“Good afternoon. This is Ron Knee, IsAC’s political correspondent, reporting. Today I’m speaking to Neil Coyle, Labour MP for Bermondsey & Old Southwark, regarding his controversial, some might say downright imflammatory, remarks on Twitter concerning Leave voters. How do you do, Mr Coyle?”.
“How did you vote in the referendum Knee? Are you one of those cunt Brexiteers?”.
“Er, actually I did vote Leave…”.
“Thought as much from the look of you, you old cunt. I’ll say to you what I said in my tweet, (quote) ‘I’ve spent years warning local people that these fat old racists won’t stop blaming the EU when their shit hits the fan’ (unquote). I stand by that, even though, er, I’ve now actually deleted the tweet…”.
“Yes, well, I’m not fat. Also I must admit that I’m not exactly sure precisely what you meant by those vague though insulting comments. Perhaps if could just put them into context for our viewers…”.
“I’ll repeat more of it for you then, so it’ll become clearer to you, you thick Brexiteer cunt. (Quote) ‘Here they come blaming others. Absolute shitbag racist wankers’ (unquote). I stand by that too, although, erm, I’ve since deleted it as well”.
“I see. Perhaps your language is a tad intemperate for an MP, especially as you have form in this respect, having also referred to the PM as ‘a dick’ before the general election. I’d have thought that it’s unlikely to endear you, or indeed your party, to swathes of the electorate, and it isn’t going to help Labour to rebuild the ‘red wall’ in the north, is it?”.
“Labour won’t be able to rebuild the ‘red wall’ because of all the thick gammon twats north of the Watford gap. Fucking xenophobic bigots. Frankly they don’t deserve the EU. Arseholes”.
“Perhaps, Mr Coyle, it’s really the attitude of people like you within Labour that has so alienated millions of former supporters. They feel that the party has deserted its traditional base and its values in favour of the rabid pursuit of Marxist identity politics and, indeed, the globalist agenda of the plutocratic EU”.
“They don’t know what’s fucking good for them. Come the glorious day, the thick bastards will do as they’re fucking told, and woe betide them if they don’t toe the line. Now fuck off, you racist cunt, and fuck Brexit. I’ve got more insults to dish out, so I’m out of here”.
“Yes thank you Mr Coyle. Proof, if any were needed, that one really shouldn’t tweet on an empty head. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.
And seconded by Jack the Cunter:
I came to Cunt Neil Coyle, but can see that Ron has given him a very eloquent and well deserved Cunting already.
If I may, I’d like to offer this as a supplementary Cunting.
Neil Coyle’s utterances show that there are still those who still don’t get it, regarding the Brexit vote. He treats the electorate with contempt, and would willingly bulldoze democracy in order to reverse the vote.
Please carry on Mr. Coyle, you fucking anti democratic cunt.
Read all about it !!!!
Labour to remain unelectable !!
QDM also wanted to have his say:
Neil Coyle, Labour MP for Bermondsey, deserves a nomination. In true remoaner fashion, this lefty cock sucker has decided to wade into the Rule Britannia argument, by showing his utter contempt for the patriots of this country. In a comment on Twitter on Tuesday 25th August, above a video of Nigel Farage singing Rule Britannia, he said that he’d only known shit lickers to like the song. In other Tweets, he called Brexiteers, “shitbag racist wankers” and “fat old racists”.
The Tweets have since been taken down. However, it seems this charmless prick has form for posting foul mouthed comments on Twitter, and promised to stop doing so after being threatened with deselection. Guess that promise wasn’t entirely truthful, was it? Then again, as a member of the Labour party, he is knowingly, a member of anti-working class, pro-terrorist, pro-illegal immigrant, anti-Semitic party which would destroy the UK if given the choice. So it should come as no surprise that one of its members is a disgusting, anti-democratic, shady pile of shite.
I voted to leave the EU, because all I ever saw was incompetence, economic illiteracy and profligacy, and a complete and utter lack of democracy. In the election that saw Ursula von Der Leyen become President, only the 635 members of the EU parliament were allowed to vote, out of 500 million citizens. And SHE was the ONLY candidate. That’s Soviet Politburo style voting. And I want those who make decisions regarding the running of the UK, to have been elected in the UK. Where’s the racism in that? I want the UK to be a sovereign, home led nation, that it isn’t tied to the EU parliament or the ECJ..
Yet to the like of Coyle and Soubry, etc, I’m a racist for having elected British officials run. To date, Coyle has issued no apology for their demented tweet. And now I have a message for Coyle. I served for 25 years in the British army. This despiste being a quarter Jamaican, along with my brother and sisters my mother being half Jamaican, were it shows, along with my sister. And my wife is of Nigerian descent with all our looking completely black. I did things for the UK that would make the likes of coyle shit themselves and breakdown in terror.
He has also refused to apologise, saying instead ”
“I know people want a candid, honest speaking representative.
“People know the tweets are my own and there is no filter.
“If anyone is offended they can unfollow, that’s how Twitter works.” Which just about sums up your average far leftie. Well I’d be a wanker, than a far left, ant-democracy, Brexit hating shit licking cock sucking prick like you. You CUNT!
Right wing or left wing, straight or q ueer, all of Dame Kweer’s shadow cabinet have one thing in common – they are all rabid remainers, as is Coyle with brass knobs on. Perhaps Coyle feels he has been overlooked, and so is acting like the spoilt schoolgirl he really is. The danger is arseholes like Coyle could give Labour the epithet “the nasty party”. I would urge Dame Kweer to offer a gesture of friendship to nasty Neil – today is the last day of summer, autumn is here tomorrow and winter draws on. Let Neil warm up Starmer’s lavatory seat for him on the cold mornings to come. Those chubby buttocks would do the job admirably.
Maybe if he force fed his own shit, he’d get the message. Wanker Cunt. The sooner all turdmarks like him are swinging from Westminster bridge, the better
Did he actually tweet out all those quotes Ron? What a knob.
He did indeed, my friend;
A marvellous example of how to win friends and influence people.
His mam should of wore a coil/coyle.
I think his Mother left the bes part of him “coyled up” in a toilet bowl.
Right, back to abusing Boris on Twitter! ??
Yes a candid speaking, honest chap that will pull his finger out and do something useful for the electorate. Not a complete cunt like Coyle. But then he is a politician so you have to excuse him. Old political motto “Power, Pocket Fuck the people”
I wish I could say Labour is still unelectable, but I fear Boris’ lot are giving them a good run for their money on that score….
Your right SMC, I’m not sure what Boris is doing but fuck me sideways he’s making Dame Queer seem electable, but as long as there are nuliebour gems like this cunt I think we’re safe for the time being!
Moderated FFS!
Apparently Coyle wrote about Rule Britannia;
“If you didn’t hate it before, feel free to hate the song now. I’ve never known anyone but shitlickers like it tbh”
Well I like it Mr Coyle cos it’s patriotic and reminds me I’m proud to be British.
As for shitlicking, you are not fit to lick the dogshit off the bottom of my shoe.
A cunt of epic proportions.
Fuck off.
Well cunted by the three of you.
I hope this fat headed, anti British traitor finds himself in the dole queue when Labour try to reinvent themselves.
They need to listen to the electorate, instead of insisting that people listen to them, and insulting those that have an opinion.
This cunt needs at minimum to lose the party whip, and at best put in the stocks with an ample supply of builders rubble to hand.
Trouble is, your lordship, the cunt’s in a Metrobubble seat, and would take some shifting.
Metrobubble is a compliment for Bermondsey which is so infested with ‘groids, weasels, cunts, and M.O.T. garages run by Dooshkas it deserves to be bulldozed.
This roundhead looks like he’s been on a peasant’s diet of fried breakfasts and Fray Bentos tinned shit.
Bulldoze it all but leave The Den Captain, MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
He isn’t alone, remember the fat b…k cunt from Tottenham, the ERG are Nazis, no, I will go further they are worse than Nazis.
The slimy bitch who had a pop at the police for stopping her, actually not her, her driver who was stopped because he was black, although from a distance you would swear he was white.
They are all cunts, but get away with it because in the London constituencies the idiots would vote Labour if they selected a Chimp (that is actually an insult to the Chimps).
Coyle is a top notch Cunt! I would tie the cunt to a chair and lock him in a room and play rule Britannia on a loop at full volume for 72 hours.
Before switching the chair on.
Mr. Potato Head here needs stuffing in the deep-fat fryer.
That’s a good spot. The cunt looks like he’s got a head too big for his body. Pity for him that there’s fuck all in it.
Line up big melon head. Get to work. One less gobby fucker.
Cement over leaving no drop or waves – if a jobs worth doing..??
On other news, I have finally repaired the movement on the vintage Rolex I bought as a project, runs well, keeps good time and a collector chum has offered me a tidy profit! (A frustrating four weeks of sorting fkin microscopic parts but I refuse to be beaten!).
Dear Mr Coyle,
Please feel free to drop in to CuntyMort towers anytime and experience a size 13 steel toecapped boot making contact with your Gonads.
You sir are a parlimentary cunt of epic proportions.
Mrs CuntyMort will be turning you into a chiggun using her dark powers and inviting Lammy and Abbott around for dinner.
Three first class cuntings for a first class cunt.
Well done chaps!
As with all so called ‘public servants’ their contact information is published for all to see on ‘tinternet.
As I got a bollocking from Admin for threatening to publish the Mayor of Heanor’s contact info I won’t do it with this bastard cunt but I’ve already left him 2 messages.
A truly despicable shit cunt and as other cunters have mentioned he just doesn’t understand the Brexit vote, instead he’d rather insult us.
As the Margaret Thatcher used to say when she started receiving insults in a argument she knew she’d won it.
Look at the gurning fat cunt, if ever there was a fizzog that desperately required continual hard and close contact with a brick that’s it. What a thick twat as well, insulting 17.4 million voters plus even some Remainers that might actually like Rule Britannia. It’s strange that in these over-sensitive touchy feely times when every man and his dog seem to get offended over the tiniest thing (full stops for fucks sake) a complete and utter shithead like this cunt can get away with spouting this insulting and hateful bollocks – and an MP to boot.
If it had been a Tory or Brexit Party member who’d posted this about Remoaners, the loony left wanker types would have tried to set the rozzers on him for ‘hate crime’.
Guy’s an absolute twat, and he’s done neither himself nor Labour any good with this sort of bollocks.
Fine cuntings.
Just one bone to pick with Neil C(unt)oyle.
Are you calling me fat?
I’ll let you know I am in mint condition for a person born without a cervix of my age.
His other insults are just water off a duck’s back.
Swear this guy came to my door once trying to sell me a Kirby vacuum cleaner.
It’s preposterous.
Goodbye for now.
Labour will of course turn to like of Nick to understand why they lost the last two elections to the biggest shower of shite Parliamentary Conservative party in living memory.
Nick will tell them what they want to hear. The only bright side for Labour is the education system is overrun with Marxists and commies, the future is red.
A fair cunting.
Break this commie pencil neck on the wheel.
Top drawer cunting you three???.
This cunt is manna from heaven for Sir Nigel.
Liebour are unfit to govern our country.Dame Kweer is unelectable.And his cronies.Boris is losing the plot day by day.Clowns all of them
Can you imagine Harold Wilson calling his political opponents thick, racist, fascists, Nazis, old and fat?
Never! But then he didn’t keep losing all the time. When you’re not very bright in the first place I suppose it’s easy to slump into a childish sulk. Nobody is going to vote for a bunch of kids.