It looks like we’ve finally got our (least) favourite little Communist agitator in checkmate. Feast your eyes on today’s opinion piece from him and pay special attention to the caption below the photo:
Afterall “they all look the same, don’t they?!” Priceless!!!
Nominated by: Cunt me in
(Couldn’t have happened to a nicer cunt! – admin)
If Owen was my son of put him over my knee and give him such a thrashing he wouldn’t be able to have sex for a month.
Owen wouldn’t have been my son. He would have got that far; I’d have flushed him down the bog on a raft of Andrex as a spent wank.
Wouldn’t have got that far.
It has long been speculated that Owen was the wank tissue that escaped the flush and made its own way in the world.
Credit for being a persistent wank though.
What a berk.
Owen would be the first to point the finger at others if a photo mix up happened.
Knew he was a white supremacist!
Blood and Honour eh Owen?
See you at Nuremburg.
Ps never noticed before but in the picture above something about the spacing of Owens eyes, bit ‘off’?
To see round corners in case he gets jumped again?
Careful MNC – he recently fought off 27 neo n*zis with just a jar of Clarins anti wrinkle cream and some false eyelashes!
Hoist by your own racist petard Owen – oh, I could just cwy for you! ????????????????
What goes around comes around.
Sorry, not enough – Owen – you total twat, resign you monster and give your job to a BAME!
But nice to see the Guardian is doing so well they beg you for money at the end of every article! ??
Feel better now.
Cunt looks like a fucking frog.
(sorry Freddie).
He fucking well does.
A very smug one.
Never a heron around when you need one! ?
Turd of Turd Hall? ?
Ha! Ha! Yeah ?
Been bugging me who he reminds me of…
Remember Zig and Zag?
The aliens off breakfast telly?
Must be his fuckin parents!!?
MNC@ – Roger from American Dad!
That’s who Owen Jones really is! ??
Or something I once saw slithering around a reptile tank swallowing a mouse.
Fuckin hell yeah!
Maybe The Guardian has been infiltrated by the Far Right. They definitely need to look at the photo editor, the layout person. It’s must be something to do with the Far Right. That’s the only explanation.
Agreed MP – it can be the only explanation – those racist rotters will stoop to any low trick!
Poor Saint Owen ?
But heinrych in the photo dept is a lovely bloke!!
Just done some research its the photo editor Eva Riefenstahl. Granddaughter of Leni.
Well he was much more photogenic than fatty Goering! (None of the rest of us liked him – “ach, ze pies have all disappeared – Herman”!).
You Lefties always blame the Far-Right.
The cure for chronic leftyism is 50mg daily of Flupentixol and 70mg daily of Citalopram and don’t stop taking the medication until advised by your doctor. Also sorts transbumderism and other gender related mental illnesses. Fucking cunts! ?
owen jones is a cunt
And at the age known as a “fag hag” where he has to go to Brazil with Aunty Mandy to buy something younger!
Its not been a good few months for this bedwetting commie cuntwipe , first The Grauniad were discovered to support slavery back in the day and now a lazy photo editor has landed Jones in the shit (sounds like Pride week eh Owen?)
I couldn’t give a flying fuck if he is not personally responsible, him and his ilk are the first to start shit slinging with guilt by association over the likes of homophobia or racism.
I’m afraid I’m with Owen on this one. I once made a dreadful mistake at Chester Zoo, ended up throwing buns to a party of schoolchildren from some awful inner city area. They were all crying as I jumped up and down, shrieking and shouting ‘ Who wants a bun ? ‘
It was when the adults in the troupe started shouting at me in a strange patois that I realised I had made a grave error.
Easy mistake to make.
I can’t go to Chester Zoo any more.
Get To Fuck.
An easy mistake, Jack, one which we could all make.
Don’t beat yourself up about it- it was an Orangutan having a “blunt one” that started the fire that destroyed the temperate zone a few years ago.
It sounds just like the unfortunate incident at Dick Fiddlers exclusive gentlemen’s club Jack. I mean what are the odds of Lenny Henry visiting after just collecting his knighthood and an admittedly refreshed Fiddler mistaking him for a cloakroom attendant.
I know, it’s amazing, you just couldn’t make it up. ?
Ah, only a few cunts back I lauded the fact of the left eating itself.
Round 1, ding ding. What a gay day.
Cheers Owen, cheers Grauniad arsewipe.
Ha ha said the clown.
Even if you didn’t know who he was or that he was a left wing guardian bum boy, he has the most punchable face in the planet (that would be a good defence in court, sorry m’lord but I couldn’t resist, I mean just look at him).
Did anyone else notice the little cameo from Nish the cunt Kumar.
Fuck off Owen you little cunt, the world hates you!
Little Owen is always raging about racial and gender stereotypes but that doesn’t stop him describing people who disagree with him as “slobbering bigots hunched over computers.” A very colouful and stereotypical phrase Owen, have a gold star little boy.
Fucking fake Che Guevara batty boy. Fuck off wanker.
He always names the same people when he refers to far right, Tommy Robinson and Kate Hopkins which makes me think if they are the only two ‘far right’ he can conjure up then what the fuck is he worried about. They have both been banned from various media platforms unlike all his left wing British hating cunts.
And his favourite white terrorist Anders Breivik, conveniently forgetting the countless ‘Islamic terrorists’ , little cunt should be water boarded 5 times a day.
Owen Jones = arse bandit
That is (as I’ve just now – 21:07-been reliably informed) a correct statement Wallace.
Here’s Wiley and Kano together-
Now to be fair they do look similar. Kano looks a younger version of Wiley to me. It’s the pressure newspapers are under – think of the poor photo editor rushing to a deadline ‘get a pictiure of that grime rapper quickly (Kano is a grime rapper). And the mistake was made.
Poor Owen has had to apologise ‘profusely’
A tragic tale all round.
Miles thats Kano and Benny from grange hill not wiley!
Admit its confusing.
They should be forced to wear name tags to avoid embarrassment.
And if they refuse maybe forced to have their names tattooed on their foreheads?
Ive run it past Owen and he thought it was a good idea.☺
If they used proper fucking names it would help, Wiley looks a bit like Anthony Martial (Man United cunt), so they do all look the same!!!
The could have used a more generic picture which would cover any and all, pop down to London Zoo and take a nice snap, maybe one holding a banana, Bonus!! (A bit racist… but they do tho don’t they)
Lukaku suffered the same fate. I mean Stormzy.
So funny, it was an Irish newspaper ???
Reading Cuntyboys whining drivel I notice that word ‘systemic’ once more.
When did this replace the old ‘institutional’ then and is it to keep the problems of this vicious,bigoted country (that the entire third world wants to live in) in the limelight?
Owen, you are the weakest cunt,goodbye.
Owen Jones looks like he has a touch of the Mongbergs around the eyes.
He should be in school.
How dare you!
What a smug fucking photo that is. Speechless for once. Cunt.
Serendipitous timing of this cunting, for I watched Owen getting mauled by Andrew Neil on youpube today. Such a little shitbag.
I can’t even muster a fuck to click on to his article for there’s simply no adding or subtracting any cunt from this anal spunkbubble.
Owen Jones on the Andrew Neil show is classic – if any fellow contributors want a laugh watch Neil destroy the gobby little cwy baby!
As the esteemed Sir Fiddlers Brother Admiral Fiddler would say “it’s a fucking treat”!
There’s plenty of classics to view. I also enjoy the sky news debate where he gets his nappy twisted and storms off. Or the short but brilliant one of a distant heckler calling him a wanker on live tv outside parliament.
At least the sub editor responsible will be ok? He’s bound to be white, public School, libtard and gay so the Grauniad can’t sack him.
But he’ll probably have to suck Owen’s little winkle for the next six months.
Never fear, this little shit will wiggle and worm his way out of this baddest of bad fuck-ups!
He will use systemic racism till the cows come home, always apportioning blame on the usual suspects.
Hopefully, however, this particular mud will stick to the wall for quite some time, exposing the cunt for what he really is to a suspicious Woke community.
Here is the Jones boy in his pomp, tiptoeing through the tulips (or should that be mincing in the marigolds?) with another Labour heap of slime, Clive Lewis (whatever happened to him?):-
A mutual wank fest.
Owen Jones. My favourite pet Hate. He is a spiteful, odious, supercilious, pretentious, hog, sow,drunken bastard, twat faced, spoilt, duplicitous fucking arsehole.. I struggle to use the word cunt because a cunt is useful …
I love that clip of Julia H-B spanking his botty for him on the press review.
I’d pay good money for that treat…
Ron knee every bloke on this site, has the same fantasie about Julia.
I saw a photo of her the other day, in her C-19 isolation weight loss glory. She’s always been fucking fit; now she’s mouthwatering.
My ultimate milf fantasy; Julia in black negligee, sussies, stockings and high heels…
Christ, who needs Viagra with that in mind?
Where’s that photo Ron? I demand to see it then I’ll die a happy man?.
Surprised nobody here on ISAC has mentioned the insanely disproportionate 2 yrs 8 months handed out the other day to that fine objective fellow citizen for giving Jones a smack….. and it really can’t have been much more than that #over in 10 seconds.
Caught in the act only two days ago:
Owen Jones and James O’Shithead (hatched from the same sulphurous libtard egg) sucking each others haemorrhoids whilst fantasising about Far-Right extremists:
Priceless! ?
‘Far right extremism’ is little Owen’s wet dream.
“Prison isn’t a solution for this. He’ll go to prison a far-right thug and he’ll leave prison a far-right thug”. Just like all those misunderstood jihadis then.
Fucking hell, O’Shithead and Jones! What an appalling pair of champagne socialist fucking traitors. Absolute cunts.
Just a point of interest Freddie – a new daily record was set today for channel hoppers- 200.
Quite possibly the biggest cunt in Britain, and fucking hell, there’s a few to choose from. If only his dad had pulled out a few seconds sooner…
I wonder if he’ll take a stroll through the streets of Brixton or Lambeth late at night tonight?
After al,l he is always banging on about how much he loves dark keys, and supports BLM etc. Well let’s see how he gets on with community relations should he get fronted by 5 or 6 big bad bruvvers with a grudge!
Judging by the photo is Wiley a Spurs fan? If so that is the absolute pinnacle of irony.
According to Wikipedia he does! That is golden! ?
Yeah I just noticed he’s wearing a Spurs top. Is the cunt trying to be ironic? Or is it that he’s too stupid to know Spurs have a big Jewish following? Either way he’s a 24 carat cunt. As for the Guardian, I wouldn’t wipe my arse on it. Actually I probably would wipe my arse on it, especially the page with Owen Jones’ column on it.
I had the misfortune of seeing this self evident and complete no-mark on (a client’s) TV the other morning, while waiting for him (my client) to get dressed and “face the music”; ie that he (my client) should expect a custodial immediate of 5 to 9 years, but never mind that detail. He (my client) has been a very naughty boy.
I must admit that, as someone I’ve chiefly – actually exclusively , really – heard of on these hallowed pages, he (Mr Jones) came across quite well really. Maybe it’s the company I keep? Quite a disappointment if I’m to be candid.
Little Owen and the Grauniad both with egg (or possibly rent boy jizz) on their faces.
Glorious, I’m having a beer or two tonight… ?
When the Cunts at the BBC put up a ‘they all look the same’ photo of a BAME female MP, the guardian sent two journalists to cover the story of how racist Britain is and how wronged the BAME MP’s had been.
Tut tut –
if the rapper Kano has any class and I have no reason to doubt he has plenty he will just wave it away as an error, just as it was in the first instance with the BBC
It’s fucking brill!
Owen Jones. The gift that keeps on giving. And a racist one at that. Shame on you you little cunt.
After telling little Owen off for being a spoilt little twat, i just wish Julia H-B had chased him out of the studio, pinned him down and sat on his face untill he apologised for being a floucy mouthy cunt.
Really can’t stand the bloke/girl/thing.
Julia sitting on my face is my idea of heaven…
After telling little Owen off for being a spoilt little twat, i just wish Julia H-B had chased him out of the studio, pinned him down and sat on his face untill he apologised for being a flouncy mouthy cunt.
Really can’t stand the bloke/girl/thing.
Fucking Hell mate, I would gladly let Julia sit on my face!