The Future

I nominate the future.

What? How can something which hasn’t happened yet be nominated?
Let me explain. I grew up in the 60s. There was a lot to worry about, the threat of nuclear war, grid lock on our roads, world over crowding to name a few.
But… we youngsters had faith in the future. Science could and would solve all problems. The major killer diseases would be eliminated and we believed that the 21st century would look like a Gerry Anderson wonder land. Clean, pollution free, hi-tec, well ordered without being authoritarian, safe. Having landed on the moon in 1969 we confidently expected a moonbase by the early 2000s.

Now a lot of clever things have been invented not least the Internet. But the planet does not look like we thought it would. There are still wars and unrest. Racial tensions. Wildlife decimated. And now a pandemic with 9 billion potential victims.

Please Sir! I want my 60s dream of the future back.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

65 thoughts on “The Future

  1. How I agree with you my Lord. As a person of similarish vintage l one for a return to the days of hope. Polio had been beaten, Concorde was on the drawing board, colour tv coming soon and Raymond Baxter showed us the future every Thursday on ‘Tomorrow’s World’.

    • I loved the Concorde!

      I know it chucked out shedloads of pollution that would give St Greta a heart-attack, but it was a beautiful looking plane that just shouted “the future has arrived!”

      But when that was mothballed all we have now are bland bubble planes that look all the same. Just like modern cars – no character at all!

      Am still waiting for my Holodeck so that I can enter a virtual world of hot totty and watch irritating cunts get dipped in vats of sulphuric acid!

  2. I agree but am trying to remain optimistic. If we just resign ourselves to the future being a cunt then we might as well all top ourselves now.

  3. The belief that technology will save us is the gem in the crown of 21st century stupidity. We need a proper psychological and moral system of understanding, not some fucking wank star trek fantasy.

    All technology has done is accelerate the worst aspects of our inner conflicts and demons.

    I love the future. Nature is going to fuck everyone over for their insolence.

    • I hope so Big Chunky and it doesn’t end up like the Terminator films where technology wipes us out.

    • What technology has done is have given all the ugly ,thick fuckers a voice and a platform.
      Before that they stayed at home , and said fuck-all.
      There’s 99 of them to every one of us.
      That’s the real problem of today’s age.
      Silence these dumb cunts , and watch the overnight change.

  4. All I know about the future is that as you get older the days, months and years just fly by!

    Moreover, there’s an oxymoron regarding technology, which is there to make our lives easier. And yet despite all of these labour-saving devices (from washing machines, cars, planes, microwaves, calculators, smart phones and computers), we seem to be even more impatient, even more in need to rush around like blue-arsed flies, and even more in need of yelling at people “I don’t have time!”

    Not only has our impatience gone through the roof over the last 30 odd years, but also attention-spans. No one talks anymore, no one listens anymore, no one can stay focused for more than a minute before being distracted by something else – all thanks in part to technology!

    Pubs for example – go into a pub with your mates. In the old days you’d sit round table and have a good old chat for 3 or 4 hours. But now, everyone’s looking at their tablets and phones, until someone looks up and says “Who’s round is it?” before returning to his phone for another half-hour.

    “The future is not what it used to be” – Yogi Berra (not to be confused with Yogi Bear, before some cunt chips in, lol)

    • I believe that a part of life flying by as you get older is down to modern living. We simply have too much on our plates to deal with and are rushing around every day. Life literally flies by as you are having fun (not).

      • Probably true, especially how the hours used to drag on when I was at school 40 odd years ago – more so with double-physics or double-French.

        I was convinced Time warped when I entered school classrooms, so that everything went on a go-slow. And every time I looked at the classroom clock hoping it was 4pm (fucking off home time), it was 1:20…. 1:33…. 1:46….. 1:59….Oh god, I hated school!

      • It’s got nowt to do with the pace of modern life. It’s always been this way for cunts getting older. I currently do virtually fuck all compared to when I was at school or having to work, and yet time goes by faster and faster every year, last Thursday feels like it was only yesterday.

        Time moves faster as we get nearer our time of death, just as an object travels faster the nearer it gets to a Black Hole. Death is the ultimate non-existence of time.

        Further reading:

  5. Cunting the future makes an interesting change from woketards cunting the past.

    • You say that in jest , but it’s exactly what has been introduced into modern , documented on record ,policing methods – when profiling a possible apprehension.
      You are identified on CCTV by facial-recognition. Your details are brought up on the CRB database – and some cunt will ‘grade’ the risk of you offending again.
      This is before any crime being committed.
      We are told this is in the interests of our safety – but it has been abused right across the whole sector of arrest/detection protocol.

      A copper can have his car-computer set to flag vehicles owned by ex-convicted drug possessors – and go after them in a series of un-warranted stops , until striking gold with an actual re-offender , and adding a nab to their tally.

      Yet we are told that all rehabilitation works , and that going straight is worth it. But surely not if the once-guilty are seen as a life-long offender in every turn of their existence.
      Something of mixed-signals from the top there.

  6. The worst bit of modern life is that even now, in 2020, fucking religion (in all its idiotic forms) still exists.
    There’ll never be harmony between humans when one twat attacks another twat stating that their made-up sky fairy is better than the other one’s made-up sky fairy.

    • Unfortunately when you remove religion you get athiest zealots instead, whose progeny are the woke angry liberals, antifa, and assorted wankstains. Everything changes, everything stays the same.

      Athiesm is even more dangerous because it dispenses with any pretense of morality altogether.. hence why the aforementioned groups are into all sorts of sexual degeneracy and fucking themselves up with drugs.

      • I agree to a point, I do however,believe that it’s not necessary to trust a non existent sky pilot to uphold a moral code though.

      • Beating people over the head with a fairytale was better than the void we have now. The majority are cunts and can’t govern themselves for shit.

    • Until religion and the non reality that underpins it is eliminated from this planet, the future is generally going to be more of same just with more tech. Without religion and mystical thinking the planet would have advanced in terms of science and technology to where we are today a thousand years ago. A big claim I know, but believing in an all seeing, all hearing omnipresence and hearing ‘voices in the head’ has held, and will continue to hold mankind back.

      Why, because all that gets in the way of progress. It often objects to and challenges scientific research on the basis that it conflicts with established religious theories and belief. If science discovers that the earth is really spherical, but current religious thinking stipulates it’s flat and if you say otherwise you’re executed, you can see what I mean here. Religion and mysticism like all non-reality create problems where none exist.
      Without these two pests, one can simply apply logical reasoning without the danger of causing offence.

      I don’t like the word future anyway. It doesn’t exist. The present and the past have actually happened so I think the future is a cunt for that reason alone.

      • Nonsense mate. Scientific materialism won’t last this century and it will fail for the same reason religions have failed. You can’t put all your eggs in one basket, whether it be irrational belief or rational materialism.

        Science is the new religion. It’s founded on a miracle – the universe sprang fron nothing into nothing for no reason. Guess who came up with that theory? A Jesuit priest..

        It’s all maya ?

      • I’m not sure what is meant by Science is the new Religion and Atheism dispenses with any pretense of morality.

        If science is a religion then it is supposed there is still a God or a higher being/power. If I can’t see it or speak to it, and it doesn’t answer back them it’s not there. If we substitute the word religion with ‘belief system’ in this context then that would make more sense but if, as suggested, the human race needs a mystical moral arbiter to keep us on the straight and narrow then that wouldn’t be served under scientific belief system surely.

        You say Aethiesm dispenses with any pretense of morality, and here is the crux of the problem. Religion offers believers indemnity if they perform certain rituals and actions. Take the religious practice of confession. You walk in a ‘sinner’ and leave with a clear conscience because you promise to love God. Utter tripe. How about observing the natural law of ‘you reap what you sow’ or the natural law of cause and effect. No need to pretend to be moral there, and these values can be taught without being threatened with everlasting flames. The shit feeling of guilt or someone returning a nasty favour should be enough to learn how to behave properly in a humanistic way.

        Religion has many good features, but these features can be practised outside of the mystical control system.
        Religion engenders fear and creates false promise that allows the people at the top to garner undeserved power. Fear is a negative emotion and creates negative behavior. Take Jihad as a perfect example.

        Atheism doesn’t automatically equate to being a greedy ruthless heathen. Why did cave men gradually stop bashing their neighbours over the head with a lump of rock and stealing their women and food? Because they realised the same would happen to them and they would live longer with less injuries so a social code evolved called respect. No cunty churches or mosques around then.

  7. When I was at school in the 80s I loved looking at books published in the late 60s predicting the future. Seeing things such as greenhouses on The Moon by 1975 solving world hunger and flights to Mars by 1989.

  8. I’m going to build a twice life-size George Orwell robot with mine sweeper flail arms and lazer beam eyes, mother nature can take a break, Orbot is going to sort it all out.
    That’s after I invent a magic can of lager and a packet of tabs wot never runs oot.

  9. Good nom. The last gasp culturally and politically was the 1960s. It’s been downhill ever since.

    That said, I do value the internet and improvements in audio and visual technology. And personally not having to go out to work anymore. Then again, getting old is a fucking drag. Life is a weird conundrum however you slice it. The next ten years are going to be horrendous.

      • No Future!
        No future !
        No future for meeee…

        I dont like the future.
        Get the feeling its not for the likes of me!
        Aching bones, withered muscles, face like a crab apple, diversity, ethnics.
        Fuck the future.
        Im with Jethro Tull
        Happy livin in the past…

  10. My grandparents shaped me into what I am today by their tales of the war. You were taught right from wrong, be kind, be a good person, get a job, don’t drop litter, stand up for what is right. They were untroubled by this woke shit – having survived the war, they got on with living thankful for being the victors in a battle against evil. The welfare state had been created to help those in need. And it was a fair system – you paid into it and got benefits and healthcare if you NEEDED it.

    Problem is, I don’t see those traits in many people these days, so often get depressed today’s world and it’s future. I feel like I’m just working to give someone else a better standard of living. (Paid a tax bill last night so extra grumpy).

    • Perhaps what we need in the not-too-distant-future is another full-blown world war!

      Shake things up a little, as well as wake the wokes from their entitled complacency and remind them of what life was like during the last world war – the life of ration books, of air-raid shelters, power cuts, hardship, the risk of having your house bombed or being killed on the frontline!

      This country hasn’t seen a war on its doorstep for over 70 years, and amen to that! But what I see of the current young generation is they need to be put under that same dark cloud of dread and fear, as we have done during the early 60s (Bay of Pigs) and of course the Cold War years of the 70s and 80s.

      The Wokes would shit themselves senseless if the threat of war was about to affect them personally. Perhaps they might think on and remember what it was like for the older generation they so much despise!

      • But they won’t. you could put ten tons of proof in front of them and they’ll close their eyes,shake their heads and deny all reality.
        They’re cunts, begat of cunts and the only redeeming feature is the soy boys have such low self esteem and sperm count that even if the blue haired,facial pierce brigade do let them get sticky fingers that’s as far as it’ll go.

  11. Breaking news!!
    The BBC will save a few quid, Norman Smith is fucking off to walk his dog
    He could do us all a favour and take Kuntberg, Maitlis and the rest of the useless cunts with him.

    • Pity. I quite like Norman. Comparatively old school and straight. Which is probably why the BBC are getting rid of him, along with Brillo.

  12. So there I was –

    – out of work, day drinking in my underwear, watching daytime TV and moaning about the future.

    Then the coronavirus hit.

    • Morning Bertie, I’m a child of the 80’s and things have changed beyond all recognition, no internet or mobiles and social media, great films without ‘a message’ and Michael Jackson was still black. I saw the future last night in terms of the new socially distanced Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, the stampede and following crush is expected to only be in the low hundreds this year.

      • Morning LL. In troubled times like these, I always turn to a good old song for the answers.
        As Doris sang . . . . . .
        Que sera sera
        Whatever will be will be
        The future’s not ours to see
        Que sera sera
        What will be will be

  13. It’s so sad that our generation did so much but these feminist educated ‘Woke’ ‘Snowflakes’ have made us yearn for the past. Just oxygen bandits, stealing the breath of life of the next generation. How thick is this current young generation? Watch this.

    • We wouldn’t land people on the moon these days because the E&D and H&S committees would spend so long putting obstacles in the way. Astronauts were truly superhuman during the Apollo program and selected on merit.

      • It wouldn’t happen – because it would no doubt have to be a black putting the first foot on the moon , and no cunt would want to share a command-module for a week with the stinking fucker.

    • Really interesting Sixfingers. Looks like we need to send some snowflakes on a welding course.

  14. Ah the 60s, when there was strip club in every street in Soho and you could go into one without any moral judgments or being lambasted by lesbians and wimmins rights organisations, where a little filly would sit on your knee while she took her stockings off , or you might be invited, if you were in the front row, to tug a tassle. A time when comics could make jokes about mother-in-laws (even repeats of old Les Dawson radio shows carries a health warning fore and aft these days on 4Extra). A time when you could be free to say what you like and do what you liked (provided you didn’t go round shouting about it from the rooftops) – and there would have still been time for Owen Jones dad to have had a vasectomy. Happy days.

  15. How I wish I could have those dreams back too!
    Ah the sixties… gone but never forgotten. Of the many things that influenced my life during that decade, there is one that has stayed with me the most and continues to help me cope with a future that looks like cunts rule whats left of our planet.
    I give thanks to the sixties… the Moody Blues… and their song “Thinking is the best way to travel”, my instant happy escape route from the futures continual avalanche of shite.

  16. Yep, the future ain’t what is used to be.

    Yet hope springs eternal in the human breast and youngsters still believe that covid is a fuss about nothing, a device to make them behave better. Knife crime is going up as the yoofs feel it is safe to go out stabbing again somewhat ironically. Bring back the teddy boys to sort them out!

    Russia and China are still not to be trusted. We are distancing ourselves from Europe again having discovered that the exclusive club we longed to join wasn’t that good. We put a lot more in than we got out.

    In some ways we are heading backwards.

  17. Loved the 60s, everything has been shit since as more of the world (especially the former colonies) is taken over by sub intelligent low IQ fuckwits, at least I’ll hopefully dead before the third world rats take over Blighty!, “the futures so bleak I gotta take prosac and ramprill”, utter cunts!

  18. I was a child of the 80s and back then we were looking forward to flying cars, passenger flights to the moon and a cure for cancer, but here we are in the year 2020 having to try and explain to millenials why Communism is evil…..

    • ‘Ah the futures uncertain but the end is always near’..
      Sang some drug addict.
      Flying cars?
      Chinese and women struggle as it is, be like fuckin pearl harbour ducking the cunts.
      Moon bases?
      Cold and dusty, no atmosphere, bit like Bradford.
      Gerry Anderson can fuck right off I don’t want his nightmarish future,
      Enough puppets already running the country,
      And as for ending world hunger?
      Forget it, staring them in the face!!

    • Cunt me in I remember watching tomorrows world in the 80s as a child when they were showing CDs and how you could kick them up and down the street and the laser would still read them and they would play perfectly fast forward to 1990 my mates mother got a CD player and if you breathed on the discs they would skip like fuck what a let down

  19. “Circle Of Hands”

    Circle of hands
    Cold spirits plan
    Searching my land for an enemy
    Came across love’s sweet cost
    And in the face of beauty
    Evil was lost

    Sky full of eyes, minds full of lies
    Black from their cold hearts, down to their graves
    Murdered the dawn, spreading their scorn
    Cursing the sun of which love was born

    We must keep them away
    Or pretty soon we’ll pay
    And count the cost in sorrow
    Sacrifice, the future has its price
    And today is only yesterday’s tomorrow

    We must keep them away
    Or pretty soon we’ll pay
    And count the cost in sorrow
    Sacrifice, the future has its price
    And today is only yesterday’s tomorrow, tomorrow
    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    Tomorrow, tomorrow

  20. As Carl Sagan said the ISS is a big welfare programme for the arrospace industry an PR gimmick for NASA. The actual science being done is old hat. There’s very little point in growing tomatoes in low earth gravity.

    We’d be better off spending that money sending robots to the outer solar system or nearer the sun, or even a prope that coukd get to the Centauri system in acouple of decades with an ion drive.

    NASA is stuck in a time warp and resting on its laurels. It needs to get its orion capsule sorted so it can actually launch humans if needed.

    I remember reading an old book were Arthur C. Clarke thought humans would be on Mars by 1984. We can barely still get them to low earth orbit.

    As for flying cars, we sort of have them in the form of civilian helicopters. They aren’t very common but they do exist.

    The only way we’ll get to the future while keeping our emissions down is via a massive investment in nuclear technology. The grrens will have to suck it because you need nuclear, solar and tidal to power the planet, and vehichles will need nuclear and hydrogen fuels to power them, rather than solar or wind.

    • Harness a portion of the power of the planet’s magnetic field , and use Tesla towers (Wardenclyffe) to grab electric , and store it in capacitors if needed.
      Inductive charging for everything.
      There you go.

    • Actually ,thinking about – these Woke cunts don’t believe in anything. So eventually , they are going to get round to denying gravity.

  21. No future for us old cunts, just infirmity, pain, suffering, depression, misery and the final longed-for welcome relief of death.
    Sounds interesting, I’m quite looking forward to it.

    • Don’t worry. Recent advances in medical knowledge will stretch out the pain and futility of it all for as long as possible, while cruel religious zealots will do their bit by ensuring you have no way out until God has shot his load over your agonising final hours.

  22. Having been born in the late 1950’s I can relate to many of the comments on the subject of the future, In the sixties the future dream was amazing. I bought into that dream big time. After reading the above comments and considering my thoughts at the time I have come to the conclusion that jumping off the Humber Bridge would be a bloody good idea.

  23. Like many, my vision of the future was formulated by Dan Dare of the Eagle comic and other such heroes.
    And to be honest I’m a bit disappointed. My jet pack has still not been delivered!!

  24. I hope in the future, i can fuck off to mars. Away from all these BLM toxic cunts.

  25. In the words of Arnie get you ass to Mars loved total recall got it on pirate tape in Cyprus back in 1990 I really thought that’s what the future would be like as a child dirty air mutants and hookers with 3 tits made me wish I had 3 hands see you at the party Richter

    • Are you 12?
      The implied assumption is that the centre one is to suck-on , whilst you grope the other two.
      This is based on an obscure 70’s joke , in the porn-industry of California.
      There is also a literary connection , but I can’t be assed.

      Philip K. Dick is sincerely one of the finest writers ever.

      • Yeah xeno and if you watched the film Benny the taxi driver used the line with the 3 titted hooker ( baby you make me wish I had 3 hands ) I was not born in the 70s and i am unaware of the joke of which you speak ! No I am not 12 it would be hard to watch a film in 1990 if I was and yes Philip K Dick is an amazing writer and has produced some of the best sci-fi literature I’ve ever read or graced the silver screen the adaptation of blade runner being another favourite of mine any thing else you want to just ask il fill you in

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