Emily VanDerWerff


No, I hadn’t heard of this creature until I read ,with ever increasing incredulity, about her most recent actions. A letter criticising intolerance amongst wokes has been signed by 150 ‘slebs’ and published in Harper’s Weekly. One of the signatories is J K Rowling until recently a darling of the libtards. Sadly, J K has blotted her copybook somewhat by pointing out the truth regarding the number of sexes.

Emily VD is up in arms about her boss , the co founder of some lefty website also signing the letter. Dear Ol’ VD now ‘feels less safe at work’ . VD in a gesture of goodwill (?) said that she did not want her boss sacked (sacking the co founder won’t be easy) as VD says that sacking would make him feel like a martyr.

Note to Admin- please wear a welders mask if you wish to find a picture of VD . I have refrained from referring to VD as he or she as I am clueless about that facet of the creature

Noted – admin.

Nominated by: Guzziguy

And added to with this:

I know there’s already a nomination for this, but I just have to add to it. The academics and writers such as J K Rowling, Margaret Attwood, Salman Rushdie and about 150 others who put their names to an open letter calling for an end to cancel culture. I mean, the sheer hypocrisy of these fuckers is staggering. Rowling in particular in one of the most far left assholes on the face of the Earth. In fact, she leans so far to the left that I’m amazed she can even stand upright.

And let’s not mince words here, she, like so many of her peers named on this letter, are only calling for cancel culture to be cancelled because they have been victims of it themselves. Where were these twats when Count Dankula, Stephan Molyneux and other so called far right commentators were cancelled from various social media platforms? Where were the calls for freedom of speech to be respected when Sargon of Akkad had his YouTube channel demonetized? Not one of them said a word about it. Some of them even celebrated. But now that THEY’RE on the receiving end of the anger of their demented fellow members of the Leftwaffe, they’re suddenly all in favour of free speech.

Well you know what? They can all go and fuck themselves with a lit stick of dynamite. I have NO sympathy for them. They helped create cancel culture, they can fucking have it. And I certainly have no sympathy for Rushdie, that whingeing cunt who cost the British taxpayer tens of millions of pounds over a number of years for round the clock armed police protection. And all because HE wrote a book that upset Muslims. Then he had the nerve to fuck off to the U.S. where he criticised the UK for not doing enough to protect him. What else did want? A fucking tank on his lawn? Cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

61 thoughts on “Emily VanDerWerff

      • If I can consider it a “cutie”, I suspect that I’m way beyond the point of caring just what gender it has chosen on any given day.

        🙂 .

    • Don’t let shallow good lucks tempt you Sir Fiddler – this flighty little beauty is well below you in terms of social status and one must never marry a lower claaars type however saucy looking they are!?

  1. Writers and academics who have no idea of the concept of hypocrisy. Rushdie and Rowling (sounds like a shit solicitors, who being cunts would be a suitable career) have at least one thing in common, that being they are both authors of books based on ridiculous fantasy. And are cunts.

  2. Pig in a wig!
    Get yer knickers off Emily lets check out yer udders.
    Only joking wouldnt shag her if she had ten tits.
    Quickdraws right, JK Rowling and the rest only saw their arse and opened their mouthes once theyd had a taste of leftie oppression.
    No sympathy .

  3. It has the unenviable look of both the lorry driver AND the prostitute he murdered.

    • Maybe it is the lorry driver wearing the victim’s skin?

      “It puts the lotion in the basket”

      You’ll probably not be seeing that ‘twansphobic’ film on the telly anytime soon.

      • Buffalo Bill was a good example of how trannys are all fucking mental sad acts no wonder their suicide rate is so high

  4. Absolutely agree, great cunting QDM.

    These twats helped to create ‘cancel culture’ in the first place and didn’t give a toss about people being ruined until it hit them.

    Fucking wallow in it, you cunts.

      • Leave it with me Tono, I’ll get em both warmed up for us!!
        German Angie likes being strangled and Emily likes being wee wee’d on and called trash!
        Wear your gimp mask mate, it’ll be a wet one!??

      • Hehee!☺
        So your leaving me with the pair of em ?!!
        Cheers Tono, good job id been taking monkey glands for my libido!

      • Northern cunt i am a nice ghy. You can get me pint after, to show your thanks. All the best.

  5. Hoist by their own petard!!
    Fuck Rowling and her band of arseholes

    Oh and Van de dandruff or whatever it’s name is can also fucking go and do one….
    Excellent Cunting

    • Could this be the same Rowling that made certain characters gay and black (when originally they weren’t) in order to appease the dribbling woke fuckflake mob and gain virtue signalling points?

      Not to mention the anti-working class streak that runs through the Potter stories and films. Harry’s ‘real’ family are horrible uncouth working class oafs who treat him like shit. Not like his spiffing girly swot chums at Hogwarts.

      She is a cunt and deserves everything she gets.
      Nice knockers, mind.

  6. Emily gander woof, I bet she bakes yeasty arse biscuits.
    I’m also highly gratified that she feels threatened, she’s clearly a mind reader.

    • Hmm, so the creators and supporters of the cancel culture don’t like cancel culture when it’s aimed at them. And I don’t recall much inclusivity and diversity in the Harry Potter films.. (they were only worth watching for MNC’s excellent portrayal of Hagrid! ?).
      Well, snowflake traitors – welcome to the World WE have to live in every day. Enjoy.
      Good nom! ?

  7. What a fine figure of a woman, she’s giving me the horn big style I can tell you. Perhaps Bristol City Cuntcil can erect a statue of her on Colston’s empty plinth. Actually best not, I might get arrested for wanking in public.

  8. She looks like she’d be fun on the office night out. ‘Feels less safe at work’ my fucking arse. What the fuck does she think is going to happen to her there? What a barmy pig.

    • Id get bladdered on the works christmas do,
      And try milking her.
      Shes her own worse enemy the cockteaser.

      • Northern cunt xmas is a long time of. You have plenty of time to shag her. I promise not to tell anyone.

      • Tell people it was Vernon Fox though rather than me, people would think bad of me, but expect it from vernon.

      • I would deny all knowledge and blame it on B&WC! ??
        Luckily for me I can’t spell depravity!

      • Always best to blame others/muddy the waters when being accused of sexual misconduct with ugly chicks Foxy!
        I named you not out of malice but knew you were the type of bloke whod take a bullet for a fellow ISAC!
        And I already have two court cases pending for “high spirits & horse play”.?

  9. Send for captain ahab!!! Thar she blows, make sure the harpoon is armour piercing! Fucking hello, what a monster

  10. Aww, alright, fucking go on then! Any port in a storm an all that. I’d just claim I wad pissed and whacked it up her transom me ‘ansome as a bet or something. Fucking rank shit tyranny cunt!

  11. Fucking Admin should be cunted for finding that photo.
    The cunts.

    It was Night Admin’s blind date. “It” stood him up – Day Admin

    Oi Day Admin, you looking at my bird? – Night Admin

  12. Before the transition, its name was Todd.

    Todd Ger.

    Had it modified the original name it could have been Todd Gerless.


    • The ‘transition’ seems to consist of growing the hair an inch and bleaching it.

  13. Her place of work us no longer safe? Did somebody put up a mirror?


  14. Shes a sad old fuck ugly as a pig and probably fuck all happening in her miserable existence but online she can be a woke hero and get likes for her virtue signaling

    She needs to put on some lipstick brush her hair go down the bar and get some auld boy to do her up the wrong one in a back alley although she would probably need to fart to give him a clue where her fanny is under the folds of flesh

    With a name like VD you would have to be a brave man to throw your cock into it

  15. I know a couple of Trannies and neither look as bad as this! I’m going to have nightmares tonight

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