White Guilt

I want to nominate being made to feel guilty personally for bad things that happened a long time ago. For example the black lives matter, so-called ‘white privilege’, slavery etc.

Someone: “You should feel guilty because you are white and white people had slaves all those years ago.”

Me: “yes but I don’t have slaves”. Why are you cross with me for something I haven’t done?”

It reminds me of a quote from an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. The first one, ‘Encounter At Farpoint’. Set in the 24 century. A Q being, for the moment recreates the past.

BAILIFF: Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of their species. How plead you, criminal?
DATA: If I may, Captain? Objection, your honour. In the year 2036, the new United Nations declared that no Earth citizen could be made to answer for the crimes of his race or forbears.
Q (JUDGE): Objection denied. This is a court of the year 2079, by which time more rapid progress had caused all United Earth nonsense to be abolished.

That quote, along with what’s going on at the moment in America really sings to me.

Don’t make me feel guilty for something I haven’t done.

If admin allow it. A link to transcript of the episode.


Nominated by: Spoonington 

And seconded by

A cunting is due for their recent documentary ‘The school that tried to end racism’. The school also deserves a cunting.

In summary, a school in England with about 50% white and 50% BAME kids is the focus and it’s as bad as you could imagine.

Some of it looked like child abuse to me. They did loads of ‘experiments’ to show ‘unconscious’ bias’ , which is what some black academic said is now what ‘white privilege’ is all about. You see, it used to mean honkies are advantaged due to their ancestors, but that has been shown as utter bollocks, as most honkies’ ancestors were poor as fuck and blown up in wars. So of course, it just means honkies have some kind of privilege due to skin colour.

They did one experiment where they had kids lined up for a race. And the ‘teachers’ (one SJW honky Karen and one tuppence licking chip on shoulder type dark key) said that the race will start after several commands. The first command was, ‘If you live in a home where everyone speaks English as their first language, move forward one step. If you live in a house where somebody doesn’t have English as their first language, move back one step.’

Right, so let me get this straight. Living in a home in England where everyone speaks English as a first language means you have ‘white privilege’? Well, this is fucking England isn’t it?

All the questions were biased and stupid like this. Within a few minutes, all the non white kids were miles behind the white kids. And a few were getting annoyed saying ‘Its because they’re white. It’s the same in society.’

The white kids, bless them, looked guilty and upset (they were about 11-12 years old). To me this was abuse and it was creating division and guilt where their should be none. Creating such unnecessary anger towards white kids will end up with them getting beaten up by gangs of non white kids. I hope such ‘teachers’ are proud when the first kid gets bullied or beaten to death after such racial shit stirring.

To me, it just seemed like the kids just got on anyway, despite racial differences. In one ‘experiment’ (child abuse) they put the kids in groups for the day based on race. One white kid was separated from his black mates and starting crying.

What was the point in doing something like that?

They talked about ‘unconscious bias’ but there is no good science behind such a thing, the same goes for their ridiculous ‘experiments’. Huge bias and no basis in ‘advantage’. Would Mohammed lose out to Maurice for Oxford because his granny spoke Punjabi? Would he fuck!

All they seemed to achieve by doing such shite was to make white kids feel guilty for the colour of their skin and that they actually spoke English… in England. Or that they’ve never been the only white person in a classroom. It’s white privilege, you see.

But it’s not black privilege if a honky is the only honky in a Kenyan classroom and not everyone speaks Kenyan as a first language in his home. Somehow, that’s not the same. So I call bullshit on them!

These cunts are playing a dangerous game and they’d be wise to stop the racial shit stirring. Prod too hard and too often and they’ll end up with an Adolf running the country.

Perhaps it’ll a kid who is right now being psychologically abused by his teachers, like in this example?

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

80 thoughts on “White Guilt

  1. Every single cunt in that picture should be wiped out.
    Fuck them all. I spit on them.

    • I live in Bristol and the way the fucking lefties go on about it you would think that the Bristolians invented slavery. The Roman’s were at it thousands of years ago for fuck’ s sake. At first I thought that picture was some sort of piss take but the penny has just dropped that these cunts are for real. Are they aware that slavery is still going on today? Perhaps they should devote their efforts to stopping modern slavery instead of whinging on about what happened hundreds of years ago. What a bunch of absolute cunts, really makes my piss boil.

  2. My grandfather was a tram driver and my great grand father was a lowly merchant seaman, My grandmother worked in a cafe. What the fuck have I got to with slavery?

    Re ‘The school that tried to end racism’ – was that on Channel 4? Utter cunts.

    • Even if your dad was a slave trader in bongo bongo land, it would have fuck all to do with you-sins of the father and all that.

  3. No such thing as white privilege.
    There is however class privilege, which has always been a contention in the UK- the basic Conservative/Labour split is class related.

    Agree with the Buddhist cunts In the photo-fucking soy milking, knee taking cunts.

    • Our white ancestors advanced science, medicine etc. Perhaps those of a certain hue should get down on both knees and thank us for antibiotics, electronics etc.

  4. White privilege my arse, it just shows who the raciest people of this planet are, I mean who else cries raciest at every opportunity, it’s all bullshit ,at first it used to get to me ,but whichever way you look at it, what it really boils down to is fucking jealousy of the White folk, our achievements our society our way of life , although questionable sometimes,

    Excellent cunting

    The bames who cry wolf

    Fuck off and get over yourself


  5. This self-flagellation because of ‘self-guilt’ is strangling the States and as we’ve seen, is well underway here. At the Department for Education, all 4,700 employees undergo mandatory ‘unconscious bias’ training which, among other things, involves being taught that saying ‘The country is full — we can’t take any more migrants’ is ‘as offensive as it is inaccurate, since migration is a two-way process’.
    This mantra is already being spread to the UK’s biased left wing educational establishment. One fact I picked up today was that in the last election, 60% of teachers voted Labour and only 12% Conservative so there’s no shortage of foot soldiers to spread this shit.

    • 12%? I’m surprised it was that much!

      What did the remaining 28% vote for? Presumably LibDumb /Green Talibannies.

      Afternoon Bertie.

      • Afternoon Ruff. I think your probably right about the 28%.
        If an election were held today, I think the Monster Raving Loony Party would clean up. This country has never been as rife as it is now for invasion.

  6. One month hotbox with rats for the cunts in the photo and where’s my gin fizz, CHALO!

  7. Great cunting Cuntybollocks.

    I’d gladly kneel on the neck of that cunt in the middle till he snuffs it. The pathetic cunt wearing silly shorts, sandals and sunglasses.

    There’s nothing like a little dose of reality to wake these woke cunts up.

    • I wonder how fucking atoning he’d be if some black cunt broke into his house, fucked his wife, stole everything even vaguely valuable and shit on the living room carpet.

      • You forgot to add the bit about him wiping his sticky black mamba on the living room curtains.

      • Sadly moggie, the lefty mental illness is so fucking intrenched he’d probably blame lack opportunities and the social deprivation caused by whitey, “he was driven to it wasn’t he” the poor, filthy spade twat. Fucking cunts!

  8. Stupid cunts, wonder sometimes, is it worth the hassle? A resounding no if this shit carry’s on

      • Hells bells never thought of that JCL. Luv a duck I could be fucked! Cultural appropriation, telling the truth, worst of all, my finger trembles over the key pad, dare I type white and right aaaargh the deed is done. I await the swat team kicking the door in at 5 am.

  9. I think it would be more appropriate if the slogan on their t-shirts read “SCARY” not sorry, as it sure fuckin’ scares me.

  10. Survival of the fittest is the basis of evolution. Only the people/animals/plants with a strong desire to succeed and the ability to change as conditions change will achieve success. These Crackers, dripping with guilt, won’t survive. They’re being neither adaptable nor flexible, merely genuflecting for somebody else’s behaviour. Supplicants rarely do well. The strongest instinct we have is survival. If some honky poltroons want to bend ze knee, let them; just don’t expect the rest of us to act like gimps. Let the craven Crackers die out.

    • That’s not very magnanimous of you.Maybe some of these gimps intend to make a marriage proposal to these black fellas.

      Afternoon Cap’n.

      • I’m nothing but magnanimous, dear chap, the very epitome of it. A devilishly good-natured fellow and generous of spirit t’boot like every Magnanimous throughout history.

        Evening Johnny. Interesting and plausible idea about the marriage proposal concept.

  11. As a born-and-bred Cunt I’ve done a few things over the years that I should feel guilty about…but I don’t. If I can avoid feeling guilt about those things, the fate of a few Dark-Keys years ago is hardly going to bother me,is it ? Cant see what The Sooties are so angried up about anyhow…they’d still be hiding in mud-huts waiting for the neighbouring tribe to turn up and put them in a cooking-pot if Whitey hadn’t come along and provided them with a job plus free board and lodgings.

    I didn’t see the programme but did see a trailer for it…some four-eyed.weedy-looking ginger brat wailing on….little Cunt wanted a sound thrashing with a lunging whip…that would have taken his mind off the plight of the tarry-toots.

    • Im wracked with guilt.
      Can barely look myself in the face in the mirror when not shaving.
      My great great grandfather was slaver Amos Miserable of the slave ship ‘ the Nigite frigate’ and he suffered terribly from repetitive strain due to whipping them for the slightest infraction.
      Whipped a few to death!
      One who refused to have curly hair and one who wouldnt stop pouting he threw overboard to the sharks!!
      And even though he lashed a thousand black backs he never forgot pancake Tuesday.
      And I did.?

  12. Cunts like those in the picture should take a stroll around the more diverse parts of London and receive the stabbing/mugging that they honestly believe they deserve.
    When or if they leave hospital they should demand that a blm member is given their public sector job.
    After all its only ‘fair’.

  13. One grandfather was unlucky enough to be part of the BEF that was evacuated from Dunkirk and then even more unlucky to be back on the beaches at D-day.

    If that wasn’t unlucky in the extreme, he was then one of the first through the gates of Bergen-Belsen and would never tell us what he saw there. He was Jewish and an upholsterer by trade. So not exactly the square-jawed heroic type.

    The other grandfather was a cartographer for the SOE and spent his time in Burma mapping out artillery and machine gun positions in a single engined plane.

    He knew where the Japs were, because they were shooting at him. Fortunately with not much success, otherwise I wouldn’t be typing this now.

    Neither of these men thought that what they did was glorious or heroic.
    What I gleaned from them was an incredible feeling of loss and futility.

    Meanwhile, in the Carribean. The ancestors of the chip-on-shoulder N-werds that infest this country today were only worried about where the next bottle of rum was coming from, while dozing under a coconut tree.

    Likewise in Africa, M’tebe’s grandfather was more worried about pumping out more kids and hiding in the shade of his mud hut, so that he didn’t have to do so much work in his old age (mid ’40s for them).

    I have no white guilt and I refuse to be cowed by the uppity N-werd shitcunts who have never lifted and finger to either save themselves or progress humanity.

    They want all of YT’s accomplishments and sacrifices with zero of the effort involved.

    They can fuck right off and if they don’t like it, they know where Heathrow is.

    Just one note. When you leave, take a leftard with you. They are an embarrassment to all of us.


    • Sorry, got a bit off point there.

      SOE grandad was Irish.

      So, between both sets of grandparents, one’s ancestors had spent several millenia being downtrodden and used as slaves and whipping practice and the other’s ancestors had spent a thousand years being used as slaves by the vikings and then murdered and starved to death by the British.

      Am I bitter about this? No.

      Were they bitter about this? No.

      Does anyone owe me anything for this? Again, no.

      They were both very sad, thoughtful and remorseful about what they had to endure during the war, but they didn’t blame anyone directly for something they couldn’t change.

      They were intelligent adults and gentle men.

      What was done was done and it is best left there.

      So stop looking backwards, leftards. We aren’t heading in that direction.

  14. I suppose living in a house in England and not speaking English would be a hindrance to your getting on in the UK. Why worry, all benefit forms are available in a multitude of languages likewise the free medical and schooling documents also come in hundreds of languages. You have the right to an interpreter if your proposition of marriage to an eleven year old was misconstrued and her racist parents report you to the woke police. You can live here for years and get by with DWP please. Taxi driver in London for over 20 years had an interpreter at his court case. The old judge was intrigued. So the easy answer to all this wankery about unconscious racism is, learn English you fucktards as you live in England are paid by England housed by England schooled by England looked after medically by England and all this costs you the square root of fuck all you ungrateful cunts you should be singing the praises of the good old U.K. everyday I mean you choose to come here you weren’t fucking kidnapped. Tell the dopey cunts who carried out these jamboree bag experiments on
    the kids that a. They should fuck off b. They should be nicked for child abuse. I cannot think of any other type of person I loathe more than these guilt wracked right on woke cunts. One day.

  15. Hopefully those kids will be so traumatised by the above experience that they’ll rebel and grow up with DM boots and skinhead haircuts, then kick the shit out of their spineless chinless parents…

  16. I would like to apologise to all white people for what those cunts in the nom image have done.

    • I think someone at the council found a pair of testicles and took it down.

      • As every action has an equal and opposite reaction, I was going to head down there and stick a hemp rope noose round it’s neck, spray ISIS symbols on it and drag it through the streets in a Range Rover stolen in Islington from a pair of leftards with names like Jocasta and Ber-nard.

        Watch the tiny leftard brains do backflips while coming to the conclusion that black people steal cars, Muslims hate black people and only YT would drive a wanker-tank like a Range Rover.

        I would do it just for the LULZ.

        Some days, I am an utter cunt.

  17. I would like to call bullshit on these apologising cunts. For example here where Australian Prime Minister and unmitigated arsehole K.Rudd vomited forth (advance clip to 1¼ minutes to save brain fatigue)


    “Oh. Oh. Wow. Euurrgghh! Woe is me. As are we all. So sorry for stealing your land.”

    Aborigine – “Coool. Can we have it back now?”

    KRudd (sinophile commie douchebag) – “Fuck off. Of course you can’t! I’m laughing so hard with woe and grief and apology I’m about to vomit.. spluerggdfsnrhhh! whoops (ha ha) I seem to have thrown up all over your head. SECURITY! get rid of this.. person..”

    Now I can see that if you – let’s say I steal your car and apologise and you say OK you done the right thing owning up so just let’s have the car back and we’ll say no more about it – fair enough. But to blither on like these freaks and when asked for whatever was stolen to be returned to get in response FUCK OF FUCK OFF GET FUCKED AND DIE BUT NOT NECESSARILY IN THAT ORDER – that’s when I call bullshit.

    • The most quickly forgotten apology in history. And the most quickly forgotten PM…

  18. Yup – because there are several countries in Africa that are well run by the blacks.

    • Umm. Name one.

      Even with the British, French, Portuguese, Italian and German procured infrastructure and method of government in place, all newly
      indepedent African states reverted back to being tribal warfare led, 3rd world shitholes within two decades of YT becoming disgusted with them and leaving.

    • Suggested punctuation!

      There are several countries in Africa that are, well, “run” by the blacks…

  19. The second one in the line looks like he has tits!! Probably takes some fucking hormone shit to make him cry like a fucking girl.

    White unprivileged, worked 49 years for everything I have, which isn’t much, didn’t get off a boat and have everything given to me by the fucking state.

    OK, not all blacks and BAME in general are cunts, but there are an awful lot that aren’t fit for anything other than picking cotton.

    Do I feel guilty, No. Do I give a shit about the plight of the BAME, No.

  20. If they want to atone for the sins of our ancestors i will help cleanse and purge their souls in a way they can truly say we feel your pain it’ll start with a fucking horse whip and then hang them from a tree and then set light to them the soft dozy stupid cunts can this bollocks get any worse……yes it will

  21. The ‘unconscious bias/white guilt’ exercise used in that school comes directly from the USA, as does the photo of those bondage freaks. We’ve imported so much shit from there over the years but this BLM cuntery goes to the top of the pile.
    Whoever wins in November there’s going to be big fucking trouble and you can expect that to be reflected over here. Of course it will be cold then so the weak little soyboys won’t be so keen to be away from their bourgeois central heating. Boris’s water cannon would have been an ideal weapon but thanks to the hunchback they’re in some country not run by a bunch of libtard no bollocks cunts.

  22. How about those cunts take the knee for the Royal Navy that helped, at cost, bring about the end of the slave trade?

    I’d like to turn a Puff The Magic Dragon (Google it) on them.

    • Loved that song as a ten year old. Still do, highly evocative. One of the first singles I ever bought. Or my mother bought for me.

      • yup – me too. Hearing it takes me right back to being at home with mum. Sad really.

        The world was a saner place then – the only thing we had to worry about was being vaporised in a nuclear war, and that never happened. Happy days.

      • Yep. Happier, simpler times.

        I have virtually no recollection of the Cuban missile crisis… but do have a vivid memory of where I was (round a friend’s gaff in Felixstowe) when Kennedy’s assassination was announced on TV.

      • Used to enjoy it on Ed Stewarts Junior Choice. Gutted when he snuffed it as he did a Christmas Day show. Available on Mixcloud. I was thinking of the guns that the Yanks had on Spectre gunships. Every third or so round was a tracer so it was like a sheet of flame being fired from the aircraft, hence the nickname Puff The Magic Dragon!

      • When I was a kid I thought there was a line in that song that went,”he froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Connah’s Quay”
        Tried to get my dad to take me to Deeside to meet him!
        Uncomplicated times!

      • Oh yeah, Terry!! They understood their folly after a burst from that bastard!!!

  23. A decent chap, a real good sort,
    Straight as a die, one of the best,
    A brick, a trump, a proper sport,
    Head and shoulders above the rest;
    How many lives would have been duller
    Had he not been here below?
    Here’s to the whitest man I know-
    Though white is not my favourite colour.

    Larkin ‘Sympathy in White Major’ (bit from)

  24. You forgot to add the bit about him wiping his sticky black mamba on the living room curtains.

  25. I have a shit load of white guilt to bear.
    For my forbears who died in the potato famine, mines and steelworks. For the ones that died in the wars, drowned at sea, were killed working the docks.
    That is the reality of my white privilege.
    If the Kaffirs want to look for guilt. For those that benefited from slavery and commerce they need look no further than the Ginger half breed and his step family. The landed gentry. Look to the chiefs of West Africa. The Arab traders. Don’t knock on my door you entitled, stupid vermin.

  26. It was the Blacks in Africa, who became the big players in the Slave Trade. Taking prisoners since time immemorial and enslaving them for life. Finding a new market ( and a profitible one in the European incursions_, they willingly “hawked ” to order and sold on to whitey. All Nations on this earth have dirty hands, and the majority were not white.

    I am proud to be white, and make no appologies for my birth, or. my Nation, and if any fucker feels the need to bitch about it, I would be very accommodating in their rapid disposal. I see no future in multiculturism, and the sooner the matter is dealt with the better.

    As for the middle class white females protesting on our streets, they are simply white trash, and not worthy of any semblance of recognition of value to our society. Enslave them, consign them to the brothels and they can work their cunts off to repay their debt to society. Fuck the lot of them, Literally.

    • Most of them are fucking dirty mud sharks white trash I’d gas the lot of them

    • Your right, whites only took advantage of what the blacks were already doing, enslaving other tribes they had raided, raped killed and subdued. Africa is a basket case because they practice racism, they cant even run a government because of the deep rooted racism between tribes. Dumb thick snowflake cunts that can’t see past their own self pity. How can people get infected with this, they are the ones that are so weak of mind that allow dictators to take hold. As for poverty, mainly due to poverty of mind. Fucking cannon fodder, the lot of them!

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