The far left and far right are two cheeks on the same arse as far as one is concerned.
Having been a victim of the far left myself I can assure you that it is a truly horrible experience. The far left wants to steal your life’s work from you and distribute it to the feckless and dumb (ZANU PF I’m talking about you). These “hoorah Henry’s” rioting round London with “da breffrin” haven’t got a fucking clue what the cunts have in store for them when they have the whip hand over them. I can assure them “taking the knee” is just the start of “da breffrins” plans. Worse is to come make no mistake.
On the other hand the far right is no better with rhetoric which would not look out of place in Nazi Germany. I can also assure these middle class white wannabe gangsters that someone protecting their heritage is not far right. It’s well known the Nazi party tried to erase history, the removal of statues, destruction of scriptures. So as you can see BLM is no more moral than the third riech.
These extremes just meet in the middle and are both insufferable cunts to man and beast!
Nominated by: Captain Quimson
The horseshoe effect.
You are correct. Both extremes may seem very different, but the results are very similar.
1. Big government.
2. Restriction on freedom.
3. The ending of democracy.
4. Controlled media (including internet restrictions)
5. Draconian sentences for ‘crimes against the state’ (which could include being slightly critical of a particular policy).
6. Death penalties and imprisonment for life of political opponents.
7. Large state police presence and monitoring of everything you do or where you go.
8. Economic issues which mean you either have a small wealthy elite and a poor enslaved populace or need to invade and take the resources of other nations to perpetuate your governance (this is done by creating a reason to invade, as in ‘our people are being abused’ or ‘they said this about us’).
9. A state education system that will rewrite history and promote its government and leaders.
10. Demonisation of certain groups, be they Jewish or white (male in particular) in the modern sphere.
Absolutely “two cheeks on the same arse”. You’ve only got to delve into which side if the arse the Nazi Party was on to realise how similar the extremists all are. Was Adolf left or right wing?
He was an attacking midfielder
I’m a bit pissed off about all this,tbh. I was labelled “far-right” years ago…now it seems that any “Bert or Doris” can join my exclusive club just by not wanting to see their Country turned over to “Wokedom”.
I shall have to assert my Far-Rightedness by having my tailor make me some kind of bespoke outfit that helps me stand out from the crowd….ah,no need, I’ve already tracked down the very thing……
If it’s good enough for Prince Harry…it’s good enough for me.
Those malingering Sods at the Northumbrian Speech-Impaired Society won’t know what’s hit them when they’re next out on their annual ramble and I goose-step over the Fell to announce “Ve hav vays of making you talk,dummkopf”
Get yourself down to your local Hugo Boss retail outlet. They say fashion goes full circle.
I shall take the tarp. off the open-top Mercedes-Benz 770 immediately and get her out of the barn…we will rumble into town as the awestruck public stand agog at the sight of us.
I think a man of your stature requires a tank, Mr Fiddler. Then you can literally crush those in your way.
Good morning!
A tamk ? Have you seen the price of diesel lately ?….just lucky that agricultural diesel is considerably cheaper than Pleb. diesel or I really don’t know how I’d manage.
You have to consider that price in terms of added value
Going for a “spin”? Limited added value.
Pulling a trailor with a tractor? Much added value.
Crunching your way over hippy bodies in a tank? KER-CHING.
Morning Dick.
Need an outfit to assert your Far-Rightedness? Look no further:
The term ‘far right’ is regularly misused. It is used as a pejorative, make no mistake.
Announce to a workplace filled with a few dozen that you are ‘far left’ and nobody will bat an eyelid. You might get a sneer or a comment, but nothing major.
Announce that you are ‘far right’ and you’ll be lucky to see the day out without getting your P45.
But far right has always meant that you are what is now deemed a racial supremacist. There aren’t many like that about nowadays, but most of them, I can tell you, are not honkies!
Far right nowadays means you think BLM are a nasty bunch of commies. You’re far right if you vote fucking tory according to the Guardian FFS.
I just tell idiots like that that they do not know what far right even is. And that, in fact, it comes from the left of politics (National ‘Socialism’ anyone?)
I pretty much just want cunts on the left (who are in every institution now so we are kind of fucked) to stop prodding every fucking ‘group; with a stick. They are shit stirring cunts.
In a rare moment of clarity, I recently realised that politicians on the left (quite a few of whom are somehow in the Conservative Party, by the way) do not want the Utopia they crave to ever be realised. The left is based in Marxism. One of the key elements of Marxism is to constantly push against the ‘powers’.
In essence, if the left somehow obtained their Utopia they craved, they would need to protect it. Or ‘conserve’ it. They would become Conservatives and they can’t have that!
Therefore, the cunts will always be poking people with sticks to set them off against each other. The Equality Act of 2010 is the problem. It is anything but an ‘Equalities’ act. It has different rules for different groups. One rule for one etc based on ‘communidee’. It’s just a recipe for pissing people off and creating division, which the left thrive on.
Mornin’ all.
Perhaps Lewis Hamilton might want to get his favourite designer, Hugo Boss, to delve into the archives for a pattern. He can then wear it while driving around in his black Mercedes – seem familiar?
Ahhh Lewis Hamilton from the ghetto of Stevenage…..Two-faced black cunt.
You keep letting the brave dinghy sailors of the Sahara in and mix that with shouty Dark Keys and eventually you get a brand new shiny Hitler.
The posh fucking young brainwashed middle class make me fucking sick. They hate America, the epitome of capitalism and want everyone to be equal ……..posh and rich like them. So why do they all talk like Yanks? I’m sick and tired of these wankers and their “guys” this and “guys” that and “you guys” and fucking “movies.” If you hate the Yanks so much stop fucking talking like them you posh pricks!! Tear your lazy arses away from screens and read a fucking book you guys.
What total fake plastic cunts you guys are.
I cant think of a single far right party or politician nowadays, but Labour classed Kier Starmer as to the ‘right’ of the party??!!
Hes hardly Hitler but does have the same number of antisemites in his party.
If you took a young woke snowflake type off the street and said name some far right politicians theyd say -Donnie Tango
And Boris Johnson.
Bet you.
Anything to the right of John mcDonnell is now ‘far right’.
You forgot about the media’s favourite bogeymen……..Tommy Robinson (real name…blah blah) and Sir Nigel of Farage. If you are talking to some little tart who watches a lot of daytime TV they might mention Katie Hopkins.
Yeah, it’s not much of a jackbooted revolution is it?
Forgot poor Tommy.
Yeah hes definitely a monster simply by not liking jihadi terror attacks.
Yes, please also add:
“can I get”
“I’m good” in response to “how are you?”
“schedule” with a hard “ch”
“harassment” with the emphasis on “ra”
oh, and the darkies saying things like “feds” and trying to talk like US rappers (only thing worse is when the whities do it. I heard a white woman talking like a Jamaican in the supermarket the other day and was almost sick).
“Two cheeks on the same arse” excellent. Till I thought about it, I always considered myself a little right of centre which to stretch the metaphor would put me literally in the shit! Think I might move a little more to the right. Thinking of taking up fox hunting is it difficult?
Naw, don’t need a horse can do it by pushbike,
Ask Fiddler, its dead easy!
Just need some dogs and a red jumper.
Taking up fox-hunting is not difficult….if you’re the right class of person….I fear that you may struggle.
Have you considered something more suitable to your lifestyle ?….ferreting is rather popular in certain circles apparently.
A good day ratting is far superior to fox hunting in my humble opinion.
Great cunting. They are definitely 2 cheeks of the same arse.
I want to start by saying that I don’t have the answer, but that answers come after we start asking questions and thinking about the subject.
Get ready to clutch your pearls.
Seems to me that democracy itself is the biggest problem we have, but I don’t know what the alternative might look like in this day and age. It’s not like we have any leaders at all, and we need leadership.
One problem is that most people are stupid. They don’t know what they want, or what’s good for them or the country. And so they keep up with the “news” and vote for the party that makes the best promises. Those promises will get broken, they always do, but by then the world turns and the media gives them something else to think about and the broken promises get forgotten. It should be the job of the media and the Opposition to hold politicians to account, but they don’t.
Another problem is that in a democracy the politicians depend on votes which depends on not alienating the voters. They cannot do anything bold. They can’t run the risk of offending the most vocal groups. That would be Political suicide. And today, another problem is international political pressure. Treaties which lock us into the EU, the UN, NATO and many more. Organisations which insist all nations adhere to their wishes, and fuck the people.
Which leads to the media. Does it report or does it lead? I think it presents a view that it wants to be believed, and then the politicians (and everyone else) think that that’s what people actually think, and they tailor their BS to suit.
Here’s a myth that used against us all the time. This is a rich country. No, it isn’t. This is a country drowning in debt. It depends on a good “credit rating”. Therefore, the real power in this country is not Parliament or the people but whoever it is who’s lending billions of ££ every month. The Govt follows what the bankers want, and the media tells us it’s what WE want. If they tell us anything at all.
And in the meantime, as a distraction, we get to argue about whether the “left” or the “right” is the biggest problem. It hurts my head.
“Goliath: Why the West isn’t Winning and What We Must Do About It” is well worth a read. Written by a former US paratrooper, then mercenary and now professor at Georgetown University. He explains how the chinks and russkies are beating us hands down by unconventional means; one of those being the “weaponisation” of immigrants to destroy a country’s economy.
I am Far Right, and Always Right. I am Anti Immigrant, and I am Racist. I know where I stand.
Racist can mean loads of things nowadays. What was once Xenophobia has been redefined as racism. If you criticise FGM in Somalia it’s racism. Criticising mistreatment of animals in China is racist. Any disapproval by white westerners of any cultural practice on non-whites is racist.
And it’s racist if it’s perceived as racist. So basically if the offended (possibly brain dead) party says you’re racist, then you are. No ifs, ands or buts.
I think the answer lies in accepting that all humans are cunts (oneself included).
Once this rests easy in your mind, any problems related to “us and them” easily evaporate.
Far right and far left exist simply because of our tribal hatred of anything different that is literally hard stamped into our DNA.
Trying to be better than the enemy is fucking stupid, you can’t argue with biology, you just go over there and hit them with a stick.
All that is required is to pick a side, because tribes hate loners. And that side will NOT have all the answers and will NOT be better than anyone else.
Personally, I dislike tofu, dungarees and wimps.
Hmmm, which side is left then?
The only time we’ll all be on the same side is when the aliens invade. And fuck me are they in for some trouble. What chance has higher intelligence against locust hordes?
I don’t think we would all be on the same side if aliens invaded. The woke will try and empathise with the aliens and treat them as immigrants. They’ll probably blame their aggression towards as as a response to being electromagnetically colonised by radio signals sent by white western patriarchies.
If the aliens ae ruled by a queen they’ll go mad..
Top cunting. Out of interest, the government (far right fascists) are splashing a shitload of dosh on the Magic Grandpa Appreciation Society (the ‘Arts’) I wonder if they will refuse it and condemn it’s source? Will Boris derangement syndrome kick in? Perhaps Israel is behind it with a sinister agenda. Who knows?
More socialism from the Tories.
Why should anyone give a flying fuck about where I am on some imaginary scale of their making? The answer is once you have been placed in a position the persecution can commence. You don’t accept BLM and refuse to ‘Take the knee’ then you are a Nazi and deserve to lose you job,house and freedom. The cunts cannot accept that BLM is a load of bollocks and does not stand up to scrutiny.
Just ask the BBC and Sly news. It’s simple. Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are sensible and caring centre left.
Boris and Farage are far right nazis who hate all of us except the rich.
And here I am, stuck in the middle with you (lot), cunts to the left of me and cunts to the right……..
It is lovely to be part of this family isn’t it.
At least some of the boys in F1 didn’t bow down to this BLM bollocks, unlike the footy boys in the Premier League. A few days ago I heard cunts on the telly saying that there should be quotas to get black football managers into managing PL clubs. The cunt (no idea who he was, some shit stirrer from a Quango or some-such) was saying that they should be represented as per capita.
Funnily enough, I didn’t hear the cunt say that the same should apply to the players, where black players are vastly over represented as per capita. Funny that…
Of course, the interviewer cunt didn’t throw that back at him to justify, but real journalism is a thing of the past now.
That was brilliant two fingers up to Hamiltons attempt to bully them, 6 of them did not take the knee and good on them for not getting sucked into the BLM shit.
One was Kimi Raikkonen, I cant see anyone being able to bully him into doing anything ‘Fuck off Lewis’
I actually want to watch it now. I’ll be supporting those who told Hamilton to go fuck himself.
F1 drivers come from posher families so are probably better educated that footballers in general.
Therefore, Hamiltion’s ridiculous comment about them ‘needing to be educated’ is fucking outrageous
No cupcake, that would be you in need of education. The drivers are simply saying that they do not support BLM as a group and that they don’t agree with taking a knee for any cunt. Least not on your fucking command.
Oh, and the reason some might not see you as fully British may be due to you not paying your taxes and fucking off to Switzerland? We do the same for cunts like Connery and Branson too.
Nothing to do with race, snowflake, but everything to do with being a cunt.
Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen, Kimi Raikkonen, Carlos Sainz, Antonio Giovinazzi and Daniil Kvyat all have my respect.
I’ve worked all my life for everything I’ve got, own my own home got a nice car and go on a few good holidays, go out with my mate for a few pints at the weekends to put the world to rights.
My fucking cunt of a loony left sister called me far right Nazi racist for saying Tommy Robinson was right to go after the peaceful child rapists and that we need controlled immigration to this small Island of ours, if that’s a far right racist, then fuck’em, i’m happy with that.
I was telling a good mate of mine this a while back in the pub, he said, well you are a bit of a cunt to your sister you fuckin Cracker, I said get to fuck ya black cunt,
oh how we laughed
I get what you’re saying. But the Nazis were left wing. Nazism was a socialist ideology, it was even in the parties real name, National Socialist German Workers Party. Many of the policies they enacted are virtually identical to the policies of the left today. Even a lot of the tactics used by BLM/ANTIFA are straight out of Mein Kampf.
This guy has an interesting take on it.
In the words of Stealers Wheel . . . . .
?. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you ?
Sorry, can’t agree. The fact is that things have moved so far over to the Left in the past 10 years or so, that the centre, middle-road, has moved with it. The far-right are now what used to be known as slightly right of centre, and centre politics are well left (look at the Glib-Dems). In order to bring everything back to where it was would require a base-line trebled, or ‘far-right’ people to set fir to EVERYBODY else they see, who doesn’t agree with them.
Dick F-F is correct.
According to the media and our institutions, if you aren’t a stark raving intersectional woke zealot who hates themselves for being white then you’re far-right.
It’s a cliche to say ‘I didn’t leave the left, the left left me’. A few of the lefties I’ve known have abandoned the old principles – wanting a fair wage for workers – and becomes full-on interectionalist, liberal Greta-worshipping wankers who think criticising Islam is racist.
A few have used the expression and are still in favour of a big state to support the plebs run the railways and look after the working poor, but hate the woke left, who they describe as liberals
I’d say I used to centrist-libertarian but leaning towards conservatism these days.
I never left the Left as I don’t believe I was ever part of it even at college, and don’t believe tolerance of others to be a ‘left-wing’ value. I’ve never been fond of their policies on nuclear deterrence, welfare, crime or immigration, or of people at college telling me ‘you can’t say that’, but compared to my paternal side of the family I’m about as right wing and politically incorrect as Nick Clegg.
People telling me I cant say certain things at college (probably about Black or South/East Asian culture rather than people -the new, expanded definition of ‘racism’) was 20 years ago, and 10 years before that at middle school it was about an Air India plane that crashed in the Himalayas.
The kid who told me I couldn’t say ‘Air India’ was the son of a teacher.
That was at the beginning of the nineties.
great cunting – we are FREE people and don’t need anymore shit