St Thomas’ & Guys Hospital Trust

The latest craven and spineless reaction to BLM’s demands. They tweeted the following:

‘Like many organisations in Britain, we know that we have a duty to address the legacy of colonialism, racism and slavery in our work. We absolutely recognise the public hurt and anger that is generated by the symbolism of public statues of historical figures associated with the slave trade in some way.

We have therefore decided to remove statues of Robert Clayton and Thomas Guy from public view, and we look forward to engaging with and receiving guidance from the @MayorofLondon’s Commission on each.’

I don’t recall black patients or medical staff making an issue of it, or any rioting taking place there over those statues. I’ll bet most people didn’t even know about them.
What a bunch of spineless cunts.

Nominated by: Mystic Maven

66 thoughts on “St Thomas’ & Guys Hospital Trust

  1. I wonder when they’ll get round to pulling down Auschwitz ?….dem Jews didn’t do enuff to fight da racism,innit.

    Remember Cunters….only the blacks have ever suffered in the whole history of Mankind…We all owe them an apology…and reparations.

    • The Jews have suffered persecution for ages, since at least the Middle Ages in Europe. And their response? Rioting? Looting? Defacing statues? No – they get on with life and make themselves successful. A lesson for the brothers there.

    • Jesus! Dont say that Dick, just booked 2 weeks there at end of August.
      Right looking forward to it too.

      • All these statues toppling Miserable. We must do something urgently. My suggestion is you become a ‘living statue’. ‘Proud White Northern Man’ the name of it. Pork pie in one hand, a pipe in the other. Flat cap on of course, waistcoat hobnailed boots ( I have a rather romanticised image). A whippet beside you made out if papier-mache, the form if a ferret down your trousers. And I am talking commitment here- you having to hold the pose 24/7. Not the flicker of an eyelid remember. Are you up for it?

      • Id try for you Miles but im a bit of a fidget, always readjusting my old chap and his saddlebags.
        Ive got to be honest the tearing down of statues has truly offended me, its not so much BLM/marxists calling for it, more our government happily conceding to destroy our history to appease them that rankles.
        Last week we briefly touched on Oliver Cromwell, remember?
        Well a calls gone up to take down his statue in wythenshawe!
        Offensive to the Irish.
        Ive No doubt hairlipped mayor Andy burnham will agree.
        If he does ill burn a 50ft swastika in its place.

      • Fuck the Irish. What have they ever done for us?

        Neutral in World War Two.

        Feckless cunts.

      • Fuck the Irish. Cromwell is ingrained in to the history of Warrington with a statue and road names.

      • The Tain by Horslips.
        Used to like that many moons ago.
        Never heard anything else though.

    • utter cunts. whitey is now LOOKING for stuff to save the darker characters from having to find it for themselves. most of london and other formerly great cities in britain were built partly by the philanthropy of slave owners. rip the lot down n we’ll be living in fucking mud huts. they’d be happy then. that lot.

    • I’m wondering how much of this shit’s UK manifestation is due to Labour’s wish to deflect attention from its (alleged) antisemitism? Love BAME, but let’s not not mention Chaim?

    • Auschwitz won’t be pulled down. It’s a tailor-made ‘correction centre’ for those of us who refuse Bill Gates’ upcoming ‘vaccine’. With Merkel gleefully pushing the ‘red button’.

      Still, I suppose that being turned into bacon then force-fed to non-complying muzzies will at least have achieved some semblance of a life purpose.

  2. The Mayor of London’s Commission? This is like the bad old days of McCarthyism in the States.

    Sir Thomas Guy must have been a right cunt. Setting up a hospital for the benefit of the people? What a bounder. The irony is that St Thomas’s is the first port of call for dar quays entering the UK before their visit to Primark on Oxford Street.

    What will go next? The statue of Queen Victoria on The Mall?

    • I wonder if the kaffirs that sold the slaves in the first place set up schools, hospitals and charities? Perhaps the Congo has a university founded by one. Angola surely must have because they started it off selling captives to the Portuguese. A great teaching hospital and research centre in Senegal? A Ghanaian trust fund for outstanding scholars?
      I think we should be told.

  3. My mum was a nurse at St Guys way back when most people working there were white British, maybe all of them, she began nursing in the 50s.

    She never mentioned the awful burden of guilt that she must of lived with given the whole slavery thing.

    We never needed to import nurses then, but we’ve added roughly 10 million immigrants since then. I wonder if there’s a link between uncontrolled mass immigration and a shortage Of indigenous workers? Maybe I’m just being a bit thick?

  4. Good, if they’re removing the statues, the must also remove the name. Then they should also stop taking money from, predominantly racist whitey, public funding and rely on charity donations from their black brethren. That should see their BAME aspirations fully explored.

    • I also insist that charities that advertise for help on any media must make it perfectly clear that they will not, under any circumstances, accept any money from any white people. All donations must not only be from BAME contributors but must also be proved to be so. Racist are we? Then fuck off, no more anything from me.

      • Your great idea should be extended to all businesses. If any organic supports this BAME guff they should make it clear so that those of us who see through this bollocks can choose not to be a part of it and spend our money elsewhere.
        PS It didn’t take Lammy long to jump on the outraged bandwagon did it.

  5. I read that Colonel Sanders stole, or “acquired” the original KFC recipe from a black woman. Apparently “She died in poverty. She is the woman behind the original KFC recipe. He took all her profits and made us think it was his recipe.”

    This claim is unproven, but let’s imagine for a minute it is true – do you honestly believe our coloured brothers and sisters would smash up every branch of KFC or demand they are removed, take way their stereotypical staple food? Yeah I doubt it very much.

    They’d be left with those dirty durka durka halal shit-hole places you find near tube stations.

    • The real KFC – which uses British farm assured chicken – or the chicken cottage type shitholes that serve Halal muck?

    • Kentucky Fried Chicken was delicious in the 70s,
      Its shite now.
      But if you told me it hadnt been made by some elderley bootlace tie mint julip drinking kindly southern gentlemen and had been made by some fat droopy stocking black “THOMAS!!’ Shouting housekeeper I wouldnt of licked the bones clean
      Id of honked my guts up out the car window.☺

  6. Leave the statues up. If you have a problem with the name – Guys, either go private or join the waiting list on some other hospital. But please do not waste the time of people within the NHS who have far better things to do that listen to bleating of the easily led.

  7. I did a partial refurb of Guy’s about 10 years back.

    What an absolute toilet of a hospital. Only Queen Elizabeth in Woolwich comes close to that level of shittyness and BAME / chav infestation.

    Ceilings caving in, every wall smashed to bits, the whole place was delapidated and in need of massive and ugent repair.

    One look into the A&E waiting room told you everything you needed to know about the sub humans doing the damage.

    The nurses were all dark keys and quite possibly the fattest, slowest moving things on the planet.

    I had to go back there about five years ago to find my step son after a nasty motorbike smash where some illegal Uber piece of shit cut him up, destroyed his bike and put him out of work for three months.

    It had reverted to being a shit tip again inside of five years.

    Close it if it offends chimpywogwog so much.


    While I was waiting in A&E to retrieve what was left of the step son, I had some parking stanley in my ear every thirty seconds, bitching about being bitten by a dog.
    “A white man’s dog did this and he just walked off laughing”.
    The tinyest scratch, not worthy of a fucking plaster. And Abdul had been waiting four hours with three family members to get it looked at.

    I was tempted to go home and get the Rottweiler to finish the fucking job properly.

    • At least your story has a happy ending.
      I hope the dog who bit the aspiring architect was checked for infection.

      • The last anyone saw of it, it was licking it’s own arse to get rid of the taste of parking stanley.

  8. I remember several years ago when I was still on facefuck. There was a take of the Sixth sense doing the rounds. “Everywhere I look, i see cunts. But they do not know they are cunts”. Says it all really. Fuck ’em.

    • Sorry, that link doesn’t reference Monty: an article in the Times (paywall or print) does. Monty regarded Africans as “complete savages” and, as was eventually well demonstrated, that they were better off under British rule than left to their own devices.

    • How long will it be before the University of Xxxxxx (formerly Xxxxx College) appoints a Professor of History Rearrangement?

  9. The suggestion above concerning the statue, or any statue, of Queen Victoria makes perfect sense from the libtard cunts point of view. Didn’t she embody the image of the filthy British Empire at it’s height? Didn’t the poor exploited bruvvers have to call her “the Great White Mother”? Didn’t she have herself named Empress of India? This bitch needs to be eradicated from history so as not to cause daily offence to our poor bruvvers. There’s also all the streets and places named after her all over the world, especially Victoria Coach Station where our Eastern European friends arrive every day. Imagine how offensive that must be? How about Adele station or Lily station? That’s sounds so much better to me. Something should be done about this blatant raaaaay-sism!!!

  10. So, if something is offensive it is ok to obliterate it from reality.

    Outstanding logic of course.

    Won’t be much left of anything in minute.

    • That’s the moose limbs sorted then, and the Grauniad, Tony Bliar……..…you’re right, there’d be fuck all left.

      • I had gone a bit further in my mind.
        Some people don’t like blue.
        Some people don’t like music.
        Some people don’t like insects.
        Fresh air, sunshine, fun, all human life…..

  11. All this bollocks reminds me of the mass hysteria surrounding the death of Diana. I turned up for work on the Monday and all the blokes were calling her a scrubber, a Muzzie lover, laughing and wondering if we’d get a day off for the funeral.
    Then the women turned up, weeping and hugging each other like their whole family had just gone down in a plane crash. For the next few weeks you had to be careful what you said and to whom. Even Her Maj was getting a slagging for not being weepy enough. The media did a good job on us back then and I never thought i’d see anything like that again. Well, i’m living through it again right now…….the media whipping up mass hysteria and cunts just losing their fucking heads. Not a dead princess this time but a dead career criminal piece of shit in another country. We are fucked.

    • Remember it well. I worked in a big office at the time and one bloke got in trouble for mocking her death. A fat bird complained and he was told to knock it off (the jokes).

      We had split arses in tears too (for days). Fucking pathetic it was. We were all told not to even say that everyone is going over the top or that we didn’t care lol. Staff morale or some shite…

      • Evening Dick. Fox hunting has always been a sensitive subject on this site!

      • Quite right,John.
        ’bout time that there was someone else on the site who realised what a class-driven ” attack-the-toffs” load of bollocks that foxhunting ban was.

      • It was exactly that DF – Labour pandering to people who had probably never been near the countryside unless it was to squat illegally – the snowflake vote.
        And I can confirm I have not as yet been hunted on this site! ?

      • I am affraid on this one DF we have to differ, my CO thought what jolly fun it would be to send some of the lad’s out for a run with the Hounds of Catterick.
        I was one of the poor cunts that had to do it, the hunt master had a horse and we were on foot chasing the fucking dogs from hill to hill, stupid cunts did not catch anything, I think part of the team ended up as carrion for the crows on the moor a shit day was had by all except for the little fuckers who ran from hill to hill laying a trail of dog shit.
        I had no intention of bashing the “Toff” who put us up to it, but I note at the 25 year battle reunion he kept a wide birth of me because for that ( and a few other things) he was going to be told to fuck right off.

      • LOL.

        Evening Lord B.

        Must admit that I wouldn’t much fancy trailing The Hunt on foot all day..but at least you got to see some nice scenery,eh?
        🙂 .

      • DF this may appear to be out of sequence, but the Yorkshire moors are a “Fun” place to visit, however living there like an animal is not.
        1, any hole dug whether on hill or valley will fill with water within 48 hours ( even in summer)
        2, any suitable hidy place is either infested with mosquito’s the size of southern daddy long legs or someone has taken a shit there.
        3, The local sheep population are so well fleeced they have been known to fuck off with entire barbed wire entanglements (cunts)
        yes fucking loved it there.

      • Did you ever get to the Otterburn or Spadeadam Ranges, Lord B?….I’ve worked on both and the “midges” there are the worst fucking things that I’ve ever met….used to feel sorry for the Squaddies trying to deal with those man-eating little Cunts.

  12. There was an article on either Sly News or Auntie (during WFH, they fucking sound the same) but it was interesting. It was an article on how the Kenyan police are dealing with the curfews in Nairobi. Three interviews stood out – one with a motorbike taxi rider who can’t work anymore because he lost an eye while being beaten by a policeman, one with a mother who’s son was killed by police while standing on theior porch (i.e. observing the curfew) and another with a member of the public who found a corpse in the street that he had witnessed being beaten to death by the local plod after curfew. And then there was a fourth interview with a senior plod who said, ‘We are very, very friendly.’

    • I saw that too Dark Key on al-Beeb. Black lives mattering a little thin on the ground in Kenya. Something like 10,000 complaints of police brutality since 2013 and only six convictions, you wouldn’t want to be clapping on your doorstep out there.

    • I presume these dead cunts were all black. But then so were the coppers so that’s ok then. Nobody gives a fuck and, if they do, just blame it on the legacy of whitey colonialism. I believe Lily Allen has written several books on the subject.

  13. Like everything else that’s happening there is some unfathomable desire to support uncountable issues
    Now statues have meaning to those who are involved in history and are focal points to those who take the trouble to study history, I would be surprised if the average BAME has any idea who these people were or what they did.
    The link posted earlier today really summed up this issue when someone who is advising on policing didn’t seem to realise that Churchill was not only dead but died 55 years ago.
    The focus today has been on the disproportionate effect of chinky flu on BAME, the question is why, well here is the thing, they don’t fucking know, they don’t even know why some old timer 90 odd years old survived but 1000’s of others didn’t, the only reason for trying to somehow explain it is to pacify the left wing liberal media and BAME gobshites

    The can all FUCK RIGHT OFF.

    • St tampax & gays Hospital trust can fuck off – and the way to stop the poor innocent blacks being killed at the rate of 10 Million a day (unofficial Fox figures!) is easy – hire more black cops!

  14. Now that the full horror of my whiteness has been revealed by the scholars of black studies I will of course be taking the knee, arm, leg of any cunt who thinks lecturing me on my inbuilt racist hate thoughts is a good idea. Why not have a dig at the Arab slavers, castration of captured African men was the norm. Why not have a crack at the African tribes who made good wonga selling other tribes into slavery. What about all the white English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh who were sent to the West Indies 17th century basically slaves with less rights than the black slaves as whitey was criminal, dissenter, wrong religion etc and free to the user. Black slaves had to be bought so they had a value. One thing all this bollocks has taught me, I never realised how thick and gullible a very large section of the U.K. population Is.

  15. Statues is just the start. Just wait till the uppity entitled softarsed Mack Jiggers start to claim compensation for their ‘relatives’ from hundreds of fucking years ago. Because they fucking well will.

  16. Reparations for descendents of transportees to Australia back in the day please.
    Working in the shittest of conditions to build the colonys and having the skin flayed off their back for any transgression.
    It’s all the in the book, The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes.
    Yeah, gibs me dat free stuff and sheeit.
    The insufferable, shiftless, heathen, boneheaded, non-reflective, non-swimming, dense boned, dog phobic, jungle bunny, one step down on the evolutionary food chain, stabby, druggy, lazy, bushmeat, tooth sucking, lip pointing simian cunts.
    I’ll come back for the wigga twats and their high faluting la-di-fucking-da named, snowflake, feelz desiring apologist cunts another time.

    • Bravo Sir, you hit that one “straight out of the park”, as our Proud White American cunts would say.
      Ever considered standing for mayor?

  17. This may or may not be the right Nom but they all seem to merge into one common theme with all this current fuckery.
    We are being led like sheep into dystopia, welcome to the new normal cunters.

  18. Glad to see the trust has the time to attend to the important matters, I’m assuming their Casualty waiting times must be very low and their care first class.

  19. I really hope they go all the way and shut both hospital’s now and destroy them as all the work they’ve done since they were founded has been on slave money same as bristol take it apart as it’s been built on slave money you soapy stupid bame lib cunts shit for brains

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