The knee
It appears odd on the face of it to be cunting such a specific body part, and indeed I’m not. What I’m talking about is an emergency cunting for the latest piece of virtue signalling cuntery apparently happening this evening at 6pm to show “support” for the oppressed. Yep, you’ve guessed it, dark keys and the death of possibly the only dark key criminal in the whole of the US at the hands of an admittedly overzealous cop. Now the Thursday seal clapping has stopped we’re expected to stand on our doorsteps and bend down on one knee FFS.
What next? Stand on our doorsteps brandishing cutlery because another aspiring architect has been stabbed, or perhaps bend down and kiss our doormats because some peaceful has lost control of his vehicle and accidentally killed and maimed a bunch of socially distancing protesters at a ‘we hate Trump’ rally?
Just when you think life can’t get any more bizarre…
The knee? Fuck off..
Nominated by Kunte Kunty
I propose taking a dump on the doorsteps of the ‘kneelers’, that should help their cause. Spread the turd everyone.
Im not taking a knee for any cunt.
Im working on a novelty kneel mat for gardners where it screams “I cant breathe”.
They can fuck right off.
I take it , it’ll only be available in black?
Seems funny they want to be called black when they are brown,never understood that.
The problem with taking a knee is that George Floyd’s neck might get in the way.
Best to stand up and tell the cunts to fuck off!
Put me down for a dozen
I doubt anyone on this website will be kneeling in the memory of a dead criminal.
What the fuck does embarrassing yourself and showing what a sheep you are actually achieve?
Other than to confirm to others that which they already suspected, you’re a proper cunt.
It’ll get you so much praise and more likes than you can shake a stuck at on social meedja if you post a picture of you taking a knee. Bunch of cunts.
My guns are primed and aimed, I’m on standby for these cunts.
I have already nominated the Queen of Cunt elsewhere, because of this picture. Please don’t look near lunchtime or you will bring it up again, a vile vomit inducing picture:
All I will say here is that I bet the Tenaladies took quite discharge from both cunts.
lol thats brilliant
He looks like Don Revie with aids. What a pair of cunts.
The fucking, fucking cunt.
If that gimmicky motherfucker thought there were votes in it, and the cameras were around, he would do the dance of the seven veils with a pair of wren feathers stark bollock naked in Trafalgar Square. The man is totally without taste, class or shame. He even makes Blair look classy.
Clearly a bigger Cunt than I imagined although not sure if that was possible. Fire up the ovens Unkle T.
Fuck me, I’m lost with this virtue signaling kneeling down thing.
What’s the fucking point of it? The BlackLootingMob won’t see it as solidarity with their “cause” they’ll see a white cunt who’s subservient to them.
The only logical outcome, that I can see, of this fuckwittery is BLM killing anyone person they encounter in the street who refuses to kneel.
“The lunatics have taken over the asylum” said The Specials. Not far wrong were they…..
I’ll be standing on my doorstep so my neighbours can see me NOT kneeling.
It’s good to set an example.
I see any cunt Kneeling around here im using their garden for my dog shit bags and pouring oil in their lawn.
Got a old Muhammad Ali boxing puppet, might hang it in the window.
Morning MNC,
A great idea to be fair, but how about some humor?
I was thinking a little song and dance to match one of those perms you mentioned and some shoe polish on the cheeks.
Bit of songs of the south?
Kent town races?
In full Justin Trudeau getup???
I’m going to meltdown soon, I can’t eat anymore of this shit.
Fuck me, Enoch Powell seems like Nostradamus more than ever right now!
Enoch’s Prophecy has always been met with ” He’s a racist , a biggot ” and his rivers of blood speech was utter bullshit.
Well. Those cunts that condemned him must be eating their words now. Enoch was bang on.
He was indeed, but will anyone in the msm or a position of authority ever admit it?
Any political party that would deal with foreign misbehaviour is made illegal. There’s democracy for you.
Guess what always happens when you become a servile cunt. You get walked all over. Fuck taking the knee. I wont kneel for any cunt.Black live matter can go fuck themselves. Cunts the lot of them.
You can’t tell me every single one of these footballers wants to do this. However if anyone wanted to opt out they would be made a pariah. Funny how democracy , freedom and freedom of expression only applies when it’s suits them. I suppose it’s better then setting fire to the flag or damaging a War memorial.This BLM movement are certainly getting people to think and change opinions, just not necessarily the way they hoped.
Roger,are you related to Raheem or do you just wish to fuck him.
Kenny Rogers, and why not?
No thanks, however I wouldn’t mind some of his bloody money. Raheem and Lewis Hamilton are going to end up disappearing up their own arses eventually.
Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep decide what’s for dinner.
Or an Aussie, a sheep and a Taffy decide who’s first.
Why would I want a rams sloppy seconds??
Watching politicians and footballers ‘taking the knee’ may seem harmless enough but it really isn’t, it’s a sign of support which encourages the BLM movement to go further, tearing down statues, attacking war memorials and the police.
The cunts want to have Nelsons column and Churchill statues removed, unbelievable.
And all black criminals to be released from prison immediately.
Which would include cunts like Lee Rigby’s killers.
But yeah, let’s support such fucking nonsense! Pricks!
I cant imagine British people would let Nelson’s column be removed.
People on all sides would be murdered before that happened, especially if our weak police cant stand up to a few scrotes.
Trafalgar Square would become a blood bath.
They would. Most British people already know that London is a foreign city, and couldn’t care less what happens there.
I can’t help but think that this current hysteria is due to people becoming stir crazy due to Lockdown. A minute’s silence in the House of Commons because of the death of a foreign criminal? I am at at loss to understand any of this.
It’s time people were put back to work because of the ridiculous demos about criminals meeting a sticky end (they always did in British thrillers in the 40s 50s and 60s), and now they have turned their attention to fucking statues, it really proves they have lost the plot entirely.
If the fuckers in Labour and LibDems had their way we would have to apologise for being white, male, heterosexual, and indeed just existing.
What sickened me was seeing the Police taking the knee in front of a bunch of selfish thugs when they should have been arresting the cunts. for breaking the Lockdown.
Which begs the question , is their a Pandemic or isn’t their ????
I wonder how Putin would of dealt with them ? I Suspect their not the same as our spineless Politicians and Police Commissioners. And I bet The Ruskies don’t give a wank if their called Racists .
A truly sickening moment which made me want to puke.
I was shaking with anger when those coppers took a knee. Fucking livid. Still am.
Useless fucking cunts.
When those coppers did that, my immediate thought was they were presenting a perfect target for a passing terrorist with a machete.
Are their memories that short? Christ, you’d need your wits about you amongst those cunts. Apart from dereliction of duty, do they not have any sense of self-preservation? Their ‘strong’ leader Dick the Dastardly even instructed them not to.
It was a sign of the police submitting to the mob. We’ve had it.
When is this shit supposed to be happening? I wouldn’t get down on my knees for Her Maj, or even the saintly Greta Thunderbirds, so i’ll be fucked if i’m doing it for some fucking thieving Yank drug addict. This is a joke right? No cunt is seriously suggesting it. Even the already forgotten Magic Grandpa wouldn’t have the front to come up with this commie bollocks.
I think they do it on mondays, and as far as I understand it they are asking you to kneel for EIGHT MINUTES.
What the fuck.
I don’t like Mondays.
No I didn’t believe it. No cunt is going to do that. We’re not a bunch of dumb Yanks.
Not yet anyway.
Diane Abbott and Emily Thornberry will rock themselves to sleep trying to get up again.
The thought of either of them on their knees throws up some very disturbing mental imagery.
And I use the term ‘throws up’ advisedly.
Eight minutes.
The time it took for Floyd’s soul to pass downward.
Surely there are many from the ‘effnic communidee’ who just feel downright embarrassed at all this genuflection shit ? Are there any who have spoken up at all, not even one made a public statement that has actually been broadcast?
I know we have a few on here who sing from the song sheet (sheet, not “sheeeeit”) as we should do, this place having a common denominator of cuntiousness rather than level of suntan. But where’s the man on the street in all this, surely the media wouldn’t oppress a minority voice in opposition to this insanity?
Are there no honest effnics or ‘BAME’ types around to speak out or do we assume they all celebrate taking down a racial group as the source of all the ills in the world today.
Has the advance of civilisation through the ages set us up to fail now that some lazy arse resentfuls are being given free rein to do as they will without consequence?
Lee Rigby’s mother requested people didn’t use her sons death as an example of hatred, what about you Dame Doreen, will you exhibit some just dignity for once in your miserable, shit stirring,race baiting grasping life? Anyone else? Damilola Taylors father?
There’s a chap called will taylor who’s opposed to it. Quietly mentioned here:
He’s the fella with the funny hat half way down.
I didn’t read it that way, it looks like more anti than pro by a long shot,wrapped up in his floral words but maybe I’ve read it wrong.
No, I too read it to be his view is these ‘oppressive’ monuments are an affront to the tinted ones.
Yep, in hindsight I have to agree. Goddam florally words.
Had to read it twice to get his meaning, sorry this Vox pop is a clean sweep.
But on the other hand, republican-of-colour Candace Owens did, and was predictably ripped for it by the leftard media..
So there’s one. Too bad she’s a Trump supporter, get triggered Lefties,get real triggered.
There is an American copper, a black one too, who has called this bullshit for what it is.
The abridged version is ‘What are you achieving by destroying your own neighbourhoods’?
‘What are you achieving by looting businesses owned by blacks and bankrupting them’?
‘Why are white SJWs jumping on the bandwagon? This has nothing to do with you.’.
Why are SJWs talking about white privilege? All that is doing is faux virtue signalling and admitting you have a privilege. This is rubbing sambo’s nose in it.
I thought he was spot on. The SJWs are actually the problem.
ANTIFA are the problem.
Black criminals are the problem.
People who just want to get on with their lives, run their business and provide for the family are NOT the problem.
I thought it was rather refreshing to hear a dose of common sense for a change.
Priti Patel has and a few black people on social media. A black woman has spoken on Talkradio and a black man spoke to Dave Rubin.
The trouble is when these peoole speak out they are ignored by the likes of the BBC or attacked by Twitter mobs and even in print for not reepresenting the official groupthink.
The same happened with blacks and latinos who voted for Trump, or Hindus and Sikhs who voted Tory and Ukip or for Leave. The media doesnt want to know, and they dont want us to know.
I remember the black lady who openly said she had no problem with her little lad wearing a ‘coolest monkey in the jungle’ T-Shirt on some advert or other. She actually said it wasn’t racist and it was nothing to get upset about. The Twitter dictatorship didn’t give a fuck that she was black and that that she was the boy’s mother. The SJW psychos and rabid woke turds would have lynched her if they could. Bottom line is for all their shite about equality and justice they are out and out psychotic fascists and you disagree with them at your peril. A psycho cannot have a rational debate or discussion. Nor can they process or acknowledge other people’s opinions. Cunters and Gentlemen, I give you the left of Great Britain. A shower of complete and utter cunts.
You don’t have debates with this type of person, you keep punching till you run out of steam.
you punch till your knuckles break… then swap hands!
The establishment has finally seized up with their inability to act.
I had such high hopes for this government but now they have just stood aside and watched criminals do what they please I will never vote again…well not for this shower at least.
And as for Boris, where the fuck is he? he’s like a shagging, lying scag womble.
I agree Spanky. How depressing to watch our Government and Police force roll over and capitulate to these Commie Scum.
We need to be very worried now because its getting to where Boris and his bunch of inept fools will allow them to get away with any criminal activity and even justify it the same as the media are doing.
This is why i’ve never voted Tory.
They are only interested in themselves. They are not conservative. They are neoliberal freeloaders and philistines. They are managers and technocrats, as were the Blairites.
They dont care what happens to our institutions or the masses of working people. George Osborne showed us that during the recession.
Taxpayers cash for useless contractors, austerity for everyone else.
The tories dont even believe in free markets, but Corporate fuedalism. They also happily continue Blair’s legacy of turning this country into a anarcho-tyranny run by a managerial-bureaucratic class; Petty laws to curb freedom of thought and expression for the majority, while bankers, gangsters and other freeloaders do what the want.
This has all been born out; 10 years of Tory rule and we’re still run by the cultural marxists.
Only Dominic Cummings seemed like he wanted to reform anything.
That’s why so many called for his head.
Whoever thought for even the briefest moment that voting for Boris would bring about any improvement in the prospects of the White British doesn’t know how power works.
Take a knee in honour of some American criminal ? I look forward to the British equivalent… “Dennis Nilsen Day” should be a hoot….apparently he liked to “take a brain” and cook it up…Good for him.. a typical frugal Scot…waste not want not…just surprised he didn’t dip it in batter and deep-fry it tbh.
Dennis did more to solve the problem of rough-sleepers in Muswell Hill than any Council-led initiative could ever manage..perhaps they could put up a tasteful statue of him bumming a partially dismembered corpse instead of one of those racist old farts.
Fuckin hell Dick that made me laugh. I just spat my scrambled eggs all over the coffee table ???
Good shout Mr Fiddler.
They could do a running sequence including the bonfire of bodies with the playing children being told to fuck off and a rendition of the guy unblocking the drains.
Great stuff.
Why not Sutcliffe’s Life Matters? The poor man selflessly cleaned Bradford’s murky street of old Toms and was pilloried for his efforts.
When he does pass (soon, likely, as he is in poor health), I fully expect him to be canonised as Saint Sutcliffe the Bearded Minge Purger.
Bugger, we’ve got it wrong again. Sutcliffe and Nilsen were white.
Now, which persons of colour in the uk have had their criminal career curtailed unfairly?
Gosh, this could get quite distasteful.
Half the population of Brixton, Tower Hamlet, and Walthamstowe, innit Cuntflap?
We can all ‘take the hammer’ to the nearest split arse in tribute?
World’s gone fucking mad.
Please don’t stop posting on here Sir Fiddler. I could do with a big fucking laugh now and again throughout this madness.
Harold Shipman Day?….We could all stand on our doorsteps waving our walking-sticks and gumming obscenities at passing “rascals’
Harold did more to reduce this Countries pension burden than Coronavirus….he deserves honouring. Perhaps a film could be made too ?…I feel sure that “The (Old) Dear Hunter” would be a blockbuster.
The boxing club at HMP Wakefield missed Dr Shipman terribly, he had a lethal jab.
I do remember seeing the most distasteful (and therefore funniest) T-Shirt of all time around the time of the Shipman inquiry. Bloke in the pub had a T-shirt with ‘Carry on’ style bubble writing. It had a picture of Harold Shipman’s face in the middle with ‘Carry on Doctor’ around it.
Some patrons were grossly offended (understandably) but I almost choked on my pint through laughing when the cunt walked in.
He’d be arrested nowadays.
The Grenfell Effigy six werent even in public and they were still atrested because posting the video to Facebook was judged as ‘outraging public decency’
All right. I admit it. I worked at a university until furloughed (currently) If you lot think what you’re seeing in the MSM is woke then I’m not sure what you’d make of the ostentatious anti-waycism being bleated by our academarchy. Notable are the special facilities set up specifically for BAMEs, making a nonsense of the concept of equal treatment for all. I’m afraid that come the restoration of common sense, a lot of our universities will have to close and their managements be re-educated (or ovenned).
“… come the restoration of common sense…”
You are Dr. Pangloss and I claim my £5.
Nah. Must dash, garden to cultivate…
This just in:
Only a question of time before the cunts start burning libraries. Without a whimper from the educated elites.
Bloody hell, this is ridiculous, it’s being reported on the BBC now
We don’t want books in libraries, they take up valuable twerking space for visiting drag queens.
Think about it, a book isn’t welcome in a library but a drag queen is a must.
Tell me it’s not insane!
Books to be removed to make space for twerking drag queens.
I will have to use that.
Best we watch King Kong soon, before it’s gone?.
Birth of a nation-the narrative about black militants abusing whites during the period of reconstruction……
Life imitates art, indeed.
Was just about to advise that cunters sans a copy of Birth of a Nation should get on the Bay of Fleas and snap up a copy now before it becomes an excluded ( and then maybe a reportable!) item.
Irony being Hattie McDaniels was the first black actress/Actor to win an Oscar for her performance. So a part of black cinema history whitewashed for the benefit of the leftwaffe. Won’t be happy until James Bond is a black, lesbian, transgender.
Oh that’s coming. Barbara Broccoli is a rabid “progressive”
And a cunt. And so is Daniel Craig…
Started arriving in mass in the early 50s, first race riots 1958.
It should be renamed
‘Taking it up the arse’
Can I can now “black up” like Benny Hill and ride my bike at 130mph and if I’m pulled over by the filth, demand they cower in the face of my uppįty-ness and take a knee?
Craven prick pigs.
Police are probably too shit scared to so much as look at anything remotely sun-tanned st the moment.
The media are fanning this, like the report of people shouting “go back to Africa” at BLM protestors.
If you watch the video the like shouts “if it’s so bad here, why don’t you go back to Africa”
It’s a question not a demand and to me a reasonable one. Stolen from Africa? Sorry, here’s a ticket home.
The yanks have been acting weird for a long time. It’s almost as though some parts of the country were built over ancient native American burial sites.
…and why do they call it eggplant when everyone else on the planet calls it a chicken…?
‘and why do they call it eggplant when everyone else on the planet calls it a chicken?’
A good example of a joke that most people I knew via Facebook would fail to understand.
Fucking hell I’ve genuinely missed Mr. Cuntley’s humorous tales from the riverbank.
Only a matter of time until somebody is sacked for not taking a fucking knee. Might as well live in Nazi fucking Germany at this rate.
If it happened to me, I’d be getting lawyered up to fuck.
But agree with those saying some of those players in the picture probably feel pressured into kneeling. Can you imagine the outcry if a player said ‘Fuck off’, I’m not kneeling for anybody, certainly not a cunt that put a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach.’
He’d be labelled as Adolf by the entire media and no club would employ him.
There needs to be a law about political statements like this being made by employees during working hours. In your free time? Fine, go for it. But when some twat ‘suggests’ the club/business send a picutre in support like the one above?
It smells of being pressured into doing something you don’t want to do on pain of losing everything.
Like I up if your employer makes life hard for you if you refuse their ‘request’.
I’ll take a knee alright, you cunts….
GRIT – Gun group, 200, big dar-key, rapid fire!
The last time I shook this much with anger was when I was told to wear a gay pride ribbon on my shirt at work. I very carefully attatched it to the bog roll in the lav and let it hang down I was so pissed off. Cunts. But this really makes me fidgety after what I’ve seen over the last few days. Are we at the stage now where a man that actually pointed a gun at a pregnant womans abdomen during a robbery should be asked politely to be a good boy when he’s a threat to those around him instead of forcibly restrained simply because he is black? This guy was 6’6″ tall and must have weighed at least 17 stone. Where’s the oppression??
We’re being manipulated folks. This incident didn’t even happen here and it’s being hijacked by the sandal wearing lentil munchers that want to subvert our culture so we end up like a third world filth ridden lawless dump.
Everybody must realise that the ‘oppressed minority’ like Floyd do not aspire to become upstanding citizens and prove their worth, they want to be given carte blanche to rape, steal and pillage because they feel they’re owed.
Now let’s watch the BBC show images of British (mug) citizens on their various doorsteps down on one knee. Ohh, the respect and approval that we shall gain from all those scary thieving gang members that don’t have to abide by the law “cuz am appressed innit”. What a sick pathetic cunt this country is becoming!
It’d be so funny to discover that while one of these sanctimonious cunts was on his/her/them knees for over 8 minutes, some black bastard ran into the house through the back door and emptied it of valuables.
I’d rather be dead on a mound of dead Zulus than bend the knee to any of the filthy cunts.
Fuck off.
The last time I was on my knees was when my girlfriend was on hers just in front of me. Seems so long ago now.
Ok, I accept Boris is a posh toffboy who knows fuck all about real life but where is Dominic Baldeagle? Fuck me, he went through enough shit to hold on to the cunt, isn’t he telling the wanker what a load of bollocks this is? For fucks sake!!! Maybe Dominic isn’t as smart as his enemies say he is?
What next? You ask …
https ://
Spam? I think not. Now I’m hungry.
Khan is the biggest load of shit ever dumped on London and that is saying something. Wish he would hurry up and fuck off to his corner shop.
Even then he’d be the useless cousin who’s always on his phone while boxes of tunnocks wafers and wotsits and crates of Rio sit along the aisles.
I don’t necessarily object to the ‘taking a knee’. It makes it easier to take aim.
FtF, I tend to think that Dom is the one person around BJ who knows this is complete fucking nonsense, but he’s the proverbial fart in the governmental spacesuit at the moment, so will be keeping his bald shiny noggin down.
Well the bald cunt is not required to say anything just tell that stupid cunt Johnson what to say. I want to see Boris come out with words like “letterboxes” and “bongo bongo land” like in the old days. It was that sort of thing that made him popular. Now he looks like a wet dishrag. There’s no point in trying to appease the libtards, they’re never going to vote for the cunt anyway. Not now, not ever.
Taking the ‘knee’ is/was? a traditional Masonic ritual that goes back for decades. Now i am fucking curious as to what this shit is all about.
September 23rd/ The End of a Masonic Ritual and The Beginning of the Goat – Hidden in the Crag
hopefully this link will work
Fuck the cunts, the only thing I’ll do is a big Mr Whippy type Shit.
Fuck off and die you fucking race baiters
Ever get the feeling youve been cheated?
“Ill repay your faith in me..” Boris BLM Johnson
Yeah, brave words but he is well out of his depth now. The snowflake bastards have got him by the bollocks. Whichever way he turns it’s gonna hurt like shit.
I genuinely think he is done. The illness or magnitude of the job is too much for him. Thatcher got some things wrong but she was always up for a confrontation. She would have been up for this battle. BBC, Leftwaffe,BLM they are there for the taking but it requires strong leadership . We don’t have any.
Can’t say you weren’t warned. Boris’s entire career has been built on telling whoppers.