White Guilt

I want to nominate being made to feel guilty personally for bad things that happened a long time ago. For example the black lives matter, so-called ‘white privilege’, slavery etc.

Someone: “You should feel guilty because you are white and white people had slaves all those years ago.”

Me: “yes but I don’t have slaves”. Why are you cross with me for something I haven’t done?”

It reminds me of a quote from an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. The first one, ‘Encounter At Farpoint’. Set in the 24 century. A Q being, for the moment recreates the past.

BAILIFF: Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of their species. How plead you, criminal?
DATA: If I may, Captain? Objection, your honour. In the year 2036, the new United Nations declared that no Earth citizen could be made to answer for the crimes of his race or forbears.
Q (JUDGE): Objection denied. This is a court of the year 2079, by which time more rapid progress had caused all United Earth nonsense to be abolished.

That quote, along with what’s going on at the moment in America really sings to me.

Don’t make me feel guilty for something I haven’t done.

If admin allow it. A link to transcript of the episode.


Nominated by: Spoonington 

And seconded by

A cunting is due for their recent documentary ‘The school that tried to end racism’. The school also deserves a cunting.

In summary, a school in England with about 50% white and 50% BAME kids is the focus and it’s as bad as you could imagine.

Some of it looked like child abuse to me. They did loads of ‘experiments’ to show ‘unconscious’ bias’ , which is what some black academic said is now what ‘white privilege’ is all about. You see, it used to mean honkies are advantaged due to their ancestors, but that has been shown as utter bollocks, as most honkies’ ancestors were poor as fuck and blown up in wars. So of course, it just means honkies have some kind of privilege due to skin colour.

They did one experiment where they had kids lined up for a race. And the ‘teachers’ (one SJW honky Karen and one tuppence licking chip on shoulder type dark key) said that the race will start after several commands. The first command was, ‘If you live in a home where everyone speaks English as their first language, move forward one step. If you live in a house where somebody doesn’t have English as their first language, move back one step.’

Right, so let me get this straight. Living in a home in England where everyone speaks English as a first language means you have ‘white privilege’? Well, this is fucking England isn’t it?

All the questions were biased and stupid like this. Within a few minutes, all the non white kids were miles behind the white kids. And a few were getting annoyed saying ‘Its because they’re white. It’s the same in society.’

The white kids, bless them, looked guilty and upset (they were about 11-12 years old). To me this was abuse and it was creating division and guilt where their should be none. Creating such unnecessary anger towards white kids will end up with them getting beaten up by gangs of non white kids. I hope such ‘teachers’ are proud when the first kid gets bullied or beaten to death after such racial shit stirring.

To me, it just seemed like the kids just got on anyway, despite racial differences. In one ‘experiment’ (child abuse) they put the kids in groups for the day based on race. One white kid was separated from his black mates and starting crying.

What was the point in doing something like that?

They talked about ‘unconscious bias’ but there is no good science behind such a thing, the same goes for their ridiculous ‘experiments’. Huge bias and no basis in ‘advantage’. Would Mohammed lose out to Maurice for Oxford because his granny spoke Punjabi? Would he fuck!

All they seemed to achieve by doing such shite was to make white kids feel guilty for the colour of their skin and that they actually spoke English… in England. Or that they’ve never been the only white person in a classroom. It’s white privilege, you see.

But it’s not black privilege if a honky is the only honky in a Kenyan classroom and not everyone speaks Kenyan as a first language in his home. Somehow, that’s not the same. So I call bullshit on them!

These cunts are playing a dangerous game and they’d be wise to stop the racial shit stirring. Prod too hard and too often and they’ll end up with an Adolf running the country.

Perhaps it’ll a kid who is right now being psychologically abused by his teachers, like in this example?

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

80 thoughts on “White Guilt

  1. I f im to feel white guilt, the turks shoukd feel Ottoman guilt, the Iranians, Persian guilt and the Chinese, Han guilt. We all had a stab at empire building and slave trading

    I wont be lectured to by peoole who’ve never read a book and get all of their knowledge from clickwank sites.

  2. The little lad at the front of the photo is looking up at his old man and saying “ what the fuck are you playing at dad?

  3. I couldn’t feel less guilty, in fact I might just re read Flash for Freedom to cheer myself up a bit.!

  4. I am white, male, straight, and a killer.
    I feel no guilt, at all, for killing – it gave me pleasure.
    I will never, ever apologise for what I am, what I have done, or the colour of my face.
    No guilt here. Sorry for sounding mean.

  5. Even if we did apoligise, it would never be enough. They blame us for everything because they hate us. Its about time blacks where called out on there consistent double standards. They talk about are priv, what priv? They will not be happy untill we have nothing. They talk about white power , in the way Hitler talked about Jews, they realy resent us. What the libtards dont understand is that now matter how much they defend them, blacks will still say there racist. The blacks cant see good in white people, they just label us all. Which of course is pure racism. Last night cunt peston had a black man on the show slagging of Britain. Surprise Peston the wimp did not challenge him.

  6. I’m not racist. Some of my best servants are blecks !
    I’m sick of all these faggoty white cunts (don’t tell me ,who all live within the M25)
    taking the fucking knee so that they can be well and truly ass-fucked by Uncle R3mus.

  7. Yes i am sick and tired of blacks on Tv speaking down to the white population.we are all ignorant, have white priv and need to be educated. Its about time these racist patronising cunts examined there own bias and racism. Of course the never outed because they have black priv.

  8. Silence is violence they say. We used to say that about a particular type of fart. The ones that make no sound, but smell like a rotting corpse. How dare these cunts appropriate our terminology.

  9. Manufactured guilt can never be expunged, since it can always be renewed. The simpletons in the picture above shackled themselves because their minds were already chained.

  10. I’m sure that wanker Blair apologised for slavery many years ago and didn’t Cameron do it too? Sure he did. How many fucking more times? Fucking daft twats.

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