The UK Civil Service


I wish to nominate the U.K. civil service for a cunting. We all know that they are biased as fuck and that they despise people who are critical of the left wing agenda. They have been trying their best to undermine the government with Brexit, even made up claims that Priti was bullying them to hide the fact that they are useless and incompetent Cunts, plus they couldn’t use that good old race card. Declined, so pull out another victim card. But declined again.

This was posted on their Twitter page following Boris’s daily briefing regarding Cummings flouting the so called lockdown rules.

“Arrogant and offensive
Can you imagine having to work with these truth twisters”

They have since deleted this and stated that their account was hacked. I’m sure it was done by a pissed off lefty Socialist who thought they were being so brave. Now the Lefty cunts like JK potty Rowling is offering to pay their salary for a year when it comes out who they were. Fuck off you idiot, that’s another cunting for another day.
Firstly, fucking hypocrites, how much truth have they twisted to protect their own agenda. Secondly, the fact that this happened speaks volumes how biased the civil service are, clearly undermining the current government. It is clear they don’t like the government and have a different political agenda. We have seen this with Brexit, the immigration bill and the grooming gang scandal which I’m sure they don’t want to see the light of day for reasons we all know.

We need to get rid of this shit show called the uncivil service and they need to remember they work for us not for their own lefty political agenda. What fuckin cunts that’s what I say.

I don’t usually nominate cunts but this one surely deserves its place.

Nominated by Jason.

35 thoughts on “The UK Civil Service

  1. Good nom Jason.?

    The civil service you would expect to be run by competent, suit wearing, sharp of mind capable people, dont know when it became a day care centre for woke commie activists.
    I to doubt their Twitter page was hacked,
    More the bitter sniping of a marxist type.
    But this is a institution among many thats gone mad, from police top brass, football clubs, councils, media outlets, etc
    Marxism is much more virulent than coronavirus could hope to be.

    • Yes Minister, brilliant scripts, excellent acting; who knew that it was not a comedy but a documentary?

  2. The CS are accountable to no one, not even their paymasters in government. And they certainly don’t give two shits about the plebs on the street!

    For those old enough to remember that terrific BBC sitcom from the late 70s, early 80s – “Yes Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister”, you will know the upper echelons are full of self-important arrogant Sir Humphrey Appleby’s. All of whom have their own agendas, and all of whom have their own designs on how the country should be run.

    Well, 40 years on from that show, and not a lot has changed: they’re still arrogant cunts, awarding themselves honours for doing next to fuck all, and they still don’t listen to government. So what chance have we, the People, got to change things for the better!


  3. They could try dismissing the cunts but that would take courage, shit storm etc. I think we are stuck with the traitorous scumbags.

  4. The upper echelons of the Civil Service are packed full of posh cunts who all went to the right schools and the right universities. It’s a well rewarded job for life, a nice cozy little club where you end up with a knighthood or a seat in the Lords depending which arses you lick. The whole lot of these parasites need clearing out. They think they run the country and they’re probably right. When the woke revolution comes they might get a nasty surprise.

    • I’m surprised the BLM Nazis and Home Counties wokeflakes aren’t all over this, a male pale and stale Oxbridge dominated clique ripe for ‘reform’. Priti Patel tried to stand up to the Immigration boss, Mark Thomson but he went whining to the press like some bitch slapped pussy over bullying claims, as we’ve seen before, Patel is the wrong kind of BAME.

      • Its not so much shes the wrong type of Bame,
        Shes gone off narrative,
        Her whole career isnt playing the victim, or the ethnic woman struggling to rise to the top against white male oppression or systemic racism.
        She could easily play out that spin and be massively popular with them, to Priti Patels credit shes not done that.
        Think she could be very good at her job but muzzled by the more timid in the tories.
        I.E. Boris and the whole cabinet.

  5. The government are in power but the left are in charge. That is all, thank you. Cunts!

    • Claire Short was once asked in interview…
      “Is Communism dead?”
      to which she replied to the efffect…
      “Communism may be dead, but Marxism isn’t!”

  6. Another shit show thanks to that fucking cunt Blair who turned the civil service into “new'” labour. Cunts

  7. Regarding the comment about the grooming gangs scandal, I was told that nine other than Kweer Starmer was head if the CPS at the time and it was he who decided not to prosecute. These are the cunts who are running the country!

  8. Priti Patel confidently told us she would stop the channel boat people and send them back to France.
    If anything tells you that it matters not who you vote for, this is it.
    The whole system is run by lefties and there’s nothing we voters can do about it.

    • She has been about as effective as a salad bowl in Flabbot’s kitchen.

  9. It’s riddled with puffs and assorted wokesoy degenerates.
    Fucking babies with gold plated pensions which most working people could never afford.
    Addled vermin.

  10. Fifth columnists as Captain Mainwaring would call them.
    A job with perks like no other, and then a gold plated pension. Bastards, shoot the traitors amongst them.

    • “Bastards, shoot the traitors amongst them.”
      Well that would clear the benches, none left standing, all left dangling.

  11. The enemy within.
    Lamp posts and piano wire for the lot of them.
    Morning all…

  12. The British Army SA80 or L85 rifle was once called the civil servant when it was first introduced. Why ? “Because it doesn’t work and cant be fired “

  13. The cunt who accused Patel of bullying has dodged the blame for multiple fuck ups – including a fair share of the Windrush debacle. These fuckers are accustomed to being non- accountable with a fucking knighthood thrown in.
    Whitehall should be broken up and dispersed to the UK cities.

  14. The civil service exists to advance the aims of the civil service. Full of lefty uni grads and fossils preserving their own empire.

    One day a real rain will come and wash the skum off the streets, but it will never wash the skum out of Whitehall.

  15. Politicians are amateur liars, Civil Servants are professional liars; both conspire to subvert democracy and to line their own pockets. The Civil Servants are meant to be the executive of whichever government is in power, which is where the real power lies. Civil Servants have, amongst numerous other things, subverted immigration control, Agriculture, manufacturing, Brexit and completely fucked up the U.K. response to the Chinky Bat Virus. The top level should be cleared out completely and their pension pot used to rectify the damage they have done.

  16. I think perhaps it is a tad unfair to tar the whole of the Civil Service (CS) with the same brush. Perhaps it may have been more appropriate for the nomination to refer specifically to the Senior Civil Service (SCS) – the Sir Humphreys of Whitehall that Technocunt, FtF and LL refer to – the privately educated Oxbridge mandarin set whose role should be to help implement the policies of whichever government is in power at the time with complete impartiality. Sadly, as we all clearly see, these mandarins follow their own agenda, or that of an unseen and unknown body of individuals and/or organisations if conspiracy theorists are to be believed (I don’t know if those conspiracy theories have been the subject of earlier noms before – if not perhaps it might be a suitable topic for future discussion).
    The type of Civil Servant most of us will ever interact with (think the DHSS counter staff who daily have to deal with abuse from druggies, drunks, pïkeys etc, HMRC staff dealing with your tax returns & baffling legislation etc) are just as much a victim of the policy makers in the SCS as we are with the additional problem of being the ones at the coal face receiving the face to face flack from Joe Public for the laws, procedures, national IT cock-ups etc that they have no control over. Yes there are some absolute a#seholes among the common CS but name a large employer that doesn’t have any. Plus, in the name of political correctness (PC), standards are lower now than they used to be for an ordinary CS. Good O/A levels (or whatever the modern equivalents are these days) are not absolutely relevant as long as you can tick a relevent diversity box. A former neighbour who was a CS once told me that his department had recruited a number than numb female wheelchair user whose English was worse than the punkah wallah from “It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum” yet they were obliged to keep her on because she ticked so many PC target boxes. Training given is woeful and what there is of it will often be basic Computer Based Training (CBT) lacking in any form of detail or scenario they’ll ever meet in real life.
    So while I’ll happily support open season on the SCS please have some sympathy for the poor plebs who get the sh#tty end of the stick daily.

    • I’ve been a civil servant having worked for a council for a few years. Local councils are full of tinpot dictators who believe the people exist to pay council tax.


      • I’ve never really considered Local Government workers to be true Civil Servants given that their direct Lords and Masters are elected Councillors not Whitehall mandarins and wages/pensions are funded by what I insist on calling Rates. If your job description classed you as a CS then I’ll happily defer to your greater knowledge of the subject, Sixdog.
        I know the tinpot types you refer to. I’ve had enough run-ins with various council departments over the years from missing bin collections, over-deductions for rates, pot holes, dogsh*t, litter, vandalism, objections to gay pride events (that one usually sets them off) etc. Quick to hang up when they’re losing an argument and never apologise for their mistakes. I personally don’t mind paying for local services as long as every other adult cnut in the borough pays the same as I do.

      • Me thinks Dribbler doth protest too much ?
        Are you a undercover civil servant ?

      • No, UC, I’m not but I do have genuine sympathy for the front line staff. In the past (when I was a lot less cynical) I used to do a bit of unpaid voluntary CAB type work (looks good on a CV). This kind of involved acting as an unofficial intermediary between the likes of the DHSS, HMRC etc and some barely literate knuckle draggers e.g. reading official letters sent to them, explaining at length in idiot terms what various applicable laws/rules/regulations said they could or couldn’t do or claim for and drafting replies for them to sign. Trust me, the ingratitude shown by these low-lives for the free assistance they were given can’t help but make you feel sorry for the poor civil servants who have to bite their tongues when dealing with them lest they lose their job. The advantage of dealing with them on a volunteer basis was if any of the ingrates gave me abuse and treated me as if their problems were my fault I could give it back without fear of the sack. Got great pleasure out of doing that when the need arose.

  17. the civil service along with the present regime and local councils are the ENEMIES of the people – why do we still pay these shits i’ve no idea?

  18. The civil service vs incumbent political party:

    The palace stays the same.
    Only the guards ever change.

  19. Rarely a more worthy cunting. Is there a more self-serving cesspit of degenerate out of touch wankers? Probably, but for now these cunts can take the top spot

  20. The clue is in the name… serve the civtas. The cunts only serve themselves.

    Thats why they hate Cummings, because he has their cards marked and reform is inevitable, hopefully Boris gets some balls back and takes them on like Maggie did the Miners. Its is long overdue.

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