The Jaden Moodie affair

A back to normal cunting (away from cummingsgate) for the Jaden Moodie affair.

The report has been released into the circumstances leading up to the ‘aspiring whatever’ 14 year old knocked off his moped and murdered. The original coverage last year was of an innocent child killed on the streets of London.

The report (I haven’t seen it) apparently focuses on the missed opportunities to safeguard this child, the facts leading up to the murder are described as such.
Jaden’s father was a drug dealer and deported to Jamaica in 2009 so he was with his single mum in Nottingham, when Jaden started secondary school in 2015 he was in trouble from the start for bullying, he was taken out of school and home schooled by his mum but during this period he was getting into drug dealing and eventually his mum was threatened at knife point because Jaden owed money.
Mum and Jaden fucked off out of Nottingham to London, whitest waiting for housing Jaden stayed with his Grandmother (in Leyton, enough said), Mum was ‘sofa surfing’ and in the final months before his murder Jaden had fucked off to Bournemouth selling drugs, he was arrested and returned to Leyton. There was also the exclusion from his London school in 2018 because of an Instagram picture of him holding a gun in his school uniform.
So what’s this all about, it’s the authorities fault for missing opportunities to intervene at several stages in this sorry saga, but what about his mothers responsibility.
When she was threatened in Nottingham over drugs why then move to East London, why not contact a womens refuge or police who may have been able to move her to somewhere where they could be monitored and not a drug infested shit hole.
She leaves the sprog with the Grandmother and sits on her arse waiting for a home, so no responsibility then, why not sofa surf with the Grandmother.

It all sounds too easy to blame everyone except the parent.

Nominated by, Sick of it

69 thoughts on “The Jaden Moodie affair

  1. Fuck the little cunt, another spook made out to be a saint like saint George floyd, when the cunts get what’s coming everyone says how good and virtuous they were, no they were not, two less druggie scubags in the world, good!

    • Young Jaden was murdered by some foreign scum who was allowed into the U.K. because of Blair’s ‘ enlightened migration policies ‘ . Another black mark on the turd’s record.

  2. It seems to me by their behaviour worldwide, heroising thugs, that politicians will allow lads and lassies of a certain hue to behave exactly as they like with no comeback. That is a very dangerous path, but I am sure if that is Boris’s intention he will get no complaints from Dame Kweer and his arselickers.

    • Now come on we need to keep it real folks. There’s a desperate need to apply positive discrimination ignore talent give these types jobs of stature. make them feel part of society, privileged, talk nicely, be extremely polite and watch it nurture a beautiful society. They will return it with interest and civilisation will never suffer again. They have been starved of Choices and opportunities the kind us whites take as a given. Let’s flip the racism on its head and exact revenge that’s the right thing to do here ignore all history rewriting the books at our own convenience. Does a cunting get any bigger?

      • A one word response to an enlightening comment “knob” but on further perusal I was gripped by an enormous feeling of guilt of course I’m White so the problems of the World have been caused by persons of my shade. The years of oppression the feel of black dreams crushed under my Whiter than White heel. How can one live with such a past. Quite easily in fact as my ancestors though White were usually getting royally screwed, and had to travel all over the World to get a fucking chance at being anything other than basically a White slave. Pretty sure this is true for many of the protesting Whites so why all this arse guilt. Be proud of who you are, you do not have to apologise for shit that happened before your great,great,great,great grandfather was a twinkle in his fathers eye. You may even find he fought against the current trends if you bother to read something other than the celebrity book of murkin styles or some such shit. If this trend of guilt and sorrow plus no self worth continues what will be the outcome, free blowjobs for dark hued persons by whiteys saying sorry. Compulsory barrel duty for teenage whiteys so they remember their place. I will never apologise for anything I have not done if nothing else the logic is flawed.

  3. Apparently he was a good boy, turning his life around. According to Al JaBeeba:

    His mother Jada had described how he’d wanted to become a mechanic as he was “besotted with bikes and cars” and how he’d also liked to dress smartly, leading to a plan to set up his own brand called Young Productions.

    Yeh, right. Another aspiring entrepreneur taken from us.

    Hairy arseholes.

  4. Just another example of The Authorities refusing to bite the bullet and forcing this type to accept some responsibility for their own worthless lives..make it all someone else’s fault. Pander to their sense of “victimhood”.

    I don’t just mean The Dark-Keys either….I mean the whole benefits-funded,semi-feral underclass who contribute nothing positive to Society but believe that Society is obligated to support them in their feckless existence regardless. No jobs.breed like rats,commit crime,bring nothing but misery to their communities….yet “entitled” to benefits,health-care,housing,schooling etc.

    The Authorities tell them not that they are vermin…they tell them that they are victims of an unfair wicked system and allow them to live their miserable lives at the expense of the decent majority…and there are a lot of people forced to live in the same communities who also have a poor life…yet they don’t resort to crime,they try through their own efforts to better themselves or at least live within the rules of a society which supports them.

    Nanny Government is much of the problem..we had the “Run.Hide.Tell” and the “Stay at Home Hero” slogans to convince us that we should just let Govt. take away our sense of self-responsibility and all will be well….this telling criminals and scum that “It’s not your fault ” is just another example of a policy that fosters dependence and victimhood.

    We are being softened up to accept that the erosion of self-determination is for our own good. We are becoming a weak, pathetic people afraid to stand up for ourselves at the street-level against the scum who blight so many lives,through to a Govt. prepared to let the Country go to the dogs.

    It may well sound “tin-hattish” but I genuinely wonder just who actually rules this Country….and then I look again at The Kalergi Plan and think that maybe my tin-hat isn’t so far wrong.

    • Correct in every way Sir Fiddler – our Country burns whilst Emperor Sneero fiddles (his expenses).
      An utter joke, and always at our expense.

    • True that Sir Fiddler.

      I was brought up on one of the roughest council estates in England (so bad it was once on news item on the roughest estates in the UK). The secondary school came bottom of the Ofsted ratings for the whole country at one point. It no longer exists such was its stain on the County Council.

      Still, it didn’t stop me. I didn’t bully others or get into crime. There were opportunities (if you can call them that) to do so, but I wasn’t fucking stupid. I got my head down, studied and got a degree in the end. Got a career, nice home, good looking Mrs etc. Life isn’t perfect, but whose is?

      No, these cunts have no excuse. I know because I lived among cunts like this (I don’t now and hope I never fucking have to again!). They are a major headache for all living around them, and their families always take no responsibility for their kids’ actions.

      This excuse of ‘Boo hoo, he came from a council estate and a broken home. What chance did he have boo hoo’ is utter bullshit. They just whip out the race card for added effect.

      They’re just cunts. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • but he did have a chance,Mike. He had a chance by dint of growing up in a Country that provides the basics…food,shelter etc. as well as education. Many others grow up in deprived circumstances and yet don’t resort to crime.

      This Country gives everyone a “chance”….however slim…it is up to individuals whether they take it or not.

      Morning Mike
      Morning All.

      • You may well be right Dick. It just seemed such a pointless story. Maybe I’m going soft. I’ve seen so much of this sort of thing in my career. The real issue is as much poverty of aspiration as material poverty.

      • What really gets me is that the Authorities make it all to easy to take the wrong path….if there were such harsh penalties involved in choosing to become a parasite that it became a less viable choice than “doing the right thing” it would actually improve their lot no end.

      • Believe me, you are preaching to the choir as far as the ‘leadership’ in the education system goes.

        I sometimes feel my mind slipping into a bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness.

      • You’re quite right Mr Fiddler.
        As a young man I lived in an area with fuck all, and had fuck all myself.
        At the worst, I had no place to live, no work and no benefits.
        After a decision to change I exchanged a bag of clothes (from a mate) for a shirt, tie and shoes and worked my way from extremely shit jobs to a good job and a family and a nice house.
        Funnily enough I did it without help from anyone, bar the original bag of old clothes, and I did it without stealing from others, selling drugs or stabbing anyone.
        Now I may not be black, but there are black people who work, just as there are whites who are feckless scum.
        Those who wallow in the gutter choose to do so. It is entirely their choice, and that is nothing to do with anyone else. Race etc is just another excuse for lazy individuals.

    • There didn’t seem to be any criticism of the mother, her actions contributed to her sons fate.
      If you move to a area to get away from drug crime you don’t chose Leyton!

  5. A druggie trying to get away from drugs by moving to London is like an alcoholic trying to get away from alcohol by moving into Wetherspoons.

  6. If only he’d gone to brain surgery school in Jamaica he’d have been fine, the daft cunt.

  7. And to think – he could have grown up to emulate his now canonised hero George Floyd. Jaden Moodie should have not have been here in the first place.
    I watched the TV briefly this morning (briefly) – had to turn it off when I saw pictures of Sir Keir Starmer, hero of the working classes, on bended knee.
    When will these people wake up – the UK has done more than any other Country IN THE WORLD for racial equality, to the point where the white natives are victimised, threatened and shamed into angry resentful silence, where we are hated in our own land and where we are ordered to be silent about the outrages committed in the name of “diversity and inclusivity” but this is STILL not enough.
    This insanity has to stop or there will be blood on the streets, our kindness has been taken for weakness, and now our weakness is being used to destroy us.
    Everyone knows deep down that what is happening in the UK is wrong, and the first time someone has the balls to put their head in the noose and openly question this insanity it will be like a dam bursting.
    Because this is madness.
    On other news, my Klan robes are dry, nicely ironed (standards must be maintained!) and my Swastika knuckleduster has been polished to a shine so I’m nipping out for a bit of lynching – if I get collared I’ll just shout “black lives matter” and they can’t do a fucking thing, the awful racists!

    • Weve had thousands of children,raped, abused and murdered and told to shut up. Weve had children blown to bits and ordered to not look back in anger. Now were being ordered to just lump it when Churchill and the Cenotaph are vandalised. Im fucking sick of the cunts.

  8. I have a winning idea – introduce a law so any foreign national or dual national convicted of a criminal offence is deported back to their homeland – give it 2 Years and the Country will be empty of them.

    • One of many problems is women with five kids by five men none of whom are still about. It annoys me that cunts like this Jayden Moody’s father hurling rocks at ‘the System’from 3000 miles away. When the father was deported the whole family should have gone with him; family ties mean so much to black families. I am sure that Lammy, Abbot and Co would support me in saying that.

  9. Completely off topic random one (with apologies) – does anyone have any idea how I can change my avatar?

  10. No matter how many ‘interventions’ some soppy hand wringing social workers make, there are now millions of people who enjoy being what they’ve been told they are. Victims.I
    can’t see any way out of this shite now.

  11. Whatever.

    The world is grossly over-populated, and it’s high time we re-programmed ourselves to be so hand-wringing and pearl-clutching at the merest whiff of ‘expending to save’. Eugenics – yes, that’s right, not the ‘euthenics’ that the left loves to bandy and scream and scream until sick about – is the only thing that is going to guarantee the survival of us a species.

    To wit, the vast majority of people are, at best lacking the capacity to be self-aware, and at least, bovine. I cannot any longer shed tears when one fitting either category falls. Recent events have proven that us ‘freaks’ – ie that small contingent who is fully aware what’s going on – are the ones who should inherit the Earth, after the Left Demonrats and D(r)emaniacs are done scorching it.

    • Unfortunately by the time anyone with any sense runs the World there won’t be a World left to run.
      And I’m bored of all the nonsense – will somebody just start a war?

      • My feelings exactly. I’m sick of these whining, virtue signalling, rioting, looting cunts, both black and white.
        I’m also sick of the likes of Basu, who should be sacked, along with a lot of other senior police officers.
        Fuck Moodie, and Floyd. I couldn’t give two fucks.
        I see that statues are already coming down in Londonastabbistan. That was quick, Sadiq Khan’s recently appointed commission members have barely started filling in their expenses forms, and the ball is rolling already.
        This is just the beginning, wait until HMG starts paying out ‘ compensation ‘ to all those of a dusky hue.
        Enoch was right, he just got his timescale wrong.
        Get To Fuck.

      • Morning Jack!?
        Whos from Ashbourne on here?
        Know one if not two posters are.
        Well in Ashbourne Derbyshire theres a pub, that has a ‘moors head’ a black mans head carved from wood, a petition of 42,000 to take it down!
        Obviously the local council send a cherry picker to remove this insult to our new black masters, but…..its gone!
        The locals have saved it, saying they are going to give it a fresh coat of black paint and its going back up!
        Well done the common sense people of Ashbourne!????
        Mount your councillors heads next to it.

      • I live about 10 miles from Ashbourne and can assure you that there is no way that 42,000 people live there. Ah, it is the do gooders who have never been anywhere near there who are determined to run the lives of the locals because the do gooders know what is best for the Derbyshire peasants. BTW , Ashbourne is a pretty wealthy place, a bit like Islington but sans cuntish attitude.

      • I know it well GuzziGuy.
        Done a few jobs there, and me , missus and dog stay in a cottage near there once a year.

  12. A shocking everyday tale of country folk. Combine this with St George’s funeral yesterday and I am overwhelmed by my bleeding libtard heart. At one point I thought I was never going to stop crying.
    Then I spotted a few birds with fantastic big black tits and arses. Fucking marvellous! Not to everybody’s taste but the thought of all that black pussy gave me a right stalk on!
    Well done the BBC for such fantastic entertainment. That new Director General Is clearly a man after my own heart. The filthy cunt.

    • Is that what it was? Turned over, thought it was Junglebook the stage play.

  13. Kweer Starmer and slack mouth Rayner were pictured ‘taking the knee’ yesterday.
    They must still believe stunts like this will get them elected.
    Don’t they realise lefty virtue shite was utterly rejected barely 6 months ago?
    Fucking idiots.

    • Starmzy and the slapper he never wanted as his deputy are both fully paid up members of Black Votes Matter. Only in Londonistan Starmzy boy. Your mob can’t see beyond the M25 you cunt.

  14. I read somewhere that some nomark rapper is mouthing off because his dad was tasered. I wonder why?
    Obviously the cops can no longer interfere as these fuckers go about their business of stabbing, dealing and thieving.
    Law and order is racist. Let us instead celebrate the saintly armed robber buried yesterday with much jigging, wailing and fucking hypocrisy.

    • Yeah, but think how much time the useless cunts will have to deal with the real threats to society. Like the poor old farts who can’t afford to pay the BBC tax, or the white people having a get together of 7 people (1000’s of blacks together isn’t a problem). Perhaps they could wander around poor areas and confiscate anything that looks remotely black, get an early start on enforcing forthcoming legislation.

  15. For starters the little cunt was breaking the law by riding a ‘moped’ ( probably more like a scooter) at the age of 14. No licence, tax or insurance would have been given.
    None of this has been raised on MSM at all as far as I know, so from the outset his parent could not be bothered to check what he is up to.
    Couldn’t give a tuppenny fuck for the little toe rag and his ilk, or any of his tribe especially after the last week.

    • Come on Paul that photo is obviously doctored. How come he isn’t running off with the handbag of the woman next to him? I ain’t falling for that bollocks.

    • It may be a fake, but the sentiment isn’t, the whole point is ‘if I want something I will take it’

      The footage of the looting defines the attitude of blacks in America, smashing into sports wear store grabbing anything and running out.

      One girl can be heard ‘Yah I got some stuff’.

      • The American Dark Keys seem to relish the death of a black person at the hands of a white cop as an excuse to go shopping without paying and smashing up their own neighbourhoods. Are there any other creatures on this planet that shit in their own nest?

  16. The j!gs are genetically disposed to criminality. As soon as I read the cunt was 14 and riding a moped, enough said. As with most of the stupid sooties, they think that the rules don’t apply to them. You silly cunt – you were ILLEGALLY riding a moped and you died. It is natural seelction in action. You deserved what you got. Enough said.

  17. Did you know right from wrong at 14? Of course you fucking did! If he was a bully too then fuck the little cunt.

    Whenever a certain ‘communidee’ get into all this trouble it’s whitey’s fault, remember?

    Fucking pathetic! If you play with matches, you’re gonna get burned. Or if you play with Freddie Mercury’s bellend, you’re gonna get the AIDS or whatever.

    I’m sure the BBC’s reporting was as balanced as ever. I’m up for having one year utterly skint and destitute to see what happens if we give the ‘communidees’ everything we have and every fucking opportunity there is. Cambridge, Eton, Oxford for the dark keys only. Dole of 3 grand a week for a year. A rent free home. Bills paid.

    I bet it wouldn’t make a scrap of fucking difference to violent crime rates within this group, but I’d love to be proved wrong. Wonder what the excuse would be at that point. ‘The money had pictures of honkies on it and it made us feel inferior.’

    Give me fucking strength.

    What ever happened to taking responsibility for your own actions for fuck’s sake?

    Stop looking up to gangstas and gangsta rappers and look after your fucking kids! Start there, you cunts!

    • I proposed similar before now. An exchange with South Africa, all the arm waving non-reflectives can have this country lock stock and barrel and we do a straight swap.
      How long before they will be demanding the old country back because their new acquisition is FUBAR? One generation? 20 years? 10 years? 10 fucking minutes?
      Communism was beaten and the virtue signalers rejoiced, now the same fuckwits* want to return to those days.
      * My spell checker suggested kiwifruits instead of fuckwits, what a cunt.

  18. There’s going to be a lot of empty plinths around soon, they can put a statue of him on one of them and we can prostrate ourselves I front of it.

    After all, it’s our fault.

    • Nope! Bollocks to that! It was the little cunts own fault, I’m accepting no blame whatsoever for this little cunts life choices.

  19. I recall when the news on this one broke “14 year old on moped” Just that line there made me think what is a 14 year old doing on a moped on the road, any way the kid was stuck on a pedestal.
    After that there was “Social influencer killed on e-scooter” again what the fuck was this person doing zipping round on London roads on an illegal contraption (apart from dying), she was also stuck on a pedestal (but not for long because she was the wrong colour).
    You remember child hood story’s? they used to have a morale to them and I have to say that most of the recent press releases are of a simular vain but missing the morale, the morale is “They broke the law and now they are dead!”.
    I do not feel the need to morn them, gay black transgender struck by lightning whilst walking their hedge hog, fuck I will give it a go, it is unfortunate they did nothing to deserve it, But if you go out and do knobby things that are enshrined in law to be “Illegal” you do not get my sympathy in the slightest and neither should news agency’s demand it from me.

    • I am appalled by all these negative comments. Does nobody care about this poor unfortunate boy? Just think of it, all that potential left in a heap on the road. He would have gone on to achieve great things, maybe as a barrister if not an architect. And I have it on good authority that he could walk on water. Someone saw him do it.

  20. In other news, there are Somali illegal gimmegrants sending their hellspawn back to Mogadishu, because it is now seen as safer than London.

    Just let that sink in for a minute.

    Obviously the parents are sticking around here to keep claiming benefits, producing more hellspawn and otherwise leeching off the state.

    At what point are they going to admit that Blair’s multi-culti utopia bullshit was all a scam to import more Labour voters and as a social experiment, it has failed miserably.

  21. Gun toting kid brought up by a lazy single mum and his druggy dad fucked off. It’s a cliche of modern British ‘life’ (more like existence for such cunts).
    The cities can keep their skumcunts.
    Too bad Bournemouth has been tainted by this scrote.
    I quite like the place.

  22. Perhaps we could do some sort of horse trade with the sun burnt comunities,
    For every forced removal of a statue of a bad, bad slave owning white man, we could replace it with another statue of a black aspiring rapper or architect from their communities who’s life was deliberately cut short by another aspiring rapper / architect of their own community.
    Perhaps if it was on display it would remind them and the rest of the country daily that they should get there own house in order before blaming everone else,

    • Perhaps we could just repatriate these fuckers back to their “homeland”, along with the muslims and the socialist commie vermin.
      Problem sorted, fuck the lot of them.

  23. No mention of the cunts who stabbed him? Evil little fuckers. A 14 year old kid dying in the street after being run over and stabbed is fucking madness irrelevant of how much of a cunt he was.

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