White people ashamed of being white.

I mean its a fairly obvious cunting really isn’t it?
These utter cunt SJW’s on so soshul meeja telling everyone how ashamed they are of being white. Utter, utter cunts.
They make me ashamed of being white.

Nominated by: Kunte Kunty

106 thoughts on “White people ashamed of being white.

  1. Good Morning

    You can’t help the colour of the skin you were born with but you can help being a cunt or not.

  2. No moral fibre whatsoever.
    Cowards of the worst kind.
    We’d do better if they all fucked off and died.

  3. Proud Englishman.
    Proud white man.
    Proud heterosexual.
    Proud of my culture, my heritage, my traditions and what we have given to this world…it would be far worse off it weren’t for things I just mentioned.

    Morning all.

  4. A poor choice of photo in my opinion. A bloke and his son wearing identical shirts are clearly a pair of fucking wankers. You can’t really blame the boy so his Dad has to take double the shame. What the fuck was he thinking?
    Just saying……

    morning Freddie, we try to do our best but sometimes it can be very difficult to find an appropriate pic. Search engines also seem to want to avoid negative issues it would appear. However, there is always the option of providing a link to a pic in a nom. A few cunters have done it over the years and it’s very helpful (bar the truly obscene of course).

    • Admin, how come the kid in the picture isn’t mixed race? Explain that then you institutionalised racist.

      Morning CC – he is, he just has a condition like micheal jackson did. It would be more obvious is not for the b&w photo.
      Damn it, what are supposed to call a b&w photo now?

      • IMO probably feeling very marginalised by some of the comments on here, if BWC is 50/50 then it could be construed that half his family are being slagged off.

    • Re choice of photo:
      An alternative interpretation-the lad is so proud of his Anglo-Saxon father, he wants to be exactly like him.

  5. Nobody is more ashamed of being white than the cunts who run BBC News and Current Affairs. On Wireless 4 Today programme this morning within the first minute of the programme starting we heard that BAMEs were more likely to die from Covid19 (again).often because they havid Diabetes Type 2 (which to some degree must be their own fault?) and some whinging black nurse complining she wouldn’t have been arrested had she been white. Oh yes, and banks will remove photographs of any of their directors were involved in slavery.

    Tony Hall must be the biggest cunt who was DG

    • Im ashamed of fuck all.
      Not even taking kids pocket money or putting down marbles outside the Institute for the blind.

      • Good to hear Miserable, too much apologising going on nowadays, although the turd on Fiddlers croquet lawn was a low point.

    • The amusing part about the nurse victim of racism was that she was spoken to because her car had blacked out front windows (illegal) so the cops couldn’t see the driver.

      • Just waiting for the backlash of all this crap, the police will not be able to arrest anyone black for fear of being labelled racist, I can see the police just not bothering to attend incidents involving blacks.

    • Yhey cant be that ashamed. I dont think there’s a single BAME on the BBC board.

  6. Something wrong in the head. A shame Thatch shut all the mental hospitals. People of a darker hue will start to think they are superior, and this will only lead to trouble. I have had enough of this shite. Everything wrong now is my fault, is it because l is white of course it is, im basking in my privilege, if only FFS.

  7. These snivelling wretched cunts don’t go far enough being ashamed of being white , they should be ashamed of being a human , even better they should ashamed of ever being born…….
    I’ve absolutely no time for these fools…..

  8. People are waking up to this whole blm bullsit, it getting there, I do mean black folks are waking up to this Soros bullshit. Thats all.

  9. If you’re ashamed of being white, always go out wearing blackface.

    Problem solved.

  10. You don’t have to apologise for being white if you take cock up the bum. Or if you work for MSM, especially the BBC. Or if you are stinking rich but pretend you give a flying fuck about poor people whatever their skin colour or effnick origins.
    No, it’s only cunts like us who need to be ashamed despite the fact we never did fuck all to any cunt. And while we’re busy defending ourselves and hating the effnicks, and they are hating us, the rich cunts are robbing our pockets and taking the fucking piss.
    Are they ashamed of that? Of course not……it’s what they’ve always done, the slags.

    • Don’t fall into the cabals trap Freddie. cunts are cunts. it just the the media making whiteys as the oppressors, …..yet again.

      • I don’t know any bloke called cabal but I know when i’m being played. I don’t like being told what to think and who I am supposed to hate. That’s for muggy cunts not for me.

  11. Fucking dangerous morons.

    Here is the news. Everyone was a cunt (more so than now) a few centuries ago. Why?

    Poor living standards – no internet…fuck no electricity, decent sanitation or medical care. Life expectancy was short. To alleviate things a little meant invading and taking from others Every cunt was at it. Yes, even the non-whites (gasp!). You simply had to. There was no fucking choice.

    Shaka Zulu was a brutal cunt and slaughtered those whose land he took. Or, if lucky he enslaved you. Indeed, he’s one of the biggest slave owners in human history. No cunt is asking for his statues to be pulled down. Nor should they. He was protecting himself and those close to him and that was pretty much the only way to do it in those days.

    No, I actually think people just admitted that whitey won back in the day. The dark keys should’ve fought better. They could’ve and would’ve done the same (probably worse) to us had they won, so fuck it.

    Nothing to apologise for. In fact, I’m proud our ancestors won because it would’ve been us getting the rough end of the wedge. Now? It doesn’t matter. The west has given non whites as big a chance (actually more chance in many cases) than the honky in his own land. And these self-hating honkies are still flogging themselves.

    Just top yourselves you cunts if you hate yourself so much.

    Oh, and Pep Guardiola is a MASSIVE cunt.

  12. Utter cunts. Be proud of who you are, these lefty do gooders really leave a nasty smell on my arse.

  13. You never hear of black people being a ashamed of being black, so why would I be ashamed of my whiteness, I’m more ashamed about the abandonment of whites in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and South Africa by politicians here who think there’s nothing wrong with ethnic cleansing of people of a white skin tone, utter cunts these Marxist useful idiots be!

    • You never hear of khuns being ashamed of anything. Shame is just another trait of the civilized they are clearly incapable of comprehending.

      • Shame is an abstract concept, you can’t rape it, kill it, hold it, buy it, sell it or steal it therefore the bl*ck mind cannot provcess it. It can be taught to imitate it by sufficient exposure but that’s about as far as it penetrates their moral map.

  14. So a bunch of whites have decided to be pussies about it and start grovelling. So MSM, big business and politicians are joining in too.
    Are the black people really ready to take the reigns? To look after an advanced spacefaring civilisation with all it’s wider spread issues and technological, financial, medical and socioeconomic challenges?
    Having looked at those African astronauts using a tyre swing as a centrifuge for their ‘training’, I am going to say “I do not think so”.
    I would imagine that given their chance, they will run around wrecking everything and committing widespread atrocity until everyone gets too hungry to fight anymore.

    What are we going to do about that I wonder?

    • ‘advanced spacefaring civilisation’

      Albeit barely.
      Carl Sagan said the ISS was a welfare programme for NASA and contractors and no real advances would be made.
      We missed the boat on spacefaring when Mikhial Gorbachev told Reagan the Americans and Russians could go to Mars together. It was at the end of the cold war and the Russians had the heavy lift rockets and more experience in long-term space habitation. The yanks had the money.
      Reagan turned it down because his advisors were paranoid about Russia stealing technology when they were the ones with the technology.

      • A commentary on the success of our space travel wasn’t what I was going for. That could become a very lengthy off topic essay. I thought it enough to conjure the comparison between us in orbit and them on a tyre swing.
        Metaphorically speaking, I thought it was a good analogy with our progress on the path to civilisation.

  15. I take my hat off to Dominic Raab for being honest about his view towards ‘taking the knee’.

    Of course, Dame Kweer, Angela Tits and assorted BLM ‘activists’ are up in arms and consider his view no less than insulting and career ending.

    That simpering cunt cum arsehole reamer Tom Bradby couldn’t have wrung his hands harder about this on the 10 o’clock wankfest, sorry ITV News last night. When I get a few minutes, I will post another nom for Bradby. The smarmy, anti-Trump cunt should be up on the wall.

    • Quite right Paul,
      The fact that any questioning AT ALL is interpreted as an attack is a big problem.
      This is the biggest indicator that there is no happily getting along after we say sorry and get on our knees.
      Eradicate our history
      Make us say sorry
      Make us get on our knees
      Don’t let us argue

      I’d say we’re due a spot of bother.

      • Terry, how did you feel when the Khmer Rouge sacked you for being too barbaric?

      • Bored! I got banned from a front line area once, seems I upset the neighbours to much.

      • Suited me fine ‘coz I got the call and was on the plane within the hour 😎 I impressed at interview with my extensive knowledge of the major ovening technologies, including electric, gas, coke and Dutch.

    • I think that Dominic Raab is being very astute. Setting yourself apart from the herd gets you noticed. The overwhelming majority of Tory voters reject what is going on with BLM and Boris is repeatedly demonstrating that he is a spineless cunt out of his depth. Doubtless Boris would like to send Raab into the wilderness but he has to have a reason ,a good one especially after Boris didn’t sack Cummings.
      Yes, Mr Raab, my money is on you to be the next PM

      • “Yes, Mr Raab, my money is on you to be the next PM”

        Wouldn’t make a shit of difference to the projected outcome G.G. if he was.

    • Bradbuggery should be up against the wall…oh, he probably is, quite frequently.
      Of course, I meant blindfolded, tied to a stake and shot.

    • Let them wring their hands. I doubt most of his constituents give two fucks.

  16. WTF!? Ashamed of being white?

    Typical racist scum, only interested in judging people by the colour of their skin, not the content of their character.

    Terry’s oven would be too good for them.

    That said, I am ashamed of being the same colour and nationality as Cliff Richard.

  17. When you’re white you must be ashamed of everything negative any white person ever did.

    When you’re not white you can point out that what one individual does or did does not reflect on others of your race.

    That’s bullshit and I’m not buying it.

  18. These are the same emasculated fuckpigs who wear t-shirts saying “this is what a feminist looks like” (the men that is).
    A gentle stroll through one of the more enriched and vibrant areas of town would bring them back to earth.

    • They would never wear it off-camera. Too busy fingering the last starlet to come up from RADA.

  19. Uncle Ben changing it’s logo – they can fuck right off in future and the RFU are asking fans not to sing ‘Swing Low’. Good luck trying to get a bunch of tanked-up Tommies to pipe down, then. Dark times ahead. The dull cunts just don’t get that insulting the majority is asking for trouble. Look at the Brexit vote. They’re turning people that couldn’t usually give a fuck INTO racists. The backlash has already started. Gravestone of a slave vandalised in a Bristol cemetary amongst other things. You only have to read the comments section on any news article about this bullshit to realise that. I’m just a thick ambulance driver yet even I can see it. I hope I’m wrong, but, Enoch Powell may have been right.

    • I am old enough to remember that us Taffy rugby cunts used to sing Sweet Chariot as a drunken laugh where you do all the actions :
      coming- 4- 2 carry -me- home, if you can imagine a collection of louts miming coming etc.
      How the fuck the Hooray Henrys ended up with it, without the wanking actions, it is a mystery although somehow apt.

      • Seems that shite song ‘Amazing Grace’ is on the woke race baiters ban list. It was written by slave trader John Newton who, for good measure, was also a slave ship captain. ?

    • A thick ambulance driver?
      No no no.
      You’re up there with Firefighters and air-sea rescue .
      Yours is a job little lads used to look up to, before they all wanted to become drag queens and Joey Essex.

      • Bomb disposal is a “Thick” Job, My brother in law does it, he is an “Expert”, what puzzles me is why you would deliberately go and poke something that is designed to kill you, there are much safer ways of doing it.
        When he retires he will probably do something safer like dentistry on lions without anaesthetic .

  20. Reverse racist Kehinde Andrews on the R5 call in this morning. Had nothing meaningful to say when asked what he felt about the 1000s of crofters forcibly sent to Canada to make way for sheep in the Highlands and the statue of the Duke of Sutherland who was responsible for this atrocity. The only victims are black aren’t they? Cunt.

  21. Such fair minded and impartial individuals as Emily Maitlis and Laura Kuntsberg and respected national news outlets like the BBC/Sky/ Channel 4 all tell me i’m a racist cunt for voting tory and brexit and not taking the knee.
    So it must be right.

  22. Nope because that is black on black which doesn’t count. Only whitey can be blamed for anything and everything. Cunts like Andrews, Lammy, Abbot just want revenge. They are not really interested in the welfare of blacks.

  23. I’m not ashamed of anything that any dead cunt did whether he/she was black, white, yellow or blue! I haven’t enslaved any fucker and nor do I intend to so don’t expect me to be bending a knee or kissing any fuckers arse because they are a different colour to me. Some guy in the US gets his neck stood on for a while and karks it, what the actual fuck has that got to do with slavery or tearing down statues in the UK? Fuck the lot of the cunts!

  24. On radio four news yesterday morning they had an article about how people who got their news from social media and YouTube were more likely to break the curfews than those that got news from radio or TV. Don’t they realise it’s the selective reporting that mainstream media do makes people seek out more reliable sources. However, it’s a double edged sword, as the more gullible will end up the likes of Icke and Spivey, and will be forever lost to reason.
    I don’t swallow half the crap on the mainstream media, not because it’s lies, but it’s usually half reported, ignoring the whole story to make people’s minds up for them. At the same time, I don’t believe half the crap on the internet, flat earth, hollow moon bullshit, and it’s all the fault of the front wheel skids who are lizards.

    • It’s up to each person to learn critical thinking skills and how logic works.
      The fucking schools wont teach you. In fact, critical thinkingbis inimical to what modern state school is for.

  25. The only white ‘privilege’ i see now is white cunts standing in line, in front of black cunts waiting to buy a loaf of fucking bread……how doe’s that work?

  26. I love the nomination picture at the top of the page.
    The matching outfits made me think that the older person is the child from the future sent back in time to his younger self (the boy standing in front).
    “Don’t be alarmed. I’m you from the future. I don’t have much time to explain.
    ” At some point, in no particular order, some women will become bitter and feel the need to dye their hair outrageous colours, fat people will want to be accepted as healthy, men will want to be women and women will want to be men and be accepted as such by others or else, youngsters will lose the ability to think for themselves, white people will be made to feel ashamed for things that happened years before they were born, something called the internet will be invented and is a useful thing but will spawn vacuous cans of can’t on something called ‘social media’, everything at some point will be deemed offensive to someone, expressing differences of opinion will not be allowed, a television show called Jeremy Kyle Show please don’t watch that ever, someone named Alex Kurtzman will ruin Star Trek forever, everything will become racist, the aforementioned men wanting to be women some will want to read books to children in school whilst dressed up as pantomime dames, comedy will cease to be funny.
    The list is endless.”

  27. You know, I’m just so fucking sick of all this. It’s ok having a rant and having a laugh, and saying ‘this country’s fucked’ etc, but it’s no laughing matter any more. I’ve never seen anything like this in all my life. The political correctors have taken over, footballers being badgered into getting down on one knee, it’s so fucking ridiculous. I wouldn’t have done it, I’d have feigned an injury first.
    Mind control is no longer within the realm of science fiction, it’s here right now Well no-one is going to tell me how to think or how to act. I don’t have many years left and I don’t give a fuck any more..

    • You need to learn to give less of a fuck.
      This is the left accelerating their project. They know that re-election for Trump and realisation of Brexit will be the nail in the coffin of their ideology, which has been refused repeatedly by the people.The BBC have gone full Pravda, knowing their time is pretty much up as a serious news organisation.
      The media want to give you the impression that this is how it is. It’s all top down bollocks and will only create more division in society.
      Soon the entire country wil be dismissed as far-right, even the British Hindus who vote tory, hate Islam and want to limit immigration..
      Welcome it. It has been brewing for decades, and it’s the establishment that has gone nuts.
      ‘Forces of history’, and all that.

    • ” It’s ok having a rant and having a laugh, and saying ‘this country’s fucked’ etc, but it’s no laughing matter any more.”

      Yup; understand exactly how you feel Allen and you’re right, it isn’t. I’ve been involved in politics of a right leaning for 25 years and I’ve watched this ‘death by a thousand cuts’ evolve out of the slime left over from 70’s campus communism. None of this comes as any surprise to me as I’ve read enough history to join the dots and see the mechanism/s that have underwritten and financed “Project Destruction of the West”. The post was decades laid the groundwork and now comes Phase 2 where they press the accelerator, as Cuntamus notes below. This is designed to swamp the government, saturate the news cycles and the fix in the uninformed, lazy and gullible public’s consciousness the belief that it’s all gone too far to retrieve and there are no realisable solutions that won’t upset some uppity cunt or another.
      They’re wrong; there are plenty of solutions but the indigenous British need to man up and understand that they simply cannot be implemented without causing these fuckers a lot of pain, upheaval and despair. I/we no longer have time to spare for sympathies in this matter if we wish to retain a viable homeland.
      What is a certain fact is the longer we leave it the more unpleasant it will be for both contending groups

      ” I wouldn’t have done it, I’d have feigned an injury first.”

      If you did that then they’ve won either way because they’ve made you come up with some cock and bull bollocks to disguise your fear rather than tell it straight from the heart and the hip. At that point one’s moral integrity and self respect becomes open to barter.

      • Doh! bloody typo
        “…The post war decades laid the groundwork blah fucking blah…”

  28. Let’s face it, if they were truly ashamed to be white, then they wouldn’t be so eager to invite all the cunts here. You wouldn’t invite people into your home if you were embarrassed or ashamed by its contents.

    This self-hating white mentality always strikes me as being akin to that behaviour wherein someone who is clearly aware of their attractiveness will constantly bemoan how ugly they are. All the while being perfectly content in reality.

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