The Last Joke of the Proms

Rule Britannia Baiters and Haters

I wondered how long it would be before the call came to ban the singing of Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory at the last night of The Proms. Turns out not very.

The BLM supporters in the media and academia have hijacked the line about slavery because we all know that only black people were ever enslaved of course.

Utter nonsense! Britain was captured by the Romans,  Vikings, Saxons and Normans. Rule Britannia was and is a statement of intent, that we would never again be invaded by a foreign force. In no way is it a celebration of white supremacy as the BLM cohorts claim. All it is really saying is watch out Napoleon, Benito and Adolf – we ain’t no pushover!

Our old friend Kehinde Andrews feels it is shameful that a song depicting slavery should be performed in the 21st century. But then this odious man, professor of black studies at Birmingham City uni versa ee, has a one track mind. Everything is about race to him.

In (historical) fact it’s a good job that Britain did have a strong navy because it was they who enforced the abolition of slavery on the high seas.

Andrews and his ilk are determined to deny us our heritage and replace it soley with black history and our shameful part in it. Nothing but negativity ever emits from this man’s mouth but of course Wireless 4 sucks up to him.

To be honest, I have never been a great fan of flag-waving posh types bellowing it out at the Albert Hall. They seem to be saying “we’re rich you’re not we have all the best jobs and biggest houses haha”.  There is a class element to the proceedings.

But we need to draw the line and say enough is enough, now back off. No more retreating please. We’re British.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

Seconded by: Ron Knee

Dalia Stasevska
Who’s this then? Well, Stasevska is a ‘guest conductor’ who will be wielding the baton at the Last Night of the Proms this year. The Ukrainian-born Finn, a vocal supporter of BLM and self-styled promoter of ‘diversity and equality’, told the Daily Telegraph last year that she ‘wants to make sure that we play music that reflects our society’.
So get this. Stasevska is ‘keen’ to ‘modernise’ the programme for the Last Night by ‘reducing its patriotic elements’*. Well there we are folks; a foreign ‘guest’ at the Proms has stuck her fucking ‘woke’ oar into our business, and the cunts at the BBC ‘very much regret any unjustified attacks’ made on Stasevska, when they should have told her to get on with the fucking job or piss off.
What the fucking fuck? Sod off back to where you came from you cunt, and take the BBC management bedwetters with you.

*Translation into English; cut ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ and ‘Rule Britannia’ from the programme.

…and Thirded by Middle England 

Land of Woke and Tory

A rousing last night of the proms cunting for whoever it was who decided to ban “the words” from Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory.

What deluded cunt decided that we the true British want this bullshit thrown at us?

“It’s a nod towards British colonialism” says the BBC. Well I say what is wrong with our history. We basically freed Europe from Nazi tyranny, brought civilisation to the planet and pioneered an industrial revolution. Why are we told to be no longer proud of this heritage?

I makes my piss’s piss boil.

Fuck off BBC and whatever cunt made this ludicrous decision.



53 thoughts on “The Last Joke of the Proms

  1. These cunts will reap what they’re sewing…. You can push folk only so far before they turn round and bite you on the arse. Normal, ordinary people who never even thought about racism, me for example, are suddenly having this woke agenda shoved down their throats, I firmly believe, will fight back and the likes of the EDL will use this for their aims. It scares me, it really does.

    (One suspects the softly-softly approach taking by the police and government against Woke-Left protestors, will suddenly change to overzealous clampdowns, arrests and violence for anything approaching even the most moderate of Right wing demonstrators – Admin)

    • Any expression of pride in your country or patriotism offends the like of kehinde Andrews and his posh white capitulating friends who will accommodate him until to say your proud to be British is seen as hate speech.
      Not being a intellectually superior type I dont watch the proms but I can see that this is dangerous ground and a backlash will come sooner or later.
      Hope mr Andrews the intellectual is swept up in the crossfire.

      • I would like that fucker Andrews to take a trip to Singapore’s Caning Room, for at least six strokes. We need something like this in Britain. Tony Hall and other grovelling BBC shit hierarchy could take a trip there too – not least grovelling James Pur-nell head of “News and Education”. I bet Nancy Pur-nell (ex New Labour Blairite knobsucker) is behind a lot of this anti-racist “education”

  2. These people who push decent people into a position where they try and take away the normal aspects of life such as patriotism and replace them with Marxist dogma shall rue the day they crossed the British people, it’s staggering how many of these woke minorites are arrogant enough to think there won’t be any kind of retribution for there provocative actions, the stage is now set andthis is probably one of the last acts of minority will that will hopefully make people realise who their real enemies are, there’s only so long you can slap a lion in the face before they bite back, utter cunts they are to man and beast!

  3. Another case where a tiny minority are able to force their “woke” view onto the majority.
    I don’t really give a shit about The Proms and couldn’t care less about what songs are sung….what I do object to is again being told that I’m some kind of thick racist if I don’t agree with whatever the latest ridiculous example of “racism” happens to be.
    So much of this rubbish seems to stem from the BBC…it seems to be run by a bunch of “Student Grant” types who believe that it is their right to impose their puerile,anti-British views on the rest of us while also expecting us to pay for the privilege of being “educated” by our “betters”.

    *Being fair to the Conductor…she has made a statement saying that the decision was nothing to do with her.

    • PS…I’m actually hoping that they finish The Last Night with a rousing version of “Campdown Races” sung by a blacked-up,heavily intoxicated Nigel Farage.

      • Now youse iss talkin’, ma man! Altogether now;

        ‘Oh, dah Campdown ladies sing diss song, do dah, do dah..’

      • Actually , thinking about it…………

        Theresa May performs ‘On the Good Ship Venus’ with the St Winifreds School Choir – and the Dagenham Girl Pipers joining in on the chorus.

  4. Good Morning

    The BBCunts has long wanted to get rid of Last Night Of The Proms. The problem is that if you are go to run the proms concerts you have to have a last night. It has always been a night for an overt display of national pride in our history and the prevailing woke culture makes that extremely vulnerable.
    The BBCunts has been at the forefront of stoking up racial tensions, even yesterday on The World at One, I was listening to a sympathetic and uninterrupted interview with someone complaining about black people being shot in the back. Shit I thought that will cause a shitstorm, only to find out It wasn’t in Manchester or even the U.K. but Wisconsin, a U.S. state most people have never heard off. If they had any sense of decency they would be making programmes about this country’s efforts to end the slave trade, an interesting and exciting story and one that took place when so many other countries were supporting it.

    • The day that the Songs of Praise camera-men stop zooming-in to the tightly-stretched white shirts of young ladies , as their budding breasts strain against the material with the joyous exertion of full song……………
      Now that’s worth preserving.

  5. A BBC producerette called Cat thinks if you want to sing Land of Hope and Glory you are a Nazi apparently:

    I am sure that would have come as a shock to Dame Vera who sung such songs back in the 1940s at no little danger to herself when she toured the country during air raids.

    I hope before the old cunt leaves the BBC today, Tony Hall, responsible for all the wokery that has infested the BBC makes sure these BBC wimmin who get far too hysterical has a good supply of Tena Ladies as they piss themselves bending over backwards to please the com-uni-tee

    • The Bullshit Broardcasting Cunts have said, that beens she put this bollocks on twitter, they are unable to do anything about her. Still this wonderful country banned slavery first then the navy did it’s best to stop it. Non of the other cuntries who carried on with itseem to worry about their past. Fuck em all CATRIONA LEWIS YOU ARE A IGNORANT CUNT.

  6. The picture at the top of this nom is mis-leading, this lady was actually arguing FOR the music at the proms (I watched the discussion on GMTV). It was that patronising cunt Kehinde Andrews – sitting there, shaking his head and smiling that ‘you poor fools’kinda smile that only cunts like him do. By the way, what are Black Studies – how to build a mud hut 12 miles away from elephant piss flavoured water?

  7. The stinkhole BBC have almost reached their end game. For a few years now they’ve been encouraging commies to wave their blue starry shitrag at this event. With no crowd now they ban the raaaaaay-sist words (written by Trump…….or was it Hitler?) Next step will be to ban the songs altogether and replace them with some grime, or dub or whatever they call that fucking jungle music.
    I think it’s great because the commie bastards have laid it on the line exactly how much they hate this country and its indigenous people. If Boris had a pair of balls he would privatise the bastards tomorrow and boost his ratings in the opinion polls. But he’s one of them so don’t hold your breath.

    • Indeed. Interesting to note that they see the absence of an audience as their chance to ditch these songs. The bedwetting cunts know that the crowd would just belt it out. Not only cunts, but devious, cowardly cunts.
      Come on, get on here and complain like fuck!

  8. He indeed is one of them.
    Look at his woke as fuck sister, his whole family are woke types.
    Hes a lip service conservative who will show his tunmy to any that growl at him.
    Hes talked a good fight over the BBC but notice we’ve not heard anything since?

    • Just read a article interviewing former news reader and broadcaster Jan Leeming,
      Remember her?
      Shes saying EXACTLY the same as us, how she despairs at the woke marxist line the BBC have taken and its not representative of the majority.
      A ex employee Jan probably remembers when the BBC had some integrity.

      • Where was that Miserable? I’d like to read that.

        I’ve long admired Jan’s views – invariably very sensible- and had even wondered in the past whether she was our own Cali Angel

      • I read that and can’t understand why,if she feels so strongly,she doesn’t just cancel her licence.

        Disingenuous old trout.

      • Maybe she has a family member who watches the BBC. I would cancel our license in an instant, but the wife wouldn’t hear of it.

  9. Why shouldn’t it be sung. What about the benefits of the British Empire on the rest of the world. We gave them education, values and help boost their non existent economies.

    Without us all the blacks and browns would still be living in their third world shit holes, not across here complaining about everything.

    Let’s sing it and if Kehinde Andrews complains, someone should say without the British Empire you would have been living in Africa, poor and starving. If you don’t like it go and live there you ungrateful cunt.

  10. Multiculturalism is the elimination of the host culture.

    How much more evidence do we need?

  11. The lyrics are humdrum stuff, mundane like most National Anthems with the usual references to God and other trite shit. Nonetheless the music is uplifting, a bit like how religion uses rousing music with simple chords to create anthemic tunes. Interestingly, despite being Elgar, “Land Of…” still employs the G, D, Em, G of many pop songs.

    I always thought they were singing, “Whiter still and whi-ter…” though I am a stoopit, racist, little Englander Brexiteer.

  12. Patriotic songs are offensive but “gangsta” (c)rap is acceptable.
    The Red Arrows will be banned next because they leave red, white and blue smoke trails. In fact I can’t believe fake tans haven’t been banned yet.

  13. You can bet your bottom dollar the BLM/Woke mob will soon focus their attention on Christmas and the banning of Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” among many other “offensive/racist songs”

  14. The BBC types are using the great covid panic to speed up their glorious woke agenda.
    Fuck up the proms, tick, get rid of Andrew Neil, tick, taking the knee on Match of the Day, tick.
    And they laughably think that we thick normal people either won’t notice or be shamed into going along with all this woke shite.

  15. I am not a fan of Last Night At The Proms, in fact the last time I caught sight of it some 20 years ago, it made me want to chuck.

    But I am wholly against the ABBC’s underhand and cynical decision to censor the proceedings in any way shape or form. Apart from the banning of the EU flag – that I would like to see! Though, of course, it’s the Union Jack they want to ban, the CUNTS.

  16. The BLM cunts, the Woke and the likes of Kunt Andrews have already decided that anything that relates to Britishness, British values, British History and British traditions are racist, there is no argument.
    When they shout racist, we shout FUCK OFF. There isn’t any other way.

    Rule Britannia!

    Defund the BBC!

  17. Just driven through the little town of Tavistock, Devon and was delighted to see three septuagenarians old crones in all the tie-dye hippy shit with their XR banners and flags. I beeped my horn, looked and laughed at them pointing. Fucking pointless cunts!

  18. The good old Union Flag has been at so many great events. The defeats of Napoleon and Hitler, the ascent of Everest, the World Cup in 1966, The Swinging Sixties, The Silver Jubilee of 77, and showing the Argies their arses in 82.

    And these woke shitstains now want me to be ashamed of it? Well they can fuck right off.It is still the best flag in the fucking world.

    The ‘Beeb’ has dug its own grave and there will plenty – scores – of people who will want to bury them and nail the coffin down.

    And I am fucking sick – sick to cunting death – of been here five minutes chippy no nothing mouthy ‘Mills & Boons’ telling us what to do and how to do it. Britain is not yours. So fuck off and die, you cunts!

    • Interesting family the Benson family Komodo. The father the Archbishop of Canterbury. Another son E.F. Benson the author of the ‘Mapp and Lucia’ novels. For once marvoulessly adapted with Geraldine McEwan starring.
      The one that interests me though (you won’t be surprised to learn) Robert Hugh Benson who converted to Catholicism, became a Catholic priest. He is most famous in catholic circles for his novel ‘Come Rack, Come Rope’. Set during the Elizabethan persecution. But he wrote a great dystopian science fiction novel called ‘The Lord of the World’. A bit like 1984. On a par with ‘Love among the Ruins’ by Waugh.

  19. Like most people, I’m sick to fucking death of having this bullshit thrown in my face every single fucking day. Britain is NOT an inherently racist country. It used to be, but isn’t anymore. Yes, there are racists in the UK, but there are racists in EVERY country. And if they had any honesty and moral compass, the likes of Kehinde Andrews, David Lammy, Diane Abbott etc, would admit that themselves are racist. Yes, I said it, because it’s true. THEY are as racist as the BNP, they’re just too cowardly to admit that they’re racist. Instead, they point the point the finger solely at white people. They’re not just cowards, they’re liars. And when someone, like Laurence Fox, calls them out on their overt racism, they put on a show of fake indignance and play the victim card. They are scum.

    • In a nutshell, QDM. Though, thanks to the cunts you mention and their ilk, Britain is actually more racist now than it has been for forty – fifty years. Anything said or done in public by a white Brit has to be monitored by an (unrepresentative) black/woke jury. The reverse requirement is nonexistent (see also grime, rap, clart, shite, whatever it’s called today)

    • TT Q@ – the Fox and Laurence Fox hammer these woke flake cnts mercilessly on twatter, and the funniest bit is none dare reply now because they know they will be obliterated by facts, logic, articulacy and a grasp of history which does not involve Karl Marx.
      (And a few million people agreeing with me!).

      They are bullies who don’t like it back and don’t like it when their bullshit and poisonous racist lies are called out for what they are, and must end up running and cwying to hide under Mummys bed when they get eviscerated.

  20. I’m a gentle soul. Usually. Cup of tea, slice of sister Dolly’s homemade cakes, or a bacon sandwich depending on my mood.

    I take pride in Britain. There’s those gay prides and all other prides that are celebrated and sometimes mentioned in the media, radio, newspaper, internet etc.

    But pride of Britain. British pride. Complete opposite.

    I’m hoping it’s just a fad and eventually things with things will get back to normal.

    I love my country (apart from all the bullocks going on, and London being crowded and noisy. See the comments in the London nomination).

    People of america are proud. They pledge allegiance to the flag and all that. Even the president says Dog bless America.

    Do a British version of that. Being proud of Britain, media goes mental. Pretend example “Man seen waving union Jack flag. What about all the other flags of the world? Rácist!!! Lynch him! Burn him!”

    Fork sake. I need a lie down.

    • I demand the right to see the Wimbledon and Oxford/Cambridge boat race spectators waving their EU flags and lustily engaging in their sing songs of class superiority, with Steve Bray guest conductor.
      AKA “The Proms”. Five thousand remain voters pissed on Pyms and their middle class intellectual, financial and societal superiority, rubbing it in the noses of the poor.
      Couldn’t care what shite they warble, I care the Marxist Motherfucker Organisation stop behaving like Stalin.
      Defund these cunts, now.

  21. To paraphrase the great Tennyson “Cunts to the left of them Cunts to the right Cunts got behind them and it all turned to shite“. All I can say is lookout Elgar your next old chap “Pomp and circumstance“ goodbye old friend but you do offend.

  22. @Milord,

    Great nom!


    Great second. (BTW, belated congrats on your recent brilliant Markling of the Cunts.)

    On to the matter at hand; Have these dumb cunts ever heard of the Barbary Slave trade? The Barbary pirates raided the entire Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines as far as Iceland. By one historian’s estimate they kidnapped over 1,250,000 Europeans and sold them into slavery in the Arab word.

    In one raid they took the entire population of Baltimore, Ireland! I’ll grant you they were Irish but that’s not the point.

    Stupid revisionist cunts!

  23. Oops…


    Regarding you third; No slight intended. My screen cut you off. But your points…especially about erasing “our” heritage is spot on.

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