I have no idea of the rights and wrongs of the case of George Floyd but from the early pictures I have seen the instigators of the riots appear to be white. I have no doubt some oppressed black people will have joined in. Probably for a bit of late night shopping but why are young white fuckers kicking things off? Could it be an excuse for organised, anti Trump bullshit? If so these cunts are far more insidious and destructive than any ghetto inhabitants.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The Minneapolis Police Department are CUNTS.
Now, I will be the first to admit, that I don’t know all the ins & outs of the George Floyd incident.
I don’t know if he did buy cigarettes with a fake $20 at 20.01
I don’t know if he ‘resisted arrest’ at 20.14
I don’t know why a police officer felt in necessary to draw his handgun, while accompanied by 3 other police officers, whilst detaining one un-armed man suspected of a relatively minor, un-violent crime. – (I know that I would find it strange in the UK, if a team of armed response police officers were needed to arrest someone of passing one note of counterfeit money in a newsagents).
I don’t know why 4 armed police officers felt that one unarmed man, handcuffed, lying face down in the street, represented such a threat to them.
I do know, that people nearby, filmed the police officers conduct, and drew attention to the fact that Mr Floyd was having difficulty breathing.
I do know that officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Mr Floyds neck for 6 minutes, and after being told Mr Floyd was not moving, and another police officer checked Floyd for a pulse & failed to find one, that officer Chauvin knelt on Mr Floyds neck for a further and a half minutes. Officer Chauvin removed his knee at 20.27
I do know that George Floyd, a 46 yr old man, who had buying cigarettes at 8pm, was pronounced Dead, just 90 mintues later.
I do know that The Minneapolis Police Department released a statement regarding Mr Floyds arest, that detailed him being detained, expressing his difficulty breathing, officers calling for medical assistance and Mr Floyd later dying in hospital – no mention of a 20 stone police officer kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes.
I do know that the legitamate peacefull protests, subsequent looting and eventual violent riots, have cost substantially more than $20.
Nominated by Lord of the Rings
*Emergency Cunting*
I’d like to convene an emergency COBRA meeting (Cunters of Britain Revelry Assocation) and to round up several groups of particulars for this broad stroke emergency cunting: The rioters in the USA. Antifa. Black Lives Matter (UK). David Lammy and Keir Starmer.
As if a global pandemic and global economic nosedive wasn’t enough to contend with at once, we now have a bubbling civil disorder scenario unfolding in the USA thanks to heavy handed police and a drunk 6ft6 black man with a criminal record trying to purchase items with counterfeit notes – black or white, you can both be cunts at the same time.
The rioters are providing some hilariously entertaining videos I’ll concede, such as a looter getting dragged under the wheels of an 18 wheeler FedEx lorry. Or the black woman smashing a cop in the face, twice, before being clocked out cold by another black cop. But on the whole I don’t think I can justify my own entertainment at the expense of entire neighbourhoods and business going up in flames. There is nothing noble and righteous about looting and destroying your own environment, and it has nothing to do with the original police fuck up.
Then there’s Antifa. Rumours suggesting they’re setting out pallets of bricks for people to pick up and build houses with of course. Enterprising young whippersnapers. Like the oik who picked up some heavy looking machine gun from the back of a police car before being mugged at gun point by someone 200lbs heavier and in the possession of testicles.
Not content with this spectacle of madness, Black Lives Matter are now protesting in London. Are they even aware that there’s thousands of miles of ocean between here and the USA? Have they forgotten we’re still in the middle of a pandemic? So far it just looks like the usual crowd of dregs and no hopers in Peckham (isn’t that Abbotts turf?), but by God and sunny Jesus what the fuck are you dickheads trying to achieve.. do you really want to start that fire here? For fucks sake. Shut up and fuck off.
Then there’s the permanently outraged David Lammy, and jumping on the bandwagon of the oppressed Starmer, both who are putting out tweets now that are like vortexs of doom designed to suck in gullible little twats and raise the madness level here. The former obviously has nothing to say on knife crime and the absolute failure of his commoonitee to aspire to something better than the bottom of the barrel ‘culture’ they seem keen to foster, and both of these fine gentlemen have absolutely nothing to say on the racism within their own party when it obviously doesn’t suit either of their particular agendas to say so.
Bring on the alien invasion (from outer space).
Ps I was supposed to be getting a desk delivered from Ikea Croydon yesterday but now it has been delayed until Tuesday. I wonder fucking why.
Get back to work and deliver my desk you workshy BLM cunts!
This is going to sound waaaaycist but that is not how its intended, i would like to cunt black lives matter and the cunts on protest in the UK because a black guy called George Floyd was killed in in the US of A, it got me thinking there are riots going on and said guy was separated from a crowd of rioters and some copper nealt on his neck until he died, now this should never happen but if the cop shot him that happens all over the world every day ,except here of course,
The bit that i think is a bit of a joke is the fact that this sort of thing dosnt happen for no reason, but now knobheads in Cardiff for fuck sake have decided to go out in protest about it, i mean WTF nobody in the USA care what the fuck happens here, the same thing happens to white people butl that doesn’t draw interest due to nobody except the family giving a fuck, but people here getting their arse in their hands due to one black guy being killed in the us when people of all colours get killed by authorities all over the world all the time.
My thinking is its attention seeking cunts with a chip on thier shoulder who just need an excuse to have a moan, why is some guy who was in a riot any more important that little Lynford who gets stabbed in London for being a runner and gang member and has never done a good deed in his life but is no less famous than George whatever, the reason is no attention, no interest, so these cunts pick and choose what they want to chant about and that makes them attention seeking cunts, like Lilly the mong at Calais, gets her fizzog on the telly but would she offer to do anything worth while for them, fuck no and if there is no coverage these cunts arnt interested …..
Ehm… quite!
“said guy was separated from a crowd of rioters and some copper nealt on his neck until he died”.
Sorry to be a pedantic cunt but I think you’ll find the rioting started AFTER the cunt the was killed, not before.
When you are “murdered” by the very people who are supposed to be there to protect you, then of course this is going to cause some uproar.
This case is perhaps more comparable to the Mark Duggan shooting by armed police in London back in 20011, which as you may remember triggered the riots here in the UK. This black guy had committed a petty crime. Do you really think that this type of injustice should just be allowed to happen. How would you feel if it were a member of your family or perhaps a friend or acquaintance? Mate, it’s fucked up and the Police behaved like utter cunts. He was profiled and deemed a threat purely because of the colour of his skin, and not because of his demeanour. For fucks sake the poor man was even calling out for his mum because he was so scared, at the end of the day he is a human fucking being. I bet you are the type of cunt who would care more for the life of a domestic pet.
No one fucking chooses what colour or creed they are to be born with. To be black in this world is a disadvantage, period. Don’t be a complete cunt all your life geezer. You’re clearly a bigoted racist who has the inability to see the bigger picture. Enjoy the bubble that you live in and pray to God that you aren’t reincarnated a black or minority ethnic back into this world.
RIP George Floyd. At least the racist cunts in this world can’t hurt you anymore. Peace be with you.
Tell that to the woman Floyd held a gun to in aggrevated assault for which he got a jail term – I wonder how many crimes he got away with eh? Duggan was a cheap twobit gang banger who again probably ruined others lives.
Are the victims of their crimes not human?
Fuck off with the victim mentality. Floyd and Duggan were both criminals. As was Rodney King. Shed your tears for those these selfish cunts fucked over.
Or the many people who’s businessess, or lives, are now ruined thanks to these selfish rioting cunts.
Petty crime? Really? Career criminal and violent savage Mark Duggan, in a taxi, armed with a firearm, and strongly believed to be on his way to commit a murder.
That fucker got exactly what he deserved, oops, the “troll” has fallen off the end of my novelty Nelson Mandela pen.
Pleasant but misguided gentleman Raol Moat didn’t mean to do any harm to anyone. He just did.
Moat kind of got what was coming, the dirty little steroid freak murderer.
Thought his name was Neil?
Oh and by the way fuglyucker, the reason that they are rioting in the US is because of the murder by police of George Floyd. You really should get your facts right before you post a comment.
Never let the facts get in the way of a trolly, sorry, jolly good story eh Integricunt? ??
If you think these riots have anything to do with the incident Integricunt then it is you who needs to check your facts. What started off as peaceful protests against it have, yet again, descended into an excuse for mindless law breaking and looting.
The charge is murder. Nobody has been convicted of murder yet. Seeing as we’re fact checking, how about you get your facts straight too?
Let’s see if this cop had used this method on others (of all races) and if he’d been trained to use this method if the prep was large (Floyd was 6’6 according to reports) and/or resisting arrest.
The body cam, training files and perhaps his computer/phone will reveal a lot (his computer might reveal he’s a member of the KKK or as left wing as they come…).
See, I’m reserving judgement before being a racist and assuming the cop did what he did because he hates black people.
Maybe he does? Like I said, how about wait and see?
Btw, plenty of white people have died in similar circumstances in the USA. Doesn’t make it any better, but to assume it was a pre meditated (racist) murder without having the facts first is wrong.
Those taking to the streets and simply assuming it was a racist killing by the cops are doing nothing but preventing real justice and cementing the beliefs of racists that black people are more likely (via genetics) to be violent criminals at the drop of a hat.
Well said Sir!
Bang on, with you on that !
Stephen Waldorf, completely innocent but shot multiple times by UK Police officers and Jean Charles De Menezes, completely innocent but murdered by UK Police might disagree with the British cops not “shooting people” somewhat.
America is a tinderbox of racial hatred, Year on Year “ethnic minorities” commit brutal inhuman crimes of all kinds, a much much higher percentage per capita than whites – the highest recorded crime rates and murder rates are by BAME by a long, long way.
Far, far too many American blacks and BAME are savage thieving drug dealing raping murdering vermin (fact not opinion) who would think absolutely nothing of killing a cop, or any whitey – and whilst I think that if this case is as it appears to be the pig involved needs string up by his intestines imagine starting your days work here in the UK wondering which “ethnic minoridee” is going to try and kill you by any means possible today.
And there always seem to be plenty of people prepared to thieve, riot, loot and cause brutal mayhem at any excuse (I notice Antifa have their evil little snouts in this one straight away) – and this “black lives matter” thing is bullshit too – all lives (by and large ??) matter and nobody has the balls to call people out who come out with this shit, generally spouted by rich white kid libtard Trump hating shit who will never see a black person until they are being carjacked at gunpoint.
Sorry, but these rioting looting fuckers need some rounds hammered into them.
Funny how you never see them looting book stores or other establishments that might improve their lives. It’s always booze, phone, shoes, clothing.
Opportunistic feral vermin. (The naughty rioters, not yourself TBCC! ?).
And to cap it all, the ambulance crew state that he had a pulse at the scene and PLE at the Hospital. Autopsy report shows stimulant with a know pre condition of Cardiac problem.
The mob immediately decided a) It was Murder, b) the Cop must be arrested, executed etc. c) Only a riot could provide the opportunity for a television or two.
Black lives Matter ? Yeah. Don’t take drugs, don’t murder, don.t rob, and when you get your collar felt.. DON’T fucking resist.
Morning Vernon,
Did you know that in the states 90% of the violent crime is committed by just 13% of the population?
The biggest killer of young black males is…other young black males. Apparently black lives only matter to black people when it suits.
The Police tend to be even handed with everyone, until the suspect resists arrest. Then the gloves come off and the Police are allowed to use reasonable force to detain the suspect, in proportion to the amount of resistance the suspect is putting up.
A certain section of American society like to go on an epic chimpout when arrested, claiming ‘Dindunuffin’ and are therefore dealt with more severely than say, someone who offers no resistance and comes quietly.
In this case, it would appear that George Floyd was resisting arrest and had a history of violence and violent crime. The police response was proportional to the threat.
The officer responsible has now been arrested on charges of third degree murder. The other officers involved have been sacked. Justice, although glacial in it’s progress will be served. Not by a rioting, looting mob, but by the American justice system.
Morning OB – correct, but unpalatable to some who always insist on painting certain ethnicities as victims.
Lies run, truth walks – if this Police Officer is guilty of manslaughter or murder he needs locking up and the key throwing away, but the trial by media attitude is ridiculous and the mob have hijacked this situation to fit their toxic agenda.
Excellent post Odin….!
Also Charles de Menezes was assassinated, not murdered. Why? Who knows.
They executed him by firing several bullets into his skull at point blank range, lied about his movements saying he ran when by all accounts he was just another calm pedestrian, etc. One of the police was a soldier on secondment aka hired black bagger.
The irony is that they ‘mistakenly’ confused him for a black suspect. Charles was Brazilian but white as fuck.
Police intelligence.
The greatest oxymoron in history.
Intel fucked up and wrongly identified De Menezes as an islamic terrorist on his way to a suicide hit.
De Menezes was an electrician and his work visa had run out and when challenged he understandably had it away on his toes, got cornered in a train carriage and even though the CCTV showed he had no “suicide vest” etc he got blown to pieces.
Fast forward to permanent Police lies, distortions, fabrications and cover ups – and if they can do this with nobody whatsoever held accountable how safe do we all feel?.
Jean Charles De Menezes was a completely innocent man who was murdered because some fucking pinhead somewhere got it badly wrong.
Cressida Dickhead and Kweer Starmer have De Menezes’s blood all over their hands.
Dead due to colour blindness.
What the fuck has it got to do with them? The cunts.
‘Thousands of people have gathered across central London to protest against the killing of an unarmed black man by police in the US.’
Have these virtue signalling wankers nothing better to do? The crowd of cunts pictured is predominantly white. No doubt middle class and of course from fucking London. They obviously know fuck all about the circumstances, right or wrong.
Wouldn’t these fucking cretins be better employed protesting about the knife crime in London? Or, if they want to stick their virtuous noses into another overseas problem how about the farm murders in South Africa. Or the black on black murders wherever the fuckers have settled. Particularly in the USA.
What a collection of cunts.
I believe that the courts are best placed to make judgements…..not mobs. This was very close to lynch mob hysteria
You are quite right in your post…spot on.
BLM and Antifa UK
We’ve all seen the news reports from the colonies showing a copper with his knee of the neck of that bloke. Looks bad, got to say.
But the cop has lost his job (as have the others who failed to stop his death). I’m pretty sure he’ll end up in a prison full of dark keys out for revenge too. I’m half expecting him (and the others) to top himself as life in prison in such circumstances would be unbearable. It’s bad enough if an ex cop goes to prison. Imagine in that circumstance? Let’s see what happens.
But wait, let’s protest. Indeed,let’s burn our own neighbourhoods to the fucking ground and loot the stores. It’s the decent thing to do, right?
While one can ‘almost’ understand such things going on in the USA (the country in which the incident took place), what the fuck are BLM and Antifa doing trying to stir up similar shit in blighty?
It’s fuck all to do with us. Such things never happen here. And if you forgot, you twats at BLM UK/Antifa UK, there is a fucking pandemic going on right now.
No, these cunts are just itching to cause bother and mass civil unrest. Nothing more, nothing less.
Release the hounds!
Storm in a teacup.
Accidental death.
English irony at it’s finest! ?
Morning Miserable.?
Morning Ruff.
Tbh got a big job on and was in a rush!?
Storm in a crack pipe!
Trump has just designated ANTIFA (the left’s brownshirts) as a terrorist organisation.
This should be entertaining, seeing middle class white crusties locked up in a supermax prison with the likes of ISIS.
The BAME protesters over here protesting something that happened thousands of miles away are just looking for an excuse to riot and get a new pair of Nike clown shoes and a big screen TV with a 5 finger discount.
Did anyone else notice that the vast majority of protesters in the UK were whiter than pure driven snow?
Virtue signalling arse flake leftist bellends.
Never seen so many white people in one place.
Have you never seen Last Night At The Proms then GG? ?
Ain’t that kultured is I .
Likewise GG – I’m not off until they do a storming set by Barry Manilow!
Boris should also declare the nazi thugs of Antifa an illegal terrorist organisation – imagine the wickle tears running down Owen Jones’ face (not the first viscous material cascading down his face I imagine) as his violent little boyfriends got bounced into prison – where the fuckers should be.
Would any other species of animal destroy its own environment ? … No.
Meanwhile the National Association of Black Police Officers are issuing dire warnings about ‘ Powder Keg ‘ Britain.
That’s responsible, it’s almost as if they yearn for mayhem against ‘ wicked whitey ‘.
The human race can Get To Fuck.
Good morning.
Turned out nice again.
Possibly we should for a response from the National Association of White Police Officers.
The very fact that the Black Police Assosciation, is a racist statement in its own right is abomnible.
Much like Kehinde Andrews, “Professor of black studies”?
Be different when I’m Prime Minister! (And utterly terrifying!)
Yeee-haaa, free tvs.
Me’s gonna get me a 60-inch widescreen mofo, some headphones, noo threads, and der ain’t nuthin’ yo racist ass can do ’bout it.
Yo fam, gimme some o’dem bricks
“Yankeedoddle Riots”…..that’s the whole point isn’t it?…it’s a yankedoodle problem…nothing to do with any Cunt over here. I’m sick of seeing the disruption and cost caused by a bunch of self-righteous busybodies and professional shitstirrers who think that protesting in London about something that has happened thousands of miles away will make a difference…it wont.
No idea about the rights and wrongs of this case and care even less….what Earthly difference can it make to me that some criminal (whatever his colour) has died? I’m unlikely to ever be arrested in America for passing forged notes so it’s unlikely that I’ll end up with some obese Septic-tank kneeling on my throat. It’s also unlikely that this Dark-Key,had he not been killed,would ever be in a position to do anything for me,so ,again…why should I care what happened to him?
There may well be an ingrained racist attitude in the American Police force…so what?..it’s not my affair,nor the affair of those scruffy Cunts who take it upon themselves to cause so much disruption.
Black Lives Matter….not to me,they don’t….nor the lives of any other coloured Cunt who I’m bloody unlikely to ever have dealing with either.
Fuck the lot of them…what happens abroad has about as much relevance to me as what happens on the Mars.
“nor the lives of any other coloured Cunt “…should read “the lives of Cunts of any other colour….be they black,white,yellow or any shade inbetween”
#BAME Lives Batter
White lives matter. Ooh,sorry – just remembered I aren’t allowed to say that.
I watched a video of an African American trying to tie the shoe laces of a police office together for 8 minutes. Now Floyd was unarmed – Why? The only people in the US who can’t buy guns as wonderfully advised by MNC last week are dangerous fellons!!
He was that dangerous he wasn’t even allowed to purchase a gun….no wonder the skinny white cop just sat there….
Now we have got middle class, middle aged, English white women telling me what it is like to be an African American. World has gone fucking mad! CUNTS!
Only one winner here…….the Tangoman. Most Yanks don’t live or go anywhere near the big cities, they are watching it on the telly just like us, although fucking hours of it. There seems to be an undercurrent that this is Antifa’s little war, there certainly seems to be an awful lot of white cunts involved.
Anyway at some point there has to be a crackdown, they have to get control and Tango will get the credit for cleaning up the streets just in time for the election. A few dead white cunts dressed in black would be useful.
Set the Green Berets on the cunts… ?
For fuck’s sake. This again.
When you consider the mindless violent tyranny that the police in America foster, you would have to be an utter fuckwit to
A: do anything wrong at all
B: not raise your hands in surrender in their presence (even if they’re not there for you)
C: argue/question/disagree with them in any way at all.
If I lived in America the first fucking thing I would do is get a bloody job with them. Why wouldn’t you?
Exactly! Big gun, donuts for breakfast, perfect job!
Nice too see you about Cuntflap!?
Thanks MNC, hope you’re both well and busy.
I really think it’s a case of the old addage “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
Or rather in this case “we’ll be beating them for sure, so make sure you’re on our side, now where’s my state sanctioned .44 and nightstick? YEEHAW!”
“If you can’t beat them shoot them – but watch out for the people recording it”!
Sounds an awful thing to say, but blacks in America kind of bring this on themselves due to their behaviour.
I nearly pooped my cacks in 1991 in Texas. Was on my road trip from NY to San Francisco with my cousin I was driving a beaten up but totally reliable 1972 Chevy Nova with the Lap belt on ( not the full shoulder as different states have different rules ) anyway get pulled over for wearing wrong seatbelt by this stereotypical highway cop. You know , cowboy hat mirror glasses fucking obese. I wind down the window and he explained why I was stopped. Yes officer no officer I say.
Where’s your driving licence he asks so I go for my wallet in my pack pocket.
Looking at what looked like a fucking howitzer pointed at my face within a nanosecond of me reaching behind for my wallet instilled a fear of any yank cop to this day.
Don’t fuck with da Po-leece. They got dem guns ya’ll.
My Brother had the same in Florida – lost, pulled up near a cop car, walked towards it to ask for for directions to hear a deafening “STOP!” and seeing a cannon pointing at his face.
I bet that loosened his arse! ?
Spot on cunting Lord of the Rings.
Zappa still sadly apposite after all these years:
(Trouble Every Day, 1966)
Oops – and Cuntstable Cuntbubble! ???
I find that strangely arousing.
Was it the intro from the horn section CC?
Took me a few seconds on google to find a honkey suffering a similar fate. He was mentally ill too. Makes it even worse, doesn’t it?
I don’t remember the lootin’ tootin’ shootin’ going on in Dallas right after it.
I bet there are loads of other incidents of honkies being killed like this (can’t be arsed checking).
But let’s have a fucking riot. Just (another) pathetic excuse for D’Shaun to grab a new 60 inch TV and a MacBook. I hope Trump orders the National Guard to mow the thieving cunts down in a hail of machine gun fire.
Indeed. There was another case I saw (body cam footage) a couple of years ago where police had been called to a domestic fight between some housemates. Three whites involved. One of them was quite high and despite a sedate protest turning into resist, ended up with 5 officers on him with his face pushed into the grass. He died on the scene from asphyxiation. My point being there was none of what we are witnessing currently. I can’t even find any trace of it or his name online, whilst beloved George’s name will now scribed into the fucking history books.
As every islamic terrorist atrocity has shown us very clearly – white lives don’t matter.
Had the dead felon been white, absolutely no fucks would be given. No marches, no demos, no celebrity tweets, no rioting. Tumbleweed.
And Al Beed need to stop calling them ‘protesters’.
Protesters don’t loot the shops and attack cops. Cunts.
Al Beeb ffs
Exactly. I saw 5 mins of shiity Beeb earlier and a headline read “Riot Police tackle Protesters” Err.. no. “Riot Police tackling Rioters” would be a more accurate description. This was accompanied by a piece showing two in a car getting tasered. No fucking context given as per usual, but a blind man on a galloping horse could see this pair had refused to exit the car, and the driver had refused to roll his window down and ratchet woman was highly agitated and very unpredictable looking.
It’s common knowledge the US Police don’t fuck around (at any time) when people in vehicles are involved, and for good reason judging by how many get shot at or run over.
I see the loonies protesting in London were also flying the Palestinian flag. You see this everywhere the lefties are trying to foment trouble. I can see it all kicking off in Tottenham soon as they all need new tellies and trainers.
They could always nip round to “well known football tough guy” Dele Alli’s place if they fancy some pricey watches! ?
Black lives matter to middle class white wankers and looters. Otherwise, blacks killing blacks is the norm.
More whites are killed by the police in America than blacks. There are thousands of black on black murders every year. “Black lives matter~” couldnt give a stuff about them. Riots following a black killed by police only occur in Democrat controlled states or swing states. Wonder why?
And well done to Idaho, Mississippi and Vermont as the only States that didn’t riot yesterday…..thought Mississippi would have kicked off.
As I said in a nom yesterday, there is no reason to assume the police officer knelt on George Floyd’s neck because he was black.
Most of the media and some people see a white officer and a black man and they make their own assumption that there is a racial motivation with absolutely zero evidence. Sure, we all have inclinations about people but to burn things to the ground (including around your country’s presidential residence) based on them is, well, a bit extreme shall we say, especially when the officer was charged very quickly.
It happens to white people by white officers too, 55% of people killed in America by police officers are white (for a bad-ish case, see Kelly Thomas) but if that can’t be racially motivated, then what was the motivation? Maybe the copper was having a bad day, maybe he’s sick of criminals committing murder, going to court and getting let off with a fine, maybe he accidentally switched over to James O’Brien on LBC, maybe he’s an arsehole, maybe a lot of things.
“55% of people killed in America by police officers are white”
To put that into context, you would have to point out that 45% of those killed are black and they represent only 15% of the total population. LDL&S.
We’ve seen the distortion of figures also with the Coronavirus. This is a clear warning not to consider a career as a statistician. Besides, try telling someone what your job is after 10 pints.
You’ve made the assumption above that the rest are black. (definitely don’t consider being a statistician)
27% killed were Black and 19% Hispanic.
So now we have 27% killed black compared to 13% black population.
But to really put it in to context, you would have to look at crime rates. If the % of crime committed by blacks is greater than their % in the population, you would expect the amount having to be shot by police to be greater, in fact, you would have to look at violent crime that requires discharge of lethal force (police don’t often shoot people for tax fraud).
55% of murders in the US are committed by black people, let’s take that as a proxy for violent crime.
So even though 55% of murders are committed by black people, only 27% of police officer lethal discharges are on black people (and many of those would be done by black officers as well).
If you someone was saying blacks are unfairly shot, you would expect those figures to be say reversed.
Of course, this is back of the envelope but for someone 9 pints deep, it’s the best I can do.
These rioters don’t exactly help their cause do they? All they’re doing is providing more ammo for the people they claim to be rioting against.
Funny though, if the fella that died was white – nobody would give a shite. Now da effniks are all in fear of their lives. Ironically, it should really be that da effniks should be in fear of da uvver effniks if they really understood how to interpret crime statistics – but those stats have all been made up by whitey and I’m ‘too privileged’ to understand, innit bro?
They should be dealt with by the army.
Machine gun them and run over the bodies in tanks.
Fucking useless thieving vermin.
Report that cry baby BBC.
Now fuck off.
Events are starting to move quite quickly now and civil war is coming. It’ll be fought across racial lines in the US, and religious lines here in Europe. In both cases, the ‘enemy’ will be aided and abetted by the useful idiots of the left, Antifa etc etc. We shall live through interesting times….
Soyboy cuck Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob FAY, either popped out the same rancid cunthole as his Cana-cuck counterpart, TURDEAU, or else both were hatched from the same zygote in Soros’s test-tube swamp of Stygian shit.
Still out there encouraging MSM, BLM, BAME, LBGTQXYZ; add any of the endless list of acronyms for demonic scourage; to focus on the so-called ’cause’ of this shitstorm (to which there is reportedly more to come out about the history between Floyd and the cop), rather than the ‘symptom’ – which is, the tendency of certain folk to revert to rioting and looting at the drop of a hat.
Can’t get my head round the fact blacks and snowflakes protest in london regarding events in the states again! Black lives matter my fucking arse no more than anyone else’s lives you rascist anti white selfish cunts i wonder why the bloke was stopped in the first place? As for the shit cunt protesters here fuck of to the states and protest there, one sam commented he wants to be treated equal in society ok have a word with the rest of your community to stop the high crime fucking rate for a start or fuck off back to africa full of equals there you cunts
Watching the scenes of the looters 99.99% of them are black.
The irony is just incredible.
I watched a clip on the news of two young black gentlemen loading huge TV’s onto a trolley, maybe its some form of Voodoo ritual that will resurrect George Floyd from death? If they steal enough TV’s then maybe he’ll come back to life even quicker?
He might come back from the dead to get a TV of his own
Protesting is fine
Burning buildings and cars, not so fine
Looting is the inevitable result when the great unwashed (mainly black) have the cover of the above.
UK protesting, cunts, I would have some respect if they had the slogan ‘All Lives Matter’, they seem to forget the pandemic message ?
The facts are a convicted armed robber got into an altercation with a copper he likely knew and the copper went way over the top and restrained the fella in a way likely to end the fellas life. The copper has been sacked and is now charges with murder.
A real investigation is required.
Meanwhile sections of da community will continue to gun each other down and fuck all will be said.
The black community is being agitated by Antifa leftists who want civil war to overthrow capitalism and establish communism in America.
I feel for the normal folk black and white just trying to live out a decent life surrounded by cunts.
Nail strikes the head.
Although it’s not just Antifa leftists, ever since George Zimmerman (and going even back to the 1930’s), the Democratic party have jumped on these types of events, whether true or not, to encourage black people and ethnic minorities in America to vote for them…
“If I had a kid, he would look a lot like Trayvon Martin” – Barack Obama
“If I had a kid I would spend most of their life in prison for violent crime, and pay fuck all child support if I wasn’t as I would be on welfare and prefer weed and fried chiggun to supporting my offspring”.
Every black Man in America, forever.
Aside from the usual dindu nuffins looking for a new, free 60″ Panasonic TV, looking at pictures from yesterday’s London protests, it appears that a fair few number of Tarquins and Annabellas were there, protesting for their dear black brederen. Just look at the blonde one in the blue dress arrested in the link:
As many esteemed cunters have observed above, black people aren’t the only race killed by the US Po-leese. Therefore it is not a clear cut racist murder. Still, this is meat and gravy for the likes of the antagonist BLM and Antifa, who have been praying for something like this to justify a protest in London.
It is the white, middle class, thick-as-a-castle-wall arseholes who join in with this nonsense that should be feeling the warm buzz of a tazer on their bollocks or axe wound. Take theri student loans away. The cunts.
I cannot vouch for its accuracy, but I’ve read that Chauvin and Floyd worked for the same security firm. If that’s true, there may have been some bad blood, race may have nothing to do with this incident.