Unfunny Snowflake Comedians

Safe, unfunny, woke, middle class, boring.

Some stand up called Anya on telly whining shes been assaulted by blokes in comedy clubs.

Well if your audience smacks you one its pretty clear-cut they don’t like your act!

That wurzel sounding tumour Russell Howard flouncing off stage because a woman was filming on a phone?

“You’ve spoilt it now!”  Russell sobbed as he dashed away like a mardarse.

I doubt Bernard Manning would of been so unprofessional or handled it that way?

Too be fair Russell’s tantrum was funny!
Only time hes made me laugh anyway the boring little cunt.

Oh and middle class women?

Your not funny.

Unless you fall off stage.

Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt

78 thoughts on “Unfunny Snowflake Comedians

  1. Apparently Lenny Henry’s got a new, profoundly unfunny show on ABBC Radio 4 starting soon….

    • Henry Lenny the cunt takes himself far too seriously these days. Gone the way of dear, dear Larry and now does Shakespeare.

      Used to pretend to be a rope swinging jungle dweller didn’t he? He won’t be reprising that again in woke 2020

      • I remember the cunt Henry doing Theofilus P Wildebeeste. That was funny. Can you see the cunt doing it now, no fuckin chance. It’s strange how this has never been highlighted by the BAME community or the woke media. They apply the same rules as knife crime, black on black is swept under the carpet, same here, black taking the piss out of black, swept under the carpet. Fuckin hypocrites.

    • Cultural appropriation. Only bourgeois whites are allowed to be unfunny. Africa gave us the GSOH, etc.

    • Tonight 1830 followed by numerous repeats during the week on 4Extra. Six weeks of shit.

    • And it was profoundly unfunny, RTC. The sketch about the Army veteran certainly didn’t hit my funny bone.

  2. There don’t seem to be any funny comedians about that I see. Anyone not woke, trendy and lefty does not get much work nowadays and the rest are pathetic, only at home with a woke lefty audience. Or in front of the performing seals that the BBC uses.
    Manning my hero. Went to the Embassy 3 or 4 times a year for 17 years. If my family of Welsh cunts visited it was always ‘can we go and see Bernard’. Have been on the receiving end of his abuse on a number of occasions. Great comic and a real grafter.

  3. My most hated one:
    Nish Kumar…possibly the most anti-English, anti white, most påki-ish cunt of the lot. Here he is getting heckled and booed off stage by people such as us, the decent folk of ISAC:

    • Yes, he’s the worst. A fuzzy, thin-skinned sissy brimming with confidence and promoted via the BBC non-entertainment department who must have continually told him he has humour despite being agonisingly unfunny.

      • Fucking right. There are truly very few people I’d like to see put to death (apart from convicted pædos and treasonous politicians), but this dārkie bastard is on the top of the list.

      • Aye that Kumar Kunt makes me enraged just by accidentally clapping get eyes on his grinning monkey face.
        Fuck me I’d never tire of stoving that in.

      • I cunted him some time ago. Utter unfunny cunt, monstrous bell-end and a disgrace to my lot (British Indians). Unkle T, allow me to marinate the cunt with those extra hot Mexican chillis beforehand.

      • Congenitally unfunny subcontinental twat. Appointed as temp janitor and accidentally posted to on screen role. No bbc cocksucker dared admit their mistake etc. (true)

  4. Russel Howard is a weazen, boss-eyed cunt bereft of both humour and balls. It’s as if the BBC created him in the Political Correct incubator.

    What’s worrying is that there’s so much material and crazy stuff yet everybody’s too afraid to use it for fear of being labelled the usual.

    • Now there’s a comedians comedian! saw him many a time daaan the old kent rd in the 70s.

  5. It’s a shame that Russell Howard is a cunt because his Good News show was actually funny.

  6. The supposed comedian in the image looks a bit like Owen Jones if he were to finally reach puberty.

    Can’t blame them for walking off stage. What option do they have? Taking on the crowd requires possession of both skill and balls.

    How to handle hecklers:

    “If you’ve got a kid I hope he dies in a car fire! How’d you like that?” ?

  7. To think the great Jerry Sadowitz once had a primetime show on BBC2…. may as well have been 10 lifetimes ago. Many, many years ago I actually found Stewart Lee funny until I realised he was in fact the worst kind of Guardian-carrying woke cunt…. BTW I note that they are finally coming after Blazing Saddles now “cos it’s waaycist, waaaaahh” (even though to anyone with more brain cells than feet it’s obviously the exact opposite)

    • I saw Jerry in Catford about 20 years ago. People were walking out in disgust 30 seconds in.

      Top boy, jerry.

      • ‘Denis Thatcher and Margret Thatcher. What a totally brilliant couple. A complete prick for a total cunt!’

        Sadowitz is a legend.

  8. Cunters should check out Andrew Lawrence’s YouTube channel.

    He’s fucking hilarious and the perfect antidote to the woke wankers who pollute AlBeeb and other mainstream media.

  9. Unsurprisingly I watch nor am aware of these cunts tremendous lack of comedic talent.
    I assume they appear as most other self absorbed millenial zombies therefore complete twats.
    Mr Manning would destroy them and it would be a delight to behold.
    Fawning pigs.

  10. Whilst were in the subject of comedians and jokes… I’ll tell you one.

    What do you call three dogs and a blackbird?

    ….The Spice Girls.

    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Afternoon B&WC, how goes it?
      Which one of the Spice Girls (in their prime, of course) would you most like to have thrust your tongue up the arsehole of?

      • Afternoon TTCE, now that’s a difficult question…I think it would have to be the blonde one, Mel c is a lesbian, Scary Spice sounds rough as fuck, Geri’s being an old slaaaag has probably got a saggy bumhole and Posh probably had smelly arsehole.

  11. Chubby Brown, Bernard Manning, Ricky Gervais at the Oscars, Eric Morecambe; Tommy Cooper.

    All the others can fuck off

  12. Q ► How many Bernard Mannings does it take to change a light bulb?

    A ► Fuck off.

    Laugh? — I almost chortled.

  13. It is still possible to hear good comedy repeats on 4 Extra, but the walls are closing in, and on 4 itself the roof fell in some time ago. If you aren’t ethnic, female and bent there’s nothing for you there.

  14. Modern sitcoms are absolute shit and stand-ups like Russell Howard and Nish Kumar are as funny as finding a lump on your bollocks. Imagine if Alf Garnett made a comeback – heart attack material for today’s snowflake generation.

    • If you haven’t already C-M-I, suggest you have a listen to Simon Evans. Intelligent, very funny and not a rabid left wing twat either.

    • Nish Cunty Kumar got booked for a Conservative Cricket Club dinner and got bread rolls thrown at him. That would have been funny to see.

  15. They want you to like them because they are nice people. But we don’t want you to be nice we want you to be funny.

    • That sums it up perfectly Miles. In fact ‘funny’ has been banned and that is why audiences will never roar with laughter until the tears roll down their faces ever again. The carefulness and political nature of so called humour stifles the emotion to repressed sniggering where couples will look at each other sat in their seats as if to say “is it o.k. to laugh at that?”

      Think of any comic that we once watched on a Saturday evening in the 70’s for example getting away with their humour today. Larry Grayson would be slated for homophobia even though he was gay and took the piss out of himself. Same with Frankie Howard. Bernard Manning and Mike Reid would be outlawed as racist and mysoginistic and that would be considered to be their better traits no doubt. The real fact is, old comedy is about everyone having the right royal piss taken out of them at one time or another and just laughing it off when it’s their turn and it just worked until people decided to get offended and claim discrimination. Of course there has always been certain subjects that are off limits and in ‘bad taste’ but they were few compared to nowadays.

      Woke comedy is fucking boring and as Bernard Manning would put it, “About as funny as woodworm in a cripples crutch”

      • So true what you say FF. What is a ‘funny man’? Someone who is funny to look at first like Tommy Cooper or Les Dawson. They’re the ‘joke’. Their act is secondary in a sense. Half the fun of TC was him looking round bewildered. The terrible truth about these modern ones they dong want the audience to laugh at them. They want the audience to laugh with them. But it doesn’t work like that. Their ‘observations’ can only ever be mildly amusing.
        And as you say they are so ‘careful’ in what they say. But to be funny you have to relaxed as if you can say anything.

      • I mean they mean to give off the impression they are relaxed in their jeans and T-shirt but their rigid inside on tenterhooks.
        Thinking about it they haven’t got an ‘act’ like in the old days. A funny original ‘act’ that you can enjoy has gone.

  16. What pisses me off are the right on tarts who only have a career because Wireless 4 books them for everything Susan Calman a Scottish lesbian, Sara Pascoe, Lucy Porter, and on 4 Extra some daft cunts whose names I don’t know but sound like shrill harridan who populate their “comedy club” – an example of one of the silly cunts humour “how would you decribe your career in terms of soup?” – fuck knows what she means, probably off her minge in Class A drugs.

    Let’s hope as so many decent companies have gone to the wall during lockdown, the lack of audiences for “stand-up” will also be pruned, so some of the cunts actually have to go and get a job. The Calman tart would probably enjoy being a lavatory attendant.

    • Daft bitch she may be, but I’d do some serious damage to Sara Pascoe’s lady garden.
      With my chainmail fisting gauntlet.

      • I would personally love to slather Lucy Porter with my man sauce after a prolonged mutual rimming session.
        Ooh, suits you sir!

    • I have seen Susan Calman and can confirm she is about as funny as an inferno in an orphanage.

      The whole act is about being a Scots lesbian. Problem is, only a Scots lesbian may possibly find it mildly amusing.
      I think a pair of Guardianistas may have tittered politely a couple of times through her whole set.

      Rich Hall / Otis Lee Crenshaw on the other hand is fucking hilarious.

  17. In America most un-funny comedians as so dim it’s a wonder they haven’t been shot by the police.

    • You gave us Ruby Wax and we returned the favour with John Oliver and James Corden. We don’t want them back General, I’m sure Trump gives them plenty of material.

      • We may have given you Ruby Wax but you didn’t have to give her an OBE.

      • That’s nothing. Lenny Henry got a fucking knighthood for wearing a plastic red nose once a year and talking about poverty in Africa to rich celebrities.

  18. Mind you they all have a wide range of absolutely hilarious material to have us splitting our sides.
    Trump, brexiteers, tories(especially Boris and Farage. Thats all.
    That’s because there isn’t a scriptwriter yet born that could possibly find anything funny about Corbyn,Lammy,Flabbot,Dame Kweer, Sleepy Joe or democrats.
    Good lord no Absolutely NO comic material to be had there!

    • Exactly, Steamie. Situations that cry out for it and characters that beg for it. Spitting Image returns soon but I’m not holding my breath.

  19. In America if you punch a white guy in the face you get arrested for assault. If you punch a black guy you get arrested for impersonating a police officer.

  20. In America McDonald’s now offers a BLM Value meal. Order anything you want and the white guy behind you has to pay for it.

  21. At the recent Democratic Convention female delegates were asked if they would have sex with Bill Clinton. 96% of them answered; “Not again.”

  22. Monica Lewinsky has left the Democratic Party and will speak at the Republican Convention. When asked why she responded; “President Clinton left a bad taste n my mouth.”

  23. Modern “Comedians”?
    Hmm, they are not funny – constant digs at democracy and Nish Kuntmar their squint eyed talismong leader with the look of a maniacal interstellar dictator about him snarling “Brexit, racist, whitey, Trump”.
    If they want to talk shit to a minority of deluded fuckwits they should try politics.

  24. The current crop of so called stand up comedians are about as funny as a steel toecapped boot in the bollocks. If only we could go back to the days of Bernard Manning, Jim Davison, Chubby Brown, the Wheeltappers & Shunters on tv, now that would be worth watching. Just imagine the woke snowflake reaction if they were repeated on the tv, they’d shit thier pants, cry, and scream like the little small minded cunts they are. I’d love to see the Jim Davison “Chalky” routine aired on tv. Just imagine the reactions from anti white racists, fat Lammy, the race baiting cunt Butler and the fat imbecile Flabbott. Unfortunately it’ll never happen, our country has been totally fucked.

  25. Mock the week hosted by Mr potato head Dara O’no brain is a ghastly example of modern humourists.

    That man would laugh to see a pudding crawl as we say round here. He’s like an ageing geography teacher pretending to find the forth form jokers amusing just to stay ‘down wit da kids’.

    Most of the current crop of “comedians” have done time on that show and are about as funny as the best jokes in J. Corbyn’s joke book. A very slim volume.

  26. They’re all shite. Only decent gig I saw in the last 5 years was the Louis CK. ‘comeback’ show in New York (I saw the video not in person). He may be a degenerate (he admitted to asking women if it was ok for him to have a wank in front of them – these were not women he was dating or anything like that. Usually work colleagues).

    It all came out and his career was ruined (he also had a couple of very popular TV series on HBO).

    He went on some big anti leftist rants that comeback night and he was fucking hilarious. Show got pulled from YT within a few days though, of course. News media crucified him, unsurprisingly.

    The modern lot are all the same. ‘Trump bad muh. Brexit idiots muh.’. And the women are fucking dreadful.

  27. Funnily enough, just finished steve coogans biography. It confirmed what I have always suspected which is that he is a deeply unpleasant man. Even when hes talking about doing well professionally and making shit loads of cash he comes across as utterly joyless.

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