Bristol City Council and Edward Colston

Bristol City Council are most definitely deserving of a nomination. This morning (Wednesday 15th July) I saw on the news, announced very smugly by the BBC, that the so called leaders of that city had replaced the vandalised statue of Edward Colston with another. “Good”, thinks I. Then I heard what they’d replaced it with. Not some famous man or woman from days gone by, but by a black female BLM member, right fist raised high and wearing a Wolfie Smith style beret. You read that right. Bristol has officially capitulated to the racist, Marxist BLM, by erecting a statue to the fuckers.

And that’s not their only act of cuntery. You see, the statue has apparently been as much of a surprise to Bristolians as it was to me. The council never told anyone they were planning this, probably because they knew it would cause a shit storm. And like the true cowards they are, they erected it in the dead of night. Inevitably, there have been calls for this affront to the decent, law abiding citizens of Bristol to be removed. Given that the Mayor of Bristol is of somewhat of a vagina-ish nature though, I very much doubt that will happen. I do, however, expect there to be a lot of expensive, hi-tech security around that abomination, lest someone take it upon themselves to…errr…unerect it. Bristol City Council, Mayor, you are undoubtedly cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Along with: Sick of it, Lord Helpuss, and one or two others

(Ordinarily we would put something like this in the “BLM Shit” thread. But the actions of the BLM mob has certainly raised a few heckles here, so we have processed a Nomination for you to vent your spleen – admin)

78 thoughts on “Bristol City Council and Edward Colston

    • I knew it wouldnt be long before they took the cunt down! An eye for an eye, wouldn’t have been 10 minutes before some right thinking individual attacked/ defaced it. Imagine the shit storm that would have caused? Very sneaky are Bristol council, as you were BLM back to your tyre swings!

  1. I would like to buy that statue and install it p David Lammy’s arse.

  2. I’m led to believe that the council had nothing to do with the statue and it was the so-called artist aka left cunt that put up this unimpressive lump of black plastic shit, at night so somebody wouldn’t kick his head in.

    • Another of these complete non entity artists- Those Wops during the Renaissance,they were artists.

    • I heard that Channel 4 helped get the statue erected and yes, Bristol Council had not given permission.

    • Bang on the money moggie.
      The extreme left, Marxist, virtue signalling, self loathing fucking wankstain.

      There that feels better

  3. To be fair the council didn’t erect the statue, it was some cuntie leftie sculptor from London. The council however has removed it this morning. Your point is generally a valid one though. I’ve lived in Bristol 20 years and I can officially confirm that the council are TOTAL UTTER CUNTS. Always spanking my council tax on sad shit that doesn’t need doing. If you think this mayor is a cunt you should’ve tried the last one, Red Trousers Ferguson. If you look up Cunt on Wikipedia I expect there’ll be a picture of him there.

    • Biggest cunt that ever held the title mayor was from Sheffield. His name is majid majid.

      • A dear friend of mine is a social worker in Leicester dealing with children. Soulsby’s public utterances are completely at odds with actuality.. I would like to say ‘truth’ but Admin, bless her , might object.

      • Exactly, how the fuck can a oppressed Somalian cunt become Mayor of an English city… it’s not possible because we are so racist!

  4. How about a statue of a genuflecting, white eunuch wearing a mask doing a Black Panther salute while a black woman stands behind him holding a pair of scissors in one hand and the kneeling cunt’s beanbag in the other.

    Long live democracy. Psh.

    • Until recently Id not a fuckin clue who Edward Coleslaw was, but hes a lifelong hero of mine!
      Im outraged!!
      Well the jokes on them, as Eddie was the Bristol high dive champion of his day and wanted his remains in Bristol harbour.
      Thanks for honouring Eddies wishes BLM!?
      I get my hands on your black power one I’ll cover it in Ffyfe banana stickers!
      Suck my white supremacist cock!?

      • If Colston was the Johnny Weissmuller of his day as you reckon, and not RuffTuff’s great grandfather as I reckon, surely he would have befriended anybody that resembled Cheetah the chimp. It simply doesn’t add up, Les.

      • Its true Cap!
        He had a chimp friend,
        Haile selassie it was called, became a big shot in Ethiopia before Geldof started teasing them about being skinny minnies.

      • ‘Tis true Captain, my great-grandfather would likely have been a white supremacist, but he wasn’t around 300+ years ago, as far as I’m aware.

  5. They should have left it on the plinth.
    Chop half of one its feet off, and call it Toby, as a lesson of our proud colonial history let unruly youths with anger management issues, go and thrash it with big sticks.

  6. The limp wristed, Nancy boy so called artist needs his fucking dumb head kicking in.

    • Aha! So the artist is some public school toff! Rich as fuck! Perhaps if we poked into his ancestry we might find some connections to the slave trade which have kept his stink hole family rich for 200 years.
      If these rich bastards and the woke slebs think appeasing the commies is going to save their arses they haven’t read their history. They’ll be the first ones they come for. Even Sparkle Tits’ dubious effnicity won’t save her. And as for Prince Gingerbollocks………

      • True, St Markel isn’t black enough for the BLM commies and have selective amnesia over Halfwit Hewitt dressing up as a Nazi and calling an Asian cadet “Our little Paki friend” at Sandhurst.

      • This ‘artist’ called Marc Quinn made a sculpture of his own head, using 10 pints of his own blood.
        A contemporary of Damian Hirst, this cunt is a complete and utter head case. And Boris wants to fund the ‘Arts?’

      • What a bell end. Not a patch on enfant terrible, Percy, and his Turner Prize winning effort from the early 90’s, a self portrait from his own birdcage droppings. You would be a rich man now Bertie if you hadn’t thrown it out and told him to get a proper job!

      • Ha ha! Recent reports LL, say that Percy is wanted for questioning for a recent hate crime.
        He allegedly called a magpie ‘a black bastard.’
        I can’t understand where he picked that sort of language up from!

      • I think it was more likely one of the grandchildren Ruff! I’m sure he was exhibiting unconscious bias as the white parts of the magpie didn’t actually register with him.

      • Ah the old magpie, the pikeys of the bird world except they wont put down five tonnes of hardcore in the local park and put half a dozen caravans on it.

    • Brilliant, the video following on from Kate Hopkins showed the statue being removed on a skip lorry, what would have been hilarious, if they had put the strop around her neck rather than the waist!
      That would have made my day/week/year ?

      • Viva Katie!
        More balls than the entire government and the dibble put together.
        I love her just for her slamming of that utter cunt, Stormzy, alone.

    • For some reason J R, Katie gives me the horn.
      An idea for a statue in Bristol would be me knocking one off over Katie’s face.

    • Rock on Katie you sexy bitch! Don’t let the fuckers beat you down!
      Some cunts just won’t accept the truth even though it’s staring them in the face.
      e.g.”black lives matter”
      Katie Price (2020)

  7. Edward Colston died 300 years ago, yep 300!

    Now correct me if I am wrong but we didn’t have Woke back then or Antifa or anything else, the majority of people were fucking poor and not the modern version of poor.
    The country was opening up to trade with the new world, now back then it wasn’t such a bad thing own slaves and with the help of Arabs and the Africans a there was nice little earner in taking captured Africans to the colonies to work on plantations.
    Edward Colston made a shit load of money but didn’t just sit on it he used some of it to help the poor people of Bristol so naturally the good people of Bristol put up a statue to commemorate his good works, I don’t think at the time they gave a shit where the money came from.
    Fast forward to preset day, a few cunts upset over something that happened over 300 years ago decide to pull down and vandalise his statue because they are ‘offended’, you can bet your life that if they had been living at the time of Colston and benefitted from his charity they wouldn’t have been so worried about slaves across the Atlantic.
    Now even fewer ‘right on cunts’ decide that a statue of a black woman whose only claim to fame was to climb onto a piece of rock and stick her hand in the air deserves to be commemorated, You could say that the world has gone mad, but it’s actually just a very small minority driving this sort of bollocks, the vast majority just don’t give a shit!

  8. I’d like to replace the statue of Colson with the one of Rhodes they’re removing from Oxford, put it there to watch over their purile Marxist cuntfest, I’d even put one of General Pershing (look him up if you don’t know who he is) in Trafalgar Square to really get the MINORITIES squealing, bunch of cunts!

    • I’d replace it with a statue of John le Mesurier stamping on the face of one of those kiwi cunts off Flight of the conchords.

  9. The black BLM supporter the sculpture was based on, name of Jen Reid, was looking forward to becoming a celeb in a (sympathetic) feature on C4 News last night. She must be disappointed that her statue now sits in the same dusty museum as Colston until it is collected by the fuckwit artist. Ha ha.

    Wireless at one on R4 yesterday discussed not the rights and wrongs of siting the sculpture but its artistic merits. Is there no balanced reporting now?

    Fair dos, I salute BCC for taking it down although I suspect they knew it wouldn’t be up for long.

    There are some of us who feel that extremists, anarchists and fecking left wing show offs should not be celebrated but berated.

    • I hope the council have slapped a clamp on the fucking shit piece of plastic and cunt Quinn has to pay to get it unclamped (along with the removal and storage costs).

  10. I’d have liked to have seen it ripped down by ‘Right Wing Extremists’ and thrown in the river. Wonder what the media would have made of that? I’m certain the reporting would have been well balanced.

    • Nice thing about that notion, it would, being made of plastic have floated into the estuary with loads of other floaters!!
      By by.

    • Yes, I bet the beeb wouldn’t have called it ‘direct action’ like they did for the Colston toppling. Cunts.

    • I’d have preferred to see the ‘artist’ thrown into the river, nailed to it.

  11. Eerie and quiet tonight they’ll be side by side in the museum-Colston, Jimmy, this black woman. I wonder what they’ll whisper to each other?

    • What about a statue of Shamima Begun up there? Mind you there would be confusion at the unveiling. A sort of unveiling of the veiling.

      • If it gets like the fourth plinth and you can vote my vote would be Warwick Davies.

      • Cheap on materials too!
        Fiddlers a huge warwick Davis fan.
        Poster on his bedroom wall, t shirt, thinking of a tattoo!
        Dont see the appeal myself? Although theyre meant to be lucky.

      • Warwick Davis nah, wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

      • 6 noms for this creature awaiting approval. I wonder if this is a record?

      • By ‘noms’ do you mean reported flasher sightings in the Stockport area Miserable?

  12. The rot set in when New Labour was elected in 1997. During its tenure of three consecutive governments, it had implemented expansive economic migration policies and paved the way for diversity and multiculturalism. The steady growth of this diversity wasn’t obvious in the beginnng, but, rather, very insidious, and a lot of people hadn’t seen that the writing was on the wall — until now. The woke lefties’ world was dealt a major blow when the Brexit vote was delivered and when Trump was elected in the U.S; these were unforeseen anomalies for the liberals, and ‘integration’ isn’t the smooth path they thought it was going to be, and now the shit has really hit the fan and the debacle of multiculturalism is plain for all to see. Things are about to get even more bizarre and nasty, both here and stateside. Watch this space . . .

    • ‘Things are about to get even more bizarre and nasty, both here and stateside. Watch this space . . .’

      I fear you’re right. You can only push the majority so far and prod them and call them racist for fuck-all before they turn round and bite.

      • I think you’re right DCI. I think the big question is where and when the reaction takes place. It’s got to be sometime this year surely?

      • Much more of these BLM bullshit and it’ll kick off. Look at those pensioners in, Poole I believe, protecting the Baden-Powell statue. Mix that vigour in with a bit of young muscle and it’s a recipe for disaster. I fear it won’t end pretty but I don’t think the backlash will be long in coming. Incidently, regarding the Colston statue, Bristol council had THREE referendums about it’s removal. ALL voted to keep it. Democracy my arse.

  13. What about a statue of a british seaman. You know, the ones who risked and lost there lives stopping the slave trade. When they should of been guarding our shores against the Black Barbary Pirates of North Africa who put Hundreds of Thousands of Whites into slavery . Awkward history that one for the BLM Cunting brigade…

  14. I’m too much of a complete bastard to work out what all this rotten shit with the poor buggers statue was all about.

    So I’ll assume a mob of woke garbage ruined a historical monument because the police are too Gay to stop them.

    Then some more some vermin rolled up and subverted the ruined plinth to suit their utterly dispicable agenda.

    So the answer is to find everyone involved in the vandalism as well as the other fucking bullshitters desecrating the site and oven them hard.

    This country is weak and has disgraced the names of so many heroic figures who helped shape the Western world for the benefit of all.

    Fuck off.

  15. I know this isn’t related to this post but fuck me up the bum – y’all all seen this?

    Bet bomb girl’s packing her bags and hotel’s being booked as we speak…

    Fucking wondered when this was gonna happen – should’ve gone to the bookies to place a bet!

    While it’s not a done deal rag head will be back soon enough!

  16. By chance I’ve been watching the hugely enjoyable “A History of Britain” presented by Simon Schama. Bearing in mind this was made way in 2000, by the BBC no less, you’re guaranteed it is woke-free!

    Anyway, have just finished an episode covering the reign of King Richard II from 1348-1500, which by coincidence covered the Black Death, that wiped out half the population of Britain due to some bubonic plaque that came from the Far East – sound familiar!?

    Anyway, Richard II was a right cunt. It was the time of the Peasant’s Revolt due to the introduction of the Poll Tax on the plebs. The monarchy and nobility were treating the peasants as nothing more than worthless slaves – working for peanuts, whipped mercilessly if they didn’t toe the royal line, and generally they were mere annoyances to the King.

    The plebs revolted, lead by Wat Tyler, who got royally shafted by the King and ended up dead during a very short battle between the commoners and the royals. And from that point on the King became even more merciless on his subjects.

    The bottom line behind this waffly history lesson is that white slavery existed a fuck lot longer than what the BLMs endured, and on our own doorstep too. Not only that but the plebs were forced to fight for the King on pain of death, which is o ironic given Richard’s hatred for them.

    But rest assured none of this will ever get mentioned, not even by the BBC themselves. And yet there is a statue of Richard II somewhere in Westminster – a monument to slavery, misery and death for his indigenous white subjects.

    Surely, this should be pulled down for causing great offence to everyone who is white?

    • The historical fiction I am writing is set against the slavery of mine workers in Scotland. The Scottish Parliament (prior to the Union) made every man free – except colliers, the cunts. Took centuries to sort out. Basically colliers were bound as serfs. There is one case where a woman ran away for a year and a day (to another mine) and thought she was free but her original serf owner took the new serf owner to court and the judge agreed that she had to go back to serf owner 1 even though she had been badly treated (beaten) by serf owner 1. Tramps were even taken off the street, so to speak, and forced to work in the mines. Bet none of these Bristol cunts know anything abhaat it.

  17. They should put up a statue of a giant dick with balls.

    Black cock or white?…I couldn’t care less which they choose but they need to get it up quickly.

  18. This is one occasion where I’m happy to admit I was wrong. I honestly thought Bristol’s dipshit Mayor, along with his Commie council chums, would fight tooth and claw to keep it. I was expecting allegations of racism. I was expecting accusations of far right ‘terrorism’. But I was wrong. They barely even whimpered. I’m actually a little disappointed that they gave in so easily. The cunts!

    • I imagine that the Bristol cunt, sorry “Mayor”, was instructed from a higher authority to remove that statue ASAP to avoid any unpleasantries-the fuse had been lit!


    • With the defiant salute and commie style beret, she probably thought it was Che Guevara.

      • And we all know how these left wing liberal fucks love that murdering cunt, Che Guevara.

        ‘But… But.. He looks cool on a T-Shirt’.


  19. They should put up a statue of dianne abbot using an abacus whilst giving a Handjob to Jeremy Corbyn…fuck sake…what’s wrong with me? Only 4 words of that statement are possible, jeremy is a wanker, Dianne Abbott using abacus, and only one of them is true

  20. I believe they now want to put up a statue of Shamima Begum in honour of her landing the full time position of BBC breakfast presenter. She turned down Keir Starmer’s offer of working alongside Naz Shah in Public Relations as it was a job share.

  21. Off topic, but my heart bleeds for Shamima Begum.
    Poor fucking kid.
    ISIS to the left of me, UK to the right, stuck in the middle hating jews.

  22. I would like a statue of 80’s “Blacktivist” Rusteeee Leee on that plinth-a proper black momma, to strike fear into cats called “Thomaaaas” everywhere.

    More mommas like Rusteeee would mean ample fried chicken, rice an peas for all, leaving less time for our swarthy brethren to carry out stabby shenanigans or black panthery fuckwittery?

  23. Thank God that statue was pulled down. If it had been green lighted, BLM would have erected statues left right and centre.

  24. BLM was created and is being perpetuated by three ugly fat mentally deficient lezbos. Can’t see how an aesthetic statue could be made out of that, but there you go.

  25. I think they should put up a statue of colonel Saunders hes done more for the members of BLM than any other white man he feeds them from the cradle to the grave finger licking good

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