Boli Bolingoli (Mardy Footballer)

Gentlemen (and wimminz).
For your cuntsideration:

Boli Bolingoli (honestly!)

Who he?
Him Dis, innit:

Another fine role model for our ever growing population of potential architects, budding formula 1 racers and grime artistes.

So Boli doesn’t think dat “whiteys” rules mean him too, so fucks off to Spain, breaking strict rules for Scottish Footballers, putting the whole Premier league up there at risk of being suspended.

Boli, what more can i say about your actions, but Golly!!!

Nominated by: Cuntfinder General 

55 thoughts on “Boli Bolingoli (Mardy Footballer)

  1. If he got a compound fracture playing his effeminate ball games the hospital tent next to the pitch in Senegal would probably get him blood poisoning as well.

  2. It has come to my attention over decades of watching football that the African and Arabastanian Stanley types are generally lazy whining racist trouble causing fuckers, and as a manager I just would not hire them – not worth the shit they always seem to bring.
    Cheating diving fuckers as well – must have learned that one watching French league football in Calais before their short trip to their hotel and life of paradise.

    • A few years ago there was some CEO (or some similar title) at West Ham who said exactly that about African players in general. He got the sack, obviously.

      • I remember an Italian manager getting roasted for saying something along the lines of:

        “Trouble in the dressing room starts, when you have more than 3 Africans in the team.”

        How right he was-look how Man Utd have fallen since the return of Pogba-Alex Ferguson has him sussed.

    • No way any African is as lazy or as big a diver and cheat as Neymar. Seeing his tears at the final whistle on Sunday night brought me great joy.

      • If Neymar was a horse and fell in a steeplechase race like he goes down playing football, the vets would come out on the racetrack, put up a tarpaulin and shoot the bugger dead.

  3. He is the cousin of that Man United reject Romelu Donkeykaku who was shite in a shite Man U team so the cunt gene is confirmed and strong in his family.
    What a cunt, he fucks off to Spain and puts the the Scottish Premier League at risk…although their ‘Premier League’ is like the old Vauxhall conference here so they can go fuck themselves anyways.
    The cunts.

    • La Liga? Barca play Real, everyone else watches them hand each other the trophies.
      Bag of shite.

      • Nah was on abaaaaaht The Scottish Premier League VF, although your right La Liga is pretty much a two team League.
        You a Leeds fan VF?

      • La liga-2 horse race
        Seria A-Juventus
        Bundesliga-Bayern Munich
        Ligue 1-PSG
        Scottish Prem-Celtic
        Etc, etc

        Only the Premier league is really competitive-Chelsea or Man City next season?

      • Order of skill:

        English Premier League
        League 1
        League 2
        Blue Diamond County shit league
        Lincolnshire under-16s
        Sunday lager chubbies Pub League
        Blind & impaired vision summer league
        Scottish Premiership

      • You forgot the Thai Tranny league CM, surely they are above The Scottish Premier League in terms of skill. ?

      • No, Manchester United B&WC, got some historic connections – I’m popular as fk in Yorkshire! ??‍♂️

  4. Cultural appropriation!! He as blonde hair!!! Fuck off you racist cunt. Whoever/whatever you are.

    • It gets more stupid. His full name is Boli Bolingoli-Mbombo.
      Supposed to be Belgian. Yeah right.

      • Mbombo
        You find im in de Congo
        I shoot Im wit me longbow
        Im smelling real strong tho
        To hate im isn’t wrong though
        They eat I’m in de Congo

    • Actually his full name is Boli Bolingoli-Mbombo. It makes Thierry Henry sound English. Just knowing that fact offends me and I want to know where I can get compensation.

  5. I’ve yet to see any top footballers who I’d be confident in betting a tenner on to pass english and maths primary school SATs tests. Fucking thick as pigshit. If it wasn’t for the demand for their feet they’d be stacking shelves or driving ratty white vans.

    That Maguire twat spent £60k on drinking. His friend pulling gang signs. No wonder they got started on. They’re all illiterate chav bellends with way more money than they deserve.

    This is why football is shit.

  6. All the slack jaws who feed on football are the scum on this cunts shoes as far as he’s concerned.

    It used to be the only way slime like this could earn mega bucks was to punch each other out in “boxing” matches…now they just kick a bag of wind around for the hoi polloi while they sit there scoffing junk food watching that huge TV from the local weekly payment shop.

  7. Everyone knows that rules don’t apply to the black man because the rules (made by the white man in Westminster) are racist, he had every right to go to Portugal for the day.
    I don’t know what the fuss is about and anyone who say he did something wrong is racist.

    But Harry McCunt on trial in his absence is hilarious, I hope they find him guilty and give a short spell in the slammer…Man United Cunt ?

      • I genuinely thought it was a press release from BLM and the BBC had just published it on the their website. But it can’t be it must come from the BBC. Fuck me It reads like propaganda. Yes (in the sense of doing whitey down) black propaganda from the BBC.
        What is that saying? When vice doesn’t pay lip service to virtue. The BBC where they don’t even pay lip service to journalism.

  8. Maybe we should be thankful this braindead cunt didn’t fly back to the DRC, his ancestral home, for a week or two in the middle of the latest ebola outbreak there. Unless he stayed….

    MInd you, cunts taking no fucking notice of anti-Covid precautions come in all colours, and in ages inversely proportional to the risk of actual death. So even though a shite black kickball player taking the piss is always a valid target, let’s not forget all the other cunts.

  9. That Maguire must be thick as shit. He goes to a bar in Mikinos which is full of fucking chavs. It’s obvious every cunt will recognise him and somebody is going to have a pop. I must admit I had some sympathy when I found out that it involved two filthy Albanians touching up his bird but couldn’t this cunt afford something more upmarket, the wanker? I thought all these footballers went to Dubai and places like that?

  10. A blonde kaffir?, dat cultural appropriation innit tho blud!, can’t criticise him though, lots of white cunts with bad eyesight think that lockdown doesn’t apply to them too, so as long as he apologises in a mealy mouthed entitled fashion I’m sure I can forgive the utter cunt!

  11. Why not just ban Celtic for not controlling their players? The Catholic cunts have got a monopoly on winning the SPL after they shafted Rangers a few years ago, would be nice to see someone else win it for a change.

    • In the interests of diversity how about a Glasgow team called Ramadan Rovers? We could up the sectarian violence to 3 sets of supporters.

  12. Sounds like an Italian pasta dish.
    Throw him in the cauldron and feed him to the missionaries.
    Get To Fuck.

  13. I’m not sure I can get on board with this one. The lockdown was stupid anyway and will ultimately end up causing more damage than the virus itself so the more people who defy it the better.

    • I agree GTC, we haven’t even began the Great Depression yet…parts of Britain are going to be like a Ghost towns…no jobs, cunts of all ages hanging abaaaaht getting drunk and high, loads of former business owner suicide’s, the rich still rich and the poor getting poorer, cunts like me taking advantage of the situation.
      The future is looking shite.

      • What’s even worse is that it will be my generation footing the bill. Again. All because of the fear and crazed power fantasies of Karens.

      • It’ll probably be yours and the next three generations paying for this pile of cunt.
        God knows what the final bill will be.
        Hopefully we will stop foreign aid and immigration after this for a long time.
        I doubt it though.

      • I’m with you only up to the point when I consider my personal chances of surviving if the brakes come off the epidemic. Well, at least you’ll be alive to foot the bill…

      • Thing is, I ain’t convinced that the lockdown has actually saved lives. In fact it might have made things worse given a lot of infection occurs in the home.

      • I was thinking of organising some old fashioned ‘Victorian’ tours of the down and aaaaht, poor area’s, where the wealthy can have a look at the poor and poke them with sticks etc. ?

  14. Fucking hell! Maguire has been found guilty of aggravated assault, resisting arrest and attempted bribery. Fucking hell, he can’t just walk away from that surely?

    • Why are most Harrys halfwits?
      What a fuckin’ drip Southgate is. Why would you choose to select the England squad hours before the court decision was expected?
      The verdict of guilty draws into question Southgate’s poor judgement of character.

  15. Fucking hell a footballer in the haggis league, the league is worse than the Kazakhstan under 15s lezzer spacker league, fuck me half the teams in Scotland recruit their players from the local pubs “Alright Hamish you can tie your own shoelaces your in the team Saturday what about Alisdair i’m not playing unless Alisdair is in the team”” Okay he can go sub” my 14 year old son would be good enough to play in the Scottish premier league set of useless cunts

  16. What a cunt. Not because he flouted the bullshit rules, but because he’s a footballer, and they are all cunts. There’s two of them in the news today for being cunts, one playing the tough guy on holiday, the other for going to Covid sufferer Usain Bolts Party in Jamaica. Unfortunately both survived, although the cunt done for fighting might be properly in the shit. Trashy cunts.

  17. He looks like somebody has poured custard over a dog turd and put it in a green and white shirt

  18. All part of the new black privilege. Break all the rules you like and then turn around and say everyone is racist, even the Chinky Flu. Hope the cunt gets Covid.

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