Julianne Moore

Honestly, virtue-signalling Hollywood luvvies are a real hoot, and boy, there are a lot of these clowns about.

Latest to jump on the “woke” bandwagon and start spouting pretentious crap is Julianne Moore, who says that she now “regrets” playing a lesbian character in “The Kids Are Alright”. In the film Moore played Jules, a lesbian raising two children with her partner Nic (Annette Bening).

Moore gushes “in this movie about a queer family, all the principal actors were straight. I look back and go ‘ouch, wow!’ “. She burbles on ” we need to give real representation to people”. I take this to mean that in her opinion, gays should portray gays, trangenders should portray transgenders, enabling them to draw upon their vital “life experience” in the process.

Well Julianne, just let me say that I for one think that you’ve opened your mouth and let your belly rumble; you’re spouting the Hollywood gobblydegook party line that you feel obliged to. Think about it for a second. Do you think, for example, that Cate Blanchett (a woman, I believe) shouldn’t have played Bob Dylan?. Do you think that Jodie Foster and Rupert Everett shouldn’t play heterosexuals?. Jamie Foxx played the blind Ray Charles, Colin Firth played a man struggling with an incredibly debilitating speech impediment. Eddie Redmayne starred as the wheel-chair bound paraplegic Stephen Hawking.

All three won Oscars, as did you for your performance in “Still Alice”, the story of a woman struggling with dementia. Unless you’ve been keeping it a close secret, I don’t believe that you suffer from this terrible affliction.

No dahling, your talk about giving “real representation” to people is arty-farty bollocks, whatever barmy “woke” dogma might suggest. No actor is the character they play on screen.

What you and your fellow performers are paid large sums to do is what Larry Olivier (dear, dear boy) used to refer to as, er, acting. Just stop with the cringeworthy luvvy bullshit already. Go down your line and it’s going to be damned hard to find someone to portray Peter Sutcliffe when they get around to making “The Yorkshire Ripper”.

Daft bat.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

94 thoughts on “Julianne Moore

  1. One suspects a lot of us cunters probably didn’t read the description below the header pic because we were too distracted by her cock cushions!

    Now then: what’s the issue again?

  2. Well hello, Clarice! Definitely a candidate for a bit of chloroform, if only to cease her natterings, swiftly followed by surgically opening her brain box with a pizza cutter.

    That’s my girl.

    • Always found Silence of the Lambs overrated. Hopkins goes over the top and the film also glamourises serial killers. Lecter is played as an intellectual, a connoisseur and portrayed as some kind of nietzschean superman. When in reality serial killers like Sutcliffe and Bundy are sad ugly little cunts with shit lives and crappy haircuts.

      And Jodie Foster can only play the same part over and over again. A feisty feminist type who can’t pronounce her ‘S’s’. She’s apparently a bit of a pain in the arse in real life and all (i.e: a cunt).

  3. Well in terms of Dykes Reperations I do hope Ms.Moore allows a porn star Lesbianist to do her up the arse with a strap on.
    Via Twatter or something.

  4. Another one. Who the fuck is she? I seem to live in a real world bubble, shielded from all these irrelevant non people. Anyway they are all cunts.

    • Fair do’s to her; she’s an Oscar-winning Hollywood A-lister.

      And another fucking airhead ‘woke’ luvvy.

  5. Another preening, virtue-signalling narcissist of whom I cannot name one film. Nonetheless, I would’ve deposited a gallon of magnanimous man-yoghurt in the plain jane ten tears ago. Not now obviously, she looks as dead-eyed and botox’d as like Nicola Kidman.

    Perhaps twenty years ago.
    Thirty years ago.

    • Ten tears ago? She’s probably had so many injections that tears are a distant memory.

      • Id give her tears alright!!
        Probably need 3 stitches as well before she could walk again.

    • I definitely would Cap’n. But then, as my mate Big Al says to me, ‘you’d shag a barber’s floor if it had hair on it’. He has such a way with words…

      • Evening Myron

        She might be been alright pre-Botox but like so many can hardly move her features. It’s like they’ve had a stroke. A face as flexible as a rubber sex doll. Judging by the unshampooed, chip-pan hair look, she looks like she smells like she doesn’t wash her back or front bottom.

      • This is all inconclusive. We’ll see what the official ‘Creampuff horn-o-metre’ has to say about it.

      • Ruff your official judge in the case of ginger Julie.
        The respected members place their trust in you to be fair and impartial.
        Do you find ginger Julie
        A) Oven
        B) Lovin
        How say you?

      • Prefer the more boyish figure me. Don’t like gingers either. A marginal improvement on granny Rayner though.

        Hope that helps.

      • How about wee Jimmie Krankie?
        Shes got a boyish figure?
        Or Miranda Hart shes manly!!?

      • Well decided, Lord Justice Ruffers.
        The ‘Nos’ have it.

        MNC, do you mean the real Jimmy Krankie or Trännie, Queen of ScotchLand? She seems a bit more than boyish. If you looked under that sporran you’d find the last haggis in the shop.

      • Hee hee! Was just acting daft meant the real one, but I knew what Ruff meant in regard to a boyish figure!
        Everyone has their own taste, poor Ginger Julie
        Off to the oven..

  6. Don’t know who this band wagon jumping scrubber is but heard it all before……..rich cunts crying about the “victims” and demanding equality.
    Give me all your money or shut your fucking cakehole bitch!

  7. I never understand why actors, male or female, quibble at playing “gay” roles – most of the fucking profession comprises poofters and lezzies anyway, all the wigs and make up and kissing each other and calling each other darling all the time. All of them as camp as a priests picnic basket.

    • I never understand why they quibble at all, that’s what their job entails. If they were just playing themselves being normal it would be a fucking well boring reality programme or documentary.

  8. I say daaahlings! Can anyone suggest a complete violent psycopath to play Ronnie Kray in the upcoming Krays 2.
    All lefties will virtue signal their way up their own arseholes in the end.
    Best ignored or laughed at.

  9. I put Netflix on the other day, and in the top five trending films on there was that fucking drivel looking shit ‘White Chicks’. For anyone blissfully unaware of this abomination, it’s about two bame cunts, cops I think, who go undercover as two young white girls. The poster for this shit shows them in their full white girl get up, and they look fucking terrible, the least convincing women since that freak Rodrigo Alves decided to become a ‘woman’ for an excuse to have more plastic surgery, and er, Katie Price.
    That this obviously shit shit was ever made is deplorable goes without saying, not because the main characters are appropriating a different race, but because it looks fucking dreadful. However, if you’re not allowed to black up, even if you are mixed race and just gone a shade darker, how the fuck is this any different? Some white kid has braids in their hair and people lose their fucking minds saying cultural appropriation, but black people straighten their hair all the time and rightly, no one gives a fuck, but how is it any different?
    Cunts need to grow up and get a life.

  10. Don’t upset the gays, the trannies, the lesbo rug munchers, don’t upset the blacks, the Asians…..anyone woke or sensitive, I think this chinky flu is getting pissed off with everyone trying to kill it.

    Actors are the biggest bunch of soft twats, most normal people wouldn’t even think this is an issue, you are playing a part you silly cow, fuck if they ever made a film about Harold Shipman they would have a hard job finding someone who has hundreds of scalps on their belts.

    Just been reading about the beach invasion in Kent on Sunday, not the usual invasion from the sea but Jerk Chicken Cookout rave, bus loads of Blacks from London, the day after shit all over the beach (literally). BLM!

    Any comment from Dawn Butler? Now we know why she was cruising around Hackney on Sunday, all Bruvs and Sistas we out of town so she knew she had a better chance of being stopped, nice move Dawn you slimy cunt!

    • If that Cottaging UberCunt Tony Bliar took up acting he could play Harold Shipman as he’s got thousands of scalps on his belt
      after he murdered those poor innocent Iraqi women and children, the bastard.
      Other cunts going thespian..
      Jess (butch) Phillips could play Karen Mathews
      Kweer Starmer ….Quentin Crisp
      David Lammy… Clyde O’rangutan
      Dawn Butler… Mammy two shoes. could have been Flabbotts part but she has problems with shoes
      Over to you lads ……

  11. i could tell a story about an intimate encounter with Annette Bening … but i won’t

      • well, there i was in london, attending an afternoon matinee of a restoration play when Annette Bening and Sian Philips turned up and sat next to me …. and we talked … I didn’t acknowledge I knew who she was …. and the people behind us kept telling us to shut up …. but we didn’t …. Annette was seemingly in a frisky mood so we …..

      • …. we both agreed the play was rubbish …. it was sunny outside so we waited for the morons behind us to return after the interval …. but they didn’t ….. obviously had enough …. but Annette and me ….. we only just got started …….

  12. Fuck its hot!?
    Bored so thought id interfer with myself, stuck ‘world at war’ on to get me in the mood, and its about the fuckin yanks before Pearl Harbour shitting it, slagging off the brits, shitehouses!!?
    Changed their fuckin tune when the japs spanked them didnt they?
    If you beleived Hollyweird they were there day one!
    Won it on their own!
    Bullshitting, gumchewing, jazz loving show offs.

    • They won Waterloo, provided support at Trafalgar and were in the Crimean for Charge of the BLM Brigade, another little known historical event whitewashed by the Establishment.

      • They wanted to drag us into their Vietnam shit show too but Wilson kept us out.

      • Ben Affleck won the Battle of Britain on his own in ‘Pearl Harbo(u)r”.
        British sailors from HMS Bulldog captured the first naval Enigma machine from a U-Boat in May 1941, before the Septics were even in the fight. According to Hollywood’s version of events in ‘U-571’, Americans seized it from the U-Boat. It one of their ‘based on a true story’ efforts I presume.

        (Cultural Appropriation perhaps? – Day Admin)

  13. Not sure if this ‘not gay, disabled, blind, ginger so I cant take the part’ bullshit is even loopier than cultural appropriation.
    One makes acting redundant the other makes cooking, fashion, sport you name it redundant.

    What a fucking world these weirdos live in.

    (Privileged White Guilt, is Hollyweird’s current mantra. Words are cheap of course; giving up their mansions, private jets and off-shore bank accounts is quite another! – admin)

    • Producer; “Ms Moore, our studio wants you to play the lead in our new lesbian vampire film ‘A Pain in the Neck’. The salary is $15 mill. for six weeks’ shooting. Are you interested?”
      Julianne; “Ouch! Wow! I think that you should give ‘proper representation’ to a lesbian vampire…”

  14. These cunts don’t really think things through the dumb twats. In a minute she’ll only be able to play a 59 year-old straight woman of celtic origin from Fort Bragg, USA and nothing fucking else. Fucking daft cunt’s are doing themselves out of work…. fucking soppy cunts!

    • (Riiiiing)

      Agent: Hi Julianne daaarling. Have I got some roles for you.
      Julianne: I must be quick daarling, I’m throwing a party for all my accountants.
      Agent: The first role is a gay woman who struggles to…
      Julianne: I have no experience.
      Agent: Lots have done the homosexual and you might win an…
      Julianne: No can do.
      Agent: Okays, what about a black woman who is attacked…
      Julianne: Whoa, whoa. Deprive a black woman of a role?
      Agent: But plenty of black people take white roles.
      Julianne: I have no experience being black.
      Agent: Hmm. Might as well scrap the last one then. An autistic molecular scientist, fluent in eleven languages, who fights Nazis, escapes Colditz, breaks the Enigma Code for Britain, then rescues 1200 jews before becoming President of the USA.
      Julianne: It was written for me.

  15. I used to be a big game hunter (private joke)-in my teens and early twenties I wanted to collect pussy, black, blonde, redheads, Asian (non dooshkah) etc.
    Nothing more exciting than inching down them panties and seeing if the carpet matches the curtains?
    I suspect Ms Moore would not disappoint-rancid, overated and out of reach ?

  16. The Kids are Alright had a budget of £4m and made £34.7m at box office (source: Wikipedia). Would the film have made anywhere near that amount with a real (& relatively unknown) Lesbian actress? I wonder if the studios share Julianne’s regret. I fucking doubt it.

    • I would wager jack Dorsey’s little pink unicorns have filtered out any negative remarks too.
      Let them all in, let them live in the posh areas and let the well heeled virtue signalers pay for their upkeep and provide molestation victims.

    • No one asked me so that’s one more vote for the ‘fuck offs’

      The comment under the twitter graphic “well 49% should be ashamed”…..Jack you fucking soy boy wanker!

      • “well 49% should be ashamed”?

        No one crossing the channel from France is a refugee seeking asylum from a war-torn country. No fucker.

        They are economic migrants and parasitic human filth, and they have chosen the UK over the many other countries they passed through because this government and its law enforcement are an easy touch and as soft as shit.

        Soyboy bleeding heart fuckflakes like the ‘ashamed ‘ mongbender should not join in the debate if they cannot accept that fact. So, bollocks.

      • These ‘I love migrants’ mob are fucking imbeciles. Mongs of the highest order. It was only a matter of weeks ago that the covid mess brought many shops to a standstill. Supermarkets were empty and stock like bog rolls, milk, eggs and bread were scarce. Now, I saw with my own eyes these peaceful types picking stores clean in the run up to the lockdown (the first one). If the shops go ‘dry’ again there will now be more of these human leeches to steal goods from old age pensioners, British taxpayers, and working families. And if these libfuck cunts are happy with that, it is they who should be ashamed. Fuck them all.

  17. Great cunting as usual Ron. These fucking cunts are so fucking thick and up their own aresholes they have no idea how idiotic they sound. Listen you stupid geenger cunt, you’re a fucking actor! You act for a living! That means you portray people who aren’t you! Where does this idiot draw the line? According to her there is no point making any historical films as all the cunts are now dead unless we dig them up and sit them in interesting positions. The dialogue might be a bit sparse but this will be compensated by the overriding stench of rotten flesh. And no English person could play a Welsh person for example and vice versa. So that’s dear old Anthony Hopkins fucked up for a start. Stupid fucking airhead twat, however having said all that I would like to polish her titties with my manwax.

  18. It’s a well known fact that Gingas have the anchovy gene.
    Anyway, back to the topic in question, she’s another Hollywood sleb trying desperately to stay relevant and in times when folks realise they can easily live without these attention seeking no marks.
    Let badgers join the dots up on her freckly aris.

  19. To be honest, I would, but it would have to be a Gym sock in the gob like with Kim Cattrell in Porky’s. Got them out in Boogie Nights but we didn’t see if it was fire down below as well.

    • Indeed Norman-the expression on your avatar, says it all?

      (But remember: gingaaars smell of pork)

  20. Did this hair brained cunt ever wonder why People in her chosen profession are called ACTORS? and being an ACTOR invariably means you play Parts that are different from your real life persona!
    It’s called acting you daft cunt….
    Fucking dimwit

    • Ginger Rogers, maybe

      Amazing how these minted cunts come out with all this cuntfuckery woke bollocks.
      if she was a skint member, the Ginger minge twat would play anyfuckingthing her agent put her way the, fucking specialoid

    • No I do believe her Dad was Dudley Moore and her half-sister was Mary Tyler-Moore and step-brother was Bobby Moore…I think.

  21. Off-piste for a tick, I just saw a news story of a twelve year old Nigerian boy who was chained up in a goat shed for two years while his father and three step-mothers lived in comfort along with his seventeen siblings. Not exactly making headlines while gobshite wimminz of colour Labour MP’s are getting stopped by racist police in Londonistan.

  22. Moore? She pleases me, I would like to hurt her with my cock. I have a very large cock.
    Fucking mental, obviously – as am I.
    I would make that girl sweat and squeal.
    Sam the barmaid is finally asleep, not for long – Olympic Fox going for a record here (It’s been a while, and she has 36GG tits!).
    Still got plenty left for Julia “Saddleworth” Moore though!

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