Woke channel 4 adverts.

Well fuck me with a slowly rotating pineapple, i have just picked up my tablet to cunt channel 4,s latest fucking add, so picture the scene we have a motley crew of ethnic flavours riding on what looks like a raft landing on the beach at Dover, until it starts to walk out of the sea and its the giant channel four logo complete with a new batch of benefit, housing, healthcare claiming free loaders getting ready to jump off as soon as they touch dry land and scatter like fucking cockroaches to the nearest immigration solicitors office to claim their new life at our expense all fucking sponsored by channel four.
What a bunch of cunts channel 4 are, they are glorifying illegal immigration, that’s just fucking great, thank you channel four well done you cunts….

Nominated by Fuglyucker

Well fuck me sideways, so it does, maybe they are competing for the BBC audience?

60 thoughts on “Woke channel 4 adverts.

  1. And they were just left there to fend for themselves? It’s a damn disgrace. Where was their fucking taxi?

    • the middle class wankers who normally help them are to busy at dark key lives matter protests.

    • No, they beat up the white businessman who was with them and stole his money to pay for their taxis to the benefits office, where they will steal money from the rest of us.

      Our homeless veterans will remain on the streets so these freeloading illegals can have roofs over their heads. Our elderly will die from the Chinese plague because these illegals will jump in front of them for healthcare. Our children’s education will suffer because teachers and time will be wasted teaching the sprogs of these illegals to speak broken English: “Geeve me mar-neee”.

      And of course, the Home Office will fail to deport these cunts and will be stopped from doing so by left-wing yuman rites lawyers and judges, financed by legal fucking aid, paid for by us.

      Channel 4 are cunts and so are the fucking illegals rowing across the English Channel.

  2. I nominated this giant cunt logo a few months ago, yet it ceases to appear …

  3. Fuck me. C4 are basically admitting that they’re helping illegals land in the UK.

    They are by promoting their woke shite.

    Has Jon ‘I hate myself because I’m white’ Snow commented on all those white faces in one place at the BLM protests yet?

    • Jon Snow should make like the Reddit founder and give his job up to a BAME.

      Channel 4 are biased cunts and they top off their bias with trash tv as well, like a pie of bias and trash.

    • I hope Jon Snot becomes so distressed that he kills himself.

      With any luck, a load of pathetic, drivelling, soy-boy cunts and SJW cunts would follow suit, by jumping off the cliffs at Dover, hopefully killing a load of gimmegrunt cunts as well.
      The cunts.

  4. Fuck me, I almost spat out my tea at Channel 4s woke fuckery, but in all honesty C4 has always been far left excriment, Thankfully with the idiot box now in the skip, such cuntish things don’t befall my eyes, unless I go to the beach I suppose, cunts to man and beast Channel 4!

    • My telly was thrown away years ago. It was channel 4 and jon snow who tipped me over the edge, when barak obama was first elected president. all cunts

  5. C4 news is probably even more biased than the BBC, it leans heavily towards the woke, feminist, BAME, pro-immigrant agenda. The unjust attacks on Nigel Farage and Aaron Banks were never apologised for.

    All the roving reporters are effnik. They are the only ones C4 consider qualified to comment on effnik issues.

    C4 was always a bit radical from the very start in 1982 but now it seems to have totally surrendered its output to the minorities.

  6. No points for realism. That one with the Gimmigrants being delivered by the giant dustbin robot is the most ridiculous. Half of them are women, they aren’t wearing new trainers, they haven’t got smart phones, and the bearded men don’t look anything like the angry terrorists on the rafts.

    • Yeh, remember those days as a teenager. As soon as I was given a TV for my room, was happy to go to bed a bit earlier, close the door and put Channel 4 on.
      Only to observe from an artistic perspective though; need to make that clear….

  7. I did enjoy C4 in my teenage years when the channel was quite new. They had, if memory serves me right, films on at about midnight with a red triangle in the top corner. It was pretty much smut dressed as art. Usually subtitled and you were guaranteed to see not only tits, but snatch too. And quite a bit of it.

    Was a godsend to a randy teenager like myself back in the pre-internet days. Grumble was almost impossible to get back then for 14 year old monkey spankers.

    But now, there is no use for the cunts. They’ll be gone in few years imo, up their own woke arseholes.

  8. Channel 4 is a strange mixture of the deadly pseudo-intellectual Guardianista and the tits-and-bums-saucy-seaside-postcard-Daily Star, kiss-me-quick meets the thinking man’s Germaine Greer.

    On the one hand po-faced shitstains like Jon Snow rubs shoulders with Naked Attraction. The coarsest TV imaginable with the most pretentious prejudiced horseshit. It is what BBC1 hopes it grows into one day.

    Even Mrs Boggs stopped watching Countdown after Richard Whitely died, but it is still on after 38 years.

    One good piece of news old New Labour queen James Purnell failed to get the Director General’s job yesterday – the woke are upset an American woman of colour didn’t get the job, and Purnell will be wearing out the knees on another pair of trousers as he sucks the new DGs dick.

    • That naked attraction shit makes channel five look classy. Freak show doesn’t nearly cover it.

      • “Beeb got a new boss, same as the old boss”..
        We all get fooled again.

      • Channel 4? Last time I watched that ducky shite Brookside was still going!!
        “Aww ey She, de union said we woz going on strike, de did do dint de do…”
        You see my message on the life insurance nom?

      • MNC, in my mind I imagined the deaded Derek Acorah fella saying that. Dog bless him and his pal Sam.

      • Woooo, its dead Derek here like Spoons,
        Dead sam has a message from der afterlife for you!
        Says de dont do dat angel delight in heaven!
        Can youse send us some like kid?

      • MNC, if you have the address, I’ll be happy to send them packets of Angel Delight. One of each flavour. Some milk as well.
        Do they have the necessary tools in heaven to make it?
        Mixing bowl, electric whisk, measuring jug, and a fridge?

        If not, Deaded Fanny Craddock might be able to let them borrow then, perhaps?

  9. Ive seen a few more of these bollocks channel four ads since with the logo that looks like the legs from a sawn up coffee table, they are all crap, logo in street kicks football through window and runs off with scrote kids, nice example, but my favourite is the spasticated Forrest Gump asthmatic channel four logo running after the wheelchairs until his welds fail and it falls on the floor in a pile, all we need now is some pikeys turn up and chuck the wreckage on the back of a tranny pick up with high sides and wisk it around to the nearest scapyard to weigh the fucker in , now that would be great…..but channel four are still cunts

  10. The ad pictured makes me want a middle launcher. Incoming………

    Channel 4 Propaganda broadcasts for the NWO


  11. Can’t fucking believe they thought it’d be fine to think that’s acceptable and it got passed to transmit WHAT THE LIVING FUCK IS GOING ON!!! should show them being blown out of the water then being picked off by fucking machine gun and cannon fire as they try clinging to drift wood proper cunts

  12. Crapping Christ! This great stomping automaton is supposed to be adorable? I say we find out where this pylon lives and – to quote Corporal Hicks of ‘Aliens’ – nuke the site from orbit!

  13. It may come as some surprise to learn that Channel 4, like the BBC, is a publicly owned organisation. The main difference being that Channel 4 is largely funded by commercial advertising.

    Originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), the station is currently owned and operated by Channel Four Television Corporation, a public corporation of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, which was established in 1990.

    Therefore Channel 4 is basically the BBC with adverts. Biased toward the Left and unashamedly Woke.

    And CUNTS.

  14. These poor people coming over from France are only and understandably escaping oppression, war and violence.
    Yep France must be pretty damned horrible these days that’s for sure.

    • Indeed SH – France is full of frenchies and muslims – who the fuck would want to live with them? ?

  15. If that thing is made of chink steel it will drop to bits in a couple of Months!
    Why are channel 4 not investigating Saudi Arabia funding muslim people traffickers to bring muslims (but only the Sunni muslims) to the UK?
    ALL the MSM and most of society are at this, it is crazy – and hard payback will inevitably come – enough is enough.

  16. The final three seconds of this, what I would call, short promotional film for Channel 4 being a medium for reporting and documenting equality and rights issues (I would assume) focuses on about 8 individuals out of the 20 or so that were helped onto the cliff by the humanoid logo.

    The producers of this film decide to frame these 8 individuals in a way that would seem palatable and reassuring to the viewer with initial concerns about what the ‘logo had just done.
    We have very smart and respectable lady of African appearance in her fine freshly laundered silks. 2 Equally fresh and appealing children of dark colour, one with a brand new teddy bought from Clinton’s a few days ago. A typical Roma looking woman in her 50’s or 60’s, again very clean. Then we have the white immigrants. One male around 30-40 dressed like a ready and willing construction worker with his newly issued work gear including helmet. A man that could easily pass for the Managing Director of a large company in his tailored suit. A female doctor in white coat desperate to attend to the patients that have to wait 4 hours in A&E judging by the concerned look on her face. Lastly there is another suited and booted man of Asian appearance in the background, no doubt a much needed value producer.

    Simply, they aim to control and manipulate our perceptions of the world around us by feeding us what they want us to see. It’s idealistic, it’s disingenuous, it’s woke, it’s a cunt!

  17. The sole aim of channel Four was to be a platform for the far left, from day 1. Even its original soap opera Cuntside was centred around the “struggle” of da working classes.
    It champions every thing that dismantles the family, decency and anything “British”.
    It preaches tolerance yet is intolerant of anything it considers institutionally British.
    Top cunting from the OP-the video of the raft bringing in illegals perfectly encapsulates the values Channel Four hold dearest.

  18. Anyway, everybody knows bringing immigrants into the country is the job of the UK Border Agency….

  19. A nice reminder that not watching TV is paying off for me. If I saw that advert the remote would most likely get cannon blasted into the screen.

    The fuck is that giant thing anyway? It’s like the retarded runt brother of the iron man (robot in the kids story, not the narcissist billionaire dc comics character).

    • That advert, along with the others, stopped me watching television for life.
      Can’t stop paying the TV tax due to my roommate ?

    • The brass eye programme on p*edophilia was superb!
      Pissed myself laughing at that one.

      • The producers at Channel 4 could definitely use a bit of the old Joss Ackland’s Spunky Backpack, Hattie Jacque’s Pretentious Cheese Wog, or some Chronic Basildon Donut.

  20. The great irony is that in the video above the thing looks like it’s heiling Hitler

  21. Blair Peach was a cunt. Why don’t the rozzers dish out the same to the BLM wankers?

    • Good point.
      The narrative of most adverts seems to be:
      Most British families are black/mixed race/Asian or embarrassing white middle class, usually with a fuckwit father figure who is the butt of the “joke”.
      Obama vision at its finest.
      Bring back the classics like the chimps damaging pianos and other property………oh hang on,
      that was all over the media last week???

      • Don’t forget benders proposing to each other or getting married in ads.

  22. For everyone of those filthy bastards landing on our beaches, the hope for a better future for our country diminishes.
    A day of reckoning must happen for cunts like c4 and the bbc, and soon.
    There is no honest reporting on our screens which reflect the views of the silent majority.
    Soft mint silly bollocks Boris had better start following the lead of his idol, Churchill and start standing up to these preaching woke cunts.

    • “Net” migration (a bullshit government word) was over 200,000 people last year (as it has been for ever of the preceding years). 400,000 arrived and 2000,000 left. However, we all know that it was probably 400,000 hard-working, intelligent and skilled people who left, to be replaced by 200,000 of the world’s wasters and scum. Not a good swap.

  23. They are all cunts,

    I have just received an email from BBCunts, reference Maitlisgate.

    They admit that the introduction did not meet the required standards of impartially, the punishment for newsnight, FUCK ALL, ‘Our staff have been reminded of the guidelines’

    They can’t sack Maitlis, she is up for an award for he stunning interview of Air Miles which a chimp could have done just as well.

    Just as a reminder this was the usual Maitlis, ‘I speak for the whole country’ over the Dom C ‘scandal’

  24. Well, we’re agreed. Now what do we do about it? “For the triumph of woke shite it is only necessary that good men do nothing”, as someone didn’t quite succeed in saying. Who needs to get the message, and how does it get there?

    A bit of heresy: ISAC is a bastion of free opinion. But it is a lightning-rod, too. It at least partially discharges the righteous anger many of us are obviously feeling at the travesty of a country this has become. It ” gets it out of your system”. It assists the hyperliberal agenda.

    I’m asking myself what I can do, who I can influence, how I can promote the values that were occasionally beaten into me and are now disappearing. All viable suggestions welcome

    • K – we need a new political party. The people’s party.
      The “disappeared” working class have no voice, rights, representation or future – this is ethnic cleansing.
      Align itself with the principles and values of the Brexit Party (which I am a member of) guaranteeing a large voter base and do what Trump does very successfully in the US – pay no attention to the whining socialist shit and appeal to the Millions and Millions who have been screwed over.
      We have nobody in our corner. Which is just plain wrong.
      Vote Fox! ?

      • Remember- these SJW cunts are the noisey minority, most remotely intelligent free thinking folk see this excrement for what it is.
        See the Brexit and general election results.
        British politics needs a good shaking up, hopefully recent events will be the catalyst to positive change.
        Fuck the cult of lefty liberalism.

      • Evening Vern.

        By “member” of the Brexit Party I assume you mean you’re a ‘registered supporter’, as the BP does not have members in the traditional sense, its structure being unique among major British political parties.

        This is because Sir Nigel was concerned EDF and BNP supporters would sign up thereby damaging the party’s media profile and would put off moderate cunts from voting for the party.

        The BP initially intended to organise itself similarly to UKIP, but changed its constitution regarding membership soon after registering with the Electoral Commission.

      • Indeedy RTC – various Politicians were demanding to know the details of every person who had contributed financially – whilst refusing to reveal who backed them financially.
        Step forward Lady Starmer..

  25. Strangely enough the viewing figures for woke bollox has plummeted the more the cunts insist were the problem .80 seat majotity and a Trump landslide will show the cunts if they want a war they can have one.. it’s been a long time coming. There will only be one winner.

  26. Id never seen that ad of the gimmeegrants arriving……now I have my Blood pressure is astronomical. I don’t want carpet kissing , serengheti, buffalo piss drinkers in my country! Fuck em all, and certainly fuck channel 4 Cunts.

  27. Satire is no longer relevant when this sort of shite is peddled with a straight face.

    Does channel four show anything worth watching these days? I think the last time I watched it was for Peep Show. I’d record a week’s worth of Countdown and fast forward through the yapping, but haven’t watched it for years, definitely not since that labour cunt presents it.

    I’d call them channel cunt but that title is held by bbc1.

  28. I bet that fucking giant 4 cunting thing got an escort by the French Navy

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