James is not a cunt but he soon will be if his shitstack of a mother gets her way.
At the age of three his father filmed him saying he was a girl. “Who told you that?” he was asked . “Mummy” he replied.
Unsurprisingly the parents were divorced and given joint custody but the father has been fighting through the courts to stop his mental wife pumping the poor little cunt full of female hormones and having his bits cut off. Jesus fucking Christ!
The court, already referring to him by female pronouns, postponed the latest hearing until September, so James will be attending school wearing a dress and called “Luna”.
Fuck me sideways! I’d like to say “only in America” but this kind of lunacy (unintended pun) is happening all over the Western world. All because this mental bitch wanted a little girl.
What the fuck is going on?
(Additional Information for context – admin https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7611057/Judge-rules-James-Youngers-dad-say-transition.html )
I know exactly how she feels: I wanted to be white.
Our world is now mad
The poor kid is probably fucked for life now. The “mother should be put down the cunt.
Sadly, it seems we need a world war so westerners can properly put life into perspective again. For 50 years or so….
Poor little kid, little James ISNT a cunt just a little toddler, he doesnt know his mummys a fuckin headcase sick evil cunt.
Im getting my patience tested with pandering to mental cunts.
Hes a little boy let him enjoy it rather than play games with a childs development to pander to some fad for genderbending.
Its cruel.
This crazy bitch (not misogyny, just truth) needs that kid taking from her, and not allowed any further role involving kids – and as a quick test if you have “gender confusion” forced on you – look down the front of your pants – the answer to your gender lies there, or not, as it were!
I am now so angry I am going for a mince about outside in the sequinned shorts I borrowed from our favourite pub entertainer Dominic “check out my huge organ” Grieve!
That’s terrible.
Read the comments before they get deleted.
I rather think I would be round to see the ‘mental health professionals’ with a bat and teach them all about gender dysphoria. If some cunt wants to be transgender then they can fucking wait till they’re 18, make the decision legally themselves and fuck the parents, professionals, courts, the fucking lot of them.
We already have one of these transwhatevers trying to sue the NHS for ‘failing to to give adequate counselling’ prior to carrying out the procedure when they were 16.
Totally fucked, that’s what we is!
A bat you say Moggie? ??
Yup. Cricket, baseball or fruit.
Sounds like it’s the kid’s barking mad mother who should be ‘transitioned’ to the funny farm.
I’m fat but identify as skinny.
I’m trans-slender….
I’m male but identify as a black female singer from Wales.
I’m a big trans-spender.
I’m not a millionaire but I identify as one. Where’s my million quid? 😀
I don’t mind the numbing but it got to be your choice and not your mother’s.
Bumbing was my preferred word.
Bet James isnt allowed to play with toy guns either!
Lots of snowflake parents dont like it!!
My lad had toy guns and swords etc
As did I, in fact there’s photos of me and my cousins playing with real cavalry swords in the 70s,
My dad collected militaria and had a laidback attitude to child safety.
Never did me any harm!
Although havent all my fingers, lost a eye and get a raging hard on at slasher films.
My favourite game when I was a growing lad was ‘doctors and nurses’. Still is, come to that…
There is only one cunt! The cunt who makes the law that allows this shit to happen, they make FGM illegal but allow a child to be groomed and possibly mutilated in the name of fucking gender.
Utter stupid bollocks and all these fucking LGBT activists should be dropped on a remote island and forgotten about.
And the kid will get to 18 and sue the NHS for not stopping the operation.
Utter madness.
Admin, this is a more recent news article about James.
So it’s dollies and dresses at Mum’s house and Action man and trousers at Dad’s house. He’ll be fine, probably end up at the BBC in a well paid job.
Ffs; therapists say that he should be called ‘Luna’?.
That should be his fucking deranged mother, as in short for ‘Lunatic’.
What a bunch of fucking wankstains.
My cat is called Luna and bites fuckers. That is all.
Piss doesn’t boil here in the states. But blood does.
While I appreciate the link Day Admin provided, it is a bit outdated as there has been a recent dramatic, blood boiling development in this tragic case.
In short a Texas Court Judge named Mary Brown has reversed the previous Judge’s ruling and granted sole decision making authority to James’ mother…one Dr. Anne Greorgulas.
Judge Brown is, of course a Democrat from a heavily Democratic district who was elected to the Bench without opposition,
Dr. Greorgulas is…well let her patient’s tell you who she is:
These two despicable, demented cunts will ruin this poor boys life if they are not stopped. But how to do so if the court is
There is a legal defense in the United States know as the Texas Defense. Rarely used, highly controversial, and by modern standards no longer valid. It derives from the old frontier excuse of “he needed killing”. In other words…a person of known bad character can be…for the good of the community and in deterence of future heinous act(s)…be “eliminated” for the common good.
Again, it is generally considered outdated and invalid but nonetheless, at least one modern Texas jury (in the 2014 case of David Barajas) found a defendant not guilty of murder by ruling it a case of justifiable homicide.
So what does one do when the court fails to protect an innocent life?
While I myself would never endorse taking preemptive action in the “gravest extreme”…(learned that lesson at the Little Big Horn)…perhaps someone with a little less restraint than me would consider a bit of “frontier justice for these 2 foul, vile, loathsome and despicable cunts and save the little boy’s life.
WTF? My links don’t work. Some help from Admin would be greatly appreciated but otherwise use the info in the link to find and read the articles.
Sorry all. Guess I’ve been away too long.
Looking at the Google reviews, the woman is demented.
Shit! Another screw up.
That sentence should read:
But how to do so if the court is tainted and biased?
Yeah I heard on the radio that this stink hole Democrat judge had awarded custody to the mental, attention seeking mother and ordered the father to pay 5grand a month for “transitional counselling.” I believe she is going ahead with giving him hormone blockers. Can you confirm this General or did I just have a nightmare?
Hey Freddie,
Confirmed. Press reports are scant because the corrupt, biased and complicent (not complacent) media isn’t reporting it.
Conservative and Christian media are. Without a hearing, the Cunt Judge ruled on a motion by the Cunt mother and took all rights away from the father. The Cunt Judge revoked joint custody and gave all decision making powers to the Cunt Mother.
Furthermore, you are correct in that the Cunt Judge ordered the father to pay for the destruction of the little boys life.
There are reports that the Cunt Mother and the Cunt Doctor are giving the little boy hormone blockers and making him wear a dress.
They have enrolled James in school as “Luna” but due to the abuse he has been receiving from other kids (or so they claim) they are applying to have him home schooled by the Cunt Mother. (More likely to keep him secluded while they work their evil on him.)
I read that the court says he must be referred to as she but I could not find confirmation so take it for what it’s worth.
Someone needs…to do something before it’s too late.
Thanks General. I try to keep a close eye on what’s going on in the States so can I say, leaving this case aside, are you lot losing your minds?
Freddie I was a boy back in the 60’s. My dad was an old school, blue collar, working class Democrat.
He would come home from work, clean up and sit in his chair. There, he would read the paper and watch the evening news before dinner.
Viet Nam…Hippies…Black Panthers…Women’s Liberation…sit ins…protests…violence…riots…et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum.
Invariably, his face would get red, his eyes would squint and he’d slam down the paper and snap off the TV.
Then he’d look at me and say…you think things are bad now? Just wait until the women and the N-words start running the world.
My dad was a cunt. But he was prophetic.
Now we have BLM, Me Too, Covid 19, nightly riots and a never ending parade of celebritards and a corrupt, activist media telling us that WE…white people are inherently evil.
Trump, they tell us is Hitler incarnate, a tool of Putin who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. The Chinese (Communists) they tell us are our friends.
They would have us believe that Black people are hunted in the streets and that the riots and destruction we see isn’t real. They tell us people of color are virtuous and justified in their “anger” and that we must give up our homes, our security and our “privilege” and learn to suffer.
They tell us that border security and the wall is xenophobic and immoral. They say we need open borders because people cannot be illegal.
They say we must abolish the police and jails and cash bond while at the same time trying to outlaw guns. To defend yourself, according to them is an act of racism.
They say climate change is the biggest danger we face. (I never want to hear the word existential again!) No gas…no oil…no nuclear…no fracking…no cow farts…”clean”, “renewable” energy is the only thing that will save us.
We must never leave Afganistan, Iraq or Syria. For that matter we must never Germany, Japan or Korea.
And if you oppose us…we will cancel you!
In response to your question; “we” have not lost our minds. But “they” certainly have.
But “they” certainly have!
(Sorry for the rant.)
Yeah, combine the increasing leftism of the Democrats and the media’s fanatical hatred of Trump and you have the perfect storm. I fear if Biden wins there will be enormous repercussions for the western world. Hard times are coming.
This isn’t what the kid needs. Its what the mother wants, so that she can feel ‘special’.
Pathetic shit-cunt, attention seeking, fucktard bitch.
You couldn’t humiliate and abuse the child any more even if you put him in a Manchester United shirt and changed his name to Diane Flabbot.
Just fucking stop. Stop this insanity now. The kid isn’t old enough to make life changing decisions.
There are two genders, a mutilated male isn’t a female. Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue and until recently was uncommon.
Stop messing with children’s minds.
It sounds like the mother has got that Münchhausen thing abusing the child to get back at the father for them divorcing.
When I was 3 years old I announced that I wanted to be a “thoroughly unpleasant,moaning old Cunt”….luckily both my parents were happy with my life-choice and I’ve never looked back.
You have certainly excelled at your life choice Fiddler. I see your old sparring partner, General Cunster is back on these pages, I hope he will still recognise the tolerant, open-minded and welcoming cunter he remembers.
I want Krav back.
Any ‘transition’ required Mr F?
Happily not,Ron….although I do remember becoming very disturbed one summer when my suntan had me very worried that I might be turning into a Dark-Key…luckily the fact that I could swim across the River Tweed without sinking straight to the bottom laid that particular nightmare to rest.
Jesus what a nightmare. A truly terrifying scenario.
His cunt of a mother should be burned at the fucking stake!
Mother should be hammered into the swamp with a JCB bucket and the wee lad bought a bb gun and a Swiss army knife!
I’ll buy the little fella a tomahawk and throwing knife happily!
Feel dead sorry for him.
Fuck me – nearly tripped over my dick reading this..!
What a complete and utter cuntsack this woman truly is
These fucking trannies are as dangerous as BLM. Trampling all over women’s rights and forcing prepubescent kids into sex changes that will fuck the up forever