“Linux developers have been asked to use new terms for the master/slave and blacklist/whitelist terminologies….
“…Proposed alternatives for master/slave include:
main/replica or subordinate
host/worker or proxy
Proposed alternatives for blacklist/whitelist include:
blocklist/passlist …”
“…The Linux team has now joined many tech companies and open-source projects that have removed references to racially-charged jargon from their code for more neutral and inclusive language.
The list includes Twitter, GitHub, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Ansible, Red Hat, Splunk, Android, Go, MySQL, PHPUnit, Curl, OpenZFS, Rust, JP Morgan, and others. ”
You couldn’t make it up, and I didn’t. It’ll be BDSM next: “You’ve been a very naughty little Proxy, and Host will have to give you a good spanking!”
Make it stop.
Nominated by: Komodo
There is no black and white anymore, there is no left and right.
There’s either what’s right, or there’s this:
Crikey she’s fucking scary. What a psycho bitch from hell.
Another customer for Unkle Terry.
Strap her up in parcel tape send her to Zim and use her as an elephants dildo.
What a waste – let the elephant fuck her instead!
Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be slaves.”
Let’s try it-
Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be subordinate initiators.
Very moving.
Not sure I understand this?
What I do understand is theres good black people and bad ones.
Good white people and bad.
The bad white people are the ones stirring this shite up.
Theyre called Marxists.
Theyre not nice people like us, theyre a shower of shite and cause no end of trouble.
They need rounding up and given a lesson in justice, think about their dark deeds swinging from the justice tree.
Here’s something you won’t find reported on by the BBC or SKY – a black Democunt politician who’s had enough of the Democunts and is now backing Trump:
Back in the day , there was always one cunt in every town – one that visited pubs and bars with copies of Socialist Worker.
Probably the closest thing to being a leper in the community.
In many ways , I’d rather be called a paedophile than someone that sells Socialist Worker.
I would rather castrate myself , than be forced to breed with a Socialist.
But it seems that these outcast cunts have been breeding – since the world is now full of these twisted cunts. What the fuck happened? Did I miss the announcement that all sense was to be suspended forthwith?
The Corbynisation of the Democrat Party. They have the media on their side, the slebricunts on their side, the education system on their side and they still can’t win. That makes them very fucking angry.
Thank fuck we don’t live in a society where any cunt can get their hands on a gun.
I’d have one for a start and no libtard, remoaner cunt wants that. Trust me.
Seconded Freddie.
I had a gun id of probably used it now.
In fact leaving the gunshop id of opened fire on some cunt.
I’d have blown away the black fuck that sold me the gun , long before leaving the premises.
By the time I hit the street , I’d be on my third clip!
The Republican Party was founded in part to end slavery and the KKK was a Democrat militia
And Little Mix were formed for world peace!
Except we will, and very soon. What you see in that video above is not petulant leftism. It is mind-controlled, murder-minded insurrectionist intent. The movement is growing here in the UK. They can’t go back to school or University to continue Marxist indoctrination, so they will just start shooting us on the streets to spare us from the life of never having had the opportunity to be ‘enlightened’ by them.
We are being far too genteel, such is the British way. We are politely smiling, behind a cloth muzzle, at the face of our eradication.
Sorry , but the ‘polite’ smile really doesn’t seem relevant if it’s behind a cloth mask. In fact any kind of smile would go unnoticed.
Poetic license can only go so far – until it morphs quickly into indulgent , narcissistic masturbation-fuel.
But good point about ‘sparing us’.
Society is going backwards. Twenty years ago we would still have smirked at the idea that the Victorians really did cover up their piano legs because it was unseemly for them to be bare, and would spare young ladies blushes. Now we have an absence of full stops and black and white references are as embarrassing as naked piano legs.
I wonder what will be on the proscribed list next?. Perhaps the Salvation Army will ban the trombone in their bands as it might offend young ladies to see a man manipulating his slide. It could well be deemed “inappropriate”.
Oh yes mate.
Women will be forced to play the Cello side-saddle.
All arm movement will be banned – too lascivious.
All orchestras will need to comply with at least 50% female membership , of differing sexual leanings – but probably mainly lezzers , like football.
The remaining 50% will be evenly split among the disabled , the LGBT’s , and misplaced ethnics.
Emphasis will be on ‘having a go’ , rather than any actual musical proficiency.
Can’t wait.
I love a nicely-turned ankle by the way.
Really gets the old chap rigid!
I have always said, call a spade a spade.
A tiny minority’ of arseholes, falling over themselves to pretend they give a shit about racism.
I don’t buy any of this shite and neither does anyone else with half a brain.
It is the messing around with our great language, by the liberal left, that I can’t abide. It started with the word Gay being usurped by the Queer community. My sister won’t let me use the word lady or ladies as she reckons that’s patronising, I have always regarded it as being complimentary. I asked my very left of centre niece why was it acceptable to use the term ‘person of colour’ and not ‘coloured person ‘. She is very argumentative but, for once, couldn’t give me an answer.
Buy your niece 20 baby-buggies for Xmas.
Sounds like she’ll need them
Seems complete nonsense to me. Seems all the rage these days ?♂️??
Need a good war, blow the cobwebs out a bit.
What a load of shite
Kill me, just kill me now. I can’t take anymore of this fucking shit.
Those last 3 comments just about sum it up.
That penguin prick Linus Torvalds uses a lot of politically incorrect words in his other abomination: git
git push
git clone
git merge –abort
and that’s supposed to be the pinnacle of version control systems.
It’s shite.
It’s not just Linux, though. It’s eventually going to be every fucking corporation on earth and its dog. How does this one grab you?
Perhaps someone who knows the country can give us an idea of the prominence of African-derived persons there?
This is nuts.
A slave circuit is simply used to serve a master unit. The terms have nothing to do with humanity. When will this ridiculous word witch hunt end? There is no section of society which is free from this onslaught.
New Speak and Thought Police were dreamed up by George Orwell for his classic 1984 but they are alive and well in 2020.
I’m sure the OG’s in Trumpton are now rapping about Linux developers.
What’s up with your mother fucking penguin, not an operating system jus more white oppression…….
For those with an open mind:
Pathetic pretentious cunts. Fuck em, fuck em all.
These insipid cunts need something better to think about.
Like how to escape after the oven door closes behind them.
Fuck Off.
To a crisp Terry , to a fucking crisp boy.
Too many full stops, triggered my anguish response. How could you make me suffer your racist, whitest horrible persons. You’ve likely stolen my dotage aaaaaaargh!
Master and Slave
Go to Arab States, the Congo, Nigeria, China, Iran, Indonesia…. and others
Strangely not so much UK and USA.
The use in engineering is not human, silly cunts.
Of course it isn’t to do with anything human.
Anyway , I’m going to the out-house to whip up some power on the slaves , since it’s just about midnight.
Naturally , that’s a backup generator in the barn , since mains voltage does drop at night – and these tricky computer setups need steady current.
In no way could anyone ever mistake me for a superior white type , that loves to abuse the sexual organs and flayed-bodies of worthless darkie chattels , in the privacy of his own dimply-lit shed.
Are black people bothered? Do they care? Probably not.
I reckon all this wanting to change things are either idiots or people desperate thinking they’ll get something in return. A bunk up with someone. “I did what you asked. Now we have sex?”
Who knows?
It’s a crazy world.
All those so-called protesters/Facebook idiots fork off please. Stop trying to impress.
You won’t get a bunk up. Or a cream cake.
No one will like you for doing stupid things.
That lady I forget her name. She did a video about all the hoohaa about George Floyd. ‘You do stupid things, you win stupid prizes’.
Also, the other lady, ‘Black Lives Matter is a joke. Go to Chicago. Go there I will support you’. ‘Black kill black more than anything.’
I tip my hat to those ladies.
Why don’t they all just fuck off.
I made reference to the terminology of hard drive configurations on YT some time ago and wondered then how long it would take for this to happen so thanks for the update.
I say fuck those that conform, the utter cunts.