A nomination for Rootless Losers, or globalists who are the useful idiots of a managerial elite. Pro EU, world citizen, they support LGBT pride and suffer eco-anxiety
They’ve travelled from Rekjavik to Tokyo to Lima, but can’t find their way around Britain. They don’t know anything about history, science or high culture, yet are experts in something because they got a 2:1 from De Montfort university.
They have no connection to their home town or county, their heritage or nation. They are global citizens who can only speak American-English, rather than the real version.
They went on a gap year to Thailand and Mexico, but only ever talked to Americans, Canadians and Australians, who all share their habit of making a statement sound like a question?
The degree wasn’t enough to get them a good job. They dont have the career that puts them in contact with their heroes like Bill Gates, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Pinker, no matter how many BigThink videos or Intelliboff debates they watch, or how many ‘smart thinking’ titles by Malcolm Gladwell they read.
They don’t get paid six figure sums for speaking engagements. The want to attend a TED conference but the polytechnic wont give them the hours they need to pay for the plane tickets. They have their pronouns on their Twitter bio and post pictures of cupcakes on Instagram.
They’re doing everything society told them to do, yet their lives are empty and the only sense of identity they have is their university and the EU, institutions facing bankruptcy.
They are the ‘small-souled bugmen’, living for consumer electronics, the worshippers of post-Fordism and planned obsolescence, the rootless losers failed by the secular religions of globalism and multiculti-dipshit liberalism.
They clap at transvestites as virtuously as they do the NHS.
They imagine they are the future, but they are anachronisms; hippies using management speak, longing for a return to the post-cold war consensus of Francis Fukuyama. They want history to end and just watch MTV and buy ‘I heart NY’ T shirts.
‘History is boring’, they whine, but their present is the past.
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
Know shit about history, politics, music. Not woke, comatose in their meaningless world.
Wow! What a nom, and what a post! Fucking terrific. What could I now contribute to that? I know. CUNTS !
I think all the people you so very well describe are Wireless 4 listeners, but ardent ones. They like to tune into Wimmins Hour, even though that silly old tart Jenni Murray has had enough and is pissing off from it soon, they delight in self important shows like The Moral Maze and The Briefing Room (hosted by that arch prig David Aaronovitch), their daily doses of the countryside in the Archers, and for amusement they will have a quiet chuckle at that old queen David Sedaris, or to let off syteam have a belly laugh at the News Quiz. My listening to Wireless 4 is down to about 20 minutes a day now, for news mainly, or their version of it.
Same here, WC. Been life-long R4 listener. Morning news then PM through to the Archers. No longer because of the crap, woke shit that’s broadcast these days.
I suggest you switch to Talk Radio.
6:30am – 4pm has common sense presenters and programmes.
Can’t vouch for the rest of the day as I don’t tend to listen past 4pm.
Listen online here:
Thanks RTC, I’ll give it a try.
10am to 2pm is best.
Excellent nom – can’t really add anything to it except WAIT WHILE THE FOX STORMS TO POWER! ?☠?
Utter evil cunts.
Right back to my hide on the Kent coast – I have dinghies to fire on!
A wonderful piece of writing, Prime.
The kind that when you mention Britain people they respond, “Define British people?”
The kind that have the word ‘racist’ greased up for when their argument atrophies.
The kind that talk about gender as if it’s up for interpretation.
The kind that respect every culture except their own.
The kind that meets for a “cheeky Nando’s” but can’t cook a pasta.
The kind that literally take it up the arse from people of colour.
The kind that are wooed by the vacuous antics of The Markles
The kind that use American spellings as they haven’t read proper literature.
Excellent cunting Cuntamus. You always put a lot of thought into your noms.
I’ve just been briefly reading about Holly Swanson’s work which sounds really interesting.
Brilliant nom!
I’d like to add – fuck globalists
Lovely nom, Cuntamus, and how true it is.
Off topic, may I remind cunters that it is World Lizard Day?
Observance is compulsory for “small-souled bugmen”, in the interests of diversity, but if you too want to stand outside and clap, that’s fine by me.
Thank you.
I wonder how many refugee children have been invited to Windsor castle for the celebratory feast?
I try not to think about that side of the family.
Steve Jobs comes to mind. When the hippies became techies. Brought a residual ‘idealism’ to business. But really all about money.
We’re just talking about millenial cunts here really.
Good nom though.
They sound like suspiciously like shirtlifters to me?
Not the well balanced normal ones, the ‘look at me’ ones.
Id like a. ‘I 8 new york’ t shirt though, maybe these people will all catch covid an snuff it?
I’d be interested to know if there are any globalists within the flat earth community….
Discalists maybe ??
Who birthed and taught these pointless cunts? Who deliberately degenerated academic, cultural, and political institutions, that now indoctrinate defenceless children instead of teaching them? Who were the original consumers of useless plastic shite that helped spawn this wretched corporate world? And who were the original rootless losers that pioneered this whole anti-cultural wankery in the first place?
The boomers. All of this is on them.
They took the momentum of the industrial revolution and Victorian morality, and spaffed it up the wall in complete self-indulgence and pursuit of pleasure. Their degeneracy caused much of this situation, including their empty headed cunt children.
Wimminz joined the workforce, wimminz collectively abdicated the role of “academic, cultural, and political” tuition of their children to cultural marxists. Remember, deep breaths. This personal epiphany brought to you courtesy of Mr Stefan Molyneux.
Hmmm. But the fact remains, subsequent generations bought wholeheartedly into the concept.
I’m from the Boomer generation and I share none of these attributes.
Neither do my kids.
‘Boomers’ is a vague term thrown around by ‘Busters.’
Suspect he’s just being provocative. 🙂
That’s fine Bertie, but your generation collectively is shit and responsible for this cultural mess.
Taking aim at the young is a cheap shot by old dishrags who don’t possess any degree of self-reflection or awareness, and want to feel better about themselves despite their degeneracy and irrelevancy.
It’s no particular generation’s fault.
It’s social evolution, that’s what it is.
And what year were you born Ruff? ?
We shall agree to disagree on this one TBCC.
Now, can you go a little further into this “degeneracy” business – it sounds most interesting! ??
Superb nomination.
These poor fuckers have been “engineered” minus a heart and soul and therefore deserve a modicum of sympathy.
Nah, CUNTS-Unkle Terry, oven please?
Very deep and impressive. Self entitled knowall cunts.
Beautifully word sculptured.
Fucking oven the shitty mithering cunts.
Excellent cunting!, I find this shit is actually getting much worse by the day, the totalitarian tiptoe as one Isle of Wight resident calls it,the fact is the indoctrination of the masses is not as effective as it was years ago, the MSM doesn’t have the stranglehold on the people it once had, but of course if you take the partially indoctrinated “yoof” and send the to Globalism reeducation facilities or universities as there also known the don’t really have a hope of escaping the brainwashing tyranny, what utter cunts the globalists really are!
As pretty much everyone above says, nowt I can add to that Cuntamus – Sublime !
I worked fucking hard to get a 2:1 from De Montfort University.
Although I didn’t, it was still Leicester Poly then and had a great reputation for vocational courses. From what I gather its reputation now is somewhat …er shit. I might be wrong.
A beautifully reasoned cunting. I met cunts like this way back in the 90s in Thailand, they were ‘travellers’ not tourists. Easily identified by their scruffy clothes and filthy hair – the Thais hated them as well. I’ve seen the smelly fuckers sat in bars drinking beer from the local shop to save money…until I grassed them up. They soon left me alone when they asked me why I was there, ‘I’m a sex tourist’ I would reply. At least I was helping the economy.
Well said CP! A great bit of cunting for this very large group of Thomas the Tankers.
Brilliantly articulated nom. So good it’s hard to embellish upon except to say the cunts nommed will, unless vigorously challenged and defeated, reduce every country to the level of a war torn, dysfunctional, sky fairy controlled shit hole. Presently, those countries languish, deservedly in the dust of mysticism and laziness, but the deluded globalist cunt heads believe that you can respect cultures and creeds that offer the world nothing but trouble, and gift them the same standard of living as hard working industrious cultures by forcing a level playing field.
Stupid globalist latte drinking cunts think this idea is FAIR. Guess what globalists….life is NOT fair and never will be. Cliches such as “the weakest towards the wall” and “Fortune favours the brave” describe natural selection at work. It’s how the world has evolved and should continue to evolve. Why should the educated value producing descendents of brilliant industrialists, engineers and professionals have to fight for survival in 2040’s Britain or Sweden etc. that has now become a carbon copy of Iraq, Syria and Parking Stanleyland because hordes of lazy cunts from those places choose to nick a living off their superiors but continue to live and think the same way? Mindset needs to evolve in those shitholes and then those people reap the rewards of their endeavours with a higher standard of living and enhanced economies. It’s called ‘deserving’, and it’s therefore FAIR.
Rootless Globalist Losers fuck off and rot you world wrecking cunts.
Baa baa baa follow the sheep
All opinions are welcome here Mr Wallace, so let us all hear yours and we can have a discussion rather than you firing a dissenting one-liner and then running away.
Come on, if you can express yourself in a coherent legible fashion, state your case. OK chap.
A delightful piece of cunting CP. It sums up everything that is fucked up with the world today without even mentioning the Grauniad or the BBCUNTS .
A billion upticks sir.
An articulate, almost poetic nom aimed with laser-like precision at its hapless targets.
I can only applaud.
The levels of indoctrination astound me. Who would have thought it would come to this? Nick cave insights are interesting it’s got the zeal of a religion….these cunts believe it’s there way and no other has credibility unbelievable arrogance and lack of awareness