Claira Janover – TikTok Twat

Claira Janover is deserving of a nomination. Janover is a Harvard graduate who recently gained, and then lost, employment with Deloitte. You’d think that having studied at a prestigious Ivy League university and then getting a job with an equally prestigious accountancy firm she would have a high degree of intelligence right? Right? Wrong, not in Janover’s case. Because she was recently fired by Deloitte after posting a video on TikTok in which she threatened to stab anyone who used the words “all lives matter”.

She’s a fervent BLM supporter you see, and she apparently took offence at people using this perfectly reasonable statement. Cue many complaints and Deloitte calling to tell her that her services were no longer required. Being a far lefty, also cue a pathetic, whingeing, sobbing, self-pitying video, in which she blames everyone EXCEPT the one person who was actually to blame for her losing her no doubt highly paid job with one of the world’s biggest, most renowned accountancy firms. Deloitte themselves don’t escape her finger of blame. They are “cowardice” (exact word) for letting her go over a video that she clearly considers to be trivial, rather than a serious threat to cause violence to anyone who dares to have an opposing view. She’s going to change the world you see. She’s going to leave and “indelible” imprint on the world. The main culprits though, are Trump supporters (anyone surprised?). Yep, Trump supporters are responsible for her filming herself threatening to stab anyone who utters “all lives matter”, then uploading it to TikTok and then getting fired. She is entirely blameless in this matter. Spare me your faux self-pity, you whingeing far left cunt.

Apparently, she has since received death threats for her act of dipshittery, and while I in no way condone this, I’m also not surprised. Nor do I particularly give a fuck. Hold on, I’ll check…nope…not a single fuck given. The moral of this ridiculous story is, THINK before you post. If you put up a video threatening violence against people, expect to receive threats in return. To be surprised by it, to complain about it, to whinge and whine and sob about losing your job over something that YOU did, and refusing to take any responsibility for it, is the act of a complete and utter cunt.

Grow the fuck up Claira. Learn a lesson from this. And by the way…ALL LIVES MATTER. Bring it bitch!

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw


83 thoughts on “Claira Janover – TikTok Twat

  1. ‘refusing to take any responsibility for it’ is the way of the modern youth, nothing is ever their fault.

  2. She has the look of an ” me love you long time, 10 dollar me so sexy”

    • $10 seems a little steep to me. 25 cents would be closer to her actually value as a “suckee fuckee”.

  3. Stupid, thick as shit woke bitch.
    Doesn’t she know that Harvard was named after one of it’s founders, John Harvard……..a filthy slaveowner? Therefore her qualifications don’t count because they were earned off the backs of oppressed slaves.
    So no wonder they sacked her.
    You made the rules darling so don’t cry when they’re applied to you. Dimmo.

    • Yep. And Yale was founded by Eli Yale, a famous slave trader. And yet, I don’t remember BLM or ANTIFA saying a fucking word about either of those universities.

  4. The right hand picture has the look of a PG Tips party.
    Fuck her and her entitlement the softy twat.

      • *…you might have it

        Not, ‘you might have’ as in you might have had a pop at her. That would be akin to sticking one’s truncheon in a bucket-sized cocktail of chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

    • How dare you insult the pg tips chimps, they have better breeding and class and are more intelligent than that spook

    • Definitely some tea-swigger genetics. Possibly a descendant of a Saigon whore and a fine upstanding African-American?

  5. Lol, I have just read the story and watched he little videos, what a cunt!

    Deloitte never actually employed her, she was scheduled for a two week internship so all they did was withdraw the offer and Good On Them.

    It’s about time these black or blackish cunts realised that their black privilege has run out and if they act like cunts then they will be treated like cunts!

    Just seen the news, DickStrap has apologised for any distress experienced by Bianca Williams (hopefully the nom on this will be out soon).

    – never fear: the Bianca nom is coming very soon! Be nice to her though otherwise she’ll blub and play the Card again – admin

    • I bet the rank and file are really impressed. Nothing like stabbing you subordinates in the back. Cressida Dildo, cunt.

    • The hubris of her. Or narcissism it is. Like BLM saying abolish the police the call from Bianca wasn’t that the officers that stopped her should resign but the Police Commissioner herself!. That’s how important they think they are now.
      And so we see what to do. Anytime you are are stopped get your camera phone out go hysterical physically struggle with the police (must be police brutality) get home get it up on YouTube and you’ll get away with it probably with an apology.

      • I predict as with the Travellers the police will get to the point where they just won’t bother anymore, too much trouble. And then we will have criminal ghettos.
        Well I suppose we have them now but they will just get worse.

  6. Fucking hell !!!!! When you google her – sadly I did. She had a gofundme page. This is on –
    Caroline Kristof, Organiser
    To friends and family of Claira: In light of recent events targeting Claira’s wellbeing and financial security, there is now a Claira Janover is Incredible Fund Part 2.

    Begging for public money the uppity fucker

    • And if you don’t donate Claira will come round to your drum and do some “justified” stabbing!

      • Fucking p*ncing bitch. You have to be fucking loaded to go to fucking Harvard (aka The Slave College) in the first fucking place. No wonder she wants to get into the accountancy game…….bitch knows how to turn a dollar!

  7. I saw this video a few days ago, proper gansta in the first one, fucking hell I laughed so hard at the second one I had coffee coming out of my nose, utter kaffir cunt she be!

  8. I’ve just watched her weepy “poor little me” video and I nearly pissed myself. Talk about making things ten times worse for yourself! This girl is a real birdbrain. I wouldn’t employ her to clean the bogs.

    • Whats her problem?
      Dont know if shes like Steve Martin in the Jerk but,…she aint no goddam mamajama black woman.
      Shes a jap or something, not sure maybe downs/ Vietnamese?
      But im blacker than her!
      Regardless of race shes cards in mentalist.
      Type who cries and cuts your clothes up because you looked at a woman in the shop,
      Shes warner brothers,
      Cuckoo, a crank.
      Stabbing people!
      Ok Kato, try it, come near me with a blade it better be a fuckin broadsword because woman or not ill put you through a fuckin wall.
      Hope d’ bruddas pop her, mad jap.?

    • Also, as B&WC seems to have gone on holiday, I’ll volunteer to take one for the ISAC team and stick my tongue up her arse.

      • Do you have some kind of death wish?
        I bet when you pulled it out it would be covered in wriggly thread worms and soy sauce-flavoured diarrhoea.

  9. This odious creature has just learnt more in a few days than three years at Harvard. Hopefully, she will benefit from this but until she drops the ‘it’s everyone else’s fault I don’t see that happening. Expect to see a few more intensive life lesson videos from her.

    • Ooohh, seems Claira is not only a mentalist but a big fibber too!
      She wasnt a employee of Deloitte anyway, she had a impending 2week internment placement later this summer that they rescinded due to a company policy over threats of violence.
      So the claim “trump supporters stole my job”
      Rings hollow eh Claira?
      Go back to picking M&Ms out of your own shit you fuckin windowlicker.

  10. I’m shocked she lost her internship opportunity. Saying white lives matter is a disgrace it seems, and will result in public shaming and being handed a P45. Saying they don’t matter means a promotion.

    Therefore, I’m rather stumped that she’s not the CEO already.

    Small mercies, I suppose.

    • Sounds like she could be fastracked to a trainee Prof position at one of the leading universities although she’ll have to be less kind to us crackers.

  11. Hee hee! Millenials of any hue need to watch out. With the world’s economy going down the pan, I suspect many companies will be happy to offload these useless, woke, snowflake cunts. Problem is, we’re all going to have to pay for it…

  12. What a mong. The most pampered generation from the most successful demographic in US history moaning about white privilege. Fuck off back to your grand parents shit hole country lady ping pong.

  13. Blimey, I just mentioned ‘c*a*u*g*h*t*s*p*e*d*d*i*n*g in a post and it immediately disappeared down the bog and round the u-bend without so much as a by-your-leave!

    • He must’ve really pissed the Admins off!

      -almost as annoying as meeting a drunk & desperate Theresa May down a dark alley on a wet Friday night – admin!

      • Theresa? Drunk you say? That’s given me the horn.

        You’re beyond help – admin

      • Sounds good to me! I will bring the root vegetables and the largest marrow I can find!

      • A troll is a troll, however many languages they speak.
        The bloke is a bore.

  14. Dearest admin, whenever I see nominations that have a picture with one of those PLAY I> buttons, I keep thinking it’s a video.

    You win the Numpty of the Day award, ha! – admin

  15. I hope she rots in a rat infested sewer in the darkest corner of Hell for all eternity, the smarmy bitch.

    • She over-estimated the power of the BLM movement and was eager to position herself as a figure-head. For someone who’s been to Harvard she’s not particularly smart.

      • I would hazard that this country has the thickest graduates on the planet. Just watch the procession of clueless arseholes appearing on quiz shows, if the questions aren’t about celebrities or ‘reality’ shows they have no idea.

  16. Tik Tok is just another loud hailer for cunts. Ooh look at me shaking my fat arse to a Justin Bieber song, or fucking whining on about something, like this stupid tart. Hopefully it will be banned soon, once they work out how King Ping and the bat eaters are using it to harvest personal data.

    • Still not sure I know what tik tok is.
      Happy to live in ignorance though, doubt id care.

      • It sounds like a Thai prostitute or something you would catch after frequenting said prostitute.

      • It’s popular with white preteen girls and 40-something men with bumfluff facial hair, comb-overs and vests stained with pot noodle juice..

  17. That’s made my day
    Well done Deloitte, the dopey, whining, leftwing diseased cunt deserves everything coming her way

  18. Well, something good has finally come of that Chink software. I love seeing these woke cunts fuck up their lives through their idiotic actions.

    • No cunt would be using Tik Tok if they knew exactly what the fucking app is gleaning from them. Stupid cunts. Fucking slope-eyed bastards aren’t to be trusted.

  19. This is a very good cunting QDM, well put into words.
    Must admit I hadn’t seen the story or heard of her, but your narrative has framed the bitch perfectly. I see from the picture of the young moron that she may have a little more than a smidgeon of the tar, and I think a Winnie “Tar special” is well in order. Speaking of Winnie, she had no respect for black lives either, and many opponents were awarded a ” necklace” as her parting gift.
    All this BLM shit is just a waste of time, no fucker in the history of mankind has ever changed their colour or their predjudices under acts of duress.
    Nay, the bitch is a cunt QDM, and one who needs a quick kick in the twat!

  20. Oh that twat.A Harvard graduate who uses i’imma’ like some illiterate from the Louisiana Bayou.


  21. If an independent-minded black person said ‘well actually I do believe that all lives matter’ she would presumably have to stab them.

  22. This rittle yerrow cunt has the IQ of a fucking pickled egg.

    Serves her right.

    The cunt.

  23. Caucasity.
    What a wonderful word to describe white privilege.
    The fucking racist bastard.

    Well Ting Tong-wise man say:

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  24. Having looked at the photo again, she actually looks like Mongo Thunberg’s swarthy sister.

    • My sentiments precisely.
      Threats of violence against anyone who refuses to do what she says? Sounds like the authorities should have a word.
      Stupid, vicious cow.

  25. Pathetic, whiny, cry-baby, irritating, apologising, juvenile bitch.

    No, not Claira Janover. Any of the England Cricket team

    • Not one of the cunts had the courage to say ‘get to fuck’ with this ridiculous, rigid conformity to the will of woke Marxists who’ve seized their chance with both hands.
      I think we’ve just about had it Cap’n.

      • Evening Sir Ron
        Just when you thought this cock-sucking, knee-ducking, jabbafuckery was waning.

      • The real joke is that these cunts can’t see that they’re stoking up the very resentment they purport to condemn.
        They’re just useful idiots being used by the far left to start a culture war. Wankers.

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