Lucy Meacock

Nominated because she’s a cunt with an annoying voice, tone, surname and face… not ideal given her vocation. No wonder she never made it to the national news.

Nominated by: Johnson Johnson Sr.

(I’ve never heard of her, but she’s been reading an autocue for 30 years with Granada Reports – admin)

36 thoughts on “Lucy Meacock

  1. I’d give it a bash! (Still feeling “ever so guilty” about breaking social distancing by interfering with a barmaid recently – in my defence she had enormous tits! ?).

  2. Back in the day Lucy meacock was fit as fuck. I don’t know who is in the picture but it’s not her!

    (Yep, it probably isn’t her, but doing my search for Mycock Google returned this tart, and I thought Mmmm, she looks a nice type of autocue reader!- Day Admin)

  3. Que? Is this a regional cunting? Last time I saw Granada Tony Wilson was on it. And Frank Sidebottom. Possibly.

  4. Never heard of her and probably never will again. She looks about 60 if you Google her

  5. Just goggled Lucy Meacock as I’ve never heard of her. She’s actually 60 years old and looks nothing like the bird in the picture. I wouldn’t touch her with yours!

    • Looking at that pic vs those in google It’s either her granddaughter or how she would look at the end of a bottle of Jack.

  6. That is not ‘the’ Lucy Meacock.
    Lucy was a presenter with the great Tony Wilson (RIP) for Granada Up Front and Granada Reports. And she was well milfmongous and doable back in the day.

  7. And Lucy was a million times better at her job at Granada than that overrated and big gobbed Maitlis cunt.

    Always used to love the way Lucy would look at Elton Welsby (is a wanker!) like he had just crawled out of sewer. Lovely stuff.

  8. Fuck me I must live a sheltered life. Who is this?? Another celeb never heard of……

    • No, none of us have heard of any of these creatures. It is because we is terribly refined.

  9. In other news, I’d like to offer up an “I couldn’t help noticing that I’m considerably richer than yow!” cunting for Robbie Fat cunt, shit tattooed, cockwomble Williams.

    He was bragging about his house has 22 bathrooms. Probably needs that many for the amount of shit that comes out of his mouth.

    I hope some rich Billionaire Branson type moves in next door to the cunt and plays Gary Barlow’s Greatest Hits at full volume all hours of the day to drive him insane.

    Go fuck yourselves [c. B&WC 2020]

    • I think its more likely the Robster is the one doing the winding up. Poor old Jimmy Page, his next door neighbour in their Holland Park mansions has been fighting the ex fat lad singer who dances a bit for 5 years to stop him building an underground swimming pool. First world fucking problems eh?

      • If its the one I think it is, it used to be Michael Winner’s house before Robbie Shill-iams bought it.

        If I was Page I’d get my own back by renting it out to about 20 Romanians. That’d fix the cunt.

      • Jimmy should get his old Crowley books out and curse the fruit picking fat fuck Williams and then say ‘Take that, you fat cunt!’

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