How the Fuck does this piece of shit not deserve a prison sentence ? He’s lucky he didn’t write something nasty on Facebook about a tranny or muzza…his feet wouldn’t have touched the fucking ground.
I’m aware the Police aren’t universally popular (still no excuse to physically attack them) but why would anyone want to attack a medic or firefighter? I’ll bet the same Cunts would be screaming for help if they had an overdose or their doss-house caught fire….personally I’d put any Cunt convicted of such a charge on a “Do Not Respond” list… if they rang 999 they should just be told to ” Fuck Off”.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Cunts like him make scum look good. We are broken, the courts and criminal justice system is unfit for purpose. I have no other words.
The decline from a decent society to what we have today has been rapid. I fear that we have yet to hit rock bottom but hopefully the fight back will start soon.
I doubt it, the country is full of useless snowflake twats. No fight in them.
I must respectfully disagree. With Sir Dick at our head ,providing he is listening to our foxy friend and that miscreant B&WC bringing up the rear, we cannot fail.
Fair enough, they’ll sort the buggers out.
Bring back hanging (and drawing and quartering): life-forms (of an extremely low-level) who attack emergency services and hospital staff do not deserve to live.
I think Boris has increased the sentence for just such an offence.
This was an opportunity to send a clear message – and it’s fallen at the first hurdle.
Perhaps the judge is related to the cunt, or they frequent the same nod and wink bars.
I agree with Dick on this. Emergency service to this cunt should be withheld for life.
Which hopefully won’t last much longer.
what a piece of shit. Britain has lost its moral compass.
Why do cunts attack paramedics and firefighters? Because they know they can’t fight back. They have to take it and wait for the coppers. The same reason they abuse shop workers, waiting staff etc…..they can’t say anything back.
Plus of course the law is not on your side as shown in the article. Fucking suspended sentence and £1400 that will never be paid and the cunt has 20 previous convictions! It’s a fucking farce. Trash like that only understand pain and the fear of it. I would hang that cunt and wouldn’t think twice about it.
‘Why do cunts attack paramedics and firefighters? Because they know they can’t fight back’
I did. The look on the little cunts face as I got him by his throat is a moment I’ll take to my grave with absolute pleasure. Fucking scrawny, rancid little cunt. When I whispered in his ear that I’d happily watch him die and not lose a seconds sleep over it, whilst still shaking him warmly by the throat, pinned down on a worktop changed his attitude.
I love the thought of you giving them pain DCI. But be careful.
Always. I’m in single figures until I can retire, but, I’m not sure I’ll make it!
As a shop worker I developed techniques for dealing with difficult customers. I found if I took my glasses off and stood up, they would back down. Approaching them also works. A lot of pricks would want to be served by women as they could take it out on them more easily, so I would step in. Sadly drugged up fuckers like this one are impossible. I once had a guy throwing bottles at me because I didn’t tell him where the beer was immediately. When I got up everyone had run out of the shop, save for a mother and child cowering in the back. Manchester is so cosmopolitan!
Break that fucker on the wheel and make the BBCunts broadcast it live.
“The judge said it was an “extremely close call” as to whether he locked Gallagher up and said he suspended it because he is a carer for his brother, is remorseful and because of the pandemic.”
So where the fuck was this nasty, cunting insect when his brother needed him for carer duties? Assaulting paramedics. I call bullshit on his “defence”.
Why the fuck aren’t courts fully utilising their sentencing powers? The apparent reasons for the lenient sentence, as cited by the judge, are utter fucking cockwaffle.
A attack on any emergency worker be it police, firefighter paramedic whatever,
Should be a automatic 5yr prison sentence.
No pleading they have had a hard upbringing
No defense of mental issues,
Tough shit deal with it in prison.
Absolute cunt to attack someone whos jobs helping others, but thats the modern world.
Good nom Dick!?
The cunt is a gangster and they intimidated the jury and the judge, that’s the only logical explanation.
When I came back to Blighty in 2001, I would of said law and order in this country was fairly acceptable, fast forward 19 years and in all honesty I fear for the future of the European people (and I don’t mean the EU either) not only in the uk but across the English speaking world, I would bet a lot of these paramedics are under pressure to do a job many people wouldn’t want, dealing with people with horrific injuries but having to stay calm throughout, the last thing they need is abuse and violence thrust upon them, why is this happening though?, I shall enlighten you all fellow cunters, any society that is harmonious and tolerant is doomed to fail, when people are angry and feel “oppressed” this gives the higher encelones of society a way of manipulating people for their own advantage (George Soros for example) conflict makes money, harmony does not, it’s all swings and roundabouts, and all these ambulance staff are baring the brunt of this decline as there on the frontline as we enter another decade of “enrichment” from the third world, and that’s added on top of homegrown indigenous scum, these emergency services are pawns just reaping what they’ve sown for indulging in Marxist ideology and using kid gloves, instead of using sjamboks and anger! the utter cunts!
The recorder (judge) needs fucking incarcerating too☹️
20 previous convictions and he gets a ducking slap on the wrist.
Top cunting Sir Dick-avoid leaving piles of bricks around too.
When you are dying you have a lack of oxygen and start hallucinating. Im not defending the cunt but I remember being in intensive care and thinking the nurses were trying to kill the man opposite. Then about a hundred kids came in to murder me. At the time it was all real. Maybe a big man with a stick should be employed to calm people the fuck down.
When you are dying and have a lack of oxygen you WON’T be able to start acting the cunt.
get over yourself luv.
What the fuck are you wittering on about? It’s a medical fact, ‘Luv’.
And why did you take the medical fact so personally, ‘Luv’? I aimed no attack your way, ‘Luv’. You’re not a Johnner are you? Don’t forget your Polos and triangular bandage, ‘Luv’.
you have a weird thought of yourself as some kind of hero. You aint . Any more than my two nurses daughters.
No I don’t, ‘Luv’, it’s people like you that put people like me on some kind of pedestal. Personally, I see you as a black catter Walter Mitty type, ‘Luv’.
The reasons for economic migrants wishing to come to the UK are often given as ease of claiming benefits, free housing and healthcare. However, it doesn’t just end there. We are a laughing stock when it comes to law and order and criminal punishment. This case perfectly demonstrates to migrants how easy it is to break the law and escape punishment, particularly a jail sentence.
It’s so easy to think that if you’re not being given enough, then you can turn to a life of petty crime in order to supplement it. Chances of any punishment would be very remote, given all the other cards you possess to bring into play.
We have enough cunts of our own like this one, without encouraging hordes more to enter our soft touch country.
Very true Bertie, especially when many come from countries that have the death penalty for non violent crimes like blasphemy and are not fussy about chopping off a hand for thieving.
Well said Bertie!
Agree entirely.?
…what the fuck where am I n hospital what the fuck I didn’t ask for this where the fuck are my tinnies I want out you cunts you’re stopping me I know my rights well here you are you cunt and what you complaining about you’re in fucking hospital aren’t you they’ll patch you up that’s what its here for…
Anybody guilty of assaulting a paramedic firefighter nurse of doctor needs to do serious time. This country needs to use the foreign aid money and a lot of welfare pay outs to the idle to build some fucking big prisons and not the nice kind..
Nothing fixes a man and takes the fight out of him like digging a hole.
Sounds simple , try it!
Any cunters done manual labour will understand,
Digging all day ache all night.
I refer you gentlemen to the awfully nice film “Cool hand Luke” for a practical of what im proposing!
“Whats your dirt doing in my nice hole Luke?”☺☺
On the subject of foreign aid, I received a sanctimonious reply from the Government the other week due to me signing the petition to stop all foreign aid. If it was a bloke in the pub talking to you like that, it would be “fuck off cunt” and maybe a brawl as well. The ineptitude, selfishness and bollocks spouted by our Government knows no bounds. We are at a crossroad now, take it by the scruff of the neck and gives cunts who attack emergency services an instant 15 year prison sentence. I’m not holding my breath, anarchy, chaos and lawlessness will carry on unabated.
This shit happens all the time, and the junkies and piss heads who do it more often than not get token justice at best. They are the part of society that, mostly by choice, are nothing but trouble, and a drain on resources. I’ve said it many times that human rights should come with human responsibilities, one without the other makes the above behaviour inevitable. Each of these play up skum cunts should get a minimum of 18 months hard labour, and whilst in custody they should have an RFID chip put in their head where they can’t scrape it out, and emergency Services given a reader, and if you have a cunt chip in your head, you’re on your own chum. Fuck them.
I would never dream of attacking our Emergency services at all.You have to be brain dead if you started attacking them
But lots of people are braindead EW
Because we are a soft society, we are weak, sickly, when it comes to law and order.
Great cunting Dick.
I myself am a member of the elite home forces that look after this country.
I’m a binman and the amount of grief we get off the public is atrocious..
Put the right waste in the right bins you cunts..
‘Put the right waste in the right bins you cunts..’
If we’re using that analogy, if you’re feeling hot and have a temperature DON’T WRAP UP IN MULTIPLE FUCKING LAYERS. And don’t retreat to the room in the fucking house furthest from the front fucking door that’s the most awkward to get you out of. In fact, unless you’re in cardiac arrest, have a catastrophic haemorrhage, a heart attack or are struggling to fucking breathe DON’T FUCKING CALL US.
I’ve never understood how people keep their temper when dealing with someone assaulting them. I’d have smacked the Cunt before I’d even had time to consider the consequences…suspect it wouldn’t stop me even if I had.
Best bet would be to spark the Cunt out and then run over him with the ambulance…maybe reverse over him a couple of times just to be sure..and then claim that he chucked himself under the wheels.
See below, Dick.
Your not cut out to be a paramedic Dick.
I’d have you as a crewmate, Dick!!
I fear you’d have less “frequent-flyers” than Dr.Shipman if I had my hands on the shock-machine,DCI
🙂 .
Whatever you do DCI, don’t let him drive!
It wouldn’t help your coronary cases when Dick fancies trying out a deceleration zone for some fun, which he has in the past.
You’ll never get over that time I got pissed up and took you on a tour of “Pubs from which I’m banned in Rural Northumberland”,will you ?
The hounds are still half deafened from your girlish screams of terror and I’m still trying to get the shite stains off my upholstery.
Not arf! I’m more used to urban pub crawls, not hammering along country lanes shitting myself.
There’s not a single barmaid that you didn’t goose that night!
You may well be right,Miserable….it’d only take one Gobshite getting in my face and screaming “Cunt” before the ambulance was genuinely needed for it’s intended purpose.
I’ve had a few ‘moments’. No cameras about, though, so we ‘won’. Dropped some cunt who had HIV who tried to bite my crewmate. Held him in a lock until the police arrived. I’ve not always been an ambulance driver?. Cunts flming us on their ‘phones make my piss boil, too. Ignorant, selfish, Me Me cunts. I fucking hate people.
The cunt as one of those faces that need a burning tyre wrapped around it.
I noticed the soft as shite judge used the pandemic as an excuse to give him a suspended sentence rather than jail. If that isn’t a green light to every feral missing link cunt to commit assaults with little or no consequences, then what is? Nice nom Fiddler, I hope he’s a rambler.
I’d give the cunt a ‘suspended sentence’ alright…
Might not be a Rambler,LL…but I bet the Cunt travels by pushbike.
Another police office suspended in West Yorkshire trying to subdue some big fucker who was out of control, he was heard saying if you don’t calm down I will choke you out, well I would say well done…. if you are a police officer and some big cunt doesn’t want to be arrested do you…
Say Ok fuck off then or
Make sure the cunt cant hurt you, choking out doesn’t mean killing someone it mean making them passive.
The police should say fuck off to all these woke cunts… if you want pussy police then employ fucking pussies, personally I want police capable of kicking the fuck out of some cunt when they turn nasty.
At the same time 2 parking stanleys found guilty of raping and grooming young girls in Barrow. (Who knew that these animals got as far as Barrow?)
Guess which made the news.
I did my time working in A&E but left due to the sub human scum passing through the doors. I remember an incident when a peaceful member of the community (and they were almost always peaceful) started threatening staff and then the security guard (who was more than competent in Krav Maga). Within 0.5 seconds the peacefull gentleman was on his face crying as his arm was slowly twisted up his back. Think he pissed himself as well. It was difficult not to go over and stamp on his peaceful fucking face, accidentally of course. Trouble is, we have to help them no matter what.
Fuck em.
Not sure who is worse, the judge or the violent lunatic. Ok the violent one is worse but the judge is not far behind.
Gees, the violent one got a £1000 fine. If you refuse to wear a mask that’s a 3 grand fine. Utterly appalling state of affairs.
It’s a joke Cuntologist,
The judge should be struck off, scum like that need REAL punishment as a deterrent.
The whole British justice system is a joke. Unrelated to the nom I know but it seems nicking £100k doesn’t even get you jailed these days.
“Lacked skills in understanding in how to live in society as a responsible adult”. Fine, fuck off back to your cousin and his other two wives in your Islamic shitpit then.
by Philip Larkin
Closed like confessionals, they thread
Loud noons of cities, giving back
None of the glances they absorb.
Light glossy grey, arms on a plaque,
They come to rest at any kerb:
All streets in time are visited.
Then children strewn on steps or road,
Or women coming from the shops
Past smells of different dinners, see
A wild white face that overtops
Red stretcher-blankets momently
As it is carried in and stowed,
And sense the solving emptiness
That lies just under all we do,
And for a second get it whole,
So permanent and blank and true.
The fastened doors recede. Poor soul,
They whisper at their own distress;
For borne away in deadened air
May go the sudden shut of loss
Round something nearly at an end,
And what cohered in it across
The years, the unique random blend
Of families and fashions, there
At last begin to loosen. Far
From the exchange of love to lie
Unreachable inside a room
The trafic parts to let go by
Brings closer what is left to come,
And dulls to distance all we are.
In fairness, Miles, Larkin was a bit of a twat really. Anyone who
?wore those silly glasses
?has been to Oxford University
?hails from Hull
?adopts a specious, silly nom de plume like “Brunette Coleman” whilst an undergrad at John’s
?wrote homoerotic poetry in those days
?featured unnecessarily high on the school curriculum during the worst excesses of “Looney Leftist Lalalaism” © – which, admittedly rather glibly characterises State sector English literature education in the 1970s,
?was during the time of Mccarthyism arrogant enough to stick his neck out – notwithstanding the foregoing and his own folly of interpretation of the contemporaneous politics without value, personal merit, or other rationales
Is a Cunt.
Plus, as you do ably hereby demonstrate, Miles, some of his “best work” was rather rattly also. Bag of shite.
Larkin is, according to critics as diverse as Harry Enfield and Vic Stanshall (not very diverse, I know but both of whom I’ve had the pleasure to know) also, Rattery tellingly, one of the easiest of suchlike to satirise. They neither of them bothered, due to his “irrelevance” and its inherent lack of marketability.
But if you like him, then de gustibus & all that. Totally. Hope you’re staying safe, old bean
I like Larkin’s ‘They fuck you up, your mum and dad’ poem.
Yes, RTC, I think I know your meaning, but may be wrong.. .
What you mention reminds me, I know not entirely why, of Robert Frost’s quite egregiously well-known “path less travelled” poem.
Perhaps its the immense popularity alone sways me agin, but I fancy it’s because its basically guff. A bit like comparing Faust with Steely Dan, arguing that The Doors were instrumental in Faust’s success due to the influence of The Velvets and Billie Holiday, Pee Wee Hunt and The Duke. . In fewer words, RTC, what I’d characterise as bullshit.
Although I always appreciate do vigorously accept and approve that we all interpret this kind of thing differently.
(Hence my tedious preference for simpler tings)
Get out the cab!
Evening CS
Better be careful here.
‘hails from Hull’
He moved to Hull. He was born and raised in Coventr. His father an alderman of that city with an admiration for Hitler.
“Brunette Coleman”
Sounds like Ornette Coleman the ‘free’ jazz (which he hated as you know) saxophonist? That was maybe in his mind when he chose it.
‘wrote homoerotic poetry in those days’
I’ve heard that but never seen them.
‘Looney Leftist Lalalaism” ©’
There was only him and Betjeman producing any memorable poetry during that time. I mean poetry that rhymes and scans.
‘Mccarthyism’? What would anything he said about that matter? He wasn’t that political.
Maybe you’ve fallen into the trap of seeing him solely as right wing from scraps of indiscreet comments he made over the years. Forgetting the poetry.
See below.
I know Famous Seamus compiled an anthology and called it ‘The Rattle Bag’.
But Larkin’s poetry rattly?
His poems are tight as a drum.
See below.
‘Vic Stanshall’ the fella in the Bonzo Dog DooDah Band?
Don’t undstand. Maybe you just want to name drop there.
Don’t understand.
I profoundly disagree with Larkin in his pessimism. But I recognise the greatness of his work. You have only analyse the rhyme scheme if any given poem to know this is a master of the poetic art.
Now don’t turn against me. Miles.
Agree about ‘This Be The Verse’. Shouldn’t really have put it in a book. Kept it secret.
Fair play Miles.. And in no particular order a riposte
?You make some good points (his skill is beyond any doubt).
?You make some cheap points (name dropping?) Up to you to disbelieve me, and it doesn’t strike me as especially “desirable/clever”, but yes indeed I did meet Vivian Stanshall shortly before his untimely death and we got on well
?Lalaleftism. Absolute tosh. There was then, is now, and ever shalt be much more than Larkin and Betjeman. As my ribaldry suggests, the choice was a trendy, one borne of worn out minds. It did little to inspire any other than a hardcore of students, and was a selfish choice of a small cabal of educationalists. Perhaps that’s my main opprobrium here
?My reference to Mccarthyism was intended exactly as I first made it. I think you didn’t get it, perhaps. It speaks to me an ugly degree of arrogance in the man. A nice point, perhaps less important
?Rattly was not referring to Heaney, but just a perhaps weak and cheap adjective that struck me as expressive of a criticism of some of Larkin’s shortfall in easy understanding and communication of his meaning
?Larkin wrote plenty of cheap homoerotic shite in his youth, called himself Brunette Coleman, and by his own indication was highly influenced by his significant exposure to Hull during his formative years
?Rattery a frank typo. I’ll leave it to your fecund imagination to ascertain the correct keystroke input intended
I think you might see that the fact that I (or anyone else) would discuss with Harry Enfield & Viv Stanshall the relative merits of a satirical analysis of Larkin would imply he is at least a candidate worthy of thought. . We didn’t discuss the relative merits of a satire on Robert Vaughan. There are many masters of poetic art, but few who are more deserving and easy of justifiable mockery than Larkin. In that I, Enfield and Viv were ad idem.
Just my thoughts.
*Robert Vaughn
‘Up to you to disbelieve me’
Oh I don’t disbelieve you. I always believe what you say.
‘There was then, is now, and ever shalt be much more than Larkin’.
I really can’t think of anyone. The other ‘Movement’ poets Thom Gunn no good. Ted Hughes not very good. ‘The ‘Martians’-Craig Raine, Chrisioher Reid…no good. Hugo Williams no good. Tony Harrison not really any good. The poet laureate forgot his name absolutely terrible.( The one before CA Duffy who’s no good). Simon Armitage no good.
See take the ‘Martian’ school (only in the 70s). All very clever but it hasn’t LASTED.
‘and by his own indication was highly influenced by his significant exposure to Hull’
I never knew that. I thought he just happened to get a job there.
Never mind the lit crit, but I’d be interested to have DCIGC’s opinion on this one, regardless of its poetic quality or otherwise. At least it’s relevant.
DCI? True?
Bit niche, Flora: makes the Fripperies of Larkin and the forces of van der Waals and London appear the mainstream and pedestrian things they are.
Good luck with that
Every word, Komodo. (Apart from the ‘married’ bit, in my circumstances. I have a very understanding wife of many years who’s dried my tears on more than one occasion). I have dreams that I’d only wish on a few people. That list grows longer every day, though. I look forward to going to work. If you have a good crewmate, it’s not like working. You go to that one patient, amongst the 111 dross and thick cunts, and the job makes sense and yiu KNOW why you do it. My compassion drains every day, my temper grows shorter, my tolerance levels are running on empty – see my response to Smug Cunt, above – but I still love the job.
TY DCI, thought that might resonate.
If I was involved in a ( not my fault) RTA in which the other party whose head was slumped against the windscreen happened to be a drugged up chav or a white,dreadlock-wearing woke blm supporter , I would have no qualms climbing out of my written-off wreck and sticking my fingers in their fucking eyes.
That will teach them not to drive like like a cunt.
I actually wrote:
“There was then, is now, and ever shalt be much more than Larkin and Betjeman. Perhaps you simply omitted to read “and Betjeman”; I frequently skim read dense texts and all too often make the same mistake.
The difference is crucial to my meaning. You incorrectly interpret what I said (I infer from what you quote back to me, above) as meaning Larkin was not the best of The Movement poets. I agree with you fully; those you cite (Thom Gunn… Simon Armitage) are – in varying degrees – wilfully dense but often incredibly shallow and trite when the meaning is unpacked. I don’t like them at all, and as you say many are straightforwardly just not really very good at their craft.
Larkin is a very Colossus, a giant talent and a supreme technician in comparison I wholly agree. But I wasn’t comparing L to those Movement poets at all; the and Betjeman sees to that! I was looking far outside this small pool of writers.
My point was a strong criticism of that obsession with Larkin (and Betjeman) which came to define British English Literature syllabuses in the 1970s. There is, was and ever shalt be so much more if you cast your net more widely.
(More than) enough!
Larkin isn’t my thing at all, but he is plainly and unimpeachably excellent in his milieu. In case anyone (other than Miles) gets this far.. & for a veritable smörgåsbord of the purest vexation and hand-wringing, smug SHITE check out “Thought for Today”. Some glib, smug, mincing nancy boy fuckwitted Holy Roller called Martin Roe (iirc..who gives a fkn fk?) ponceying on about the Rubber Dinghy Rapids chaps from the warm comfort of his gilded cage of Christendom. The very nadir of his tribe. BBC Sounds – Radio 4 – Thought for Today ca 07:45 Sat Aug 22
About an hour ago I heard it on VHF, fresh from the Winter Hill mixed polarisation transmission. A waste of 50kW of effective radiated power. Guaranteed atrial fibrillation and torsades de pointes… so have your heart tablets/a vial of atropine & a hypodermic/stiff Pimms/.. at the ready.
‘There is, was and ever shalt be so much more if you cast your net more widely.’
You don’t say who?
‘Larkin was not the best of The Movement poets. I agree with you fully; those you cite (Thom Gunn… Simon Armitage)’
I hope CS you are not saying Simon Armitage was one of ‘The Movement’ poets. The Movement poets emerged after the war-came to the fore in the 50s. Simon Armitage made his name in the 80s, 90s. A whole generation after. Nay, two generations.
This is great. I think I’m getting the better if you here.
‘Larkin isn’t my thing at all, but he is plainly and unimpeachably excellent in his milieu.’
Larkin had no ‘milieu’. That’s why he famously went to live in Hull-to get away from any literary coteries.
This is worrying that you would use the word ‘milieu’ in connection with Larkin-he stood ALONE when everybody was going for something new like the ‘Martians’ or ‘confessional poetry’.
Suspended sentence? What a fucking joke.
I’d suspend the cunt alright. From a wooden beam by his fucking neck, the cunt.
It takes a special kind of cunt to attack hospital and fire brigade staff. Mind you, if it’s a honky we’re quick to see the incident plastered all over the media, but when it’s a dark key (Son of Flabbot) then it’s because of mental illness and we hear almost no condemnation.
Hang both the cunts in my book. Fuck off.
Bung him in Terry’s oven