Racial pandering

This re-branding of good staple honky dietary intake should be cunted for one simple reason the company has chosen to make shit loads of money for years and not a prick of “conscience” before the BLM outrage. fuck off Uncle Ben I’m buying my rice from Hong Wong Exotic foods and bat shop from now on.

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Creature Cuntforts

As one esteemed member of this site so appropriately summed it all up in a nutshell “Never have so few been so pandered to by so many” although I’m not sure I’m allowed to say ‘panda’ as they’re black and white I might be accused of ‘racial stereotyping’….

On a daily basis, my piss is boiling over. Yesterday they announced that Uncle Ben’s Rice is to get a new logo because the black faced gentleman they’ve been using since forever is ‘racially offensive’. However, according to the Uncle Ben’s website, the name was first used in 1946 in reference to a black farmer known as Uncle Ben who excelled in rice-growing. The man depicted in the logo is a “a beloved Chicago chef and waiter named Frank Brown.”

Cecil Rhodes statue is to be removed from Oriel College Oxford but even though the college has shamefully caved in, the protestors say they will continue to protest. If you want to know what Rhodes was really about, read this in the Mail by Daniel Hannah.

And then to round off the day, Netflix and Sky decide that they will be proceeding the showing of movies with warnings that they contain racial stereotyping and references which some viewers may find offensive.

Here’s some of the films in question : Lawrence of Arabia, The Jungle Book, Dumbo (really??), Flash Gordon, Aladdin.

Why Aladdin? Well it’s apparently because all the voice overs on this particular cartoon were done by white actors. You couldn’t make this shit up.

Sky then go a stage further with a whole new section on their service : “Black lives matter. Learn more about racial injustice and the Black experience in America with this collection of films, series and documentaries.”

I’m not a racist. To me #AllLivesMatter not just the black ones. But I do notice that when the racism is mentioned on the media, it’s always whites oppressing blacks. We’ll ignore when it happens the other way around – such as when a coloured man is jailed for 8 years for modern slavery offences against desperate and homeless white men. It’s just not newsworthy is it?

BLM are on the whole a bunch of opportunists. The hardcore radical activists that cause the trouble are spawned from the Black Panther movement. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the many videos where they are giving the Black Panther closed fist salute.

All over the world, people are falling for this bullshit.

The best way to deal with all this is to ignore it. Racialism in the south of the USA and in the UK are different animals. Call out the nonsense when you see it and if there is a real injustice being done, then hit it with the full force of the law whatever the colour of the perpetrator. If there are riots or civil unrest fermented on the back of it, then wheel out the water cannon and the riot police…

Nominated by Dioclese

122 thoughts on “Racial pandering

  1. I like to eat rice
    Cooked by mice
    Not once, or twice but thrice
    The taste is nice
    Especially with a pinch of spice
    Rice is my vice
    Mmm rice

    P.s I love rice pudding. Particularly when it has the crispy bit on top when it comes out the over. Not Unkle Terry’s oven, mind. That is for moussaka.

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