Councillor Dave Taylor is an 18-carat cunt. Dave who, I hear you ask? I am not surprised you haven’t heard of him, as this beardie weirdie scrote is a complete nonentity. Dave Taylor is a Green Party councillor from York. Indeed, he apparently once served as Mayor of this fine medieval jewel of the north.
Unfortunately, Councillor Taylor recently opened his mouth and let his arse rattle. As the nation paid tribute to the legend that was Jack Charlton, Taylor decided to pepper social media with appalling attacks on the World Cup winner and towering centre-half from Ashington. Jack was but a few hours dead, when this excuse for a public representative posted the following messages:
“Jack ‘Bloodsports’ Charlton is dead. Good”.
“I don’t think he should be lauded as some sort of hero. Fuck him”.
“Sick of the adulation of this animal abuser”.
Big Jack achieved more in one summer’s day in 1966 than this dripping pustule of a fucking scarecrow will achieve in his entire miserable life. The cunt dresses like a tramp and looks like he washes once a year, whether he needs it or not. He is entitled to his opinion on both Big Jack and field sports, but to go on an unprovoked, public attack before Jack’s body had even turned cold is loathsome and unacceptable.
Councillor Dave Taylor looks like a cunt and almost certainly acts like a cunt in forcing his wanky green agenda on anyone who’ll listen. However, it is the desecration of a great Englishman’s memory, on the day of his sad death from dementia and other illness that’s marks Taylor out as an absolute cunt of cunts.
His party should deselect him.
The very definition of the term cunt. Fuck him.
I always tell my children not to use the word ‘hate’ as a throw away comment as to really hate someone takes a lot out of you. However on this occasion ‘hate’ is the only emotion I can muster up for this cunt.
Fuck you Dave Taylor. Genuinely fuck you.
Nominated by: CuntyMcCuntface
Seems a bit of an old picture above, the link below seems a bit more recent and shows his hybrid Terry Nutkins/Flock of Seagulls circa 1982 hair in all its wanky glory.
He must be a colossal cunt to have the neck to style his hair is such a ridiculous manner. It is probably held up by Caroline Lucarse’s fanny batter.
As for besmirching Big Jack’s memory, what a solid gold, Wishing I had a Photograph of You, massive CUNT.
Anyone with hair like that should be shot on sight.
Sores him a few right on points, keeps him well in with the weirdos and snowflakes, gets his face in the media – might give him a cheery “hello cunt” when I am in York next (a beautiful and interesting City BTW and well worth a visit, but packed to the gills with chinks who think they already own the place – slow down kung flu – give it 20 Years and you will!)
Jack Charlton was a World cup winner and a loyal servant of Leeds United when he could have gone elsewhere for more money.
Jack Charlton left a huge imprint on football history, Councillor Dave Taylor is the turd that sticks to the underside of Jacks shoe.
I am not a fan of blood sports, but even less of these green leftie wankers, I can imagine how the libtards would react if someone on the right celebrated the death of a limp waisted cunt.
He looks like a cunt, even without opening his fucking gob!
He looks like he should have a can of Tramps Aftershave in his hand and be shouting at the shoppers in the precinct.
Why do all woke lefties think that hatred is only articulated by normal people ie the far right as they regard them, and not from them?
He looks like Dilberts boss. He had a bad attitude as well. Another look at me prick. I really don’t know what society these people want. Be careful what you wish for because it could turn out bad. Arseholes.
He does indeed look like Dilberts boss, well spotted sir.
A professional cunt who is not fit to lick big Jack’s boots.
I would like to tie him a chair, then strangle an osprey in front of him. Then proceed to smash the cunt round the head with it till he passes out.
Do gooders make me sick.
Smug looking cunt needs a slap
Typical of that sort….hysterical bile unleashed by an ignorant jealous nobody.
And he stole your catchphrase.
Fuck him.
One word describes him.TWAT.
Instead of this cunt slagging of the legend of Jack charlton, this cunt should look at himself. Woke cunts like him never see there own double standards.
When i come to power i will have a special place in hell for people like him. ( i can tell he is a remainer, which is why i used that term.
Sometimes, no matter how many times you flush, a turd just refuses to go around the u-bend.
This cunt is just a stubborn shit stain.
The cunt looks like something out of the Thundercats (for those who remember):
Quite fancied Cheetara when I was a yoof.
Thunder, thunder,thundercats hoe.
Ill get meh coat then, shall I?
Never watched Thundercats Rt, more of a Scooby Doo Man meself (bend over Velma – JINKIES! Stop whining it’s called cock, and it smells better than Scoobies!)
I am a despicable Man! ?
This is just the sort of leftie veganite scum sucker that really sends my piss thermonuclear. People can hold whatever opinion they wish regarding field sports or anything else for that matter. But these types make a lifestyle choice then decide their view is the only righteous one and any alternative position can only be held by; facists, animal/child abusers, rapists etc. You know the list!
This particular twat looks slightly more unbalance than usual but could effectively rebalanced with a 150 gn HP behind the ear!
He should go and spout his bollocks in front of Elland Road.
Once the Service Crew have finished with him his beloved seagulls can have a good feed on his entrails.
Fuck him.
And fuck the Chinks for murdering Norman Hunter.
Get To Fuck.
He’s wearing a ‘anarchy’ tshirt.
And having gone bald spiked up the sides like Sue Catwoman.
Ok if your a teenager in 1977 but being a 50yr old man in 2020 a bit out of place.
Hes the boring cunt at a gig, the boring cunt in the pub, hes the boring cunt cant pull a bird, the boring cunt cant form adult relationships.
Just a absolute prick.
Keyboard hardman.
I didnt even know Jack Charlton did field sports!
Care even less,
Yorvik is a great place they should throw this bellend in the Ouse.
I bet the cunt plays Warhammer with his leftie mates. The cunt.
Hair made to look like horns and wearing an Anarchy T-shirt (half a pentagram) and looks like the wrong side of 50 to be sporting that look. Wouldn’t trust him a jot.
Green?? = total and utter cunt.
I thought Yorkshire men (and women) were made of sterner stuff than to vote in a complete arsewipe like this. He’s a nobody, and trying to make himself sound clever by slagging off a somebody.
Instead of shutting the cunt up, his opinions should be made more widespread. He’ll be conducting his next campaign from the ICU.
Hate is all that the left are known for some time now.
Bitternes, envy, misery and hatred.
Douglas Murray summed it up well in an article he wrote after the ladt election. If anything the result showed that most of the country is fairly decent and want to get Brexit done, and reject the Corbynites and the green zealots, who are a very loud minority, usually employed in the public sector, NGOs or media.
A hateful, arrogant, noisy, ugly Left.
*have known.
I woukd like to add i’m not a fan of killing creatures for sport or fur but it’s not something I spend a great time agonising over and dont wish death on those who practice it humanely.
I guarantee you the ginger cunt was bullied at school relentlessly. He never managed to figure out the difference between being bullied for being ginger and being bullied for being a ginger cunt though.
He was mistakenly always under the impress the was the former of the 2 though, unable to accept the reality that he was simply a ginger-haired cunt. So he decided he was going to become a “rebel” whilst making his hair his most deliberately obtrusive feature.
As we see though, even without the ginger, he clearly remains a cunt. Just a shame he didn’t get the memo.
Turns out councillor Taylors attack on big Jack havent gone unchallenged!
Hes been banned from the Maltings pub in York, had a petition calling for his immediate sacking and has backtracked now with a ‘heartfelt apology’?
Know Dave likes punk so ill sum it up with a song by spiky urchins the sex Pistols
“Lie lie lie lie
Lie lie lie your a liar
Tell me why, tell me why
Whyd you have to lie?
Should of realised
Should of told the truth
Should of realised youll know what ill do,
Your in suspension..
Scruffy cunt…
Looks like he was to be on first name terms with a bar of soap
The Green Party would be great and my party of choice if they weren’t so pro human.
What’s green about immigration and handing out benefits to the commonality? More people means more housing which means more building and fucking up the landscape. It completely eradicates everything they preach about. Fuck off the unwelcome visitors, the ones incoming on boats and the scrounging fuckers that are already here) and cut off the work-shy peasants and stop rewarding those who breed excessively for profit.
In the article he talks about the Manchester bombing…….”we must not let them drive us to intolerance” yeah but it’s ok to be intolerant of some cunt shooting a few rabbits…….”ordinary Muslims are not to blame”……blah blah woof woof. Fuck off cuntface, heard it all before. I’ll give this cunt field sports, i’ll give him 30 seconds start in a field and then send a bunch of machete wielding peacefuls after him. First one to catch the cunt gets to fuck Greta Thunderbirds.
If Labour ever come to power it will be commie bastards like this telling us what to do 24 hours a day.
Are you sure about shagging young Ms Thunderbirds?! I wouldn’t touch her with yours!
He probably thinks that cunty hairstyle makes him look like Keith Flint out of The Prodigy. Well he certainly makes me want to be a “Firestarter” Now what did I do with that can of petrol and box of matches? A truly A* cunt with distinction.
I’m not into blood sports unless it involves Vegacunts and a sjambok, but humans and dogs are top of the hierarchy of the world, he’s also from the Green Party so a cunt before he even types or says anything!, shame he doesn’t embrace his baldness, like other child minded Marxist CUNTS!
Jack Charlton went fishing, I don’t think he was fox hunting or hare coursing so what is this overgrown nappy filler grizzling about?
As for his heartfelt apology, poke it up your tofu, we won’t forget.
Disrespectful wanker.
An episode of big Jacks show where he followed hounds hunting mink. That’s right, mink- a creature released into the wild by animal rights cunts with no understanding of the damage to the British eco system, the fuckwits.
Didn’t see him among the THOUSANDS at Jack’s funeral.
I live in York. They have a green councillor in charge of traffic. He’s shutting roads wherever he can and making the city’s traffic problems even worse. A total fool.
York City used to be a league club but have never really had much success so there’s a lot of Leeds fans in York as they are the nearest big club. This guy Taylor will get filled in at some point without a doubt. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
I’m not particularly a Leeds fan but being brought up in the Don Revie era I like to see them do well. Born in 65 and growing up in York in the early 70s seemingly every small boy’s ambition was to play for Leeds United, just as later generations wanted to play for Liverpool or Manchester United. Fair play to Jack Charlton he was a one club man who stuck with “his” team rather than go somewhere else for more money. Who wouldn’t respect that?
I wonder if he was born a cunt, or worked hard art becoming one?
He looks as tho he’s grown a couple of horns in the picture up top. I bet he’s got a muscle on his right arm like Big Arnie from all that wanking.
Very few cunts can be identified at more than 50 paces without opening their mouths; this turd is an example of that rare species.
He is an embarrassment to the city of York that’s for sure. I don’t like blood sports much myself but to be glad that somebody is dead is beyond the pale. Taylor is a cunt and that’s all there is to it. Very few people in York will believe his apology is genuine.
God alone knows whose bright idea it was to put the Greens in charge of transport but by the time the next council election comes along this city will be even more fucked than it already is. No “proper” jobs here, just crappy minimum wage tourist stuff. Train building? Gone. Terry’s chocolate factory? Gone. Sugar beet factory? Gone. Print works? Gone. We have a bypass around the city that has just one lane so it’s nearly always jammed with traffic which is a barrier to employers coming here. And what do they do! They put a Green in charge of traffic. You couldn’t make it up. Thank God I’m retiring in a few years. On the plus side at least we don’t have many dark keys or peacefuls. Just complete fuckwits like Dave Taylor.
What a sickening sack of shit!
I’d love to shove an angry 4 ft long hungry sea lamprey up his fucking arsehole