Daily Mirror

The Daily Mirror

Headline today, 9 July: CHICKEN FEED

Referring to the Chancellors bailout plans. ‘It’s all “chicken feed” to the Daily Mirror, however, which points out the discount only operates three days a week in August. The paper quotes unions saying the chancellor should have promised a pay rise for millions of key workers earning less than £10 an hour, rather than a “dining out discount for the well-off”.

Paying for this ‘chickenfeed is another matter though. Where is Magic Grandpa when you need him? Interestingly the group that owns this fucking rag, Reach, is making 12% of it’s workforce redundant due to commercial pressures etc.
Surely loss of a bit of advertising revenue is chickenfeed to such a mighty conglomerate? What a fucking hypercritical rag.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

35 thoughts on “Daily Mirror

  1. I thought Dianne Abbott had gone on a lashed-up ride on the Tube and got the munchies near Clapham, pushing her way through the yoots, calling them rasclaarts and demanding the shop be closed until she empties the joint of poultry.

    • That mama so fat, there ain’t no room big enough for her to self isolate in.

  2. A bunch of cunts trying to out Guardian the Guardian and making a complete pig’s ear of it.

  3. Has the mirror always been shite?
    Im too young and snakehipped to know, but I know a lot of you are ancient and still have some memories left,
    Think its always been Labour supporting.
    My dad used to bring it home from work late 70s/early 80s but id just nick it to read Andy Capp, Garth, perishers.
    Anyway its fuckin rubbish.

    • The Mirror was a good working man’s paper in the 60s and 70s. The Perishers was a superb cartoon, well drawn with wonderful characters including ‘Tatty Oldbit’ a bloodhound who lusted after sailors. Whilst I was at Durham the creators of the strip were kind enough to do a set of drawings for the rag mag.
      Yes, time was the Mirror was a great British institution.

      • Loved the Cloggies. Bill Tidy’s gritty representation of northern life, tripe, clogs and whippets.

    • The ‘Daily Mirror’ did indeed have some integrity in the 1960s and roughly up to the time Robert Maxwell bought it in the 1980s.

      He took it seriously downmarket, in competition with The Sun for lowest common denominator shite.

      Shite to shittier ever since – not least when Piers Morgan was editor:


    • It has always been crap. Saw itself as the thinking working man’s tabloid.
      i.e: outspoken gobshites, hating absolutely anything Thatcher and her lot did (it wasn’t all bad), lauding clowns like Kinnock and Scargill, and -worst of all – no nice birds with nice tits. An odious cunt named Mike Langley did the football writing, and it was all funded by Robert Maxwell. One of the dodgiest cunts of all time.

      • Yes smiling ‘Captain Bob’. His face all over own newspaper. Day after day smiling promoting some money making scheme. Making after dinner speeches in support of his own company. Always saying ‘the British worker should work harder’. Like Lord Copper in Scoop. ‘Up to a point Lord Copper, up to a point’. You couldn’t tell him he was wrong. Friends with European dictators. Stole the pension fund.

        BTW aren’t or isn’t the Maxwell family liable for that stolen money? There was a compilation piece about Ghislaine and her ‘homes’ there she was outside her plush New York apartment, then outside one in Paris, then outside a huge great Stately Home somewhere in England. I mean shouldn’t these places have been sold off to pay off that debt?

      • Piers “Nasty Cunt” Morgan was the editor of this rag before he was sacked for being a cunt.

  4. I think the Mirror has got worse in recent years as they are the Poundland Guardian. A load of sanctimonious shit. “He’s A Tory!” they will say about any Conservative MP, conveniently forgetting that Dame Kweer exhibits all the failings of a 19th century Tory – a “gent” who has gone slumming.

    Wasn’t it the Mirror that littlegobshite :Piers Morgan edited, when he arranged for some photographs to be faked to show what bastards are British soldiers in Iraq. I tthink the pictures were taken at Watford.

  5. All Labour shite.I hate the Mirror passionately.Filth.Let’s make a headline up!!

  6. “rather than a “dining out discount for the well-off”.
    Fuckin’ hell what would a man of my outstanding and considerable wealth be doing at one of these Covid cafes? Piss off.

  7. The cunts at the Mirror always made me crease.
    Lecturing about morals and the evils of conservatism, when they were in bed with that corrupt human slug, the bouncing czech Maxwell (not his real name, of course).

    And they never had a decent pair of tits on Page 3 to cheer a lad up on a cold working morning, Fucking killjoy marxist cunts.

  8. Basically bought by thick cunts for the same reason they still vote Labour………because their Dad did, and his Dad before him and his Dad before him etc etc.
    It’s just a sleb obsessed shit rag with a bit of Labour arselicking thrown in. Total cuntery.

  9. Don Short was a good reporter though. He got the world exclusive on the Beatles breaking up for the Mirror in 1970 before anyone else.did. It was pretty decent in the 70s, it was when Maxwell took over that it became shit.

  10. My mate has a chicken that has an ongoing problem with its feet, so he has to have little trainers made up so it can walk.
    Strange thing is, totally loyal to one brand.
    Will only wear Reebok…bok…bok…bok.

  11. Not got much time to put the world of cuntitude right so here goes, a tightly rolled up sheet of daily mirror makes an effective blue peter style tampon. That’s 2 cuntings sorted already.. All the racist anti-w hite SJWs can fuck right off, if the Grenfell tower disaster has taught us anything it’s that we are all black after an inferno. I am fairly sure i put Ruth bader ginsburg in my last dead pool post, if it has been won since can this count as my nom. And George Soros. And that Maxwell cunt. Suicide my arse.

  12. ‘Depp joked about setting his wife on fire’

    I think most husbands have drawn up strategic plans for setting their wife on fire. Accidental kitchen fire perhaps.

    • Fairly common in the sub-continent to get rid of non compliant daughters-in-law.

  13. Hopefully The Daily Mirror will be out of business one of these days.

    Did like the banner on the front page “Depp ‘joked’ about setting his wife on fire.” That is actually funny though they obviously wanted to stoke outrage rather than hilarity.

  14. On several occasions over the last few weeks I’ve come downstairs to find the fridge door open and broken eggs strewn across the kitchen floor.
    The missus was getting worried about it so I called in some spiritual type and he’s confirmed it, says we’ve got a poultrygeist….

  15. It’s the £10 ph thing that really boils my piss. In all honesty I don’t think sime key workers deserve it. Care is one such job, my eldest daughter is currently doing it on £9 ph and thinks that’s about tops. She admits it’s just humping people around, wiping arses and shoving food in gobs, i.e. very low skilled. If you give them more money then old granny Ethel will have to pay £1500 a week for care as opposed to £1250. Daft fucking lefties can’t or more likely don’t want to see this. It’s a crap job but she’s just glad to have one at the moment.

    Laughed like fuck though and very very proud, she’s just graduated with a first class hons law degree. Good luck getting a job love. Yikes!

    • There’s always Isis Begum or whatever her name is. Needs legal representation for compo and hurt feelings. Well paid by us, I believe.

    • There’ll be a payback time WCC. When it’s your turn, she’ll be able to obtain a handsome discount on your care home fees! ?
      Joking aside, sounds like a bright girl who’ll sail into the legal profession and then be able to get you a handsome discount off your will!

  16. That eternal tory hater and ful time eye roller Kevin McGuire works for the Mirror.
    Nuff said.

    • And that hate filled old commie twat Paul Routledge.
      Unless he’s dead now, in which case “wheeeeee!!” ?

      P.s. Cunt…

  17. It’s almost unreadable.
    Impossible in fact as I’d rather be in bed with Kweer Starmer than buy it.
    The sooner it collapses completely the better.
    The filthy cunts.

  18. I hope my local sign up to the deal, they do a nice sirloin ….. book me in for a half price meal….

    If the poor can afford it ‘let them eat cake’

  19. I hate this (jammy) rag. It is so unashamedly leftie, anti Trump and/or Boris whilst promoting BLM and travellers ad nauseam ,and being kind to cunts who won’t accept the simple biological fact that (apart from a few recognised medical syndromes i.e.fuckups ) there are only two genders.
    I wouldn’t mind but it’s printed on such cheap and nasty paper that it’s user is guaranteed to breach the hull.
    It annoys me that nearly every regional on-line newspaper is part of the Mirror group which doesn’t allow free speech in it’s comments section.
    Fuck them!

  20. Shitcunt whiny lefty rag for miserable whiny thick lefty cunts. Did I miss anything out?

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