Baroness Dido Harding

Frankly, it boils my piss to see the number of tossers who repeatedly fall into cess pools full of shit and come up smelling of roses. Such a prime example is Baroness Dildo. Why Dildo ? Because she’s fucking useless.

Now we all know that PHE is totally unfit for purpose so Boris decides to replace it fair enough. But you can call a pile of dog shit a potpourri but it still stinks.

So, having totally fucked up the ‘world beating’ track and trace app, our Dildo get a plum new job heading up yet another quango. Remember this is the woman who presided over the data beach at Talktalk.

This is the woman totally unconnected with ensuring that loads a people were infected at the Cheltenham Festival just happening to be on the board of the racecourse.

And her new appointment and peerage has, of course, absolutely nothing to do with her husband being a Tory MP…

Nominated by: Dioclese 

46 thoughts on “Baroness Dido Harding

  1. Its the same corruption everywhere. Said on another post, 2 socialist parties in this cuntry are led by rich knights of the realm. All bollocks and stinks of shit. It is us cunts who have to put up with it. Fuck em, fuck em all.

    (Apologies for the unscheduled downtime. There was a rumour St Greta of Icebergs had wandered into our office wanting the blood of Ruff Tuff, Fiddler and Komodo for ruining her future! – Day Admin)

    This is what happens when Day Admin is left alone without his carer – Night Admin.

    • Tried to comment on this but was blocked. You don’t like my VPN, which I invoked thinking my ISP’s content control had kicked in again. But you were having a DDOS attack from BLM, I guess. Check the cool use of intials throughout…

    • I’ll ruin more than just her future if I get a hold of the saucy little minx,


    • Donkeys are both loyal and useful, two traits that a politician has yet to achieve.
      Anyone who thinks it would be a fairer, more open and honest, and less government led by the opposition parties is fucking deluded.
      And a cunt.

  2. A wench who has mounted many a horse, ridden the poor cunt to the point of exhaustion should lead and be featured prominently on, and not be leading the “new ” NHS England.

      • My apologies, I hadn’t spotted other refs to dildo. I need to go to spacsavers.
        And she’s got a degree in wearing hi-vis, safety goggles and steel-toecapped boots… People that go to Oxford are really so fucking dumb that it takes them three years to suss a simple bit of Elf ‘n’ Safety out…

  3. I don’t think she was responsible for the App, I bet she was a dirty little whore at the back of the stables.

    • This is the offspring of William Hague hate fucking a pig.

      The fucking state of it!

      • All that money and still cuts her own hair?
        Tight as fishes arse all them rich cunts are a bit Ebenezer.
        Plain doesnt do her justice does it?
        Poster girl for the lonely hearts column.
        Rich and plain is just for biscuits luv.

  4. What made me suspect she might have a PPE degree from Oxford? Because she does.

    Further damnation in the current Private Eye (subscription only), from which:
    She got her “first proper job” at Thomas Cook in 1995. After two years there (as a consultant, rather than an air hostess, obviously) verbatim: “I do not know the travel industry as well as my colleagues…”
    Two years later becomes ‘senior vice-president, strategic marketing Europe’ for employment services group Manpower.
    Next year, commercial director at Woolworths
    Next year, commercial director for value-added foods at Tesco. She stays, with promotion, for four years. Then
    (2008) Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s rival
    (2010) Talk Talk …..and the Daily Mail’s wooden spoon award TWICE for “providing the worst customer service in the UK”
    (2014) Stuffing the HoL for Pigfucker (she was brought up on a pig farm, btw. FACT.)
    (2015) Major data breach at TT. Did she know whether or not the data was encrypted? No.
    (2017) For the first time in public health. Has she a lot to learn? Yes, she admits. Will she resign the Tory whip for this independent post in the NHS? No.
    The Eye concludes:
    “With Dido on board the NIHP can look to the future as confidently as, say, Thomas Cook or Woolworths.”

  5. How would you address the newly created Baroness Dildo of Hardon?


  6. I thought it said raised as a pig on an apple farm in Dorset.

    Looks like a pig anyway and seems it always has it’s snout in the trough.

  7. Why is anyone surprised at this blatant nepotism? Or rewarding incompetence? In my old job, if someone was fucking useless at their job and you couldn’t sack them, they got promoted out of the way. I think that’s how manufacturing died in the U.K., all the fucktards made it to the top. We still feel the effects of Tony Blairs’ Nepotism every day, as he rammed every quango, every public body, and every civil service job with his fucking mates, who make sure nothing the opposition in government do will run smoothly, and an army of whistle blowers to make sure its headlines in the guardian and the mirror, and most importantly, the fucking BBC.
    Now there’s a swamp that needs draining.

  8. Sorry, but I had to re-read her name at least 5 times because I kept on reading “Baroness Dildo Hardon”

  9. Her music was shite as well ?

    All that white flag and life for rent dreary crap.

    Back in 2004 I went out with a lass who played it incessantly.
    The things I’ve done for a shag.

  10. I saw the title of the nomination and I thought it was for that blonde lady with the breathy singing voice.

  11. Tell me when will you be mine
    Tell me quango, quango, quango
    We can share a love divine
    Please don’t make me wait again

    When will you say yes to me
    Tell me quango, quango, quango
    You mean happiness to me
    Oh my love, please tell me when

    ~ Engelbert Humpercunt

  12. Amazing to see how many peopleFail to see that the problem here is Boris and the cabal who surround him.

  13. I’m fairly sure the absolute tragedy of those so called asylum seekers coming to the most racist country in the world in little rubber boats won’t have escaped most people’s attention, despite the best efforts of the MSM to cover it up.

    We are constantly being told that the law prohibits our Government from taking decisive action and it will take an age to change it but what I don’t understand is if the Government break the law who in the name of fuck will take action against us?

    Not the Yanks, they’re on our side. The EU? What are they going to do, send a bloke with a girls name to threaten us with a No Deal….

    I just can’t help but think many deliberate fires are being lit here.

    Apparently there are 48,000 of these so called asylum seekers being housed in the U.K. right now.

    18000 are being ‘housed’ by a company called SERCO who essentially run contracts on behalf of the U.K. Government.

    The boss of SERCO is Rupert Soames.

    Rupert is the brother of the Conservative MP Nicholas Soames and both are the grandsons of Winston Churchill

    SERCO have just been handed a £3bn contract to house so called asylum seekers for the next 10 years.

    Now far be it for me to suggest that our current government may well have a vested interest in facilitating these cross channel antics, I can’t help but think they’ll be many a plum job awaiting many soon to be ex Tory MPs at SERCO.

    As far as I’m concerned the business of government has always been corrupt but there was always an attempt to keep it under wraps but in the last 20
    years or so I’ve definitely noticed a change, the mask is slipping and the attempt to cover things up is week at best.

    We’ve become so immune to stories of corruption they just don’t chime anymore.

    Dildo Harding and SERCO are perfect examples of this.

    Utter cunts.

    • Interesting read. Cunty. Follow the G4s trail via all its subsidiaries and include to that Mightie., and you will see just how deep this goes.

  14. Any fucking cuntbubble who s called ‘Dido’ should be – as our old mated from Skaro would say – ex-fucking-terminated!

  15. Who the fuck’s this cunt? Immediately obviously from the pic some hard-lined, hard-faced lezpot.

    I think the daughters of Lesbos have far more of a stake in all this currently going on Marxist revolution malarkey than we’d previously banked on. The tuppence-lickers are the foulest of the Stygian fowl.

  16. I was unable to get through to the site last night. My apologies for the lateness of the response.

    There are certain people who seem to exist only to arsehole crawl their way into “important” government work, regardless of who the government is. Governments come and governments go, but they linger on like a fart in a phonebox. Two prime examples are “Dame” Louise Casey, a lardarse, who started out licking the ringpiece of Anthony Blair as it’s “respect” csar and ended up under the Tories as “homelessness czar”, and duckie for all seasons Gaylord Adonis, who serviced numerous “Labour” leaders. Now we have Dame Dido. Perhaps the mosr worrying thing about La Fartarse is that she is married to a Tory MP (John Penrose) who has advocated the privatisation of the NHS. Since lockdown NHS services have been much reduced, and it doesn’t worry me, but what does worry me is the ammunition this hands to Dame Kweer, and that little pansy Jon Ashworth, not to mention all Starmer’s opportunistic cunts on the back benches.

    Personally I think Didio could be better employed along with other old bags with big knockers in the Westminster Porn Consortium, where she could make videos for Pornhub. A good follow-up to “Jess Does Doggie” and “Swinson’s Bukkake Session” would be “Dido’s (Double-Headed) Dildo”

  17. Dildo Hardup was also the CEO of TalkTalk when there was a criminal release of data – only cost about £7 million – but this is what the tory party does today – CRONYISM is the only way forward with these corrupt bastards – they should all be hung

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