Minor Attracted Person (MAP)

MAPs definitely need a cunting. For those who don’t know, MAP is an acronym, which means “Minor Attracted Person”. In other words, they are paedophiles who have come up this term in an attempt to “destigmatise” the fact that these filthy bastards want to have sex with children. Over the past few months, hundreds of channels and groups have sprung up on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter to try to convince us normal people that being sexually attracted to children is normal.

This isn’t the first time they’ve tried this bullshit. Back in the 70’s, we had PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange, supported by Harriet Harman among others. Fortunately, they failed in their attempts to get the age of consent lowered, and MAP will too. Most of us are normal, sensible, well adjusted people. The very thought that an adult could be in any way attracted to a child is not just offensive to us, it disgusts us deeply. Especially those of us who are parents. Which is why MAP will NEVER succeed in its aim to legitimise the perversion of its members. Even in the clown world that we currently find ourselves in. No matter what they say, they have no legitimacy. They are not normal. They do not deserve to be treated with respect, or understanding. They deserve to be treated with contempt. Doubtless some lefties will support them, but lefties aren’t capable of logical, reasoned, sane thought.

I’m not on Twitter, or Instagram, but I do have an account with YouTube, and I’ve sent them a message telling them about these perverts and demanding that any MAP associated channel be blocked. It shouldn’t be too difficult, considering they’ve recently blocked hundreds of channels that they consider to be right wing. Anyway, MAPS are disgusting, perverted cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

(Cunters – for very obvious reasons do not include any related YouTube, Twitter, Whatever links etc. in your follow-up comments for this topic. And please don’t name any persons not convicted in a court of law – admin)

71 thoughts on “Minor Attracted Person (MAP)

  1. I’d hang every last one of them by their bollocks until they either passed out from shock or starved to death.

  2. Maps want LGBTM. It really wont be long before the bbc are normalising sex with children. Its already started. Child abuse is already acceptable in lefty circles with “trans” children.Cunts.

  3. Under Maskinback rule, any convicted male pee-doughs would have their testiclés removed and replaced by a pair of ping pong balls to kill the urges. Any serious and prolific offenders (Savile, Gadd for example) would simply be put to sleep at the Maskinback Gvt Laboratories.

    The rare cases of female peedos would be sent to live in isolation on a decommissioned North Sea oil rig with just seagulls and seagull shite for company. Oh and perhaps the odd supervised sympathy visit from Maxine Peake.

    This is what any right minded person is crying out for.

    • Female pâedos are more common than you’d think. It’s estimated they might form a fifth of all numbers.

      • Yes, you’ve only got to go on youtube to see that’s the case. Loads of news reports from the States in particular about them getting nicked (usually teachers, unsurprisingly). Funny how quiet the sisterhood is on the subject.

  4. All people of this inclination (even if they aren’t so evil as to act upon their desires) ought to simply commit suicide or offer themselves up for experimental drug testing for the betterment of mankind.

    • You beat me to it. Convicted nønces should be gaoled for the term of their unnatural life and the expense to the taxpayer defrayed by using them for medical experiments for the betterment of the species.

  5. Catholic priests, Scout masters, volunteers working in children’s sports-and on and on…
    There seems to be hundreds of occupations or positions of trust that enable these filthy cunts to have access to vulnerable minors.
    Look at the historical cases-celebrities, politicians, royals, teachers, serial killers, even the fucking Kray twins.
    The lack of exposure against the fucking Muslim kiddie fiddling network (20’000 new cases a year, conservative estimate)-tells you where the media stand on this.
    I will leave you with one final item for consideration:
    Hamilton, the murdering paedophile from Dunblane, heavily supported by police up there, they even gave him an ex police motor launch to take the boys out in, he sank it and they used police divers to raise it…..
    Why has his file got a 100 year lock on it? Last used to protect the “living” and immediate descendants from repercussions for their involvement in alleged military atrocities.
    Fucking stinks.
    Unkle Terry, your gonna need a bigger oven….

    • Moderation: should of said Peter-file.

      No worries, but we’re watching this thread carefully – admin

    • The Dunblane one is a weird ruling. Who’s named in that they we aren’t supposed to know about ?

      • What goes on in remote Scottish police stations, stays in remote Scottish police stations…..,.

      • Holly Greig’s abuser was the same ‘club’ as Hamilton. Don’t talk about the club. Gerry Mckann is a member of the club.
        Don’t talk about the club.
        I’m now happy to be in the latter years, it’s going to shit big time and the villains no longer care who knows it.
        Generation Snowflake, you asked for it, now you’re getting it.
        Hahahahahahaha. You cunts.

        He was right. One day what’s left of the people will know.

  6. There’s some card deck called Meaty Trumps British Nonces on ebay, might be good for a laugh.

    Still can’t quite get my head around Saville. Just look at that face, the triple distilled essence of nonce. How the fuck was he not outed before death I just do not know. Turbo cunt!

    • He had the best disguise for a paėdo ever: disguise yourself as a påedo.

    • there’s a documentary on YouTube about Savile that made me laugh. Someone’s actually done a voice of him as they’ve quoted him in a letter. It turns a serious piece into a fucking bad spitting image routine

    • He was.
      By Johnny Rotten.
      No one acted, it was covering for sir Jim by the powers that be.

  7. They’re called MAPs because they should be crushed into a ball and stuffed in a glove compartment.

    • I prefer the idea of unfolding them, the folding them back in a completely different way.

  8. Rolf Harris, Max Clifford-both trustees for the same several charities for disabled and children’s charities.
    These fuckers always find a way….
    Forget expensive prison cells, a bullet would be cheaper?

  9. You can’t miss out on the propaganda opportunity when it comes to punishment.
    Televised torture is the way forward for criminals of this nature.

  10. I have never heard of MAP, I blame all this oh isn’t little ‘name’ so cute, No!! Kids are a pain in the arse, should be kept under lock and key until old enough to fend for themselves ?

    And don’t get me started on fucking trans kids ? (not actually fucking them, now that would be definitely pervie)

    • If they want to use an acronym, how about Person Requiring Innocent Child, calling them PRIC’s makes far more sense.

  11. Drag Queen Story Hour, Desmond Is Amazing, Californian sex-ed for 12 year olds about fisting (yes – it really is a published education pamphlet)… the Marxists are pushing MAP and P in the rainbow into the mainstream. It’s no ‘conspiracy’, it’s one step at a time, and the steps have turned into strides over the last few years.

    • More like Desmond Is A Wrongun.

      Apparently the parents thought he was gay at 3 years old. Utter looney tunes cunts – fucking child protection should have snatched the kid away.

  12. The consensus in our society is that sex with children is not acceptable. The reason for this is that minors cant make mature choices and kids that have been molested are left traumatised by the experience often going on to live fractured lives.

    What two consenting adults do is up to them, even if I don’t understand or like it, whether the idea of what they do turns my stomach or not.

    I’ll not be told that I have to understand these people have no control over their sexuality. There are times when I’ve wanted to throw some cunt under a bus but I know it’s not acceptable and I have mostly enough self control not to do so.

    I’ll never accept any argument that adults should be allowed to groom and molest children for sexual gratification.

    If I see a hot woman in a bars and then decide I’m going to sexually assault her I’m not going to be able to use the defence my sexual needs overrule her rights not to be raped.

    This shit needs to stop now, how long until we see a campaign for the right to fuck a dog in the street?

    Sick sick world views based on Crowleys law.

    “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

    • Alistair used his “magik” as a cover full all sorts of fruity deviances-much like old Gerald and his Wicca games?

  13. When living in Denmark, we found out that one of our fellow expats had been arrested for murder.

    This was a bit of a shock for us because we all knew each other, or at least knew of each other.

    Turns out someone had been noncing his kid, so he did the only reasonable thing and went round the cunts place and battered him to death.

    I think the Danes viewed it as he had done every other parent a favour and he got a slap on the wrist and two years suspended sentence.

    In my mind, that is justice.

    • There’s always a fucking reason for the pee’dos doing what they do. Alcohol. Mental elf. Bad place in my life. Blah fucking rhubarb rhubarb.
      Never “I’m a fucking wrong un take me away for electro therapy please “

    • He was the guy that got arrested several times for brawling in the house of commons, shops an airports. They did kick him out of the Labour party or he resigned, but he still drifted on poncing off the taxpayer fora few more years as an “Independent”. I am suprised given his record he was allowed to. Scottish constituency.

  14. Pædóes usually like fancy dress costumes:

    Gold lamé tracksuits (Savile)
    Silver Glitter suits (Gadd)
    Catholic róbes (most of them)
    Fox-hunting jackets (all of them)
    Muzlím gowns (Mohammêd the prophet)
    Local council (those in uniforms)
    Cub Scout leaders (w0ggle essential)

    • Why have been moderated here? Is it alluding to the head of an 8t-century cult or a completely other pæ do?

  15. I visited Tokyo, Japan many years ago, and CP was very much legal!

    You could walk through some side streets of Tokyo and checkout the comic stores, and unsurprisingly you would find CP on visible display.

    I believe CP is now prohibited there, although I guess its gone underground. But i would never imagined such an advanced country would still be stuck in the fucking dark ages with its love affair for that kind of sordid activity.

  16. Call them what you want but they are still vermin.
    Just shoot the cunts live on Channel 5.

  17. As a lapsed “left footer” let me make it clear that I am in no way defending the Church of Rome, it deserves all it gets and more, but I’m genuinely interested to know why it is that Catholic priests always seem to be the default choice when the subject of religion & pee-dough-files crops up.
    Is it the overly camp services, the supposed celibacy issue or something else? Any thoughts?
    It isn’t as though abuse doesn’t exist in great numbers in other faiths.

    We’re not spending all day checking the links you listed in case something in there could get us into grief, sorry – admin

  18. I heard some cunts on American radio horrified that, as mentioned above, fisting was being taught as part of sex education in schools. They also mentioned “bloodplay” which they had never heard of. Well neither had I so I looked it up. Jesus fuck! Why are kids being taught about dangerous perversions that adults have never heard of?
    Think about this. Everybody I know, and probably you, believes that people are born gay, they have no choice. This is bullshit, there is no evidence for such an assertion but people believe and never question it. The poofs have done a good job brainwashing us. It didn’t happen overnight and neither will the acceptance of child fucking but that is their aim, make no mistake.

  19. The media definitely push it when it comes to noncery. They take a very strange and contradictory position.

    The Sun, for instance, likes to position itself as the paper of the white working class. The sort of bloke who will happily confront a nonce in public. The Sun and Daily Mail love to rile people over the scourge of paed0s.

    Perhaps the Sun shouldve had second thoughts on publishing leering stories about the development of Charlotte Church’s curves when she was fifteen, or the Mail talking about the daughter of Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan when she was sixteen.

    The media, as a sector, tends to employ a larger amount of psychopaths than many professions. The pretence of being outraged over noncery vanishes when the paps find a bit of celebrity jailbait for their fat, sweaty old editor.

    Thats why the tabloids went nuts over the Brass Eye special and had to spin it.
    Luckily a good section of the publuc saw through it.

  20. I don’t actually think that Stuart Hall was a MAP cunt. He was a notorious womaniser and he was done for sexual harassment. But a lot of that was Me Too revisionism and the media and the law wanting a scalp in the wake of the Yewtree fiasco. That said, Stuart never had a problem with pulling birds (including footballers wives from both Manchester clubs back in the day) and it was with women that he did his up and under or played his joker.

    • Hall was more or less a scapegoat. He didn’t do what a million other TV personalities or rock stars did at the time. In fact there are others who did worse, Certain still ‘cool’ and untouchable rock stars (the Rolling Zeppelin, anyone?) will never be fronted up about their underage antics (and they are not the only ones), while Stuart – cunt to the ladies though he probably was -is the made to order seedy ex-BBC panto villain that all the feminists and snowflakes can boo with glee. Then the same cunts will be going round with a Zeppelin on their T-Shirt and about how great and ‘cool’ a certain dour Liverpudlian DJ was. Such nauseating hypocrisy.

      • And that other famous big conked rock star.
        ‘But… But… It was for ‘research’. It was for a ‘book’.
        A ‘book’ that was never published.

        Yeah… Fucking right….

  21. Once they get msm especially the BBC on board it’ll only be short step till we’re being branded as small minded old fashioned repressed little Englanders that refuse to see the light and accept that underage molestation is perfectly natural and if we complain about this are commiting a hate crime and should be arrested.

  22. Child molesters should be imprisoned for life – that way they are guaranteed not to commit any more crimes.
    And having their genitalia removed would be done before throwing away the key.
    Anyone advocating p*edophilia as normal needs educating with my fists.

  23. Comment went into moderation so i’ll just write a shorter version about media hypocrisy over MAPpy chappies.

    I noticed many years ago that while The Sun want to side with the white working class and denounce Humbert Humberts, they were quite okay counting down the days until Charlotte church hit 16, with headlines like ‘Charlotte’s looking Chest Swell’.
    Chole Madeley got a fair bit of leery coverage from the Mail. She was 16.

  24. One of the cool aspects about this site (that essentially made me gravitate towards it) is its ability to unearth obscure topics that aren’t discussed or exposed in the mainstream media. I hadn’t heard of this term ‘MAP’ until I visited these noble parts of the interweb just a few minutes ago. Nonciness, francophilia, pervyness, wronguness and sexual deviance are, alas, part and parcel of life. It’s always been the case, the only difference being, in the present day, and certainly since the advent of the sex offenders’ register here in the U.K. circa 1998, it’s fast become a political hot potato. Not that I spend any great amount of time contemplating what constitutes a nonce, but I do wonder if they are attracted to children in the same way that your perceived normal healthy heterosexual male is attracted to your perceived normal healthy female, or vice versa. Are they born this way? Has the deviance been inherent in them since birth? It’s interesting that, in some cultures, the age of consent is 12 or 14, so some might argue that francophilia is subjective, to an extent. These are doubtless uncomfortable questions, but they must be asked — and they surely must be answered (we are, as a society, striving for transparency in all facets of life, and this is surely one of the most important). But, unfortunately, like most things in life, I surmise there is no black and white and that it is a very complex issue, to the extent that we may not ever fully know. Interestingly, I remember reading on another message board about ten years ago the notion that there might be such a thing as a ‘Socially Responsible Paedophile’; that is to say, someone who has sexual urges towards children but who doesn’t act upon said urges because he or she knows it is morally repugnant and will result in them being shunned by hoi polloi and imprisoned. As I said, while it’s no doubt a bone of contention and the nadir of the human condition and behaviour, the nonce issue is an interesting, if uncomfortable, debate.

    While we’re here, The Sex Offenders’ Register is another bone of contention, since I have read cases where the accused had downloaded illegal images thought to be of significant deviance and they merely received 2 years on the register with a 2 years probation order, and where the accused merely slapped a woman’s backside in a pub (in Manchester, from memory) with his mates and ended up on the register for 7 years. Ridiculous! The Sex Offenders’ Register could be a nomination contender, actually.

    And, finally, while we’re on the subject of sexual crime, I don’t think, strictly speaking, Randy Airmiles is a nonce. It’s all a bit salacious and dodgy, especially if he knew the girl was trafficked, but I wouldn’t say it’s fair to tar him with the big broad nonce brush, even if he’s convicted in a court of law of having sex with that girl, especially if it was consensual, As I said, it is all a bit salacious and a bit dodgy, but it doesn’t make him a paedo, imo. He’s an entitled, out-of-touch individual, and has been a tad stupid and irresponsible getting involved with a 17-year-old girl, but Epstein was the real evil, followed closely by Ghislaine Maxwell.

    • Just to clarify the part in my post above regarding the guys who were placed on the register after two completely different and separate trials, I was highlighting how unfair I think it is that someone who innocuously slapped a woman’s backside in a playful manner when down in a pub in Manchester with his rugby mates can be placed on a dodgy register for 7 years with a 3-year probation order, and yet a guy who downloaded literally thousands of illegal images of children only gets 2 years on the register with a 2-year probation order; what I’m essentially saying is that, imo, the dude who did the innocuous arse-slapping received an unfairly disproportionate punishment in court, but the weirdo who downloaded dodgy images of kids received a more lenient sentence by comparison. It’s illogical madness!

    • I get all my news and current event stories here I fucked off my tv licence last year I also fucked a miner once got coal dust all over my cock

  25. True story:

    In a pub in the home counties in the early 1990’s.
    Two weird looking fuckers, probably 30 something’s, live at home with mummy, never had a girlfriend they didn’t have to inflate or pay-you get the picture.
    Busy pub -lots of ladies and couples. One of the twats kept making lewd comments at the bar staff and female customers.
    A few lads asked them politely to moderate the language in front of the ladies.
    I went to the bar and whilst I was being served, he started with the peter-file gags-cunt.
    I warned him that he either shut the fuck in or I would shut him up.
    He then asked me:
    “What’s better than a 16 year old virgin? Two eight year olds, ha, ha…”
    He didn’t finish laughing, because someone hit the snooze button?.
    Now I do not condone violence.

    • Lol @ Peter File! ? Did you really knock him out or strike him forcefully, CFG? I remember at a city centre haunt of mine as recently as 18 months ago, two creepy guys in their late 50’s were trying to chat up these thirty-something ladies. They weren’t saying anything vulgar or inappropriate or anything like that, but by fuck they were persistent fuckers. It wasn’t even the weekend either, but rather midweek (still a busy night due to the European football). They had been warned three times, diplomatically, by one of the male bartenders not to harass the two women (it was blatantly obvious they weren’t interested in the guys). Still, one of them continued with his quest before the bouncer snapped and grabbed the guy — scrawny, creepy old cunt with bad teeth and red alkie’s complexion — by the neck and back and literally threw him out the door. Threw about like a rag doll! ? I’ve seen some arsehole bouncers take liberties and be heavy-handed with cunts before, but in this instance it was deserved.

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