Tour de Farce 2020


Been postponed until August 29th and may well not happen.

However I am a massive fan of this event. Not a great fan of cycling but this is a spectacular, made for tv sporting event and I fucking love it. I’ve been to stages in France, London and Yorkshire and it is shit. It may be free but it is shit. Watching on the telly is very different and I love it, don’t care what any cunt says. Don’t like it don’t watch it cunt!

However, I fear that this year every rider will be “taking the knee” before every stage, there will be helicopter shots of “Black Lives Matter” on the roads and in adjoining fields, endless interviews with black riders and white wokeys griping about raaaaay-sism. For fucks sake get you libtard claws out of sport you cunts. We want to see sport,

competition not to be lectured by cunts who don’t like democracy. Just fuck off with this bullshit you commie cunts.

My only hope is that the French, the biggest racists in Western Europe, won’t allow this to happen, but money always talks.

This may be the last Tour I will be watching.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

69 thoughts on “Tour de Farce 2020

  1. This sounds like the sort of thing id scoop my own eyes out not to watch.
    Cyclists, knee taking, fffFrench cunts!!
    Im off.

  2. What black riders? Strikes me this kind of cycling would be far too much like hard work for them.

      • Turd E France? Nonsense – I beat the lot of them in just a bobble hat and Union Flag shorts!
        They didn’t allow me to have my specialized (laarvly bike but far too expensive), they would be embarrassed as I did them all after borrowing Lance (rat) Armstrongs water bottle! ??

  3. I’d take the knee, straight up into their bollocks. Might look a bit swollen in those gay skintight shorts that they wear.

  4. Well rugby union starts this weekend, the only sport I watch. They are now discussing whether to do the extreme left wing black power salute. So the supposed intelligent sportspeople after 2 months, have no fucking idea what BLM stands for. Cunts.

    • Apologies for briefly going off topic but a massive well done to Wakefield Trinity Rugby Club, who, after being ORDERED to “take a knee” before the game against Wigan told them to fuck off and refused – then stood in a line with arms folded glaring at the bitches who were doing it – top work lads!
      And Sir Fiddler has ordered me to keep it quiet that he is president of the Northumberland Penny Farthing association – he looks quite the card in his tweeds and deerstalker! ??

      • Hats off to Israel Folau. He may have some extreme born-again views (at least they are old school Christian) but he has told the knee benders to fuck off.

      • That’s what I like about League – they don’t give two fucks about some Southern arty-farty protest groups.

        In fact ever since moving up here to the LD a lot of the local communities could give a shit about all this virtue signalling shite thats feeding its way from darn sarfff.

  5. I’ve watched the odd bit of this on TV, and there are loads of mad cunts who go right up to the poor cyclist whose trying to get up a hill and get in his way…funny as fuck.
    They should let that happen in football…fat Dave tackles Pogba.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • That wouldn’t be difficult B&WC – my old mum could tackle Pogba and she’s dead.

  6. Where will this end?
    The EDL ‘taking a knee’ before their meetings?
    The KKK pulling up their sheets to maintain cleanliness?

    “Brothers of the Klan, let us take a knee in support of all the nëgroes we loathe.’

    • I was once accused of being in the Klan.
      I explained “no my dear girl, I merely stated I was a wizard under the sheets”!

    • The Klan dont look for the end of capitalism and de-funding the police, the extremist cunts.

    • Wonder what its like living on the route of this?
      Crowds, roads closed off,
      Scratches to your car where some dozy lycra clad Halfords hangaround has banged against it!
      Id hate it,
      Sprinkle the road with roofing tacks?

      • It’s terrible MNC – they close all the roads off, have the Police monitoring them and the marshalls are n*zis in a hi viz. (I threatened to bite one’s nose off at last Years event – that shut little Adolf up!).
        York, Harrogate, Thirsk and Ripon cut off and pretty much every retailer and hotel AND FKIN PUB double their prices when Tour De Yorkshire is on.
        The esteemed Sir Fiddler sums it up perfectly – “It’s a fucking disgrace”!

      • My sister was in Paris yonks ago and said she missed out on seeing a certain attraction because the streets were blocked off “ for some bike race”

  7. At the end of the day it will depend on the corporate sponsors. They see millennials reaching, what they call in marketing, “peak spending power.” Whatever is perceived as of concern to the millennials is a bandwagon they need to jump on and exploit. You may wonder why Ben and Jerry’s give a flying fuck about illegal immos in rubber boats. They don’t……’s all about marketing and money.
    Of course the big corporations don’t understand these lefties. Licking their arses and being their friend won’t make them go away or change their minds. But they only think in the short term……..exploit the market, make the profit, all this lefty bollocks will fade away. Will it?

    • ….. on the same day the UK is now officially in recession – the first since 2008/9.

      So all those “peak spending power” millennials & Zedders, will be facing true hardship when they get their P45s (by text)

      • Hilarious. The duty whining Bame cow opines:
        “‘To see that ‘tobacco’ is for their skin tone will make them feel unwanted by society. Tobacco is referred to in society as bad, unhealthy, and highly likely to kill – ‘smoking kills’. ”

        Unlike, say, “machete?”

      • It’s the fact that M&S caved in to one race obsessed mental retard that I find most disturbing.

        “Why not call it cocoa, caramel or chocolate – sweet dessert items?” She bleated.

        Is she not aware of the deadly nature of sugar? Of the obesity epidemic? Highly offensive to fat fuckers if nothing else.

      • Ruff what were slaves for?
        Mostly sugar.
        Cutting sugarcane slaves in the West Indies had been brought there from Africa, how Tate & Lyle got rich.
        Maybe she should read more the thick cunt?
        Or call it ‘plantation brown’?

      • Yes, I missed the obvious. Vegan snowflake type cunts used to be fond of telling us that sugar was … “pure white and deadly”…didn’t they?

        So anyone calling me ‘sugar’ is not only perverted but a waycist. Not a problem I often encounter, though. Aaaah.

      • Another umbongo finding offence were none exists, it would be funny if it were an one off but this shit is everywhere.

        I am surprised no one complained about one of the other colours from the fudge nudge community ?

      • This shit will not stop until somebody says grow up and stop being so fucking stupid. M&S definitely missed a trick there, they could easily have not caved in and would probably had earned more public support in they hadn’t.

    • Pretty much General – blood cleaning agents and alleged “asthma spray” for people without asthma, much dirty work afoot.
      Win clean or do one – hate cheats.

      • Bradley Wiggins had the same toxicity level of drugs in his blood as Janis Joplin when she died, fact.

      • That’s fake news Miserable.

        At the time of Janis Joplin’s death Bradley Wiggins didn’t exist. ?

      • I know its fake news!
        Just made it up!

        Right junkies competitive cyclists though!
        Drink out of one of their waterbottles youll be up 3 days straight!☺

      • Wiggo needs some HGH injected directly into his pituitary gland, preferably through an eye whilst not under anaesthetic, and then a truckload of BigMacs forced down his throat.

        Emaciated cunt.

  8. I’d like to drive by with a spring loaded broom and bounce these shaven legged homs into the ditch.
    What sort of man enjoys wiggling a Lycra clad arse at eye level in a car drivers face?
    Fit birds are welcome, see that 3 mile tailback? That’s me leching.

    • Good form Sir – I once had a bad experience with cyclist types – I had just robbed Barclays, went to the woods to bury the loot but unbeknown to me there was an outing of the Jewish cyclist club, two of them got amorous and nipped into the woods for a quickie – and I was caught!
      As I was being led away by Officer Scooby I shouted “I’d have gotten clean away with it if it wasn’t for you frisky pedalling Yids”! ?

    • I’m having one of those bikes when they ride by my hovel in this Years Tour De Yorkshire – what are those skinny sweaty little twats going to do abaaaht it?
      Wipe the blood off, straight on Ebay! ??

      • And when they ride by this Year I will remember to take my “I ❤ Adolf Hitler” T shirts off the line!
        Some people are just rude ?

      • Off Topic
        The chief of police in seattle has just resigned.
        She was the first black chief of police, served in the military, apparently a capable lady,
        They have slashed 100 officers, her pay, and amid calls to defund the police shes obviously had enough bullshit.
        They are fucked.
        The loonies are in control,
        The joker sits on the throne.
        Within a year theyll be begging for police assistance, the army, fuckin Batman, to save them.
        Id let the leftie fucks die.

      • So BLM have forced the first black police chief out of office?
        Good arrows ‘dudes’.
        How fucking muddled does this have to get before the ‘woke’ actually wake up?
        Clown world. Honk hoink.

      • I wonder if it will happen here Miserable? Will we even notice? I have my crime number and I’m not afraid to use it!

      • They also diverted money from a task force that breaks up homeless camps and giving the
        Money to a homeless charity.
        The black police chief had been a cop for years, shes gutted.

      • They should definitely cut the pay of that useless bitch, Strap-on. Put her in the canteen making tea for fifty quid a week. She can make up the rest doing lezza porn.

      • A delicious irony –
        B lack
        L ooting
        M urderers
        force out a black chief of Police?
        You couldn’t make this up.

      • Isn’t this the same Seattle who’s mayor who said this could be the start of a “Summer of love?”. I bet your Akita would love it over there Miserable, a bit of home defence with a preference for wokeflakes and fluffy liberals.

      • Meanwhile Portland’s Loony left Mayor has finally admonished the rioters. It only took him 70 DAYS. Alas, he only told them to stop as Trump would use the footage to become re-elected not because they’re rioting cunts.

  9. What makes you think the french are biggest racists in western Europe? If that the case why does modern day france look like a combination of Botswana and Iraq they let there country get taken over by savage nomads

    Streicher’s Der sturmers satirical cartoons of france are everyday getting more accurate…

    • The French?
      They cant beat us at anything!
      We are easily better racists than them!
      The greasy poofs.

  10. And just look at those two mongs running either side of the cyclists in the picture.
    British ‘look at me’ knobheads personified. Cunts.

  11. Cycling needs more steroids. Not performance enhancers, but ones that make your testosterone go astronomical and want to beat the piss out of everyone.

    Then we might get more cycling assaults like this beauty. Dude got put in a coma from it! I’d watch cycling if they were all pissed off like this guy. Maybe give them weapons to pick up off the track too: wood planks, chains, nightsticks, taser?

    Tour de pologne crash

  12. What would really interest me in watching cycling is a “Tour de Upskirt”

    Pretty fillies in flighty short skirts and white knickers gracefully cycling through breezy country lanes, with dirty old pervs lying in the hedgerows whittling!

    • Once went for beer in Bakewell (home of Bakewell tarts & Bakewell pudding) the whole place was full of these cunts swanning about in catsuits and helmets, some event/race bollocks.
      Like if Halfords sponsored gay pride!!
      I was the fattest cunt there, all starvin marvins dressed like superheroes.

  13. The only good thing about watching cycling on TV is when they all collide and have a mass pile up.

  14. T,D,F is a joke now, a drugs fest when it was interesting and a snoozfest now with the highlight being a boring Welsh guy, the best bits are the crashes for the lycra clad, flat testicled, traffic pestering cunts, the only saving grace is half of these twats will never be able to reproduce, which must be a good thing…..

  15. The good thing about this sport like swimming is there is a notable shortage of Blacks, like anything in life that requires determination and stamina they are found sadly lacking, maybe a new addition to swimming in the Olympics would be to retrieve the black person from the bottom of the pool as they sink quicker than a ship’s anchor, I seem to remember something similar in school involving a black rubber brick.!

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