Maxine Peake [2]

Maxine Peake. Why?

“It’s about 10 minutes into our conversation that Maxine Peake first calls for the destruction of capitalism. “We’ve got to save humanity,” says the venerated actor and activist, who in her youth was a card-carrying communist. “We’re being ruled by capitalist, fascist dictators. It’s entrenched, isn’t it? We’ve got to the point where protecting capital is much more important than anybody’s life. How do we dig out of that? How do we change?”

That’s enough for me.

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

80 thoughts on “Maxine Peake [2]

  1. She’s always welcome to live in China, Russia, Cuba or perhaps North Korea, and see how she gets on for a year or two living the oppressed Commie lifestyle.

    Cheerio, Maxine. Send us a postcard, if you can!

  2. Well, it’s capitalism that’s bailing out the arts industry, you Z-list cunt.

    Another champagne socialist.

    • It’s capitalism that makes the arts such a lucrative earner if successful. Does she do the shit she does for free? Minimum wage perhaps? Does she live in a squat?
      And, I think she plays the rough looking earthy types out of necessity rather than choice.

  3. Ok, save humanity by destroying capitalism, leaving us all to the mercy of communism. Great idea, and certainly news to me….yawn…
    Evidently, as a successful actress, she is unaware of the “having no money or personal possessions” bit involved in everybody being equal – or she’d have given it all away already, right?
    This constant bleating for communism has encouraged me to read “survival in the killing fields”. I imagine this book is absent from Maxine’s no doubt very expensive library.

    • Most actors are mentaliists.
      A trade thats fuckin useless.
      Butcher,joiner, builder, doctor, loads of useful jobs, but pretending to be another person?
      Useless! So dont see why these pompous little twats get off preaching like they matter?
      Sees got her mate sacked from Shadow cabinet?
      Shes shown herself to be antisemitic and quote facts that arent actually true?
      People are calling for the BBC to boycott her?
      Communism in action?
      Should of gone into politics yourself mad Maxine this rate youll do more damage than feckless Boris could ever do.

      • Good morning MNC!
        See you’re up early. If necessary we’d be ready to pick those spuds.
        Meanwhile Maxine is no doubt rolling around in Egyptian cotton sheets dreaming of “the people” or some such nonsense.

      • Morning Cuntflap, yes unfortunately we the proletariat have to have a early morning slaving under the yoke of capitalism,
        When maxine gets up at dinnertime kicks off her red flag duvet (made by a 9yr old in the 3rd world)
        And has her PA bring her a £20 coffee we’ll of been grafting for a few hours!
        Come the glorious revolution Maxines empty head is first under the guillotine!!☺

      • I bet you wouldn’t say no if Mad Max came up to you and offered you a quick gobble, lol

      • Morning Techno,
        Dunno actually, I might just say no!!
        Shes not exactly ‘ripe’ no tits, a commie, puddled etc
        Not sure id trust her with my cock in her mouth!
        She has a seizure im done for!!☺

  4. Wasn’t this the scrubber who was exchanging anti Semitic tweets with Mong-Daily and got the bitch the sack? Another leftie luvvie who, because they make easy money, think they know best. Fuck off to Palestine bitch and get your scrawny legs open for your peaceful friends.

  5. I am quite sure Mad Max will rethink her communist principles after a day of picking potatoes with a gun at her back.
    The enemy. One of many.

  6. Just as a quick aside, why does everyone these days think looking nuts or crazy or whatever involves opening your mouth as wide as you can and leading with your head? Are they in a dental surgery?
    This pose is bloody everywhere, and it just makes me want to reciprocate by leading with my fist.

    • A most virtuous observation Cuntflap. From personal experiences in some of our finest mentalist establishments I concur with your view that the current craze of opening ones mouth wide to indicate a mental affliction is fucking bollocks. During my last “holiday” the only time I saw one of my fellow travellers opening their mouth ridiculously wide was when yawning or after their meds so nurse could see they had swallowed the tablets. In point of fact my last “holiday“ coincided with an unusually large number of mentalists with paranoia aspects to their affliction. Did not take long to establish that among these benighted souls many had a fear of their mouths locking open when yawning or similar (find out things like this because curiosity can also be a strong trait in some mind fucks). Your comment bought part of my past alive again, thank you. From my personal experience I totally agree with you , they are cunts and you should fist their mouths on every possible occasion. It’s bad enough being a mentalist without some cuntish actor/actress making out they are when they are not, very bad form, cunts

  7. “How do we change”?

    By taking action instead of words against you lot of rabid mentalists. The ‘Left’ that are running around the streets and mouthing off in the media today should all be in re-opened asylums. They are literally mentally diseased.

  8. “We’re being ruled by capitalist, fascist dictators…”

    No.we’re not,Maxine….we’re not being ruled by anyone,that’s the trouble. We have a collection of weak,clueless idiots who issue arbitrary edicts to the dwindling few who are still prepared to listen.

    I just looked up the definition of “ruled”….”exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people)”. There is no way that what this shower of shite do could be so so described. ” Sold out and betrayed” might be a better choice.

    Fuck them.

    • Morning Mr Fiddler.
      Perhaps her sentence indicates a desire to be ruled, just not by capitalists. There is no doubt that communism would provide the ultimate power and authority lacking in our country today.
      Maybe she really does want to live in the muck with a few grains of rice to keep her alive.
      Take all sorts.

      • Morning,Mr. Cuntflap.

        Give the current feckless bunch a few more months handing out billions of Pounds that we don’t have to all and sundry…we’ll all be living in the muck with a few grains of rice to keep us alive.

      • Quite agree. I have already prepared myself to embrace cannibalism. I cannot live on just rice.

  9. This tart is a massive fan of Steptoe……thinks the sun shines out of his arse. I presume she is somewhat less keen on Starmzy, especially after the Mong-Daily incident. It’s rubbish like this the cunt has to clear out of the Labour Party. Good luck with that one Starmzy you wanker.

  10. Yet another entitled rich cunt who spews fucking rubbish about tearing society to pieces on her expensive mobile phone then no doubt bobbles off to Starbucks or some other mega corporation for her “essentials”.
    But of course this cunt won’t decamp for Chy-na..

  11. Of course today marks the 15th anniversary of the London bomb attacks in which over 50 people were murdered by Islamic terrorists.

    I wonder if Max will be thinking of those 50 odd innocent lives, or will she be celebrating ISIS for murdering 50 dirty capitalists she keeps going on about?

    Oh and I suppose if there is any remembrance of the atrocity, the BBC and co, will suggest those terrorists weren’t really terrorists, just innocent immigrants finding it awkward to adopt in such a racist country, and therefore suffered mental breakdowns blah blah

    • I just put the following into google:
      “london bomb attack anniversary bbc 2020”.
      The top result is for last year.
      Perhaps my search text is lacking?

      • Cos I love the BBC so much I thought I’d look at their news home page just to make sure.
        Those thoughtful luvvies have saved me from pride in my country yet again by not mentioning the bombings at all.
        In fact, the top story is about home owner grants for loft insulation.
        Ok, now my blood pressure is starting to rise, vision s going blurry, bladder painful from high pressure steam, left arm going njmb shiit

      • A clear case of #52livesdon’tmatter, as far as the fucking BBC are concerned!

      • I put exactly the same into google and got a BBC page from July last year about the 14th anniversary of 7/7

      • The BBCUNTS love a good anniversary, forever commemorating something or other, always looking back and never forward, so I am really surprised they are not doing a programme or two on the telly and not mentioning it on every news bulletin.

      • There’s something buried away under London news because of course it isn’t important enough for the rest of the country. However, clapping for a fucking spasticated seal because the NHS just had an anniversary is of course. Mike Brown whe apparently is Commissioner of Transport for London had this to say: “…Londoners have shown time and time again that our strength lies in our diversity…”. Yes, the same diversity that killed all the those poor innocent souls in the first place. You couldn’t make this fucking shit up.

    • Fifteen years! We have had fifteen years to do something about getting rid of the vipers and what has been achieved?

    • It should be a day to remind people that it was the followers of Islam that carried out the bombings and the number of other such attacks by the peacefuls and then compare it to the number of ‘far right’ murders.
      And it’s still going on!!
      It has been mentioned of the BBC, but no word about the 4 stinking P*ki cunts who carried out the attacks.

      • ‘Grenfell inquiry urged to be on ‘right side of history’ The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has been urged to be “on the right side of history” and not to “ignore” the impact of poverty and race…’

        History it is now. Grenfell is going down in history. 7/7, the ‘Arena’ bombing just footnotes.

      • Yeah 7/7, the Arena bombing.

        They were just in the wrong wrong place at the wrong time.

        And the wrong race.

  12. I am surprised this is only the second cunting for Ms Freake. Fuck me, what a fucking basket case. Where does one start?

    Someone who thinks that Jeremy Corbyn is the remedy to the country’s problems is clearly one short step away from regular tranquilising and a nice, thickly padded vinyl room. Do directors of the programs she features in really think it is wise to give her access to sharp objects, even if they are just acting props?

    A course of ECT is recommended. Then Unkle Terry’s oven – just to be absolutely sure.

      • Jesus Christ, imagine your surprise at opening the door to those two scrawny fuckers.
        Morning RTC.

      • They’d get a surprise alright if they knocked on my door! And it wouldn’t be a Peaceful one…

        Morning Cuntflap, morning Paul.

      • Good morning Ruffers!

        The sun is shining and I am good for cunting!!

      • I have a grudging respect for Jehovah’s, so I’ll give them the time of day unlike political hacks. They stuck by their principles and refused to join the forces of the Reich not even letting their kids join the Hitler youth which was mandatory. They got sent to the camps for that unlike Pope Ratzinger whos HJ unit operated anti aircraft guns.

      • You are right RTCp, I had Labour activists on my doorstep, they don’t seem to have a basic understanding of English.
        The one who came to my door started getting shirty, fucking cunt, but I was very polite ‘I am closing the door now, goodbye’, the silly twat was still rabbiting on as the door slammed shut.

  13. She doesn’t seem to be too far removed from her character in Dinnerladies.

    • She looks more like Frank Doubleday’s character in “Escape From New York”

      • Sometimes she looks quite attractive whereas other times she looks like a mad lezza who cut your winkle off in one fell swoop.

  14. Marxism is an ideology that does NOT lift people out of poverty or create racial harmony, what it does is give the feckless and lazy hope that they can have things without lifting a finger, that’s why it’s popular with blacks, student types and the poor, anyone who even contemplates wanting to the live in a Marxist type society should be given a taster of their own cuntish wims, but there aren’t that many such countries in existence anymore, obviously she must be completely unhinged and batshit mental to think Boris Johnson is a facist dictator, he was elected Maxine unlike the labour party’s last offering of course it’s the unfathomably cuntish scotsmans Gordon “Patch” Broon, who was never elected but ruled with contempt for the British people, so Maxine before making defamatory statements about a political ideology you know little about, perhaps ask your iron curtain housemaid what she thinks of Marxism, they certainly lived the authentic experience of socialism!

  15. We have to remember that very few of the luvvie communi’y would really want commies in charge.
    It’s just to out virtue each other at fund raising nights and dinner parties.
    Years ago it would be who had the most fabulous mansion or diamond earings daaarlings.
    Now, its who ‘cares’ most about the poor or the plight of Palestinians.
    How many have ever taken in a solitary refugee?

  16. Another good reason why never to vote for Communist Labour ??
    Cunts like this will keep Labour out of office hopefully for the next 25 years Peake is a big fan of everything Corbyn and Rebecca Long Bailey need I say any more??

  17. Why the fuck we are bailing these cunts out with cash is beyond me. I watched a procession of the fuckers on the news and one seemed to welcome it but the rest were grudging – too late, not enough etc. They would be covered by all the other money tree measures anyway. I can only think that never having had a contributing job blinds them to their absurdity.

    • Exactly, Constable.

      Fuck them; let these luvvie cunts fly abroad and get jobs picking olives and working as entertainers on cruise ships. I begrudge a single penny of my taxes bailing out these whining, self-entitled, Marxist quislings.

      Alternatively a live-in post shovelling animal dung in Fiddler Towers awaits them. A training post, so minimum wage doesn’t apply. £3.50 per hour with a hay bale bed.

    • They should put on their plays in parks and send round ushers witgh collection tins.

      This government is just as bad as the maybots’ when it comes to throwing our cash around.

  18. She must’ve bawled buckets of tears when she found out she had got Wrong-Daily sacked. That very thought pleases me.

  19. She looks disturbingly similar to an ex of mine in that picture, right down to the slightly cross eyed mentally fubar expression.

    I mean, that’s how she looks now after we broke up. Though I’m certain she looked that way on the inside all along, the cunt.

    • Once the ugliness inside is uncovered, the rose tinted spectacles come off, and you see them for what they are. Cunts.

  20. Nothing new. Twat-tor’s has e always been around-even the film stars if the 60,’s and 70’s used to sign on when not on a production-early cutie signalling.
    The Glenda Jackson’s of the world. Look at Hollywood-champagne socialists saying “Orange man bad” “we will move to Canada if he wins “…we’ll, did they move?
    Maxine Peake has true bona fides though, she used to work as a dinner lady…,,,
    Fucking stupid cunt.

    • To be fair to Glenda, I’d have knobbed her rotten about 1970. Fucking hell but she was a horny looking piece.

  21. I’m all for loony luvvies gobbing off about how great it would be living in The People’s Republic of Jezzaland. It’s all good stuff to help make sure that Labour will stay out of power.

    • The Kweer Stormer era is not looking much better Ron, I read that he has offered to take voluntary ‘unconscious bias training’ on racism. Is he going to give back his knighthood and become Flabbotts footstall? This decisive action will win back the Brexit voting Labour heartlands. Twat.

      • ‘Unconscious bias training’ my fucking arse LL. I’m sure that I’m as unconsciously biased as any effnick is towards me. I care about them as much as I’m sure they care about me; not a fucking jot.

  22. Well idiots like her have done very well from the capitalism system. Perhaps she should fuck of to a nation where there is no capitalism.

    This is what happens when you Allow people like Ash sarker on national tv to spread her poison.

  23. I’ve only just noticed but when mentioning in the news that twat head of the met police it’s always Dame Cressida. it should be Dame Dick shouldn’t it? Don’t call Starmer Sir Keir do we?

  24. I’d be more inclined to listen to this dipshit if she gave up her money, expensive home and all belongings. After all, to communists, ownership is theft. She won’t do that though, because she is CINO (Communist In Name Only). The fact is, it’s capitalism that has made her rich and famous, because there are people out there dumb enough to pay to watch the shite that she puts out. So presumably, she wants the same kind of thing that we recently saw in the Soyviet Union in Seattle. Where an armed leftist group replaced real, trained police officers, which ended with them murdering a 16 year boy in a hail of semi-automatic rifle fire (I’ve heard the audio of the video from the incident. It took me back to the many firefights that I and every other British squaddie had on a daily basis. It was sickening). Ok, so he was driving a stolen car and failed to stop at their checkpoint, but such a death is not the punishment of that. Real police would have handled it differently.

    We would also have a situation where are cars would be stolen from us because as I said, property is theft, and repurposed as ‘People’s Cars’. Except not all people would be allowed to use them. There was at least one rape in the Soyviet Union, several alleged sexual assaults, numerous acts of violence and theft and three other muders.

    And China is a thousand times worse. Over there, you’re monitored day and night to ensure you’re being a good communist. Uighar Muslims are being forced into re-education camps to stop them from being Muslims. People who are found to not be following the strict communists rules literally become non-persons. And God help you if you actually speak out against the Chinese Communist Party. You’re in deep shit. This, apparently wants for the people of the UK. Well, Maxine Peake can shove that up her arrogant arse. If that’s the system she wants to under, she can fuck off to China. Personally, I’ll fight to death to maintain capitalism. It ain’t perfect but a lot better than Communism, which has killed millions of over the yearsl

  25. The stupid fucking hypocritical bitch, presumably the reason the thick cunt went into acting in the first place was for the fame and fortune. And how the fuck can she make up a story which results in another fucking thick cunt getting fired but she faces no action and The Independent also?

  26. Warning criticism of Israel…

    The knee on neck technique learned from Israel. I don’t know but I have seen them do that a lot. Googled it and all the pictures branded FAKE mmm…

  27. Haven’t heard any outrage from her co-luvvies as Laurence Fox got.
    Kicked out of ‘Equity’? No thought not.

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