Miss Swimsuit UK

Miss Swimsuit UK deserves a nomination after winner Jasmine Archer-Jones was stripped of the title after posting her opinion about Black Lives Matter on Facebook
She made a post last month about the wave of protests prompted by the death of the sweet innocent angel George Floyd.

She questioned if Mr Floyd was innocent and said “all lives matter”.

All trace of her winning the title last year has been removed from the pageant’s website.
A source said: “Jasmine has tried to sweep it under the carpet and continue on as if nothing has happened but organisers acted quickly to airbrush her from their history”.
Miss Swimsuit UK have apparently posted in support of the Black Lives Matter protest and “could not afford to be associated with her.”

Jasmine posted about the Black Lives Matter protesters, which said demonstrators had used Mr Floyd’s death as an “excuse to let loose” after lockdown. Well, fair point, although a more accurate comment would have been that they used it as an excuse to riot and loot, from black as well as white owned businesses.

Screenshots of her post said: “If you look deeply into statistics, more UNARMED WHITE people DIED than BLACK last year.”

She added: “There is video footage of him refusing to get out of his car, which warrants for the police officers to use whatever means necessary to restrain the person.
“He also SUPPOSEDLY had drugs in his system, but I doubt they will release the autopsy now… Oh and let’s not forget that George Floyd also has a criminal record dating back to the 90s.”

She finished the post by saying: “I DO NOT discriminate against any person. But THIS IS NOT OK.”

Miss Swimsuit UK posted a message in support of the Black Lives Matter movement last month.It said on Instagram: “When is the human race going to figure out once and for all that we are all the same. Love one another.”

Try telling that to the BLM hardcore members, you spineless, craven cunts.

Nominated by: Mystic Maven

83 thoughts on “Miss Swimsuit UK

  1. Great cunting.
    The organisers of this competition are nothing more than craven, hypocritical cowards.
    And cunts of the first water. Utterly contemptible.

    • Good for Jasmine!?
      Although she should try and discriminate a bit more,
      Fuck BLM and Swimsuit UK, go skinny dipping Jasmine in protest.?

    • I admit to being puzzled by this caper.
      I was under the impression that beauty pageants etc had been made illegal by The Dykes.

  2. She can be the pin up girl for ISAC instead.
    Twice a day and three times on Sunday-woooof?

    • What a spiffing idea!
      Could we have a pin up of the day, bit like page3 used to be?
      Maybe the ISACs better halves in a ‘readers wives’ setting?
      Id be only to willing to help with the extra work by trawling through the candidates photos!!

      • Hey Guzzi, how about a new game?
        “Whos wife is it anyway?”
        A readers wife photo and we have to guess which cunters wife it is?

      • Krav would have had his Justin Beiber pictures sent in before you could say “ruptured ring-piece”…..I miss that appalling Cunt.

      • B+W Cunt…Kimodo……I’d be getting worried that that they were quietly getting “disappeared” by some Govt. agency but suspect that myself and one or two others might have got the knock on the door before them if that was what was happening.

        🙂 .

      • B&WC one of the disappeared? We all knew that his tongue would get him into trouble.

      • Oxford University are studying his tongue as they feel it holds the key to immunity against Covid. If his tongue can survive what it’s been through, the Bat Flu will be a piece of piss.

      • Everyone knows a cheeky wagging tongue gets you in the shit! ?
        And the lovely Jasmine gets my fiiiirm support – if she was my Daughter I’d still be bathing her!
        Gone too far, off now! ?‍♂️

  3. There is a woke BBC drama starting this week about a black killed by lowlifes in Liverpool. It apparently imagines what he might have been. Unfortunately not an architect but a lawyer. Probably. With his white wife. Naturally. Some mealy mouthed bishop was talking about it on R4 this morning. Bewailing this killing and inevitably Stephen Lawrence. Bigging up BLM of course.
    In the 30 years or since these , very rare, probably racist killings took place I wonder how many blacks were murdered by their breddren? How many black murderers there have been? And might it be possible that the number of black murderers ís much higher than their % of the UK population?
    I also reflected upon the number of people senselessly killed by religious Muslims.
    But of course, these lives don’t matter.

    • A little snippet I found, relating to London.

      ‘Almost half of murder victims – as well as suspects – were black despite the ethnic group accounting for just 13% of London’s population.’


      • Look bruv, how many times have I told you?
        It’s lack of opportunities, overcrowded living conditions and whitey oppression what does it innit?

      • And the lack of opportunity for BAME Bertie – just ask poor oppressed Lewis Hamilcunt ?

    • Why stop at lawyer? Why not make him into a gold medallist, chess champion, inventor of the cure for HIV and Covid and the first man on Mars?
      Anyone who disagrees is a fucking racist!

  4. “She finished the post by saying: “I DO NOT discriminate against any person.”…..I bet she’d discriminate against me if I asked her to suck my winkle.

  5. I don’t care how they dealt with George Floyd. He had form as long as your arm .

    Oh and yes , he was a cunt.

    • Joke is all these celebrity cunts taking the knee for this Floyd lowlife (From Thierry Henry to Beyonce Fatarse) would cross the road and run a mile if Chiggun George approached them. As for their excuses for him ‘But But… The woman he pointed the loaded gun at wasn’t pregnant!’ Well, that makes it perfectly acceptable then, eh? However he copped it, he was the lowest of the low and no hero or role model for any fucker.

    • The only thing about Floyd being killed that shocked me was that people found his death ‘shocking’.

      Have they not seen how American police act towards black criminals?

  6. What is it with these Marxists..?
    It’s always, ‘Karl this’ or ‘Karl that’, never a mention of his sister Onya, inventor of the starting pistol….

  7. Jasmine doesn’t need this bunch of losers.
    If they want a pc girl then by all means choose one. Some LGBTQBAME*%!? harridan who’ll make us all sick at the very sight of him/her/it.
    Jasmine will still look nice in a swimsuit.

  8. Imagine if the BLM went anywhere near a Bikini Contest. Why, the judges wouldn’t allow these thugs through the entrance door. With a gaggle of scantily-clad lovelies loping around the foyer, BLM would quickly become BRM: BlackRapistsMatter.

  9. Good to learn of someone younger in the public eye with the cojones to stand against this bullshit.

    Swimsuit UK are a cowardly bunch of cunts. Notice that there has been no naming of the person who made the decision to strike Jasmine off the winner’s list. Happy to stand behind a shield of corporate cuntdribble. What cunts.

    Jasmine is a bright, pretty girl who looks great in a swimsuit. We need more like her instead of screeching, blue haired leftie wimmin monsters who live on Mars Bars.

    • It’s all just fashion. Not in swimwear but politics. It wasn’t so long ago that beauty competitions became absolutely toboo, simply ‘exploitative of women’. Many I think, didn’t survive. Then people got bored, women like to show off, a bit of monkeying -‘a woman should be Proud of her body’ and it’s acceptable again.
      We’ll return to the old ways when people get bored of BLM. Just a fashion.

    • Agreed. There’s only one thing wrong with a pretty girl in a swimsuit, and that’s the swimsuit. And what she said was correct.

      • Actually , two things wrong.

        There’s never a jar of lubricant handy when you most need it.

  10. Looks like an air head – talks sense. Sounds like an oxymoron but no, a fact. Go, girl! But, looks like the cause of wimmin is on the wane, if they do that to her. On the other hand, it maybe only ugly wimmin count in the great scheme of Things That Matter. I could be wrong but …

    ‘Airbrushed her out of history’ – rather a sinister comment from the organisers. Fuckgoblin, but they are arrogant!

  11. Why did they pick a whitey in the first place? That was asking for trouble.

    • They had to pick a whitey because Antonia Joshua’s itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini was in the wash!
      (“Mum! Mum! – I told you I needed that swimsuit!” “Shut ya stinkin’ beak rasclart”!) ?

  12. I wonder what line the Wimminz groups would take?

    On the one hand they would bleat such shows are sexist, misogynist etc.
    On the other hand they could say it’s a woman’s right to show off her body; empowerment etc

    But then again would they defend Jiz… oops, I mean Jas for telling BLM to fuck off, or would they just sit on the fence while attempting to bend the knee?

    Woke takes on Woke – let the fun begin

  13. Not allowed an opinion, I wonder what her contract says…..

    It’s gone beyond a joke, BLM is meaningless and just saying “we support black lives matter” is a load of crap. In what way do you support it, take the knee, do a bit of protesting or maybe burning and looting
    Did the organisation say they were going to support BLM prior to the start of the competition, no did they fuck, just jumping on the bandwagon.
    Does it now mean that any employee of any company can’t have a different opinion to the owner or directors of the company, it’s all to close to 1984.

    Get a good lawyer and take the cunts to the cleaners, Miss Swimsuit UK sounds like a right fly by night bunch if cunts.

  14. Christ! They could have given her a swimsuit that fits properly.

    I first learnt about this story in Rod Liddle’s column in which he talked about an actress friend who was told by her agent to signal her endorsement of BLM or never work again. Miss Big Boobies was mentioned next. He signed off with “free country innit?”.

  15. Whatever next?

    Will the World Boxing Council airbrush Cassius Clay aka Mohammed Ali from their list of Heavyweight Champions for saying:

    “the so-called Negro is the original man and is superior to the white devil”


    Nah. Ali was a Muslim person of colour so he doesn’t fit BLM’s racist anti white agenda. Same as that female Cambridge professor who tweeted “White lives don’t matter” and was promptly promoted.

    • Ali preached segregation of the races as taught be his mentor Elijah Mohammed.
      But he had lots of white friends, Dick Cavett, Howard Cosell, he came and stayed with a white family on a council estate in the UK.
      He was always kind to chidren including white kids.
      Must of realised what hed said was in conflict with what his heart said??

    • Ali, aka Cassius Clay, was not black but of mixed racial descent as are so many people who claim to be “black”.

  16. These BLM turds are fucking pathetic.
    My grandparents and many others like them went through a war for six years.
    Blitz, bombings, disease, gas masks, doodlebugs, rationing and an outside bog in the winter. My great uncle was at Normandy and my granddad was in Changi prison after being caught by the Japanese. Yet when they both returned, they hardly ever talked about it.

    And these wankstains are all wound up and upset about swimsuit models, food labels, hairstyles and other utterly trivial bollocks like that. These wokefucks really have nothing else to do and too much time on their hands. Half of Europe was getting gassed or murdered only 70 odd years ago and Ulster and the Falklands are still a recent memory for many. Yet these BLM fuckflakes actually view this innocuous shit as real problems?! Get to fuck, you fucking cunts and take your black Nazism with you. Sieg Heil, Buana!

  17. And I bet my bollocks that those Me Too and Time’s Up cunts and self serving celebrislags don’t lift a finger to support Miss Archer Jones and her bravery. Another bunch of substandard stinking left wing self serving hypocritical shite.

  18. She needs to join the Free Speech Union headed Toby Young. They have lawyers working pro bono to get people there jobs, reputations etc back. Heard it on Talkradio this morning; they recently got a bloke his job back as head of a charity (that he started incidentally) after he was ‘cancelled’, I.e. was sacked by the trustees when he questioned BLM’s manifesto.

    The fight back begins?

    • I hope Jake Thingy (the Burnley plane banner) is in touch with these people. I hope he skins the firm that sacked him, Burnley FC, Burnley Police, and BLM alive. I hope he financially ruins Burnley FC for a start. Ferret fancying cunts.

    • Not only got “begged” to return as ceo of the charity he started, helping homeless youngsters, he only returned on the proviso that the trustees all resigned, replaced by new trustees he chose!
      A victory for common sense ???

    • Malcolm X was another “black” of mixed racial descent. He even had red hair for Christ´s sake.

  19. To strip this girl of her title (as futile as it may be) retrospectively based on what she thinks and says in relation to a political matter is preposterous. They can criticise her, distance themselves from her and tell her not to enter future competitions by all means. It’s their show and they can make the rules but she had already WON the fucking thing, how childish, and how is this comment from the organisers relevant to her opinion on the Floyd incident…

    “When is the human race going to figure out once and for all that we are all the same. Love one another.”

    Unadulterated bullshit. Had this habitual violent 6’5″ criminal been a white man, be it American, Polish, Hungarian or anything else would he be deserving of unconditional love? In fact the news story would’ve been relegated to the small columns on the third page of most news rags.

    I think this BLM shit is taking us down a dark and dangerous road. I’m beginning to really fear the blind support and yellow belly sap sucking to this group by leaders and institutions without considering whether the protagonist in this inciting incident was merely an underdog. It amounts to dispicable subservience, and we now face cow tailing to a creed that is absolved of any guilt and presumed innocent of hostile acts because they were once deemed to be oppressed and owed an unlimited debt. Madness of the first order and will cause a shitload more trouble than they think it will solve. Lilly livered cunts the lot of them.

  20. Surely this organisation are on shaky ground here. Promoting scantily clad young women in the display of their bodies.

    Didn’t that used to be sexual explotation and very un PC?


    • Aye, will ‘Me Too’ unleash their dogs?
      Probably not, as they are also under the thumb of BLM,

  21. As the next anniversary of September 11th looms large next year, I wonder what survivors will think of this BLM crap? There was mass murder, huge property damage, immense financial losses, and the biggest city in the world brought to its knees.

    Yet these cunts are incredibly upset about the opinions of a swimsuit pinup, a black bloke’s face on a rice packet, a white bird having braids or dreadlocks, and an Aussie cheese that was named after the man who invented it?

    Fuck BLM, they are a fucking joke.

  22. Ant Middleton said BLM are scum and he was reprimanded.They ARE scum.Piss off to Africa or North Korea and see how long you last.Utter tests.

    • I like Ant Middleton but got totally fucked off with that SAS program when the no-doubt millennial producers fucking made it woke by including women and men together. Plus it was clearly fixed: they made both sexes hold boulders above their heads as a punishment and the wimmiz’s boulders were fucking tiny in comparison to the men’s. Fucking woke cheating cunts!

  23. They moan about slavery as being no freedom, working all day with no pay and getting beat up for disobedience from authority.
    Nowadays they are free, many do little or no meaningful work, disobey authority and beat up others or worse, and then get money handouts off the state
    Is this really an improvement?
    Taxed Lives Matter…

  24. More corporate cowardice.

    She’s welcome at my dining table. Naked, oiled and serving as a living platter for dim sum and dipping sauces for the local church elders and myself.

  25. Did not have a racist bone in my body, until BLM appeared. Fuckem fuckem all.

  26. She is definately my poster girl. Miss Swimsuit UK is like all the other chiggin shit lefty cowards like Leigh Francis and the Little Britian bummers, too scared to upset anyone and start apologising rather than tell BLM to fuck off like John Cleese did.

  27. I’d crawl Three miles over broken glass, just to wank on her shadow.

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