Patrick ‘Captain Picard’ Stewart (8)

I’m on a five year mission fellow cunters, although with your help it won’t take that long to fulfil my aim. My mission is to get multi-millionaire champagne socialist Stewart to boldly go where he’s never gone before; namely, to his much deserved place on the Wall of Cunts.

Capn. Pickarse has always been the Remoaner’s Remoaner. Since being awarded his honorary ‘A’ level in International Affairs from the George Floyd Institute in Tower Hamlets (formerly the Islam Bros. Cash & Carry), there’s been no stopping the boring old fart. He loses no opportunity to bend any ear on the evils of Brexit, and on the stupid bigotry of Leave voters.

Here’s Sir Slaphead using his attendance at Comic Con last November (that’s right, a comics convention for fuck’s sake) to inform the audience of his ’embarrassment’ about the refendum vote, and how in fact, more than half the UK population actually wants to stay in the welcoming bosom of the EU;

Well ha fucking ha. Just a short while later, we embarrassing Brexiteers gave Old Knobhead a poke in both eyes with a sharp stick, of course returning a ‘Get Brexit Done’ government to office with a stonking overall majority of 80.

Unfortunately this hasn’t shut the gobshite up. He’s been busy endorsing BLM protests in LA, saying that he wished he could attend. Don’t let us stop you. In fact, why don’t you just head back permanently to La La Land and join the rest of your luvvy chums. You can virtue-signal there to your heart’s content. Even better, book yourself a one-way ticket on the Starship Enterprise and fuck off in any direction at warp factor eight. Please Captain, make it so.

Nominated by : Ron Knee 

(This klingon might take a different view if the BLM riots were happening in his neck of the woods! – admin)

67 thoughts on “Patrick ‘Captain Picard’ Stewart (8)

  1. Fuck the old bald cunt. Why do all these ‘stars’ espouse hardcore Marxism? Liberalism is a mental disease.

    • Never had to work for a living and mix with real people and not cunts.

    • I suspect he is a closet faggot, like so many in his profession, and “standing up” for minorities is his way of compensating for his fantasy life.

      I bet the old cunt wouldn’t “take a knee” – his artificial hip and rusty old trust couldn’t take the strain

  2. Certainly is.I liked him years ago but all “slebs” jumping on the bandwagon on remain boils my piss

  3. That little video made me do a little bit of sick in my mouth. What the fuck do a bunch of nerds at a comic fair know about the Good Friday Agreement and fucking Brexit? They paid good money to see their hero and the cunt starts lecturing them like the Dad they never had. I hope they asked for their dosh back, the spotty little anorak wankers.

  4. We now have 3 million doushkas that we won’t need during this economic downturn. So tell me, Baldy, what is wrong with Brexit?

    If we need people to pick crops, maybe we could revive the age-old skills of feckless blacks.

    • James Tiberius Kirk.
      Now there was a captain!
      Scourge of romulans,
      Hammer of the klingons,
      Pulls the birds, a mans man in tight clothing.
      This preachy bald klingon rights activist?
      Phasers on stun?
      Romulan lives matter?
      Listen you boardtredding old pònce,no one gives a fuck what you think ,
      Stick to bumming the key grip and wipe that makeup off!!?

    • One of the unexpected positives of the bat flu is that people and companies have figured out that there is no need to commute into London and pay a fortune for a lunchtime coffee and sandwich, when you can do the same job from home.

      Costa, Starbucks and Pret are warning of mass lay-offs and shop closures. As they mostly only employ East Europeans in their shops, this means that a lot of them have had their minds made up for them with regard to going back home.

      This is before Brexit has kicked in.

      • I have always wondered why big companies want to have HQ in London, high rents, train fares that are a joke and a shortage of good staff. Things will be very difficult for Transport for London post Chinky Flu; few will shed tears for them or the money grabbing trade unions.

      • I do relish the prospect of Londonishitholeistan going down the tubes. Followed by. Birminghan, Dudley,Bradford and in fact, any city populated by immigrant filth in numbers that matter

  5. We should always remember that California in general, and Hollywood in particular, has always likened itself to being an “independent” state. Setting itself a higher “woke” bar compared to the so-called lesser states, including its bitter rival, New York.

    As such the inhabitants of Cuntifornia feel morally superior, and again think they are the Gods of Wisdom and Truth. They can do no wrong because they live what feels to them like a parallel universe.

    You can look at them and listen, but you can’t question them and you can’t touch them! You must keep your distance in your grubby little world at all times, while they continue with their dictating, feeling smug with themselves, denouncing capitalism & materialism and yet demanding huge appearance fees on TV and cinema, and living the high life in their palatial mansions, fast cars, and protected by cheap and possibly illegal servants and bodyguards!

    Stewart is one such inhabitant: a complete sell-out and utter utter cunt.

  6. Funnily enough if this woke Magic Grandpa v.2 lived on an inner city estate after working in a factory for 40 years he may have a different opinion.
    But he’s a famous actor instead.
    Enough said about this vile cunt.
    Great work Ron.

    • What appalls me about this sanctimonious cunt is his sheer arrogance. I recall a couple of years back when he was at some thrash in the Reich, he had the fucking audacity to apologise on behalf of the UK for the Brexit referendum result. He seems to think he’s an ambassador on behalf of the fucking Federation.
      What a fucking twat.

  7. It’s funny how a lot of these wealthy actors are lefties. My success in the job market has made me more of a right-wing cunt, wondering why I get up at 6 each morning to pay loads of tax to fund the feckless of this country.

    • It’s really odd, isn’t it? Old Baldy’s worth is estimated at a cool $70mill. He can afford to lecture us all on the wonders of socialism from the seclusion of his house in the Cotswolds, or from his property in in New York.
      He should buy a house in Small Heath or Saltley, see how a bit of inner city ‘diversity’ suits him.

      • Afternoon, Ron.

        Small Heath, wow. Now there’s a real shithole. Satnav took me through there last year. Spot the cracker.

      • I wouldn’t go there after dark. In fact I wouldn’t go there in broad daylight. You need to be a ‘peaceful’ type.

  8. I bet this cunt has got a lot to say when he’s pontificating to Trekkie geeks and his fellow rich as fuck Hollywoke pals. I can see him now bowing and scraping around Sparkle Tits and the King of the Gingers.
    Put him up against somebody who knows what he’s talking about and he’ll just scream raaaay-sist!! It’s what they all do.
    Beam this cunt up, the sooner the better.

    • Funny really, when the mcCarthy witchhunt was in full throttle those spineless cunts in Hollyweird bent over backwards to prove they wasnt a communist!!
      Apart from Rock Hudson who bent forward,
      Not one was on the Lefty agenda, they were hysterical with fear.
      Better more innocent times…

    • Patrick Aloysius Stewart needs to boldly go where no other California set arse licker dares to go. He needs to fire up the Star-full-of-shit Enterprise and set the trajectory towards London Road, Croydon. It wouldnt be long before his second in command reported from the blood stained pavements that shimmer in the sunlight courtesy of dried cooking oil that has been emptied out of restaraunt frying pans to blend with a thousand fag butts and rotting food debris, with the words ” Well its life Jean-Luc, but not as we know it”

      I happen to think that his woke-o-meter might be rapidly reset and the Star-full-of-shit put on return course.
      Beam me up Potty. Plastic bonce cunt.

  9. I doubt very much that this cunt has ever been burgled or mugged by some east European gentlemen. When you make a living by make believe and never have to experience real life this is what you become. These lefty luvvie cunts need to remember who is paying for the shite they produce when they are insulting the masses. Another bandwagon jumping hypocrite to add to the list,,Cunts

  10. Those illegals are desperate to enter our country.Are they thick?We are making people redundant.There are no jobs.What are their plans?Live on the streets?Piss off back to your own country.Vermin

  11. “The Good Friday agreement brought together…but there are still problems”

    LMAO. Blair’s GFA was nothing more than capitulation, a bit like our EU membership under Blair, Brown, Moron and May.

    Chrome-domed cunt.

    BTW, great cunting Ron Knee!

    • Thanks PM. With a bit of perseverance and the help of fellow cunters, I’ll get this fucking twat up on the wall yet.

  12. Good Morning
    The problem with dear old Paddy is that he lives, or at least seems to spend most of his time, in California. It is where they invented wokeness and all the crap that goes with it. It is like Chinky BatFlu, you only have to come into contact with it and you are , to a greater or lesser extent. Fortunately there are one or two areas there which have remained Woke free like Monterey during car week, The Mission Ranch in Carmel, and Clint Eastwood. I feel a Julie Andrews song coming on.

  13. “Aimm en ectorrrrrrr don’t you know” ?
    Fuck off buttplug-head you utter cunt.

  14. I wish he’d boldly go and keep going and take every other woke Hollywood type with him.

  15. This fucker is massively out of touch. Most celebs are.

    I advocate 6 months in a bedsit in a ‘super diverse’ part of London for these types once I become supreme leader.

    Should wake a few of these cunts up.

    • Why is it that the ‘ Diversity is our strength ‘ cunts always live far from the ghettoes, often in gated communities where non whites are intercepted PDQ by the guards.

  16. Sounds like the silly cunt has boldly gone and fucked what little credibility he had. Must be a bit special as the vote was to leave the eu fuckfest and a government purporting to want to leave before the 57th century was elected with a big majority. For such an esteemed star fleet officer he seems slow on the uptake. Well I suppose he is virtue signalling to keep up the chance of the occasional advert/mini series whatever. Has he taken the knee yet?? Maybe to the groin?

  17. To baldly go where no he/she/they/it/cunt has gone before! Psssshhhooom!

    It’s a shame Picard wasn’t cast as that Klingon with the desiccated fanny on his forehead. He has much more affinity to that than being a well polished nutsack head.

  18. The baldybonced remoaner cockgobbler was 80 yesterday believe it or not. Might be worth a punt in the deadpool.
    Fucking cunt.

    • He’ll klingon for another 10 yet, what with all the hollywood vegan super smoothies he drinks.

  19. Isn’t it time Mr Stewart retired to a nice little country cottage with roses round the door with his acting chum and lookalike Sir Ian McKellen?

    They could spend their days pruning the garden and doing all the things old luvvy wuvvys do. Such as recounting amusing stories from their theatrical careers and inviting young boys around for tea and tiffin. After all they can’t work in the theatre any longer as there is no audience to play for. Of course the howwid torwy government is to blame for this as we all know. They could also hold acting workshops for the BLM BAME generation. So useful.

  20. Perhaps he thinks he really is in the Federation and Earth has one government, the only problem is if that ever happens it won’t be liberal white man who will be in charge.
    Woke cunt needs to boldly go to obscurity.

  21. I loved the story recently about that Democrat libtard lesbo governor in Seattle (I think it was) recently.

    When the bellends took to the streets and took over a few blocks of her city (Chaz or whatever it was called) she didn’t give a fuck about the residents and said ‘It could be the summer of love’ and told the cops to stand down. Locals begged for her help to stop the shooting, filth in the streets, criminal damage and violence. She did fuck all as it wasn’t her problem. Best not to criticize BLM and Antifa. She’s got votes to think of, fuck the residents.

    Well guess what? The cunts of BLM/Antifa came for her anyway and started trying to smash her place up and abuse her outside her home for not doing enough to completely abolish the police in the city.

    What did she do? She soon changed her fucking tune and now decided to be critical of BLM and Antifa once it affected her. She called loads in private (on behalf of the taxpayer) security for herself and her property and started to talk about putting cops back out to protect her, I mean everyone in the city.

    These fuckers are all the same. They don’t give a fuck until it happens to them and then all of a sudden they want to call in the fucking army.

    Pathetic bunch of absolute cunts.

    Funnily enough, the libtard chief in question – Jenny Duncan – was cunted here just a few days ago. – admin

  22. It’s an ongoing problem with these types who play other people (virtually all fictional hero types) is that they actually start to believe their own shit.

    I’m sure celebrity culture has a lot to do with it and these cretins crave the adulation, after all without it they can’t be ‘slabs’.

    I’d like to smack this bald headed cunt so hard in the head with a 10lb Salmon that he’s propelled into an eternal orbit up his own ass.

    Fuck off Stewart. No one cares.

  23. Had it not been for Star Trek this baldy thespian cunt wouldn’t be anywhere near the public consciousness.

    Stewart always saw himself as some great Shakespearean actor of the stage; but when he realised he wasn’t getting much work, or earning small fortunes, he opted for the TV (a medium often frowned upon by the Great Thespians), and Star Trek of all things!

    So much for ethics when you’re desperate for fame and fortune!

  24. If Patrick Stewart is so supportive of BLM perhaps he will be chucking them his fortune and properties..
    No? Aaaw, bad Picard – Kirk would do this wet fucker in a second, and as Stewart is 80 and not going to be around much longer maybe he might want to think about the World to come in the future – and how white people will continue to be an endangered species with the willing help of fools like this so called actor.

  25. Me: “Squash. Ribena. Hot!”

    Actors should keep their politics at home.

    I loved him in Star Trek The Next Generation. His inspirational speeches, of course written by script writers, but he says them very well. Very inspiring to me.

    When he talks about death in the episode ‘Where Silence Has Lease’, it is thoughtful to me. Again the script writers.

    There are many episodes that sing to me. ‘Measure of a man, ‘Chain Of Command, ‘Who Watches The Watchers’ etc etc.

    I think if I had to pick one it would be ‘The Inner Light’.

    Patrick Stewart should keep his personal politics at home, not broadcast them. It turns me off.

  26. Spineless Boris had better not weaken in the negotiations with the vermin over the channel.
    Then we can all laugh at that bald headed cunt, when he has a proper tantrum. I hope the day we leave, diseased little rodents like him are so distraught, they either die of a heart attack or commit suicide.
    I bet he’s a shit stabber too.

    • What REALLY pisses me off about Stewart is his persistent whinge since the referendum has been ‘people voted Leave because they were lied to’.
      Oh really? About what, and by whom? I’ve never actually heard any specific statement from him about what these ‘lies’ consisted of. I think it’s a round about way of saying that Leavers are thick and didn’t understand what we voted for. Oh, we understand only too well what we voted for Sir Slaphead, don’t worry yourself on that score.

  27. To boldly be cunted as no cunt has been cunted before.

    I woke up I a cold sweat last night (quiet at the back there!)

    It was a particularly grim nightmare but imagine my horror as I realised that it could become real.

    When Doctor cunt reappears (some turds just will not flush) they might go back to visit st george of Minneapolis

    And who know the grand culmination of human development triumphantly portrayed in star trek chimp out. Slap head perhaps could be de cabin boy on de gud sheeehip (KFC 1701) we wuz kangz.

    Hurtling round the galaxy confronting microaggressions, stamping out the evil of whiteness wherever it may, reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. Propelled at fantastic speeds by the “where de white wimmin” drive.

    Or do they do that already? Haven’t been keeping up with shite trek for a while.

    Stupid badly cunt. He no more cares for “black lives” than I do.

    • I haven’t seen any of the new ‘Star Trek;Picard’ stuff on Amazon or wherever it is, but I’m reliably informed from a friend who has that it’s puke-making ‘woke’ shite. He gave up after the first few episodes out of frustration and boredom.

      • Ron, I watched episode 1 and 2 then stopped. It is depressing. Absolutely not Star Trek. Alex Kurtzman is a can of can’t.

  28. I wish this cunt would beam down, never mind up. He could live next door to the Romanian cunts in my yard if he wants. Burning crap in the back garden every night, shouting at each other from a yard and talking in gyppo gibberish. Do as I say not as I do fucking do Alien head wanker.

  29. Star Trek is Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu, the Ivan, and the black bird.
    Anything else is an inferior rip off and a load of cunt. Especially anything involving that bald luvvie fuckface.

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