The old Commie mouthpiece takes me back a bit, to me DDR days (East Germany) and associated Commie Capers various. Mixed in certain circles then doing liason work and spent many an hour hanging around ports like Rostock noting comings and goings.
All very educational particularly when a shipload orf Chinese workers was docking.
They capered aboit in black Mao jackets and pants all wearing the traditional coolie footgear orf sweaty canvas plimsoles whiffing orf stale cheese. Leit motif orf me time there, the smell orf their cheesy feet.
Brought it all back with a vengeance seeing the Old Peking Duck displaying the traditional Commie hierarchy characteristics orf the un-dead – the white pallor, the cheesy feet, the staring sightless eyes and that weird effect orf the voice speaking two seconds behind the mouth opening. Good to hear the old Commie slogans – secession, collusion, subversion once again delivered in that toneless drone. Its problem is it obviously needs a good shagging.
So what say you me young cunters? Join Sir Limply’s Shagging Squad. Your country needs you!
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
Fuck me, you have lost me…..
This nom is beyond me.
Here’s the link.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_620_330/image.jpg
Rambling as ever. But no, not even I would shag that.
I think that Lam creature is a fifth columnist – she is a female Barry Gardiner M.P. (remember him tying himself in knots over Brexit?) – she wants to sit on both sides of the fence at the same time.
Why would a chef carry a pencil behind his ear? Fucking lunatic.
A duck wearing a shell suit does not become an egg….
..hope that helps.
#43 Fluk Yew Soop: Carrie Clams Kunk wiv Wonton Plagiarism
On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There’s a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can’t catch ’em when they do!
So its Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong
is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!
Ching Chong China man tried to milk a cow.
Ching Chong China man didn’t know how.
Ching Chong China man pulled the wrong tit.
Ching Chong China man got covered in shit.
The dirty yellow cunts.
No Idea, maybe the Lam looks like a worn out coolie, I have very little sympathy with the kongers, anyone with half a brain would know that kicking off like demented umbrella salesmen would attract the attention of the Chinky leaders.
Fuck them, you can kick off in places like the UK and get away with it but not fucking China, they tend to get all ‘communist‘
It’s a pity we don’t arrest any cunt with a black lives matter banner, commie bastards!
That’s a good point!
I wonder how many BLMs reside in commie countries such as Russia, China, King Kong and N.Korea? And if so, will they be quite so brazen with their demonstrations, looting, rioting, and giving the old bill a hard time?
I somewhat doubt it.
As much as I despise true communism and all that it stands for, such countries don’t fuck about when it comes to law & order, freedom of speech and democracy – or lack of it!
I also wonder why Isis and co keep on sticking it to the Great Satan of the Decadent West, and yet have done nothing about the incarceration of thousands of their Muslim brothers and sisters in ‘re-education camps’?
Could that also have something to do with the Chinese Administration’s zero degree of fuckwithableness?
She’s not going to go against the Chinese government, she’s be on a flight to some far flung Chinese re-education centre faster than you can say fluk!
Don’t care much for Carrie the commie, but I’d have a go at Kim jong un’s sister Kim yo-jong right enough!
Charlie Chan, the Chinaman
Takes your freedom as fast as he can
If you don’t do what he tells you to do
He gives you a dose of the Batshit Flu
Blow it all the fuck up?
Sensible words Unkle Terry! ??
“Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees. ”
I’ll get me coat.
For the reasons orf clarity Carrie Lam is the chinko mouthpiece or Chief Executive orf Hong Kong.
Good to see you up and about again, Sir Limply. I was beginning to think the Kung Flu had done for you, and no mistake.
No fucking idea what this is all about. Dioclese, any objection to this one “cluttering up the nominations”?
Fucks me how can this piece of news escaped you ?
Profound. I’m not quite sure how your feller’s do it…can’t image leaving home w/out a 34 in the console and a 42 in the pocket – mag plus one w/one chambered, of course. Being able to defend yourself/country, that is what this Nom is about, yes?
If not, and for what it’s worth, wish all of you law abiding citizens had similar access to proper defense mechanisms.
By my divided counterparts, I’m considered an easily duped voter and a Hillbilly (despite my education, self reliance, and hard work, which has provided me the assets they would like to redistribute to the dumb, dependent, and lazy). These snowflakes – who despise our country and are willing to hand themselves over to Winnie the Poo and Company – would much prefer to defend themselves w/their woke intellect. We are truly fucked, but not w/out a fight. Should another Civil War ensue, it will be epic…Stay tuned!
Thank you for hearing my rant. Now, I will fuck off back to the firing range w/all the other easily duped voters and Hillbillies.