Emergency cunting due for Banksy. Not the first time he’s been cunted it seems!
Being a total failure as a youngster in school at the subject of Art myself, I did have some admiration for Banksy as I thought that a few of his creations were brilliant, albeit his respect for other peoples property was disregarded.
Was appalled when I spotted this tonight:-
Hope his people are returning these poor folk back to the Frogs rather than here, but I guess that wont be the case.
Banksy is a cunt!
Nominated by: knobrot
… and seconded by Jack The Cunter
Banksy is a cunt.
The lefty’s favourite vandal has bought a former French vessel, in order to pick up illegal immigrants in the Med. No doubt it will soon change its area of operations to the English Channel.
All this has been funded by his artistic ( ! ) vandalism. Something that you or I would be prosecuted for.
Here’s the story.
(A quick word of thanks to other cunters nominating this arsehole, but who just missed the Posting deadline – Day Admin)
Spray painting a stencil is not art.
Isn’t assisting a crime also a crime?
Some thoughts on the US election…
Yeah, but is it art?
“Professional crew with a flat hierarchy and vegan diet” eh? I bet its a bunch of Home Counties Jonty’s and Ophelia’s who have discovered their Micky Mouse degree in Sociology isn’t fit to wipe their arse with and are now ‘giving something back’. As for being vegan, its a wonder they have got the strength to haul these third world scroungers aboard.
If war kicks off between Turkey and Greece, this lot will be blasted to bloody confetti in the crossfire.
Such a shame.
Torpedo it.
Root out the artistic facilitator of this disgrace and gas him.
Multi-Millionaire anarchist?
Hows that?
Of course he’ll give it all away being so highly principled.
A black belt in tofu
A preacher of ducky
Banksy, you need working on boy.
Unmasked and flayed alive is the only performance I’d like to see with this Quisling cunt.
Fetching boats full of savages?
What a fucking disgrace.
I wonder what his name is,? Presumably Mr Banks.
His artwork makes huge sums. He must be worth hundreds of millions by now. Couldn’t he put them up somewhere? Or better still couldn’t he invest some of that money in the places they came from? So they wouldn’t feel the need to leave.
FYI, his real name is Robin Gunningham.
Robin Banks!
Richie Cunningham.
Banksy you terrible cunt! Multi-Millionaire Anarchist – out if the same stable as ‘Billionaire Socialist’ George Soros. Eh?
The cheek of these cunts is breathtaking. They break numerous laws and when things go wrong demand assistance so as to achieve their unlawful aims. In addition the cunts want ordinary people to pick up the bill.
I do not want my taxes to be spent on supporting illegal activities.
At least the vessel is operating in the Med rather than the Channel. On that basis, Cuntsy’s ship must be taking the non-swimmers to a Greek or Italian port. A “French Style” intervention is needed here with limpet mines Greenpeace style.
It’s all very well Banksy funding some boat but is he also going to fund the cost of caring for the people that it rescues?….housing,health etc.. Presumably once’s he’s salved his bleeding-heart liberal conscience ( and advertised his “woke crdentials) everyone else can pick up the bill. as well as live with the crime and disease that these illegal immigrants bring with them.
Banksy is a posturing, selfish fool. Hopefully his boat will Titanic…and Banksy himself will have his aerosols stuffed up his arse by a gang of “urban artists” after he “disses dem” by straying onto their “turf”.
Oh..and fuck his vegan crew too… even if I was bobbing up for the third and final time I’d still consider Davy Jones’ Locker preferable to sitting on a boat with a bunch of those whining,smelly strips of paralysed piss.
I think David Baddiel is Bansky, he has a hatred of a country that probably saved his family and resulted in his birth, as he says anyone who listens to “rule Britannia” is a cunt, I’m sure he’d prefer “Deutschland über alles” instead, the problem is he wouldn’t hear it as the Germans weren’t keen on diversity!, what an utter ungrateful cunt!
David Baddeil is probably the unfunniest comedian to stand on a stage.
Frank Skinner carried the cunt for years,
A monotone, whiny Milhouse of a cunt,
You hold his arms I’ll get the zyklon B.
Unfortunately I have used all the Zyclon B (and a quantity of cannonballs) in the Med trying to sink the jizzmark. I have managed to disable it, just need to find that Banksy bastard to use his skin as a sail. And Banksy the kickboxer where I live is not happy with this opportunistic little fucking shit.
And sink that bleeding boat fore we all get rabies!
Good nom, always had Wanksy down as a cunt.
“Bansky” who probably has an outsize chip on his shoulder because he has a name like John Smith, is a meddling heap of self-important shit. The sort of wanker who probably listens to Wireless 4s “Moral Maze” or “The Briefing Room”, a typical smug shit who thinks he has some superior moral goodness.
The arsehole ought to be presented with the bill, not only for resucing his ship but the money these parasites will cost to house – no doubt many of them will end up in rubber boats n Dover
I trust these fucking sc*m are being housed, fed and financed by wanksy then?
And will he be doing a socially insightful piece of artwork showing or enriching friends on their r*pe and murder sprees – presumably titled “lessons were not learned”.
This fucking rat needs tipping over the side.
Send him to Unkle Terry’s oven.Now
According to the news today, UK families are facing “huge tax hikes” because of the Coronavirus lock down.
What do we really need to alleviate this? That’s right, some fucking bellend by the name of Banksy, assisting and thusly encouraging more illegal gimmegrants to wash up on these shores. Even if some of these people find legitimate work, they will need to be a professional on a good salary to avoid becoming a net drain on the economy.
How many of Banky’s gimmegrants are lawyers, bankers, scientists and doctors? I wager the square root of fuck all.
The crew of this vessel is engaging on illegal activities, so Fatty Patel needs the Navy to commandeer the ship and send the crew to the mile long queue at Unkle Terry’s, awaiting a nice hot oven.
Banksy is a quisling and a weapons grade cunt.
The knives are out for Boris and no wonder; all talk ,no action. I have a funny feeling that in a last roll of the dice he will preside over a Brexit deal which screws this country completely.
I must admit I am feeling less confident about Boris and the EU. I had high hopes but on current showing he is just full of piss and wind, Another of the Tories who smashed the red wall has been caught claiming “expenses” of 9 pence, which must be music to the ears of fucking Labour. Boris, Hancock and co seem to forget they are no longer dealing with useless old fart Corbyn, they have their new Blair now.
Well he broke his promise that “there will be no border down the Irish Sea – over my dead body”, so why not the rest of the country?
Boris is a fat fraud – always has been – why people continue to be taken in by his lies and self serving “oven ready Brexit” type bollocks, I will never understand.
Correct PM but you missed one thing – the POOREST Families and people will face massive tax hikes.
Send the bill to wanksy, then a public hanging.
Banksy’s boat has had to be rescued itself over overloading itself with invaders, including a dead one.
I don’t get these lefty cunts, on one hand it’s wrong to fetch boatloads of people from Africa but on the other hand they go do it themselves.
Is his boat named the white saviour?
Send the fuckers to the bottom of the sea, one swordfish torpedo will end the spookery
A “flat hierarchy” isn’t a hierarchy at all. It means you are on a ship on the high seas and no cunt is in charge. You wouldn’t get me on a boat crewed by a bunch of vegan Nancies who have to have a mother’s meeting to make a fucking decision. But then i’m not a stinking African p*nce out to get to the land of milk, honey and the BBC.
No wonder they had to get some real men to rescue them.
People trafficking. The cunt is a slaver.
Facebook local sharks – free all you can eat. Give the r*pemobile a “General Belgrano” and film the jollity!
And my Uncle “Dt Evil” is working on sharks with lasers! ??
The most dangerous times in our recent history, and we have the biggest sack of useless shit in number 10.
If Johnson fucks us over Brexit he is gone.
Of course he will fuck us over. Boris is a great campaigner and wins votes, which is why the Tories reluctantly voted him in to start with. But put him in charge of anything and he is exposed as the dithering poshboy he really is.
Starmzy starts with the advantage that he is not Catweazle. All the cunt has to do is not say anything too stupid for the next 4 years and he waltzes into No.10.
Sir Nigel is our only hope.
When. Mr Fox.
TT MNC@ – when you see my Panzer rumbling Downing Street with me dressed in my Lemmy outfit you will know its on!
Vote Fox, and begin the purge!
This pretentious cunt will get his shitheap boat to roam about the Med but he will not pay a penny once the illegals are on European soil. He’ll just vanish like a fart in a hurricane and go pack to doodling with his orange crayon on a wheely bin in some English podunk town.
How this cunt came to prominence is a mystery for the ages as he is little more than a petty vandal and i’ve had bowel movements with more artistic merit than the cack he scrawls.
I like his art.
Devolved parliaments brilliant!
Its his student Grant politics I dont like.
You cant be a class war anarchist and a multi millionaire art fairy,
Hes like Lilly mong, Lineker, Bono, AJ, Hamilton etc
A lip service marxist
While squealing at the trough.
“Bullets solve everything”
Mother Teresa.
To be honest with you Miserable, i could probably write what i know about art on the back of a postage stamp and still leave room to sign my name.
Though i have to admit, the art i’d like to see involving Banksy, Bono, Lineker and the like is a horror themed one where these cunts are all stapled together like the Human Centipede. Lineker’s mouth could be sewn to Bono’s arse and so on. A tad morbid perhaps but i’d do it for real if i was given a white labcoat, a house in a foggy town with inbred residents and Guy Verhofstadt as my deformed assistant. Guy would probably end up stapled to the Cuntipede in the long run though….
See youve painted a beautiful picture already in my imagination!
Lets snap his crayons
Start stapling them together, and send igor verhofstaht out for sandwiches!
See you know loads about art!
In the voice of Paul Whitehouse
“In’t art BRILLIANT!!!”??
You wouldn’t need too many of them to go full circle so they all get the benefit of the shit they produce. Not so much centipede as hula hoop.
The next post on this cunt comprising everyone else who nominated him will be up early tomorrow evening.
Graffiti art is a blight on mankind, and those who perpetrate it need public flogging, then a sentence of hard labour. This cunts stencil shit is no better, and for this boat hiring lark he needs locking in a box with starved rats. The cunt.
I think a trip to Singapore’s Caning Room, with 24 of the best served up would be an ideal punishment. Especially for “Banksy”
I heard this morning that the original vessel transporting the gimmegrants got into trouble and none of the EU countries who could have helped, did. No, funny that – might have something to do with not wanting them.
I’ve just read that his rescue boat needed rescuing, as there were so many people on board it risked capsizing. Shame.
Banks is a resident of Bristol isn’t he?
I were thinking, shall I slam a fish into his side? Then I thougjt nah! Not worth it. Surface and sink the bugger with gun fire. “Bow plains at 30, blow main tanks, gun crew to the bridge”
If only!
What a cunt, it’s one thing these fucking savages paddling across the med in rubber boats but if there are organised ‘rescue’ boats facilitating illegal immigration then they should be impounded…. it’s illegal!
Banksy is a cunt, I hope the next fucking piece of ‘Artwork’ he makes gets painted over with the words ‘You are a Cunt’
I hope his next piece of art is his head splattered against a wall. Let’s see how much that goes for.
Whata wanker Banksy is, i will piss myself laughing when the immigrant shit stains family sues Banksy for providing the senario for said shit stain to drown.
This fucking vandal deserves to get chinned every time he spray paints someone else’s property.
Banksy you cunt dont you think there are enough illegal immigrants leeching off the systems in this country and your boat would look good with fuck off sponging cunts spray painted down both sides in ten foot tall red letters and see how you like you cunt….
Yesterday according to reliable news sources! The S.S Banksy was calling for help because it was overloaded and unable to use its engines as a flexi ferry was tied up alongside. Further into the story it was suggested that the French help you cross the channel guard were ignoring the cries for help and thus endangering the lives of those on board. This is getting fucking stupid very very quickly as an earlier commentator stated Boris said “no border in the Irish Sea”. Never mentioned the channel. Is any person of any standing going to do something? Fuck hiring hotels there are plenty of disused military camps which could be used whilst these illeagals are processed. We all know that the majority will be allowed to stay but it would look as if someone other than uncle cunty was in charge.
It has been reported this weekend that there are more asylum claims being successful in the U.K. than ever. So much for getting tough. It won’t be long before there will be no refusals, and as long as you get here, you’re in.
What housing shortage?
Good call, but if Banksy makes his own stencils, then I have to say he’s got a definite talent, and if I had it I’d be making as much money as I could.
Hilariously, though, he doesn’t seem to have quite nailed the principles either of marine engineering or of making valid distress calls for a genuine emergency (I doubt this qualifies)
Looks like he rescues them but no-one wants to take them off his hands. Germany? Why the fuck should Germany be interested?
I am fine with any of this shit coming to the UK – provided their multi millionaire apologists give £100,000 in surety money, pay for this shit and house them in their homes.
That should sort it – and if Wanksy likes n*gga land so much feel free to fuck over there. And take a few million with you.