front of cars! (Seriously, move you grubby urchin!).
The same Twitter mongs who are outraged are the same cunts who have no problem with their kids being indoctrinated with LGBTQ propaganda in schools or wouldn’t blink twice at taking them to a pride parade and having some leather clad degenerate gyrating inches from them.
Audi drivers tend to be yewtree types anyway,
It would of been a hit.
Those Twitter mongs should be more outraged at her badges. Darth Vader? Child-abandoner.
Skodas are much, much better cars – made by VW, cheaper than Audis, superbly made and unbreakable.
And no bloody kids scratching the paint and squashing bananas into the bodywork!
I really like my SEAT, Vern. Last time I bought a new car, I tried everything under the sun. In my city, this is easy – all the car dealers are on the same, long road. SEAT was my last choice, but now I have a good car which is all Audi/VW parts under the bonnet anyway.
I learnt too late in life that high-end cars are money down the drain. A lot of them a very dull to drive anyway.
Seat are owned by VW SMC, the badge says SEAT but the rest is VW – as are Skoda, Audi, Porsche and Bentley.
VW own the World.
Anyway it’s time Audi looked at its indicator light problem because at least 50% of Audis coming around a roundabout have no indicator light working in my experience. (Seems to be a problem on high end BMWs also).
You’ve got to have a bloody sick mind to find that image disturbing.
Audi should have issued a statement saying this.
Too many people getting offended by so little these days. There needs to be a backlash or we’re fucked.
There is a very good way to stop Karens etc complaining – make them do it by letter, they are too lazy to do it, too mean to buy a stamp and would not be able to produce correspondence that did not end in “LOL”. “Innit” or get three hundred “likes”.
Problem sorted.
Anyway im more offended at the push to make kids eat fruit,
She should have had a mars bars!
Let kids be kids.
It’s vicious cultural bullying, forcing a poor Scottish child to eat fruit otherwise she’ll be run over. Cruel boche bastards.
If she was Scottish she would have melted in the sunlight!
Like AUDI melted in the face of this shit.
Bullseye Fishy.
I thought they were complaining because they used a honky kid or because the kid is in a dangerous position.
Reading the comments it seems some in society find the idea of a kid eating a banana sexually suggestive. What the fuck is this world coming to?
What sort of people think like that…oh right, Jimmy Savile types I forgot.
Obviously we need to ban kids from eating anything slightly phallic shaped, such as lollies, carrots, sausages and loads of other stuff I can’t be arsed thinking up.
Apparently this is “sexualisation of a child”. WTF? We teach – by law – that kids don’t have Mums and Dads, they have non binary identifiers, that having your body hacked up and your life ruined is fine because a teacher said it’s your right as a ten year old to demand gender reassignment and teach about homosexuality to 7 Year olds – and we are told this is NOT sexualisation of a child, it’s “education”.
What a crock of shite.
Must admit that I’m used to seeing pale brown kids in adverts with lots of frizzy black hair.
My two white children with blond hair and blue eyes stand no chance of getting in an advert these days. Oh, unless they are playing the ‘thicko’ beaten in a game by the black/mixed race kid.
Every single child in the UK is brown/black.
Every single couple is mixed race.
Every single straight white male is being removed from the BBC.
It’s all true – ask the MSM!
The takeover continues.
I fail to see the issue with the advert. Seems to have upset people for different reasons. Now, if it was a black guy leaning against the car talking to a policeman I’d get it, but a little girl eating a banana? Less talented brother Jeremy Vine was saying how disgusting the ad was but failed to say why. I just don’t understand the world anymore. Although I understand most Audi drivers are cunts.
If it was B&WC in a Beemer advert all they would see is dust and hear a cheery “Go fuck yourselves”!
Proper adverts ??
Mind you, the Pakistan independence riots, I mean ‘celebrations’ in England yesterday had loads of Audis on display.
Perhaps they shouldn’t be using kids with bananas in their ads thinking about it now. Perhaps next time have the kid with a bottle of vodka, a kebab and a bag of smack to sell a few more ‘peace mobiles’?
And I found it interesting how they were shouting their country’s name and saying how it was the best country in the world…but that they don’t want to fucking live there.
This is the problem, when companies try to go all touchy-feely, in the old days it would have been a fit bird in a bikini sprawled across the bonnet ?
Proper car adverts!
What Audi should apologise for is the way their drivers behave on the road.
Always hanging off your bumper even when you are doing the maximum speed and then whooshing past usually on a bend with no indication.
Along with their BMW kraut cousins and white van man they are the worst drivers on the road.
Whoever complained should be found and thrown down a well.
Heard it was prince Andrew!!☺
“Cant one have her twerking?”
Vorshspunk Derp Techdick
Every audi driver I’ve encountered on the roads has been a raging dickhead. Surprisingly I’ve yet to see one wrapped around a lamppost. Shame.
Who made those pale blue disabily cars? They should bring those back.
Fitted with an Audi 4.2 V8.
My boss Helen drives me fucking mad in meetings as she always eats a banana normally halfway through a morning session. She’s a right fucking honey and a dead ringer for Rachel McAdams. As soon as I enter the room first thing I make a beeline for the chair next opposite, a sort of front row seat. Then when the moment arrives, and she must know what she’s doing the filthy cunt, it’s like she eats its it slow motion. Sadly CuntVID-19 has put pay to meetings so the wank bank is empty. Fuck, I want to eat her arse out so badly!……What’s that dear? What am I typing? Ahem..oh nothing dear you wouldn’t be interested…?
I see that The Groaniad is advertising for a ‘WOKE Investigating and Enforcement Officer’ to police the media and unequivocably condemn the slightest perserved trangression. Salary £150k pa.
Applications are restricted, and only cunts need apply.
Enforcement? I’d like to see any limp wrist from The Graun “enforce” anything.
Knocked out teeth everywhere… ???
Thought it was summat to do with cultural appropriation – whitey is no longer allowed jungle fruit?, but thanks cunters for putting me right.
Thing is, though, the initial complaint was probably only known to Guardian readers, maybe both of them*. Audi very sensibly went into its gigantic remorse act in order to attract max publicity, because Grauniadistas don’t buy Audis but 2CVs.
*at least one of whom has a sexual thing about bananas
The ad was described as strange and creepy? They mean it was different, and that’s how adverts are made to be, to attract attention, so the people who made the ad were doing their job. And aren’t little girls supposed to eat bananas? I eat them too and I would hope anyone seeing me wouldn’t associate it with a sexual act.
Audi were stupid to apologize but probably assume it will bring even more attention to their product, so in a way you can’t blame them.
I think the people who see sexual innuendo in a kid eating a banana are somewhat strange and creepy – best keep an eye on those buggers if you see them hanging around a playground “checking for the immoral sexualisation of children”.