Gavin Williamson (Dept of Education) (2)

A cunting for Gavin Williamson and the Dept of Education for pushing pseudo-science and tranny propaganda in schools.

If you want any more proof that the Cuntservatives are as useless as Labour at safeguarding cultural norms, you should look at the various charities and lobby groups informing sex education in schools. It might be difficult though as some of the material is behind a paywall.I wonder why?

Charities such as Stonewall, the Proud Trust and the Sex Education Forum are pushing the idea onto primary age children that they might be secretly a different gender to how they look on the outside.

This sort of mindfuck has led to Canadian parents suing a school after their young daughter developed an identity crisis , worrying that she wasnt really a girl.

This sort of incident and letters from concerned parents and educational specialists like Dr Joanna Williams, hasnt phased Gavin the Prat. It’s just another cabinet gig for him. Just another rung on the ladder to the big office.

All he has to do is rubberstamp this demented marxist shite and the teachers will have to follow the guidelines, teach kids to play dice with the names of orifices on each side, or imagine what being a demikweer is, or use the toilet they ‘feel comfortable with’.

Fucking ignorant callous glib tory cunt.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

(Nothing libelous please – admin)

90 thoughts on “Gavin Williamson (Dept of Education) (2)

  1. Start Primary school, some freakish creature with pink/blue hair spends five Years telling all the kids that having two Mummies or Daddies isn’t just normal – it’s the best thing ever, and it’s your right!
    Start Secondary school, five Years of some pink/blue hair creature telling you there are multiple genders and that if you want gender reassignment it’s not just normal – it’s the best thing ever, and it’s your right!
    Get gender reassignment, everyone on Facebook telling you how brave you are.
    Get to 18 and sue the Government for having such stupid laws that they let kids get chopped up and sue the NHS for performing the operation they had to perform two Years ago after being threatened with legal action and exposure on social meejah by a wimminz pressure group.
    White? English? Male? Heterosexual and working class? No education or future for you Sonny – wrong colour, and I don’t believe either of your parents are BAME or members of a left wing pressure group..
    “Great” Britain, 2020 – the Year they finally took over the asylum.

  2. Sorry to interrupt but I know someboy had Olive De Havilland on their DeadPool list – Wireless 4 just announced she has died at 104.

    Gavin Williamson? – can’t stand the cut of his jib.

      • Was it Covid 19, or just the fact that she was 104 years old?

        Asking for a statistician friend who works for the government.

      • Stabbed in a mass brawl over some chips I heard!
        I have also been sent to my room for making things up! ?

      • She died in a bizarre base-jump wingsuit accident in the French Alps, but they found a wuflu spore on her remains so it goes in the batflu column

  3. Education? Reading, writing, arithmetic, PE, cooking, financial management, first aid, history, diy and basic mechanics, sex and relationship education that doesn’t show puppets fisting each other, 15 versions of gender or every couple as mixed race.
    Respect for the Country and an understanding that living in the UK is a privilege not a right.
    Sorted – Fox for education secretary! ??

  4. This bell end told Russia “To go away and shut up” after the nerve agent attack in Salisbury when Defence Secretary. They must have been shitting themselves.

    “Ooh Betty, I’m a man”…….

    • But the Russians were very chastened when Wlliamson waved a feather duster about shouting “shut that door”!
      Is this really the best we have got?

    • How the fuck can this incompetent achieve two of the main offices of State?
      It really does show how bereft we are of any talent in government.
      Dishy Rishi will walk into the PM’s job within the next 18 months with no competitition.

      • Afternoon Bertie, Mother Theresa in No 10 explains him becoming Defence Secretary but Boris giving him Education? He cant even blame being delirious with bat flu when he game him that gig.

      • Evening LL. Williamson is notorious for leaking information. My biggest worry is that he’ll leak the date when schools will go back after the Summer!

  5. I wonder does Gavin have children?
    Are they taught scientific facts? Or woke gender bullshit?
    Probably doesnt have kids though, or a wife,
    He looks like a lad whos happiest on a heath at 3am, possibly dog walking sans dog,
    Helping other men look for dogs deep in the undergrowth.
    But sure he knows whats best for our children an grandchildren after all hes a goverment official not the type who does anything for money no matter the harm.

    • “I was on Hampstead Heath in the early hours of the morning assisting a builder from Newcastle known in local toilets as “Big Kev” in finding his poodle – he was so upset I felt I had to give him a cuddle Officer”!
      “Thank you for your statement Mr Williamson – but why were you dressed in just a pair of rubber shorts on such a cold morning”?

      • In todays fucked up world, it is de rigeur to be a bender if seeking high office.

    • He has what is known in sociological circles as a ‘cornflake family’. A white wife and two white daughters. And a tarantula.

      • Cornflake family??
        Cereal killers!!?

        Heard a rumour the tarantula is his only biological child.

  6. Social engineering at its most sinister. Williamson should go away and shut up.

    • Or wave his little parasol at the Russians shouting “Ooh, Missus”!
      I’ll bet Uncle Vlad is sat in the Kremlin shaking..

    • Admin can relax, it’s not libel if it’s true, and it isn’t libel if nobody can be identified from the information published. Here is a list of things that aren’t libel.
      Elton John is a puff.
      Ditto Philip Schofield.
      Not sure about Rod Hull and Emu, but it isn’t libel if they’re dead. He should never have taken that fucking idiot bird up on the roof with him.
      But i digress,
      Richard Branson is a cunt.
      That bloke who had the baby oil paddling pool 3some and fathered a bastard child when he missed the orifice he was aiming at is a cunt.
      Elton John is a cunt.
      So is his husband David Furnish with whom he enjoys an open marriage, anything goes just so long it doesn’t make the papers.
      Even threeways.
      Shami Chakrabarti is a Damecunt, if dear old Jimmy Saville can lose his knighthood for a few minor indiscretions, why does she get to keep her gong, given as a reward for covering up systemic hate crimes committed by her friends.
      Libel gray areas include humourous hyperbolae such as “The Hewitt boy should never have married that gold digging whore.”
      Bear all of this in mind, and remember that hate crime legislation is entirely separate from the law on libel.
      For example, saying “Pikies are sub-human filth and should be exterminated” could be interpreted as a hate crime, while clearly not being libellous.
      This might be my final post, should it escape moderation. Keep up the good fight.

  7. Two genders, twig and berries or an axe wound. Anything else Fuck off. Lefty cunts. If you want gender reassignment, pay for it yourself.

  8. I would expect this kind of woke-wank from Labour or the Libdumbs. But it really does demonstrate how far and fast the Tories have sunk into the cesspit of trendy thinking

    Thatcher was a bit of a cunt, but she sure as shit wouldn’t have stood for any of these wet Tory Twats in her cabinet.

    • Thatcher was an actual Conservative – what we have now are weak liberals and cowards who formulate their policies from todays social media posts.
      They fiddle (expenses and figures) as the Country burns.

      • “Social Media”

        The most profound and ironic oxymoron of the 21st century to date!

  9. Anything other than standard sex education should first be implemented in private and public schools by law. The rest can follow after 20 years. By that time, Timmy and Tammy will have switched genders, neither will be capable of producing children and Mo and Fatima’s nine kids will be able to take their places.

    • Oh, and you can bet your life that Mo and Fatima would never have this shit inflicted on their children, the government wouldn’t dare.

      • That ruckus outside the school in Birmingham was just the start. Labour are showing how stupid they are by trying to appeal to two diametrically ideologies: rainbow alphabetism vs Islam.
        Given the rainbow lot arent exactly of one mind, i know which group will win in the long term.

      • …a black, Islamist, Lezzer feminist who used to be an illiterate, Scottish, plasterer called Brian.

    • By the way, what happened to the schools in Brum that refused to peddle the govt sex-education line about puffs and trann1es? There was a lot of tough talk, but I suspect the govt gave in.

      • Anyone starts talking about sex to my 5 year-old – I would simply kill them.
        After all , a dad’s gotta have some perks.

  10. This is a good nom CP, they are trying to brainwash our kids in schools with this bullshit and our government are letting it happen.
    There are two sexes, male and female.
    Some people feel they have been born in the wrong body, not nice, I sympathize, but your still the sex you were at birth.
    I myself should of been a Marilyn Monroe type pin up of stage & screen*
    but fate made me a big hairy shambling creature,
    Fates a bitch.
    Deal with it or fuck off.

    *??not really.

    • You would think that after their thumping victory over the other parties in the last election, they would be listening to the ordinary voters and returning old fashioned Tory values.

      But typically, they hoodwinked the electorate to reveal their true colours as the Wishy Washy Wanky Wokey party, and fuck the ordinary voters!

      (…until May 2024, of course!)

    • Tarantula told me it cant stand that creepy cold blooded fly eating fucker.

    • If only every interviewer did that, 1 strike rule, if they don’t answer questions just fuck them off.

  11. This is one of the most destructive aspects of woke in Britain today in my opinion, and that is introducing doubt into children’s minds as to their gender. I fully appreciate that some children will have hormones that make a boy a bit girly or a girl a bit boyish (known as a tomboy I seem to remember) but it’s not necessary to teach them about subject matter that will only affect a tiny minority because this biological fact exists. What is to be gained here? Is this awareness information aimed at preventing bullying? So kids are going to stop calling Quentin a pansy and Cressida a lezbie in the playground because they might have gender issues huh?

    I hate to state the obvious to the mind fuckers like Gav Williamson but a lot of children are bloody cruel and always have been. Nothing will change. A childs mind is under developed so therefore unable to think in a fair or reasoned way. That comes later, if at all. What this pointless exercise does achieve though, is making problems where none exist. So Quentin now gets accused of being a cross dresser and needing gender realignment surgery because he’s shit at football and the last to be picked for the team.
    Well done Gav, instead of kids simply being told to toughen up and challenge bullies, we’re going to have thousands with mental elfishoos for years and demanding sex changes on the over burdened NHS.

    Well I suppose that’s one way of ‘growing a pair’ Gav you dopey cunt.
    I’ve got a new cool political slogan for the tory department of education…

    “For the few, not the many!” Yaohh!

  12. They get away with this shite because enough parents aren’t prepared to take an active role in their child’s education. Muslim parents managed to put a stop to this nonsense in their children’s schools….

    Too many parents are only too willing to hand the rearing of their offspring over to The State…no good then whinging about what their children learn (or don’t learn) if they’re not prepared to become actively involved.

    • The transgender element is a smokescreen. Take that away and these Muslims would still want their children to wallow in homophobic ignorance. So much for integration.

      • Not arguing about that,RTC….more that if parents really got involved,they could make a difference…but too many just can’t be bothered,apparently.

      • It’s hard to decide which lot are the biggest cunts, the Muslims or the multi gender brigade.

    • I see Williamson has two children….I bet they don’t go to a school where this type of thing is taught.

    • Maybe they could replace transgender lessons with ‘stoning and beheading techniques’ , much more useful for aspiring jihadi

      • How ironic that these ‘fanatics’, ‘nutters’ are the ones to achieve this victory. A precious victory against an evil, twisted ideology that gains strength every day. A victory against all the odds -the whole political class, the whole MSM, social media, teachers, business all for it. Sheer determination has brought them through. Where does that come from? What have they got that we haven’t?

      • Balls, I think, or maybe because they are oppressed they can get away with being homo/trans phobic.

      • BO
        High levels of interbreeding
        Curry breathe
        Poor hygiene
        And fuckin sandals

      • Well they certainly put the tin lid on that gay malarkey being tought in ‘their’ school eh Miles. I laughed so much after reading that Sun article, I feel completely revitalised and invigorated. So good for ones health.
        The cunt wokeys won’t know what the hell to do here. They are committed to the rights of Muslims, and the right for LBGT’s to be recognised, and on top of that they have a gay Muslim trying to calm things down by saying it was just a “few agitators” that caused the protesters to get heated. You couldn’t make it up. Fucking hilarious ? But it’ll be ok won’t it because Britain is a tolerant and welcoming country. I wonder what group are the next to feel oppressed and demand social justice…..Oh hang on a minute, do you mean all that gay pride and pink ribbon business was for fuck all then?

    • Problem is that the government/school aren’t scared of the honky parents. They have no power in the identity politics game being played. The Muslims are mostly of the brown persuasion. And therefore can easily cry ‘waycism it’s my culture’ etc.

      If just one Muslim parent stood up and said ‘Fuck off I’m pulling my kid out of those lessons’ then they would allow it. If ten honky parents did the same they’d have social services paying them a visit with a threat of, ”Comply, ‘educate yourself’ or lose your kids”.

      It would need 90% of parents to kick off (so you are correct) for it to work, bit it isn’t a level playing field.

      White privilege my fucking arse!

      The Tories need to be more traditional or people will end up looking for a more right wing alternative.

  13. It’s not often I find myself agreeing with the Pope; but this whole trans business has got waaaaaaaayyy out of hand!
    Can any of us even begin to imagine the fallout from all of this to come?! Twenty years down the line, when all these toddlers are starting to realise that they were in the right bodies from the start, there’s gonna be some seriously fuckawful shit going down!
    What a cunt!

  14. Aye I’d integrate this fucking nancy into the oven.
    Politics by Twatter?
    Grow a fucking spine and stand up for common sense.
    Toadying effeminate shite.
    Fuck off.

  15. He looks a bit….Royal, doesn’t he. Not in the friend-of-Epstein way but in the horse-teeth, Commonwealth-embarrassment, dim, hasnt got a Scooby-Doo sort of way.

  16. Can’t abide this crap.
    Approaching children and encouraging them to consider that there’s something wrong with them is abuse.
    I send my kids to school so they can learn how to dominate others and also to take advantage of all the resources that I HAVE to pay for. I am not asking the state to be the sole educators or the carers for my kids, I teach my kids all of the time.
    Now thanks to this muppet and the BBC I have to accept that they are taking my money, and if I want to see a profitable return I have to accept an attempt to manipulate and corrupt my kids.
    Fucking cunts.

  17. When I was a kid my main concerns were riding my Raleigh chopper bike, what id get for Christmas, making ropeswings, and watching planet of the apes.
    Dont think it occurred to me maybe I was a woman?
    Dont remember any tranny kids playing on the park?
    Maybe I was a victim of northern poverty?
    Bet in London or Brighton lads were playing out in their ra-ra skirts and and having perms, but we were poor and behind the times.
    Im starting to think this craze for trannyism is bollocks and quite recent bollocks at that.
    Give a little lad a toy gun or some factory windows to throw bricks through and he’ll forget about his gender issues.

    • If your main concern was your “Chopper” miserable, maybe you’ve always felt at home with it!

      • Yellow it was Bertie,
        Was proud to have a chopper between my legs as a lad, polished it regular.
        A habit thats stuck with me to this day..

      • Mine was red. Can remember getting it on Christmas morning like it was yesterday. Best present, ever.

      • Mine was for Christmas too DCI.
        It was to big for me when I first got it, think my mum & dad bought it off the next door neighbours who had a older son, loved that bike best present I ever got.
        Saw one not long ago and it looked tiny!!

      • MNC: I had a Grifter, then a Spider-never a Chopper, so much for white fucking privilege ?.
        I used to build bikes when I was really young-8 or 9-messing around with gears and wheels-happy days.

      • And making rope swings and watching ‘Planet of the Apes’ was obviously a symptom of your unconscious racial bias.

      • Maybe LL?
        What a racist little hate criminal I was as a child!
        Why didnt social services intervene?
        No wonder I was booed at BLM pride!!?

  18. Barefoot, metal grid, 440 volts for him and a comfy chair, cigar and rum for me. The DJ is taking requests. Disco inferno?

  19. All this bollocks is hastening the end of civilisation in western Europe. I’m quite excited at the thought of having to move to move to eastern Europe and being forced to mate with eastern European women in order to increase the number of honkies. Bagsy I get first dibs on Olga Kurylenko.

  20. Any cunt who has a fucking great hairy arachnid as a “pet” there’s something seriously wrong with them. I would take the horrible, creepy thing out of wherever it’s kept and stamp the shit out of it.
    Then I would deal with the arachnid (in a humane way obviously).

  21. Itinerent useless arseholes gravitate to a career in politics. This man is one of the classic wankers of our time, and I have no doubt that he will be dumped once this Government gets its finger out and has a shuffle of the card deck. Cunt and a useless cunt at that. Very good post Cuntus Prime.

  22. hate this imbecilic cunt
    enjoy this on youtube – “Michael’s a bit confused about Pride Month”
    can’t post link

  23. His gob looks suspiciously like Libtard MP for Arundel and noted rug muncher Layla Moron.
    Just saying.

    • Layla Moran MP for Arundel? Nah, Arundel is bluer than Smurf village.

      It was Nick Herbert but now Andrew Griffith with 58% of the vote.
      The local landowners wont have it any other way.

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