London (3)

London…..( not the whole of it)
London… why don’t you fuck off with your self importance and get a reality check.
It isn’t the late 50’s where you had the cool biker gangs at Hammersmith Bridge.
Or may i add more significance the early 60’s where the youngsters made a new style and indeed a whole new outlook.
The late 1960’s …. Skinheads.
!970’s ..bootboys
1980……take your pick
1990s…….same again but with added positive attitude.
2000…. same as all of the above
2020…………………… sad sad fuckers who haven’t a clue…young or old, your fucked.
No idea for yourself’s herd mentality and you think thats progressive.
What a fucking waste
Shame on who, whatever. Times are going to get rough. Fucksake are you wokests going to regret everything eventually.
Thanks a bunch.

Nominated by: Barney

46 thoughts on “London (3)

  1. Ah London, the British version of Harare, you’ve got the shithole areas mostly frequented by dar quay types, then you’ve got the Borrowdale sort of area, you know the fantasy “James O’Brien” type areas like Chiswick and Kensington, which is mostly inhabited by whites who love diversity so much, but just don’t want to join in, probably as they don’t want to catch an STD off them, utter cunts!

    • Swinging London!!
      Well itd swing if I had my way, the end of a fuckin noose from a lamp post.
      Now before you spit your dummies out, i know some decent people there, work hard, arent ducky darlings or snowflakes so I don’t mean them, id let them relocate, not up north obviously, say surrey or something.
      But the rest?
      Immos, woke, ethnics, actors, etc
      Well, bayonet them in case theyre pretending to be dead and start rebuilding this great country!?
      Everyones happy.
      Except the dead ones.

  2. London:
    Good hospitals, museums and er, that’s it.
    All the best Londoners have sold up and hit the shires.
    The air so polluted that, even on a Sunday, you can “see” it.
    Numerous languages spoken, mostly foreign.
    Beggars, thieves, cunts and the Royal family. The same thing then?.
    Avoid at all costs.

    • I was born and brought up in Bethnal Green (& very proud of it). Moved to sunny Royal Tunbridge Wells 25 years ago. Parents are both gone, relatives all moved away. BG now a shit hole – as my brother and I walked out of the London ‘Ospital after mum had passed away, he said “We’ll never have to come to this kharsi again”. Makes me sad to see what these cunts are doing to what was the greatest city on the planet.

      • I remember posters in pub windows advertising the fight between Roy Shaw and Donny Adams, but no – a bit too young. My mum was on first name terms with Violet Kray and Frankie Fraser if that’s any good?

    • “ Numerous languages spoken, mostly foreign.
      Beggars, thieves, cunts and the Royal family.”

      Fuck me sounds where I live in Norfolk.

  3. Without office workers in London all the innercity dregs doing bullshit jobs will be like barnyard animals with a recently deceased owner. Once the feed runs out it will be last man standing.

    My money is on Croydon as the starting point in November, when trump wins and the usa implodes, and all the dindus mimick their rioting US counterparts.

    • I remember Selsdon over 40 years ago – a really nice area. Nowadays an overspill of dregs from da big Shitty City.

    • Croydon is a good shout but my money is on Tottenham again ( they know how to burn down historical buildings) followed closely by Lewisham.

  4. Over populated, over priced, dirty, dilapidated and with an underlying air of menace.

    The people hate each other, the councils are are bunch of corrupt, incomptent cunts who only employ effnics (see the pattern emerging) and the mayor is a useless pile of dog wank only interested in filling his own pockets and getting re-elected.

    Thats London’s plus points covered.

    Thanks to the bat flu, people who are unfortunate enough to work here have been given enough breathing space to figure out all of the above and have vowed never to return.

    Its a hate filled, multi-culti shthole with no hope of redemption.

    And I live in the posh bit.

    I still hate it with a passion after 15 years.

  5. Instead of the M25, construct a moat, or the equivalent of the Berlin wall, or both.
    All the decent British folk will be allowed out. Trapped inside will be the immos, MPs, House of Lords, and the royal family.
    I’m not a brick layer or navvie, but I’ll happily do the labouring.

    • Id volunteer for that Duke, either the construction side or preferably interrogation in case some of the naughty ones try escaping!
      Have a list of questions and the answer decides if I pull the lever or not.
      Awfully nice.☺

      • Get the lamp in their eyes and start the questioning Miserable.

        “Roger Moore or Sean Connery?”

        “Red or brown sauce?”

        “Sing Land of Hope and Glory!”

        “Do you understand the rules of cricket” (I would be banished back to Londonistan, I have to admit)

      • Id love it LL!
        Drumming my fingers on the lever,
        “What did you have for yer tea?”
        “What did you watch last night on telly?”
        “Theres no right or wrong answer but my moods are mercurial to say the least!”
        “Whats your favourite fruit? Ah! Trick question!
        Down you go!!”?

      • I could see a sweaty Diane Abbott being questioned.

        Miserable – “KFC or Nandos, tubby?”

        Diane – “Oh go on then, I have both”.

      • Id not need to ask Diane a question, id pull the lever just hearing her heavy shuffling footsteps.

    • That’s what was originally planned but that got fucked up when the plans got given to a fuckwit civil engineer and they filled the hole in and concreted the cunt.
      Would love to know how many bodies got buried in the process.

  6. Londonistan seems to have a great deal of those goat fuckers and chiggun stabberers from what I’ve seen.
    It needs a good old fashioned cleansing.

  7. Apparently the shit hole, along with a load of other towns and cities, is going to be brought to a ‘standstill’ this bank holiday weekend as those cunts from extinction rebellion rear their empty fucking heads again. I didn’t need another reason to steer clear, but there it is. 75% of the cunts will have been out on the Burn Loot Murder marches, and any other anti-whatever cause they can find. Vermin.

      • And another opportunity for the Met to practice their latest hippy dance moves and hopefully take the knee if they can find a dark key – these ER street jamborees tend to be “hideously” white, Jon Snow will no doubt be suitably horrified.

    • Even with 20,000 more police we would still be way behind France and Germany, need another 50,000 on top all trained in ‘ass kicking’ and strap on replaced by someone who isn’t afraid to kick ass.

  8. There will be a rude awakening in few months, maybe a new London will be an English city once more.

    All the dooshka types working in hospitality will be out of work and hopefully fuck off, it would be great if the Stanleys and Dark types fucked off as well, Africa and Pakistan are on the up! Great time to move back to the mother lands.

    • Nah, they’ll all be moved onto gold plated inflation proofed benefits, if our useless Government has any say in the matter.

      • Yep, UK is the benefits capital of the world. it’s probably on some migration website, ‘where to go to get everything for free and do fuck all to get it’

  9. London is an anti social , menacing, absolute shit hole of a place. I only ever go there under duress . Everyone in their own selfish bubble , intent on being the first to get to or have whatever is at the other end. Constantly checking if you’re wallet is still tucked deep in your pocket. Everyone in crowded areas with eyes in all directions waiting for the bang. police sirens constantly wailing through the streets . Couriers on mopeds and non couriers on mopeds weaving through every inch of space calling you a cunt for daring to get in their way.
    Fuck London. Sink it now and be done with the vermin infested swamp.

  10. Used to like a day out in London.
    You couldn’t drag me there since diversity became our strength.
    Anyway, there’d be a tiny chance i might bump into little Khan and when i started punching i have a feeling that i couldn’t stop.

  11. When I went to London beggars kept asking me for change.No change.Sorry.The London bubble

  12. When I was a child I loved to visit the tourist places and art galleries.

    As an adult, I’ve been there for a few courses, a look at museums and art galleries. But that’s it.

    It’s crowded, noisy, dirty, smelly, and a mad rush-rush of people rushing to get to places pushing and shoving.

    I’d rather NOT go to London.

  13. I would last 30 seconds in London before throwing someone off a bridge.
    Dirty talentless p*ki gnome in charge on the telly, chiggun scoffing knife artists in charge on the streets.
    Burn it.

    • Fucking absolutely.
      Burn some sense into ‘em.
      Make the whole M25 a napalm swamp – and instead of water , pump petrol through every domestic supply.
      Stand well back , they stink pretty bad as it is , but imagine them on fire.

  14. I was born there. I left forever at 18, and that decision looked better with every passing year. I am sorry about that: it really wasn’t bad for a heavily polluted collection of mutually exclusive but mostly English communities back then: you could buy, see and eat just about anything in existence, and most of it was pretty safe if occasionally stimulatingly edgy. It appears to be transcendentally fucked now, and I really, really don’t want to see it again – too tragic.

  15. London, place of my birth and some of my formative years. Later sold to Arabs and Russians and now used as a migrant camp.

  16. London changed so much in past fifty years all for the worst of course. What is really piss boiling is the fact that all the shitty changes are down to our so called governments and borough councils. Nothing better than being shafted by your own.
    As I am unable to communicate in cuntish I no longer visit unless forced.

  17. Felt like a white spot on a domino walking around Bethnal Green. Fuck knows what Ronnie and Reggie would have thought. They would have had to speak twenty five languages to collect any protection money. Honest, hard working, working class areas turned into third world shitholes in a generation. Too late now, the damage has been done. What were the dickheads in charge thinking??

  18. The last two times I went back to see some friends I ended up around west end/oxford st area. On both occasions once on regent street (school day) the other on park lane (Sunday) a group of about 30-40 kids, I’m guessing between 9-16 years old were all riding bikes popping wheelies spitting at pedestrians cycling on both sides of road.
    I’ve been to a few intimidating places jo’burg at night New York in the late eighties but those kids did not give one fuck about anyone and anything. No fucking police anywhere I might add.
    London you were my birth town but that’s where my affiliation now ends

  19. London is the greatest city in the world.
    Yeah it’s not perfect but where is? Most capital cities have an energy abaaaaht them and London has a lot of energy.
    Yes it has too many foreign cunts in it but that’s what Government’s people have voted in have allowed.
    I love London and although it helps living in a nice part of town, you really can make something of yourself here and enjoy the place if you have a few quid.
    Anyways I’m off to the shops, and I ain’t wearing a mask.
    Go fuck yourselves.

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