The Green Belt was first introduced in England some 65 years ago, and was there to prevent urban sprawl from metro cities, while also preserving not only England’s green and pleasant land, but also to protect rare breeds of animals, birds, plants, trees etc.
This law was relaxed slightly to allow local planners to build new homes to cater for a rising population and housing crisis. This relaxation of the law started in 2015 and is due to end in 2030.
Critics of the Green Belt suggest it restricts the spread of economic wealth to other parts of the country; forces town planners to build smaller houses, with tiny or non-existent gardens, or to build sky-scrapers, very much as they did back in the 60s and 70s.
Critics also suggest it encourages elitism and racism, preventing the poor and the ethnics from being able to live in rural areas.
Supporters of the Green Belt, mostly environmentalists and NIMBYs suggest there will always be a rising population problem, and demand for housing in more pleasant surroundings will always exceed that for living in the urban jungle. And that eventually, if left to its own devices, there will be no countryside left at all.
When I used to live just outside Birmingham, I would read article after article of new housing or warehousing developments being approved by a weak-minded city council on green belt land around Solihull, the NEC, Worcester, the Malverns and other rural areas where farmers have sold their land for the purposes of redevelopment.
It’s not often I agree with environmentalists, but if we don’t protect the Green Belt, England will become one huge urban sprawl as it caters for an ever-burgeoning population – mostly from abroad, one suspects!
Nominated by: Technocunt
If we destroy the green belt just to make cheap houses and build convenience stores and chiggun shops it is just an open invitation to every rubber boat captain to come here to dump his brood. Several of the invaders this week have been “heavilly pregnant women” according to the BBC. The more effnicks we get into rural areas the more BAME Labour MPs we wil get, all shooting the Butler/Lammy line, there will be very few of the sort like Kate Hoey and Frank Field.
I disagree:
1: Fill all of our flood plains with affordable housing-affordable only to ethnic minorities-a tax on “whiteness”.
2: Pray for heavy rain. Lots and lots of rain on a biblical scale.
3: Rejoice?
Haha. Amen!
WTF is rain??
Where I live there are three abandoned industrial areas which could easily support 10,000 homes (they are huge) – so what does the local Council do? Buy a field from a local farmer.
Say no more, corrupt, dirty and rotten to the core.
All sorts of spurious arguments are made to justify the erosion of the Green Belt. It is strange that these new developments are rarely, if ever near where the fucking councillors live. A bit like those whose welcome the rubber boat gang just so long as the cunts are housed far from their rural idylls.
We have not been ruled by people who care less for the ordinary person since the fucking Normans.
Don’t hipster types actually like setting up their ‘studio apartments’ in old industrial buildings, Vernon? You should have placed a sign outside the council planning meeting saying ‘free enervating soy-lattes within’ and let nature take its course! 😉
The green belt was never going to work, politicians never play by their own rules. Immigration policy for example, even when assisted by being surrounded by sea they can’t manage immigration.
Green belt, brown envelope, planning exception granted……..cough.
I was asked if I would volunteer and help re-turf a local pitch so some local historians could carry out a civil war reenactment.
I thought sod that for a game of soldiers….
I like Le Corbousier’s plan for giant towers surrounded by parks and gardens, as the population rises keep building rather than out. You’d end up with something out of Judge Dredd’s Mega City or Ballard’s High Rise, until the whole lot goes up, making grenfell look like the bonfire that parodied it.
In short, leep building ‘up’, Boris. The architects of all kinds will be grateful.
Imteresting, Cuntamus Prime. 🙂
Did you know that Ballard’s book High-Rise was the inspiration for the doctor who episode Happiness Patrol?
Or was it Paradise Towers? Gah my memory. It was that McCoy Dr who anyways.
It was Paradise Towers Spoonington, The Happiness Patrol was the one with the very subtle Thatcher analogy.
He might not, Spoonington, but I do. And a right load of old toss it was too! ?
I like the way you think, Cuntamus. We could streamline the process even further by reintroducing the once-mooted ‘vertical graveyards’ of coffin-housing towers.
Whack them, then stack them, pack them, and wrack them!
I was born in Fulham, SW Londonabad, (when it was a shithole).
When you passed over to the Putney side of Putney Bridge, there was a sign saying “You are now entering Surrey”.
Now 50 odd years later I live in Surrey but 300 yards outside of the London border of Kingston.
What I am rambling on about is the sprawl of cities which swallow up small towns and villages and destroy any local identity, usually turning them into shitholes.
There is a big campaign in my area to stop the building of about 5,000+ homes in the greenbelt but you can bet they won’t be affordable.
As the good Mr Fox says, brownfield sites should be used, and local government should penalise developers who sit on urban landbanks. But that won’t happen as I expect some councillors are in their pockets.
Our “conservative” prime minister and his government seem determined to concrete over our green and pleasant land with his build build build plans.
I have nominated the new relaced planning laws for a cunting which I hope will appear in due course so I won’t go into detail here. But essentially we have plenty of brown field sites and underused town centres which could be redeveloped without touching the green belt. But this costs more than digging up green fields and reduces the builder’s profits. The tories have always been in league with the big developers as most end up sitting on their boards making big bucks when they retire from politics. That is also why HS2 will still go ahead.
Yes, young people need help to buy starter homes but with adjustments to the mortgage market and the (promised) restrictions to immigration we wouldn’t need to feck up the countryside.
But will they listen to reason? Of course not.
Sadly,the voice of reason is rarely listened to.
Resources like Green Belt, new roads and rail lines all fulfil the maxim of Parkinson’s Law where the demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of the resource. Demand will finally outstrip the supply of land and as you say England will become one huge Turban sprawl.
It will end up with just Fiddler Towers surrounded by urban sprawl like those nail houses you see in China, one old stubborn cunt refusing to move so they build the road or whatever it is around it.
Evening LL. Yes, a bit like that farmhouse that exists on a parcel of land in the middle of the M62!
I’ve been past a few times when the farmer’s been trying to get his cows across the southbound carriageway to milk them.
Evening Bertie, at least he doesn’t have to worry about ramblers.
To be irritatingly pedantic, the M62 runs East/West. And vice versa. At the same time. But the cows themselves would go Northbound and Southbound, under the Eastbound carriageway. Fuck me, I have spent way too much time on that bloody road.
I must admit Moggie, I didn’t even know it was a working farm. I think I must have had them crossing the M6 in my mind!
I don’t understand why they didn’t simply reroute both carriageways along the westbound route, unless they just wanted to make life difficult for the farmer. They’re cunts if that is the reason, he had every right to refuse to sell and I, for one, salute him.
Hes great, i admire anyone who stands up for themselves, and hes as stubborn as they come!
Well done sir!!
Urban myths. The original owner of the farm confirmed there was a geological fault in the earth where the farmhouse was built, so the motorway had to pass either side.
It’s not an urban myth. The geological fault saved a big fight but the farmer did refuse to sell.
The countryside obviously needs protecting. Libtards moan that they can see loads of ’empty’ land on the way to work on the train, so why not build there? Well, we need to eat right? The idiots don’t seem to realise that most of that land is farmland.
But despite this, as noted by the writer, there are many nimbys who live in the countryside. Not our own Mr Fiddler, of course, but many of them have no fucking clue as to what ‘enrichment’ looks like up close and personal.
I heard a great idea on the Dangerfield YouTube channel. He suggested going to a ‘refugee’ centre in the UK and offering to take them on an all expenses day trip to these areas (usually 99.9% honky, quiet and more or less crime free).
Crowd fund it as charitable coach trips, and then unload 250 pissed up Africans (a few bottles of vodka on the coach should help ‘set the mood’) onto the Tarquins and Cressidas for the day. Just drop the off in their streets.
Let’s see you talk about fucking enrichment of an afternoon of that. I guarantee they’d be calling the cops within fucking minutes.
But a great idea to perhaps wake a few of these champagne socialists the fuck up.
Skint as I am, I’d chip in for that. Also let bunches of dooshkas pitch tents in their gardens for a few weeks like they have done elsewhere on private land.
Fucking hate the green belt, the nimbys who believe they’re entitled to a view whilst they load the dishwasher, and the land owning ruling class who are the prime recipients of its benefits (financial, keep plebs in cities).
Our economic system is built on continuous growth of population. Either you change that or you have to keep building housing.
Not much has changed since the Inclosure Acts. A small % own all the land and want to keep it that way. They get sprawling estates in the countryside whilst we have to live in cramped housing in poorly designed urban shitholes.
Chain them all up, landed gentry and nimbys, then concrete over the cunts!
I’m all for building on greenbelt. In Surrey, Herts or anywhere near th’M 25. Fuck em. Just leave the rest alone.
The most soulless faceless city I have ever seen is Brasilia. It was built from scratch in the middle of a vast dry plane in the central west of the country. It was designed by an architect called Niemeyer who should have been prosecuted for crimes against humanity and nailed to a cross. Instead, he was hailed and the place is a UNESCO Heritage site whatever that means. The heat is insufferable and walking is out as all the buildings are spread across a large area and the city was designed for cars not people.
Of course, Niemeyer didn´t actually go and live there himself but stayed on in Rio de Janeiro with its lovely tropical scenery and cool breezes blowing in from the ocean across the beaches at Ipanema and Leblon.
You must admit, however, that his son is a fantastic footballer!
Its the same with Canberra in Australia, apparently its a student city and I happened to be there on St Patricks Day. Well, there was more life at a Limp Dumb party conference on a wet bank holiday Monday with a keynote speech by Vince Cable on climate change. Shit.
I love the green belt, why should it be fucked for dirty foreign cunts to live and rich cunts to get richer?
Once its gone its gone for good, its not progress, its fuckin insane.
I can see you moving into the sticks Miserable. Weren’t you thinking of moving to rural Derbyshire at one time? It would be easier going out for Sunday lunch!
Viewed 3 upto now Bertie,
Including Arthur Lowes old house, but mrs Miserable is harder to please than me!
You’ve got to have it! Hayfield is nice. The blue plaque will add thousands to the price.
PS You’d be a silly boy not to!
Had a shared garden Bertie as a lot of the places did back in the day, not suitable for us with our dog.
Would of loved to though due to the Arthur connection!
Seen another one in Hayfield that I like going to trick the missus into going looking?
Every Sunday up on Kinder Scout, then the boozer, jesus, my idea of heaven that….
Yes , Change is often seen as progress.As a child I grew up in Havant prior to the dreadful Leigh Park being built. I recall in 1969 a murder of a youth there. 50 years on I recall his name , Larry King. How many of us can name 5% of the murder victims in the last week?
Should have left this country as a young man.
Not specifically about Green Belt land but this is an interesting article…
Who was it that said money is the root of all evil?
Think it was me.
It’s the love of money that is supposedly the root of all evil, not money itself, although I think you’re right. Tesco used to be a cunt for land banking. If there was anywhere that looked like it could be developed into competition, the bastards would buy it and sit on it (not literally I suspect) until the competition looked elsewhere. Not sure when, or even if, they stopped this shit.
Been going on for years that one.
One story you might like to investigate , is how Braiswick Golf Club managed to buy green belt land from a farmer , make a practice/driving range on it – then sell the land recently to a developer to build 1,600 homes. The longest cul-de-sac in the uk , apparently – since the infra-structure is simply not there , as the council have always been slow to join up the A12 with Mile End.
The developer? Oh , he is the president of the golf club , by the way.
It has come to my attention that a good many fellow cunters appear to reference the pinnacle of cuntitude that is our very own Mr Fiddler in various ways when discussing a Nomination, in a shallow attempt to garner a reaction from said individual.
With that in mind, I should like to copyright the term “Fiddlerbaiting” as of today. This has, of course, nothing to do with “Fiddlerbating” which is something I’m sure none of us would wish to contemplate Dick in the process of.
? ?
To be fair though, Fiddler has regaled the IsAC community with many an entertaining tale of his said cuntitude and seems to take pride in his work.
Dicks pretty much top rank, if he isnt arsed about people dropping his name in a nom/post,
Why the fuck would I care?
Long as they arent slagging him off what harm does it do?
As long as we don’t incriminate him in any upcoming trials or get him a restraining order from Gemma Arterton if he hasn’t already got one.
If we say his name three times he might appear, like that Beetlejuice fella.
“Dick, Dick…”
Lets have a fucking blue belt.”this fortress built by nature for herself” Then we wont need to destroy England anymore than Its already been.
I had an argument with a Hare Krishna cunt about this when the soft cunt stopped me in the street. I told him that there was too many people on earth and worse it will get. He disagreed but I asked him where all these people going to live? He replied ‘all the empty fields you see along motorways’ to which I said ‘they aren’t empty you dull cunt, if it’s not farmland, wildlife lives there. Where the fuck are they going to live? Where the fuck are we going to grow all the food if we build on all these fields?’ Stupid prick, I didn’t even have to continue with floodplains and drainage and the multitude of other reasons why we need green belt. Stupid prick, should be in the cabinet…
Delusion and brainwashing comes in many styles G!
I’m always fascinated by the thinking of knobheads that buy new builds on land that everybody within 10 miles (except, it seems, their estate agent and solicitor) knows has been flooding annually since Noah then complain when the house is up to the windows with shitty water and the insurance company tells them to fuck off.
Very true Moggie, I remember a village called Fishlake near Doncaster was flooded badly earlier this year after heavy rain. Locals canoeing to work, water taxi to the shops after some ‘light drizzle’.
I know the area well. Fishlake, despite the name, didn’t flood until they reduced the risk upstream in Doncaster and Sheffield.
We need a massive green belt, on a fucking big conveyor, straight into Unkle Terry’s oven.
Housing crisis ?
What housing crisis ?
Get To Fuck.
JTC – I declare you the new Housing Minister!
Well, you’ll do a better job than (alleged) dirty little crook Robert “brown envelope” Jenrick!
I of course could never possibly comment on these accusations! ?
Seriously though – there are a huge amount of urban and brownfield sites which could be developed, but they won’t do it because property developing corporations are greedy swines who don’t want to pay the six per cent more it would cost to do this so just steal greenbelt. And build on flood plains, as has just happened three miles down the road from me, in the vale of York – a natural land depression which suffers flooding from the Foss and the Ouse every single Year ?♂️.
Good luck trying to get insurance!
And the Ouse certainly floods doesnt it Foxy?
Seen it twice, some genius had a B&B with a underground car park right next to the ouse!!
Could just about see the roof of the cars!!??
TT MNC@ – Indeed it does, every single Year, past Deighton, right down to Selby 12 Miles away – and they are currently building a ton of egg boxes – on the land it flooded last Year (?♂️) and in the other direction the river Aire always floods despite having 30 feet high flood defences along it.
Thinking of nipping to the Kent coast and getting a few dinghies! ??
Hello Vernon. Jenrick is a slimy little cunt. How he’s avoided a visit from the gentlemen of the Serious Fraud Office, is a mystery.
He looks moreishly punchable.
Bet he got buggered senseless at Cambridge.
I think Robert Jenrick was senseless well before he got to Cambridge Jack!
How about a white belt – anywhere outside the M25?
They want us all crowded together in urban ratholes, not destroying the planet, while the rich enjoy hunting, shooting and fishing in the countryside and speeding up and down the empty roads.
That’s why they love the immos……..not only cheap labour but used to living in stinking cuntholes so they won’t complain.
Kick the immos out, hang the rich, keep England green!
All the housing being built is called ‘sustainable urbanisation’ which is clearly double speak for ruining the countryside with cookie cutter/cheek by jowl/Wimpy house shit. Cunts.
Glad I was born when I was born and not 50 years from now. I’m sure by then the Elon Musk Corporation will have colonised Mars for the rich and Earth will be choked with rubbish.
I have a 200 acre “green belt” around my house, keeps cunts away, plus a few Ridgebacks and a sjambok, absolute heaven, normal plebs don’t deserve green belts, they should perish on the “multicultural rock” they’ve made by voting Tory and Liebour for the last 80 years not realising they’re the same fucking thing, hopefully dull fuckers will vote something a little more right of Karl Marx at the next election, who actually believe in “conserving this country” not distroying it with foreign pests!
I live in the green belt and regular campaign against new developments. Pull up the drawbridge and tell Johnny foreigner to fuck off right now!
You don’t have to worry. The plan is to force everyone into urban sprawls, where they can only live in high-rise accommodation, and not go out and about unless they can prove on their mandatory phones that they’ve got the vaccine and track and trace app. You’ll get a few resistant outliers in the remoter areas, but they’ll have had their internet, phone signal, TV and food supply cut off for sedition.
Just build a lot more Towers.
Grenfell Candle Towers.
I used to live near Yalding in Kent. Flooded there fairly regularly. About 10 years ago it was a big flood. Made national news. When we went to have a look afterwards it was the mobile home park, (now they all have barrels strapped to them so they float next time), and the newer builds that suffered.
Interestingly the ones that hadn’t flooded were the Victorian and older properties which all seemed to be built on a slight rise or mound. I wonder why they did that? Of course they didn’t understand back then about flooding! Thats sarcasm by the way.
The reason Yalding and to an extent as far as Maidstone flooded like that was apparently because to save all the new builds between Hever and Tonbridge they opened all the locks and closed all the flood defences, which forced the water eastwards towards Maidstone but the tide was coming in from the Thames as well. So the water had no where to go.
I’ve got a black belt and a brown belt but I can’t use them anymore because they have both shrunk!
As one privileged cunt who lives in and abouts one of these green belts next to god knows how many developments (not many i could vouch for being affordable), this speaks alot