Whitey (2)

We all deserve to die

White People.

I’m sick of being white, soon as you’re born you are a racist, you’re burdened by white privilege. Being white you’re responsible for every slave sold to your white forefathers (even though your forefathers owned pretty much just the clothes they toiled in). If I was black no cunt would be on my back even if my family were in the slave trade, rounding up other blacks and selling them to white racists.

I’m sick of being accountable for my own actions, I’m sick of being accountable for every white person that ever lived.

If I was black I could write shit music or shit poetry and all the white cunts would love me. If I was black I could be a criminal and get a state funeral when I died maybe?

If I was black I could riot and be called a hero, I could loot and white cunts would post on Twitter defending me, saying I was just taking back from the masters. If I was black loads of silly white cunts would protest for my rights to be greater than theirs.

If I was black I’d be in for a share of the 4 trillion worth of repatriations BLM are demanding.

Fuck me, white supremacy isn’t the crack I’d been led to believe. If I was black the police would be wary of stopping me going about my lawful or erm yes business.

Hey ho, I was born a white devil and I’ll die a white devil.

White cunts no matter

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

77 thoughts on “Whitey (2)

  1. Bloody hell, where is the boot Polish, I wanna be black, this fucking white skin is holding me back!!

  2. Anyone who thinks that BLM will settle for what they are currently demanding is a fool. We all see the similarities between the rise of BLM and Adolf Hitler. Once they gain a little the demands increase.

  3. Why would anybody want to be black?

    Fuck me, I’d rather be nematode worm than a khun!

  4. You should take a look at what’s going on in Seattle. The “protesters” have started their own country called the Capitol Hill Authority Zone (CHAZ) . They have set up borders (which they don’t believe in) some rapper called Raz has appointed himself in charge (which they don’t believe in) and him and his thug mates beat people up (which they don’t believe in) who have broken the rules ( which they also don’t believe in)
    One of these idiots sent this Twitter………” the homeless people have taken our food. Please bring vegan meat substitutes, fruit, oats, soy products, anything you can.”

    Seriously, i’m not making this shit up.??? To solve their problems some cunts have dug up the grass and planted vegetables. Unfortunately sitting staring at the ground hasn’t made the tomatoes grow yet. ?? It’s like a bunch of kids playing at grown ups?. Good luck to the woke people of CHAZ. You’re going to need it you soppy cunts.


    • The only seeds this bunch are planting are those of their own destruction. I look forward to harvest time.

      • Or those of black and brown chaps in the bellies of white girls. They’ll need to ditch that vegan diet when they”re carrying Rameses Burundi the Third.

        The white boys will look on approvingly and provide for the infant, sacrificing their own meagre rations for mother and Rameses the second.
        ‘Now get outta here wyboi!’

    • Not much of an economy knitting hemp beanies for layabouts, sorry, ‘citizens’ or trading mung beans for toilet paper.

    • The Donald isn’t happy. I hope he carries through with his threat and sends in some skull crushers to take the city back.

      What a fucking joke all this is. Even bigger joke, the BBC’s narrative on this. You can guess, I’m sure…

  5. Let’s do the Historical reparations on a persecution level. The most persecuted group in history are the Jews, they have had pogroms and death camps, they would have loved to have been slaves but no they were killed by the millions. Therefore everyone White, black brown or yellow. Christian Muslim, Rasta Hindi or Sikh should dip in their pockets and pay back what is owed to the Poor Jews.

    How does that sound to BLM – not so appealing now. We owe all owe Mushi a couple of grand each and BLM you ain’t entitled to a dime shit of anything left over because there won’t be anything left. Fairs fair in my book.

    • Stalin killed between 4 and 8 million Ukrainians in the early 1930’s but that cunt Vladimir is really fucking uncooperative in paying any reparations.

      • I recall that we had a Ukrainian girl at my primary school in the early 1960s, Olga kamosh. She got bloody uppity if you called her Russian. As the years went by and I studied History I discovered where she was coming from in her hatred of Russians.

      • She was a decent, sweet natured lass. Just don’t mention the Russians; I did it once but I think I got away with it.

    • Jews owned slave ships, Arabs traded slaves, Africans enslaved Africans, where do these clowns want to go with this?

      • Yes, as we unfold the pages of History the more revealing the pages are. And the cunts don’t like it as most of them can’t read let alone understand.
        Sit back and enjoy.

      • Not there as it doesn’t fit their narrative
        Judging historical figures and their actions by today’s Libertard PC standards is grossly unfair , nobody would come out of that scrutiny unblemished……
        Maybe the unions will start prosecuting companies for theIr treatment of workers in the 1900,s ?

        It’s utter bollocks …….

  6. Ha ha ha…I fucking love it! The wife and I are so fucking white it’s disgusting and our two daughters are so fucking ayran Hitler would have shot his load. Fuck the uppity spade cunts. So, have BLM bottled tomorrow or not?

    • Whiteys held me back all my life.
      Raised poor on a council estate=whitey
      Stabbed in fight=fuckin whitey
      No further education= bet that was whitey too
      Everything I own Ive struggled to buy = whitey
      Worked my arse off to own my home, vehicles,business=dam whitey!
      Why wasnt it just given me?
      Maybe I should chuck my toys out of the pram and get someones attention?
      That whiteys royally screwed me!

      • Stop your whining Casper.

        Afternoon Miserable, you and your white privilege winning?

      • Holding my own LL, afternoon.
        Feel sorry for decent black people who want a quiet life, a lot of this is stirred up by cultural marxist types, but when the lines are drawn..
        Come out swinging.
        No sure how I feel about the dog LL?
        Got a black face!
        Think she’ll turn on me??

      • Oh I’m sure if you take the knee and a bag of bones from the butchers you’ll be fine.

  7. I’m no longer white…over the last few days I have become an alarming shade of puce. It actually complements the steam coming out of my ears rather nicely…I’m like one of those fucking cartoon steam-engines that is set to explode. Few more days of this and it won’t just be the old pick-op that has a blown head-gasket..it’ll be fucking me too.

    It’s like living in some bizarre Hollywood film….”Down the Rabbit Hole” or possibly “Down the Shithole” would be a good title.

    • Afternoon Fiddler, I know what you mean. Tom and Jerry, Gone with the Wind and Faulty Towers to name but a few, all hotbeds of white supremacy and racism. Now this ‘new’ country in Seattle, something similar will happen over here no doubt, a bunch of soap dodging scroungers living in their own shit.

    • So can we look forward to a Hollywood blockbuster- The Life of Fiddler?
      Would you, in these enlightened times , prefer to have a black actor depict you? Even better , one who has embraced ‘The Gayness’ ?
      I shall be first I the queue at the local cinema armed with popcorn and an extra large hotdog.

      • Jimmy Nail…before he caught The Gayness and started singing obviously?

      • Spoons, which ethnic actor would you pick to play you in a film?
        Id like Arnold from Different strokes or Mr T to play me in my autobiographical film.

      • MNC, I don’t know who would play the character of me.
        I wouldn’t mind a ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it’ walk-on part, though.
        A bit like that Stan Lee fella in those Spiderman films.
        I hope I don’t get run over, or get diarrhea again though hehe.
        (See those nominations I wrote).

      • P.s. apologies for the late reply. 🙂

        P.p.s I hope Headless Bethan would make a brief appearance, as well.

      • The Cunts would probably cast Woopi Goldberg as Fiddler just to add to my misery….

        Evening GG
        Evening All

  8. I predict that BLM will want to see white scalps taken before too long to push home the point they are serious about gaining black supremacy.

    Left unfettered by the government and police, this day isn’t too far away. You can see it coming a mile off.

    Statues today, ‘oppressive’ white man executions on the streets tomorrow. A white cop would be the bullseye. Is this really what it will take for the ‘white guilt’ to finally run dry? Will Yorkshire Tea crow the same support for BLM then?

    • Yorkshire Tea will be back pedalling very soon but it will be too late- sales fucked. After all, the BLM cunts only drink coffee at the tax dodger establishments.

  9. Off piste, but seeing Piers Morgan on the wall has made my weekend.

    I am sorely tempted to drop Piers a line by e-mail to inform him of his great, but unbeknown to him, achievement.

  10. Repatriations. Fucking lol.

    And what will they go and do with it? Buy a shitload of clothing and electric gadgetry, made by fucking slaves in the far east.

    Fuck these cunts. If it wasn’t for your fellow ancestral country/tribal men.. you know, the ones who sold your family line to the merchants, you would still be doing the tribal dance in the dirt.

    It’s not about pain. Unfortunately for these folk they haven’t been playing the society game all that long. They haven’t quite mastered the ‘hidden intent’ that makes diplomacy what it is. Their motivations are fucking transparent.

    • *Reparations.

      Though repatriations, with a token reparation of $3.50 for goodwill, might be a strategy going forward.

  11. I’ve already started!
    I’m now officially identifying as a monopedal black lesbian tranny Peaceful Rasta with mental health issues and my preferred pronoun is ‘they’. And may allah strike down any of you who think otherwise. Or should that be Haile Selassie? I’m confused. I need a safe space. Black Libtard Mongs.

    • I think that the gifted thinkers on this site will be giving you a very wide berth.

  12. Don’t worry because the dark keys are going to show us all how it’s done. They’ve started their own autonomous collective in Seattle (sounds like something from Python but it’s true). No more cops. They’re all knitting and planting vegan shite all over the city.

    Give them a few more weeks and they’ll be the richest and most developed economy on earth. Do you even realise how much money there is in lesbian intersectional poetry? Particularly of the dark key variety. They’re knitting each other scarves and beany hats out on the streets. An economy based on such things will be the envy of the world.

    Honestly, leave the cunts to it. No cops. Autonomous collective. Vegan shite and knitting.

    At first, I thought ‘I hope Trump sends in the army to crack skulls’. But on reflection, I’ve changed my mind.

    I can’t fucking wait to see it when it goes off and the Tarquins singing cumbaya get beaten to shite, while the place burns and the BLM cunts start killing each other.

    Leave them to it. Please.

    • Just cut off their phone signals, it’ll all be over in a couple of days. ?

    • Yep i have to agree. Leave them to get on with it but have a MOAB bomb ready to go if needed.

  13. Not me Gusset.
    I even spit black jelly babies back in the bag.
    Then burn the bag.

  14. Im going to start making overtures of peace.
    Start calling dark keys motherfuckers,
    Offering out free bananas,
    And telling the wimmin I like their wig.
    Blessed are the peacemakers.

  15. I’ve just taken delivery of my Pepe honk honk t shirt.
    It’s shoddily made but I’d expect nothing less from the little yellow bastards , I shall be wearing my latest attire tomorrow.

    Tum te tum.

  16. I sometimes have to pinch myself.

    Not only was I lucky enough to be born white, but also an Englishman! Thereby winning “first prize in the lottery of life,” as mega-racist Cecil Rhodes put it.

    And as if that wasn’t enough, I also belong to the 2% of wealthiest individuals in the World! In common with most other cunts living in the UK.

    Thank Dog I wasn’t born a nîg-nôg or a Pâki. They have my sympathy.

    • You forgot being morally superior, a sense of fair play and knowing God is on your side. ?

  17. I see that yet another crew of Hollywoke virtue-signallers are calling on white people to ‘take responsibility’. Yeah, let’s do what some mega-rich, elite cunts in Hollywood do, and live in the real world…
    I was deeply despondent this morning. Now I’m starting to get SERIOUSY pissed at ‘woke’ wankers everywhere. Fuck off and die you cunts. It’s time to send in the fucking army.

    • Glad you’re seeing things more rationally, Ron. Anger is the only appropriate response. How fucking dare they?

  18. It is laughable seeing those twat democrats in America taking the knee with a scarf draped round thier necks protesting against slavery. What the cunts fail to realise is that those Kente Stoles are those of the Ashanti tribe who actually sold captives from other tribes to European slave traders. What a bunch of brainless uneducated vote seeking cunts they are.

  19. I take no responsibility whatsoever for the idiotic behaviour of these filthy subhumans.
    If they carry on pressing the issue of BlackLiesMatter it will end in the oven for them.
    There will be a backlash that they really won’t like at all.
    Fuck em.

    • Dame Doreen has never paid for that piece of pure race baiting. Nobody should lose a child and to have one murdered is even worse but to canonise him is ridiculous. Why has no one ever asked the teachers who taught him at Bluecoats If he was a saint or Perhaps a member of a gang such as the zingers.

  20. Evening all.
    Hope all you Cunters are getting on your knees on Sunday. It’s the third anniversary of Grenfell.
    All Whitey’s fault. Doreen Lawrence says so!

    • I may be on my knees, probably do some cleaning, didn’t David Lammy’s entire extended family die in the Grenfell fire.

      • We let loads of dark keys into a city to the point that some districts are mostly black. Then when some blacks die in an accident in such areas (a dark key has a dodgy fridge that sets on fire), it’s whitey’s fault.

        Fuck off.

  21. Whitey built the World.
    Racist everybody else hates this fact and wants to destroy it and replace it with tyranny where whitey is the sublimated slave – fast forward a hundred Years if this happens and we are right back in the middle ages.
    This whitey will not have that.

  22. What i find most impressive about B.L.M movement, Is they way they have created and are maintaining a new phenomenon, which i like to call the Hierarchy of oppression.

    And of All of the poor, poor oppresed peoples of this world who also don’t have a pot to piss in, you’ve got it, the black africans have made it to the top.

    This isn’t about equality for them, its about wanting to be seen as the most mistreated race in the world.

    Its an amazing peice of misdirection, to force everyone to keep their noses ( and the police out of the ghettos ) so they can go about their ” business ” unhindered.

    And unfortunately for us the logic beating magic with their model is, when you point out the fact quite a lot of oppression in their communities is actually caused by themselves. You are called racist.

    I’m at a loss, why is it we can not call them out on their own oppression.

    Why is it that there is so many single parent families ?

    Why is it that residents will not help the police to remove the bad apples from their communities. ?

    Rather than expecting whitey to employ them
    Why are they not able to start community businesses for their own. ?

    And the biggest gripe of all.

    All of this bollocks about the massive wealth of this country gained off the lives of blacks sweat and tears.

    How are they so unaware that they do ALL actually have the same access to state education, healthcare, housing e.t.c
    no more no less, just the same as the poor white working class have.

    Instead of shouting about race, we should be arguing about finding solutions of helping people out of poverty.

    • I’m reporting you for reporting facts, that is now hate crime ,you’re a homoxenophobigotist and I claim £5.

    • Blacks had nothing to do with creating the BLM movement and maintaining the “Hierarchy of Oppression”, or the current protesting /rioting. Blacks don’t have the brains. The whole thing has been orchestrated by one almost dead man and his fluffy white pussycat: George Soros.

      • With the assistance of the terrorist organisation Antifa aided by fifty Years of left wing marxists infesting education, politics, MSM and the legal system – and this madness will continue until we get rid of them.

      • Learn from history RTC- finananciers have created , shaped and driven many regimes and movements for their own ends, for hundreds of years.
        Or do you know better? Do tell?

  23. Iam submitting a script, a ,’ Whitesplotation ‘ movie…the autobiography of Fred Dibnah, the bloke from Bolton who used demolish chimney’s….
    Samuel L Jackson , will play the part of Fred…’ ere bloody ell neegro’


    • “Reet – ahm gonna demolish that big ugly black monstrosity”.
      “Put the four by two down Fred – and that’s no way to speak about Anthony Joshua”! ?

    • Fuckin’ “A”

      “…..and I will smight down he who opresses me “brother’s” down t’ pit, an lay my vengeance down on you, ya buggers! When t’ chimney falls on’t the whitey, you will know ma name.
      Tha’ Mutter-fucka’s“

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